• Title/Summary/Keyword: backdraft

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A Study for the Fire Hazard Evaluation through the Fire Simulation of an Apartment Fire Accident (아파트 화재 사례 전산모사를 통한 화재위험성 평가에 관한 연구)

  • Jeon, Heung-Kyun;Choi, Young-Sang;Choo, Hong-Lok
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.69-78
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    • 2010
  • In this study, Fire Hazards were evaluated through computer simulation using FDS program for an apartment fire accident. The results of fire simulation showed that the maximum heat release rate in the case of no sprinklers activation was 7,700 kW which was about 16 times of that in the case of sprinklers activation, 497 kW and there was a very high fire hazard due to the backdraft phenomenon when the door of fire room was forced to open. Regarding the hazard time of fire room temperature and detection time of detectors, available evacuation time was 32.5 seconds of minimum to 53.5 seconds of maximum. In the case of sprinklers activation, fire hazard in the apartment was showed to be very low due to the fire control by the spray cooling of sprinklers. This study shows that what a important function for fire safety is the activations of fire sprinkler system and emergency alarm system and what a large loss can cause if these systems don’t activate in fire accidents.

Requirements of Improvement on Personal Protective Equipment and Experiences Exposed to Accidently High Risk Circumstance while Firefighting: A Questionnaire Study (화재진압 중 소방관의 돌발 고위험상황 노출 경험과 개인보호구 개선요구사항 실태조사)

  • Lee, Hyo-Hyun;Kim, Siyeon;Kim, Do-Hee;Kim, Do-Hyung;Lee, Joo-Young
    • Journal of Korean Living Environment System
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.549-561
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    • 2017
  • We conducted a nationalwide questionnaire to investigate accidental experiences and injuries at flashover or flame-fire for active firefighters in the line of duty. A total of 794 firefighters participated in this survey (764 males, 27 females, and 3 respondents; $39.2{\pm}8.4yr$ in age, $173.7{\pm}5.1cm$ in height, $73.4{\pm}8.6kg$ in body mass). The results showed that high risk circumstances the most frequently experienced while firefighting in Korea was flashover followed by backdraft, rollover and flameover. At the high risk circumstances the most frequently-experienced injuries were bruise, stabs and burns. Firefighters hoped to reduce the total mass of personal protective equipment (PPE), improve the mobility of the PPE and dexterity of protective gloves, so that they could escape from the high risk circumstances as fast as possible. In particular, requirements for improvement on protective gloves were greater than those on other PPE. The present study suggested that the need for improvements on the current firefighters' PPE to cope with emergency high risk situations in terms of PPE mass reduction and mobility.

A Study on the Supply and Perception of Personal Protective Equipments for Fire Fighters (화재진압대원의 개인보호장구 지급 실태 및 인식에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Jaehyeong;Kim, Woojae;Kang, Shinwook;Kim, Junggon
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.381-388
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    • 2016
  • In this study, we surveyed the supply and perception of Personal Protective Equipments for firefighters. As a result, most of the respondents answered that they were paid in accordance with the supply standard, but 12% of the respondents said that there were insufficient equipment. Also, satisfaction with the performance of the equipment is mostly satisfied, but the safety gloves are more than 50% dissatisfied. In summing up the results of the survey, it is urgently necessary to improve the current supply standard, which is determined by the life of PPE, to the replacement period according to the using time or frequency. Also, a new standard should be prepared through the follow - up study.

A Study on the Perception of Fire Risk and Flash Flame Concerning the Firefighter (화재진압대원의 화재현장 위험도 및 돌발화염 인식 조사에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Jae-hyeong
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.529-536
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    • 2017
  • In this study, the perceptions were surveyed fire risk and flash flames concerning the firefighters. The results were statistically evaluated according to age, experience and rank. More than 70% of the respondents answered that there is a possibility of unexpected flame exposure in the field of fire, but there was no recognition difference according to age, experience and rank. However, if there is an emergency situation in the field of fire, the survey on the ability to cope with crises showed that there is a difference in perception depending on the age, career, and rank of respondents. From these results, it is expected that strengthening simulation training of unexpected situation will be more urgently required in the future, and measures should be taken to minimize human accidents through improvement of standard operation procedures or supplement of fire suppression education according to unexpected situation.