• Title/Summary/Keyword: bearing condition monitoring

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Rotordynamic Analysis and Experimental Investigation of the Turbine-Generator System Connected with Magnetic Coupling (마그네틱 커플링으로 연결된 터빈-발전기 시스템의 로터다이나믹 해석 및 실험적 고찰)

  • Kim, Byung Ok;Park, Moo Ryong;Choi, Bum Seok
    • The KSFM Journal of Fluid Machinery
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.32-38
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    • 2013
  • This paper deals with the study on the rotordynamic and experimental analysis of turbine-generator system connected with a magnetic coupling. Although magnetic coupling has been used to torque transmission of chemical processing pump rotating at under 3,600rpm, magnetic coupling in this study is applied to high-speed turbine-generator system using a working fluid that is refrigerant such as ammonia or R-124a. Results of rotordynamic design analysis are as follows. The first, shaft diameter nearest to outer hub of magnetic coupling has a big effect on the $1^{st}$ critical speed of generator rotor. The second, if the $1^{st}$ critical speeds of turbine rotor and generator rotor have enough to separation margin in comparison to rated speed, the $1^{st}$ critical speed of turbine-magnetic coupling-generator rotor train has enough to separation margin regardless of connection stiffness of magnetic coupling. The analytical FE model is guaranteed by impact test on the prototype and condition monitoring such as measurements of vibration and bearing temperature is also performed.

A Study on Fault Detection and Diagnosis of Gear Damages - A Comparison between Wavelet Transform Analysis and Kullback Discrimination Information - (기어의 이상검지 및 진단에 관한 연구 -Wavelet Transform해석과 KDI의 비교-)

  • Kim, Tae-Gu;Kim, Kwang-Il
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2000
  • This paper presents the approach involving fault detection and diagnosis of gears using pattern recognition and Wavelet transform. It describes result of the comparison between KDI (Kullback Discrimination Information) with the nearest neighbor classification rule as one of pattern recognition methods and Wavelet transform to know a way to detect and diagnosis of gear damages experimentally. To model the damages 1) Normal (no defect), 2) one tooth is worn out, 3) All teeth faces are worn out 4) One tooth is broken. The vibration sensor was attached on the bearing housing. This produced the total time history data that is 20 pieces of each condition. We chose the standard data and measure distance between standard and tested data. In Wavelet transform analysis method, the time series data of magnitude in specified frequency (rotary and mesh frequency) were earned. As a result, the monitoring system using Wavelet transform method and KDI with nearest neighbor classification rule successfully detected and classified the damages from the experimental data.

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Development of the Multichannel Vibration Monitoring System (다채널 진동 모니터링 장치 개발)

  • Hong, Tae-Yong;Park, Soo-Hong
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.11 no.7
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    • pp.671-676
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    • 2016
  • This study is about design for the Rotational Instrument of the Industry factory which is used management safety and maintenance. We developed the multichannel vibration monitering system of the self-diagnosis for middle level CMS(Condition Monitoring System) market, and that system are new features to the expandability and flexibility. Normally one channel is used for treating one signal, but developed instrument can treat four channel with one signal processing card. One rack have redundant power supply and displace and it can check vibration measurement value in field without computer. Bearing fault detection is fundamental of vibration surveillance, but sometimes can not check with vibration velocity and acceleration. So it need the filtering and the amplitude modulation on the acceleration enveloping technology when irregular vibration is happened. We developed the vibration analysis instrument which is applied such technology. And the development prototype shows activated within the vibration error limit.

A Study on the Analysis of Monitoring Settlement Considering the History of the Groundwater Level in the Dredged Landfill Area Affected by Algae (조류의 영향을 받는 준설매립지역에서 지하수위 이력을 고려한 계측침하 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Jang, Ji-Gun;Son, Su-Won;Hong, Seok-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.37 no.7
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    • pp.13-23
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    • 2021
  • If roads, bridges, buildings, etc. are built on the ground with soft clay or organic soil, there may be a lot of problems in geotechnical engineering such as settlement and stability due to the large settlement and lack of bearing capacity. In extreme cases, it may appear due to shear failure or collapse of the constructed structure, so a ground improvement method is indispensable to increase the strength of the ground and to suppress settlement. In this study, the settlement according to each groundwater level condition was analyzed using the measurement results for the groundwater level conditions, one of the important factors in predicting the settlement in dredged and reclaimed ground, and the groundwater level conditions applied to the settlement analysis were proposed by comparing it with settlement generated 5 years after construction. As a result of the analysis, it is judged that it is reasonable to apply the measured groundwater level during construction and the low water ordinary neap tide (L.W.O.N.T) during load application for the groundwater level in the settlement analysis. In addition, in the case of the dredged and reclaimed ground, it is estimated that the water pressure acting on the clay layer is nonlinear, as the result of the observations of the head of water at the observation points above and below the in-situ clay layer were different.

