• Title/Summary/Keyword: bed change

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A Study on the Deformation of Folk Village (전통민속마을의 주거변형실태에 관한 연구 - 낙안민속마을을 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Ik-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.63-74
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    • 2004
  • This study is focusing on the Nagan Folk Village, primarily because of its historical and cultural values. The purpose of this study, accordingly, analysis the fact of the dwelling change through spot-survey and case-investigation, and is to find a way to improve for the rational preservation of the traditional dwelling analyzing on the actual condition and the reason for such changes in the Nakan Folk Village. The dwelling change is stemmed from the physical factors, and some modifications of internal composition, exterior formation, building equipment. As a result, The changes of internal composition are included in the reduction of garnering room, the enlargement of bed/service room, the establishment of mechanical room. The changes of exterior formation with structural material are included in the glass door for the internalization of 'TOEMARU', the extra glass door for the brightening of room, the cement plastering for the endurance of wall. The changes of building equipment are included in the establishment of oil-boiler, wash closet, sink for convenient life All houses should be graded on their qualitative value, managed in a cycle. And its own criterion for acceptable deformations should be established.

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Runoff Characteristics Change of a Basin under Urbanization (도시화 진행에 따른 유역 유출특성 변화에 관한 연구)

  • Son, Kwang-Ik;Kim, Min-Chol
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.89-93
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    • 2010
  • It is well known that the drastic change of hydrological characteristics of an urbanized basin causes severe runoff, sediment yield, and peak flow. High vulnerability of urban flood disasters is caused by land-use change and development of a basin. A typical site suffering urbanization was selected and the experimental site has being operated last three years. Hydrological and hydraulic characteristics of the urbanizing basin were examined by observation of runoff, sediment loads and precipitation with T/M. The effects of land-use change were analyzed by examination of the hydrological characteristics, such as run-off ratio (runoff volume/rainfall volume), sediment yields. Runoff coefficient of rational equation was increased as basin was urbanized. Suspended sediment yields due to a urban development activities were raised almost 10 times compare to undisturbed condition for small runoff less than 1 cms. Meanwhile, no big change could be detected for bed loads.

Manufacturing of Artificial Lightweight Aggregates using a Coal Fly Ash Discharged from Fluidized Bed Combustor (유동층(流動層) 연소기(撚燒器)로 부터 발생(發生)된 석탄(石炭) 비산(飛散)재를 이용(利用)한 인공경량골재(人工輕量骨材) 제조(製造))

  • Kang, Min-A;Kang, Seung-Gu
    • Resources Recycling
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.54-60
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    • 2011
  • The spherical artificial aggregates (AAs) with a diameter of 8 mm, which contains fly ashes discharged from the fluidized bed combustion in a thermal power plant and clay were manufactured by direct sintering method at $1050{\sim}1250^{\circ}C$ for 10 minutes. The effect of fly ash contents on the bloating phenomenon in the AAs was analyzed. The AAs containing fly ash of the amount under 50 wt% showed the black-coring and bloating phenomena. The AAs containing fly ash of the amount over 5Owt%, however, the specific gravity was increased and the color of specimens fully changed to black. These color change phenomena were caused from the formation of FeO by the reduction reaction of almost $Fe_2O_3$ component by the excessive reducing atmosphere formed simultaneously with the rapid emission of the gases generated from the high contents of unburned carbon of with increasing the added fly ash amount. Specific gravity was decreased as fly ash contents increased in the case of sintering at the same temperature condition. Water absorption of all specimens except of the specimens containing 10 wt% fly ashes decreased with increasing sintering temperature. These were because a liquid phase was formed as the increasing the sintering temperature. In the case of the specimens manufactured in this study containing fly ashes discharged from the fluidized bed combustor in a the thermal power plant and 10~90 wt% of clay, the specific gravity was 0.9~1.8 and the water absorptivity was 8~60%, therefore it is considered that those results can be applied to the light or heavy aggregates.

Changes of Adsorption Capacity and Structural Properties during in situ Regeneration of Activated Carbon Bed Using Ozonated Water (오존수 산화를 이용한 활성탄 흡착탑의 현장 재생 시 흡착용량 및 구조특성의 변화)

  • Lee, Jinjoo;Lee, Kisay
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.341-345
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    • 2020
  • An in situ regeneration of activated carbon bed using an ozonated water was studied in order for avoiding the carbon loss, contaminant emission and time consuming for discharge-regeneration-repacking in a conventional thermal regeneration process. Using phenol and polyethylene glycol (PEG) as adsorbates, the adsorption breakthrough and in situ regeneration with the ozonated water were repeated. These organics were supposed to degrade by the oxidation reaction of ozone, regenerating the bed for reuse. As the number of regeneration increased, the adsorption capacity for phenol was reduced, but the change was stabilized showing no further reduction after reaching a certain degree of decrement. The reduction of adsorption capacity was due to the increase of pore size resulting in the decrease of specific surface area during ozonation. The adsorption capacity of phenol decreased after the ozonated regeneration because the in-pore adsorption was prevalent for small molecules like phenol. However, PEG did not show such decrease and the adsorption capacity was constantly maintained after several cycles of the ozonated regeneration probably because the external surface adsorption was the major mechanism for large molecules like PEG. Since the reduction in the pore size and specific surface area for small molecules were proportional to the duration of contact time with the ozonated water, careful considerations of the solute size to be removed and controlling the contact time were necessary to enhance the performance of the ozonated in situ regeneration of activated carbon bed.

