• 제목/요약/키워드: balanced-lethal vector

검색결과 2건 처리시간 0.02초

Shigella sonnei KNIH104S로부터 asd 유전자의 클로닝 및 염기서열 분석 (Cloning and Nucleotide Sequence Analysis of the asd Gene from Shigella sonnei KNIH104S)

  • 박용춘;신희정;김영창
    • 미생물학회지
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    • 제35권1호
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    • pp.13-17
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    • 1999
  • Shigella sonnei 는 인체의 장내 감염을 일으키는 병원균의 일종이며, 본 연구에 사용된 S.sonnei KNIH104S는 국내에서 쉬겔라증을 나타내는 환자로부터 분리하였다. S. sonnei KNIH104s의 염색체로부터 aspartate $\beta$-semial-dehyde dehydrogenase를 암호화하는 asd 유전자를 포함하는 1.7 kb BamHI 절편을 pBluescript SK(+) 벡터를 이용하여 클로닝하였으며 pSAB17이라 명명하였다. asd 결실돌연변이주인 E.coli $\chi$6097은 세포벽을 구성하는 중요한 성분인 DL-$\alpha$, $\varepsilon$-diaminopimelic acid가 없는 Luria-Bertani 배지에서 생장함을 확인하였다. 클로닝된 asd 유전자의 염기서열 분석결과 ATG 개시코돈 및 TAA 종결코돈을 지니는 1,104 bp 로 이루어져 있으며, 여기서 유추한 아미노산은 367개로 분자량 40.0 kDa 의 폴리펩타이드를 만들어내고 있다. 염기서열은 대장균의 asd 유전자와 한 부위에서 다르게 나타났지만 아미노산의 서열은 동일함을 알 수 있었다. 그리고 pBluescript SK(+) 벡터와 본 연구에서 클로닝된 asd 유전자를 이용하여 balanced-lethal vector인 pSKA47 및 pSKA47A를 제조하였다.

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약독화 Salmonella typhimurium 생백신 균주에서 Bordetella pertussis 의 filamentous hemagglutinin(F HA) (Expression of recombinant Bordetella pertussis filamentous hemagglutinin (FHA) antigen in Live Attenuated Salmonella typhimurium Vaccine Strain)

  • 강호영
    • 생명과학회지
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    • 제11권4호
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    • pp.385-391
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    • 2001
  • Filamentous hemagglutinin (FHA) is considered as an essential immunogenic component for incorporation into acellular vaccines against Bordetella pertussis, the causative agent of whooping cough. Classically, antipertussis vaccination has employed an intramuscular route. An alternative approach to stimulate mucosal and systemic immune responses is oral immunization with recombinant live vaccine carrier strains of Salmonella typhimurium. An attenuated live Salmonella vaccine sgrain($\Delta$cya $\Delta$crp) expressing recombinant FHA(rFHA) was developed. Stable expressionof rFHA was achieved by the use of balanced-lethal vector-host system. which employs an asd deletion in the host chromosome to impose in obligate requirement for diaminopimelic acid. The chromosomal $\Delta$asd mutation was complemented by a plasmid vector possessing the asd$^{+}$ gene. A 3 kb DNA fragment encoding immuno dominant regionof FHA was subcloned in-frame downstream to the ATG translation initiation codon in the multicopy Asd$^{+}$ pYA3341 vector to create pYA3457. Salmonella vaccine harboring pYA3457 expressed approximately 105kDa rFHA protein. The 100% maintenance of [YA3457 in vaccine strain was confirmed by stability examinations. Additionally, a recombinant plasmid pYA3458 was constructed to overpress His(8X)-tagged rFHA in Essherichia coli. His-tagged rFHA was purified from the E. coli strain harboring pYA3458 using Ni$^{2+}$-NTA affinity purification system.>$^{2+}$-NTA affinity purification system.

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