Evaluation of Therapeutic Monitoring of Prostate Cancer (PCa) using [18F]Florastamin, Diagnostic Radiopharmaceutical for PCa: Non-clinical Ex vivo Whole-body Autoradiographic Analysis

  • Min Hwan Kim;Kyongkyu Lee;Hee Seup Kil;Soon Jeong Kwon;Yong Jin Lee;Kyo Chul Lee;Dae Yoon Chi
    • Journal of Radiopharmaceuticals and Molecular Probes
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.17-21
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    • 2023
  • In this study, we evaluated the targeting of prostate cancer (PCa) using [18F]Florastamin in non-clinical study, for the purpose of therapeutic monitoring of [177Lu]Ludotadipep, a therapeutic radiopharmaceutical for PCa, [18F]Florastamin/[177Lu]Ludotadipep was co-administered to a single-individual prostate tumor bearing mouse model, mimicking clinical condition. Considering the difference in half-life of the two isotopes (18F or 177Lu), image scan of whole-body autoradiography was performed at 24 or 48 h after preparation of frozen section, respectively. Then, it was confirmed whether they showed the same targeting efficiency for the area of tumor. A tumor xenograft model was prepared using PSMA-overexpressing PC3-PIP prostate cancer cells. [18F]Florastamin [111 MBq (3 mCi) in 100 µL]/177Lu]Ludotadipep [3.7 MBq (100 µCi) in 100 µL] was co-administered through the tail vein, and 2 hours after administration, the mice were frozen, and after freezing for 24 hours, whole-body cryosection was performed at 24 h after freezing. Image scanning using cryosection was performed after 24 or 48 hours after freezing, respectively. In the scan image after 24 hours, tumor uptake of [18F] Florastamin/[177Lu]Ludotadipep were simultaneously observed specific uptake in the tumor. In the scan image after 48 hours in the same section, signal of 18F was lost by decay of radioisotope, and specific uptake image for [177Lu]Ludotadipep was observed in the tumor. Uptake of [177Lu]Ludotadipep was specific to the same tumor region where [18F]Florastamin/[177Lu]Ludotadipep was uptake. These results suggested that [18F]Florastamin showed the same tumor uptake efficiency to PCa as [177Lu]Ludotadipep, and effective therapeutic monitoring is expected to be enable using [18F]Florastamin during [177Lu]Ludotadipep therapy for PCa.

Nondestructive detection of crack density in ultra-high performance concrete using multiple ultrasound measurements: Evidence of microstructural change

  • Seungo Baek;Bada Lee;Jeong Hoon Rhee;Yejin Kim;Hyoeun Kim;Seung Kwan Hong;Goangseup Zi;Gun Kim;Tae Sup Yun
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.399-407
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    • 2024
  • This study nondestructively examined the evolution of crack density in ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) upon cyclic loading. Uniaxial compression was repeatedly applied to the cylindrical specimens at levels corresponding to 32% and 53% of the maximum load-bearing capacity, each at a steady strain rate. At each stage, both P-wave and S-wave velocities were measured in the absence of the applied load. In particular, the continuous monitoring of P-wave velocity from the first loading prior to the second loading allowed real-time observation of the strengthening effect during loading and the recovery effect afterwards. Increasing the number of cycles resulted in the reduction of both elastic wave velocities and Young's modulus, along with a slight rise in Poisson's ratio in both tested cases. The computed crack density showed a monotonically increasing trend with repeated loading, more significant at 53% than at 32% loading. Furthermore, the spatial distribution of the crack density along the height was achieved, validating the directional dependency of microcracking development. This study demonstrated the capability of the crack density to capture the evolution of microcracks in UHPC under cyclic loading condition, as an early-stage damage indicator.

Remote Sensing Applications for Malaria Research : Emerging Agenda of Medical Geography (원격탐사 자료를 이용한 말라리아 연구 : 보건지리학적 과제와 전망)

  • Park, Sunyurp
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.473-493
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    • 2012
  • Malaria infection is sensitively influenced by regional meteorological conditions along with global climate change. Remote sensing techniques have become an important tool for extraction of climatic and environmental factors, including rainfall, temperature, surface water, soil moisture, and land use, which are directly linked to the habitat qualities of malaria mosquitoes. Improvement of sensor fidelity with higher spatial and spectral resolution, new multinational sensor development, and decreased data cost have nurtured diverse remote sensing applications in malaria research. In 1984, eradication of endemic malaria was declared in Korea, but reemergence of malaria was reported in mid-1990s. Considering constant changes in malaria cases since 2000, the epidemiological management of the disease needs careful monitoring. Geographically, northmost counties neighboring North Korea have been ranked high in the number of malaria cases. High infection rates in these areas drew special attention and led to a hypothesis that malaria dispersion in these border counties might be caused by north-origin, malaria-bearing adult mosquitoes. Habitat conditions of malaria mosquitoes are important parameters for prediction of the vector abundance. However, it should be realized that malaria infection and transmission is a complex mechanism, where non-environmental factors, including human behavior, demographic structure, landscape structure, and spatial relationships between human residence and the vector habitats, are also significant considerations in the framework of medical geography.

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A Case Study on Elephant Foot Method for Railway Tunneling in Large Fault Zone (대규모 단층대구간에서의 철도터널 우각부 보강공법 적용성 연구)

  • Lee, Gilyong;Oh, Jeongho;Cho, Kyehwan;Lee, Doosoo
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.36 no.6
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    • pp.1161-1167
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    • 2016
  • In this study, an attempt was made to conduct a case study on the development of ground expansive displacement due to lack of bearing capacity of original ground in spite of applying reinforcement treatments that intended to enhance the stability of big size high-speed rail tunnel in large fault zone. For the purpose of this, in-situ measurements made in the middle of excavation stage were analyzed in order to characterize ground responses and numerical analysis was performed to evaluate the effectiveness of reinforcement technique such as elephant foot method applied for this site via comparing with field monitoring measurements. In addition, further numerical studies were carried out to investigate the influence of leg pile installation angle and length, which is one of types of elephant foot method. The results revealed that the optimum condition for the leg pile installation is to maintain 45 degree of installation angle along with 6 meter of embedment depth.