Recovery of Intracellular Enzyme Using Phage Lysogen and Expanded Bed Adsorption (Phage Lysogen과 Expanded Bed Adsorption을 이용한 세포내 효소의 회수)

  • 장우진;윤현식구윤모
    • KSBB Journal
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    • v.11 no.6
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    • pp.663-668
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    • 1996
  • In the production of recombinant protein using E. coli, phage lysogen system can be usefully applied for simultaneously achieving protein production at high cell concentration and recovery by cell disruption in the same bioreactor. A major drawback of this system is that the intracellular product and complex broth components are mixed together in culture broth and hence purification efficiency is reduced. With the E. coli double-lysogen system, the expanded bed adsorption is very useful because the pretreatment processes in a routine bioseparation process can be done in a single column operation, and therefore may contribute towards lowering the operating cost of overall recovery/purification process. In the operation of EBA, it has been observed that the change in broth feed volume does not influence much the protein recovery in a tested range. The amount of protein adsorption per mL of resin was increased from $3.44{\times}106unit to 5.28{\times}106unit$ by doubling the column length. By two-fold increase of the column diameter, the ratio of protein concentration in eluent to that in feed was increased from 0.8 to 2.1. It is concluded from the present investigation that the increase of column length and diameter is necessary to enhance the protein adsorption amount per volume of resin and protein concentration in the eluent. The development of resins with various physical properties will be necessary for more extensive application of EBA.

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Changes in the Riverbed Landforms Due to the Artificial Regulation of Water Level in the Yeongsan River (인위적인 보 수위조절로 인한 영산강 하도 지형 변화)

  • Lim, Young Shin;Kim, Jin Kwan
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.1-19
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    • 2020
  • A river bed which is submerged in water at high flow and becomes part of the river at low flow, serves as a bridge between the river and the land. The channel bar creates a unique ecosystem with vegetation adapted to the particular environment and the water pool forms a wetland that plays a very important role in the environment. To evaluate anthropogenic impacts on the river bed in the Middle Yeongsangang River, the fluvial landforms in the stream channel were analyzed using multi-temporal remotely-sensed images. In the aerial photograph of 2005 taken before the construction of the large weirs, oxbow lakes, mid-channel bars, point bars, and natural wetlands between the artificial levees were identified. Multiple bars divided the flow of stream water to cause the braided pattern in a particular section. After the construction of the Seungchon weir, aerial photographs of 2013 and 2015 revealed that most of the fluvial landforms disappeared due to the dredging of its riverbed and water level control(maintenance at 7.5El.m). Sentinel-2 images were analyzed to identify differences between before and after the opening of weir gate. Change detection was performed with the near infrared and shortwave infrared spectral bands to effectively distinguish water surfaces from land. As a result, water surface area of the main stream of the Yeongsangang River decreased by 40% from 1.144km2 to 0.692km2. A large mid-channel bar that has been deposited upstream of the weir was exposed during low water levels, which shows the obvious influence of weir on the river bed. Newly formed unvegetated point bars that were deposited on the inside of a meander bend were identified from the remotely sensed images. As the maintenance period of the weir gate opening was extended, various habitats were created by creating pools and riffles around the channel bars. Considering the ecological and hydrological functions of the river bed, it is expected that the increase in bar areas through weir gate opening will reduce the artificial interference effect of the weir.

Dataset of Long-term Investigation on Change in Hydrology, Channel Morphology, Landscape and Vegetation Along the Naeseong Stream (II) (내성천의 수문, 하도 형태, 경관 및 식생 특성에 관한 장기모니터링 자료 (II))

  • Lee, Chanjoo;Kim, Dong Gu;Hwang, Seung-Yong;Kim, Yongjeon;Jeong, Sangjun;Kim, Sinae;Cho, Hyeongjin
    • Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.34-48
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    • 2019
  • Naeseong Stream is a natural sand-bed river that flows through mountainous and cultivated area in northern part of Gyeongbuk province. It had maintained its inherent landscape characterized by white sandbars before 2010s. However, since then changes occurred, which include construction of Yeongju Dam and the extensive vegetation development around 2015. In this study, long-term monitoring was carried out on Naeseong Stream to analyze these changes objectively. This paper aims to provide a dataset of the investigation on channel morphology and vegetation for the period 2012-2018. Methods of investigation include drone/terrestrial photography, LiDAR aerial survey and on-site fieldwork. The main findings are as follows. Vegetation development in the channel of Naeseong Stream began around 1987. Before 2013 it occurred along the downstream reach and since then in the entire reach. Some of the sites where riverbed is covered with vegetation during 2014~2015 were rejuvenated to bare bars due to the floods afterwards, but woody vegetation was established in many sites. Bed changes occurred due to deposition of sediment on the vegetated surfaces. Though Naeseong Stream has maintained its substantial sand-bed characteristics, there has been a slight tendency in bed material coarsening. Riverbed degradation at the thalweg was observed in the surveyed cross sections. Considering all the results together with the hydrological characteristics mentioned in the precedent paper (I), it is thought that the change in vegetation and landscape along Naeseong Stream was mainly due to decrease of flow. The effect of Yeongju Dam on the change of the riverbed degradation was briefly discussed as well.

Influence on Composting of Waste Mushroom Bed from Agaricus bisporus by using Mixed Organic Materials (혼용자재 특성이 양송이 폐상배지를 이용한 퇴비제조에 미치는 영향)

  • Kyung, Ki-Cheon;Lee, Hee-Duk;Jung, Young-Pil;Jang, Kab-Yeul;Yoon, Min-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.43 no.3
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    • pp.335-340
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    • 2010
  • This study was conducted to select organic materials (OM) and nitrogen sources in composting of waste mushroom bed from Agaricus bisporus. We examined physio-chemical properties of the organic materials and the mixture ratio for preparing the wasted mushroom bed (M) compost. The carbon content of sawdust was higher than those of rice straw (R) as OM source and the nitrogen content was high in the order of fowl manure (F)>> pig manure (P)> cow manure (C). The compost was prepared to maintain the criteria of above 25% organic matter and then the change of their ingredients was estimated during the process of fermentation. The temperature of waste mushroom bed+pig manure+rice straw (MRP) treatment was varied fast throughout fermentation, on the other hand the temperature of waste mushroom bed+pig manure+sawdust (MSP) treatment was steadily elevated to the middle of composting. The pH of the compost was somewhat high to pH 8.5~9.0 at the early stage, but decreased to 7.5 at the end stage of composting. The content of OM after fermentation was decreased to the level of 19~21% in rice straw, but the sawdust treatment maintained 25~27% organic matter. The waste mushroom bed+fowl manure+rice straw (MRF) treatment, which contains 26.2% organic matter and 0.68% nitrogen, was the highest among them. The volume of compost was reduced to 50% by using rice straw as organic matter, but reduced to 30% by using the sawdust. The contents of heavy metal in the compost were suitable within the legal criteria. The number of microorganisms were higher in the rice straw than those in the sawdust. It was high in the order of fowl manure> pig manure> cow manure. The major groups consisted of aerobic bacteria, gram negative bacteria and Bacillus sp. and their populations after fermentation were increased to $1{\times}10^1{\sim}1{\times}10^2\;cfu\;g^{-1}$ rather than those before fermentation. Therefore we concluded that the waste mushroom bed+fowl manure+sawdust (MSF 3:9:1 v/v/v) treatment was suitable combination for high organic matter and nitrogen source, and the periods of composting were 50~60 days.

The Characteristics of Microbial Community for Biological Activated Carbon in Water Treatment Plant (생물활성탄 공정에서 활성탄 재질에 따른 부착미생물 군집특성)

  • Son, Hee-Jong;Park, Hong-Ki;Lee, Soo-Ae;Jung, Eun-Young;Jung, Chul-Woo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.27 no.12
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    • pp.1311-1320
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this research is to survey characteristics of microbial community and the removal efficiency of organic materials for biological activated carbon in water treatment plant. Coal based activated carbon retained more attached bacterial biomass on the surface of the activated carbon than the other activated carbon with operating time and materials. The heterotrophic plate count(HPC), eubacteria(EUB) and 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole(DAPI) counts were ranged from $0.95{\times}10^7$ to $52.4{\times}10^7$ CFU/g, from $3.8{\times}10^8$ to $134.2{\times}10^8$ cells/g and from $7.0{\times}10^8$ to $250.2{\times}10^8$ cells/g, respectively. The biomass of EUB and DAPI appeared to be much more $10^2$ than HPC, which were increasing in bed volume of 20,000 at the stage of steady-state. The change of microbial community by analyzing fluorescent in situ hybridization(FISH) method with rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes, the dominant group was $\alpha$-proteobacteria($\alpha$ group) and high G+C content bacteria(HGC) the lowest distributing rate before reaching the bed volume of 20,000. After reaching the bed volume of 20,000, $\alpha$ group and other groups of bacteria became decreased, on the other hand, the proportion of both $\beta$-proteobacteria($\beta$ group) and $\gamma$-proteobacteri($\gamma$ group) were increasing. Coconut and wood based activated carbons had similar trend with coal based activated carbon, but the rate of $\alpha$ group on coal based activated carbon had gradually increased. Bacterial production with the operating period appeared highest in coal based activated carbon at the range of $1.2{\sim}3.4\;mg-C/m^3{\cdot}h$ while the coconut and wood based activated carbon were ranged from 1.1 to 2.6 $mg-C/m^3{\cdot}h$ and from 0.7 to 3.5 $mg-C/m^3{\cdot}h$ respectively. The removal efficiency of assimilable organic carbon(AOC) showed to be highly correlated with bacterial production. The correlation coefficient between removal efficiency of AOC and bacterial production were 0.679 at wood based activated carbon, 0.291 at coconut based activated carbon and 0.762 at coal based activated carbon, respectively.

A Study on the Demand for Equipent Development in Nursing (간호기기 개발수요 조사연구)

  • Chang, Soon-Book;Kim, Eui-Sook;Whang, Ae-Ran;Kang, Kyu-Sook;Suh, Mi-Hae
    • The Korean Nurse
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.71-91
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    • 1996
  • The objectives of thes study were to identify the need for equipment development in nursing, and to determine the priorities for that development. The study was descriptive study done between March 2 and May 30, 1995, in which the subjects, including 421 patients, 223 family members, and 198 nurses from neurosurgery, orthopedic, rehabilitation medicine, internal medicine and intensive care units of nine general hospitals in Seoul, completed a questionnarie developed by the research team. The questionnaire consisted of 35 open and closed questions. Data was analyzed using frequencies and percentages. The results ware summarized as follows: 1) The average age of the nurses was 27.9 years, 48% of the patients were between 20 and 40 years of age, and 17% were over 60. The average lingth of experience for the nurse subjects was four years five months with 36.9%. having over five years experience. The most frequent diagnoses of patients were spinal disc(35.9%), internal medicine disease(26.0%), cerebral vascular accident(16.6%) and spinal cord injury(10%) 2) Many of the nurses(96.4%) reported deficiencies with existing equipment and 96.5% of the nurses, but only 79.8% of the patients, nurses' time. Further, 82.3% of the nurses and 75.8% of the patients felt that the development of new equipment would lead to a decrease in the cost of nursing care. 3) Nurses felt that the greatest areas of inconvenience were patient feeding(71.7%), hygiene(71.2%), caring for a patient confined to bed(70.7%), patient clothing(67.2%), mobility transfers(63.5%) and urinary elimination(52.0%). However, patients and family members listed the following as being the most inconvenient: urinary elimination(58.7%), Hygiene(50.5), feeding(48.4%), mobility transfers(47.1%) and bed care(45.2%). 4) Generally the nurses listed more inconveniences and patients and family members listed more demands for the development of equipment. These included utensils with large handles, and regulators for tube feedings; mattresses that provide for automatic position change and massage, which have patient controlled levers and a place for bed pan insertion; automatic lifts or transfer from bed to wheelchair; equipment to facilitate washing and oral hygiene as well as equipment that will allow patients with spinal cord injuries easy access to showers; a bed pan/urinal for women that is comfortable and effective from which urine can be measured and disposed of easily; disposable dressing sets and tracheostomy care sets and a convenient way of measuring changes in wound size; a safe delivery system for oxygen, a variety of mask sizes and better control of humidity, tracheal material than at present, as well as a communication system for patients with tracheostomies; clothing that will allow access to various parts of the body for treament or assessment without patients having to remove all of their clothing; and finally a system that will allow the patient to control lighting, telephones and pagers. Priority areas for equipment development reported by the nurses were, urinary elimination(58. 7%), hygiene(50.5%), feeding(48.4%), mobility transfers(47..1%), bowel elimination(40.8%). Those reported by the patients family members were feeding(71.7%), hygiene(70.0%), bedcare(70.7%), clothing(67.2%), mobility transfers(63.6%), urinary elimination(52.9%) and bowel elimination(50.5%) Altogether, nurses, patients and family members listed the following as priorities; clothing (178), bed care(144), urinary elimination(92), environment(81), hygiene(70). Further, a health professional forum listed urinary elimination, oxygen delivery, medication delivery, mobility transfers, bed care and hygiene in that order as priority areas. From this study it can be concluded that the first need is to develop equipment that will address the problems of urinary elimination. To do (l)This nurses who are interested in equipment development should organize an equipment development team to provide a forum for discussion and production of equipment for nursing.

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