• Title/Summary/Keyword: available power

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Performance Analysis of a 3 Pressured Combined Cycle Power Plant (3압 복합 발전 플랜트 사이클에 대한 성능해석)

  • Kim, S. Y.;K. S. Oh;Park, B. C.
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.74-82
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    • 1998
  • Combined cycle power plant is a system where a gas turbine or a steam turbine is used to produce shaft power to drive a generator for producing electrical power and the steam from the HRSG is expanded in a steam turbine for additional shaft power. The temperature of the exhaust gases from a gas turbine ranges from $400{\sim}650^{\circ}C$, and can be used effectively in a heat recovery steam generator to produce steam. Combined cycle can be classed as a topping and bottoming cycle. The first cycle, to which most of the heat is supplied, is a Brayton gas turbine cycle. The wasted heat it produces is then utilized in a second process which operates at a lower temperature level is a steam turbine cycle. The combined gas and steam turbine power plant have been widely accepted because, first, each separate system has already proven themselves in power plants as an independent cycle, therefore, the development costs are low. Secondly, using the air as a working medium, the operation is relatively non- problematic and inexpensive and can be used in gas turbines at an elevated temperature level over $1000^{\circ}C$. The steam process uses water, which is likewise inexpensive and widely available, but better suited for the medium and low temperature ranges. It therefore, is quite reasonable to use the steam process for the bottoming cycle. Recently gas turbine attained inlet temperature that make it possible to design a highly efficient combined cycle. In the present study, performance analysis of a 3 pressured combined cycle power plant is carried out to investigate the influence of topping cycle to combined cycle performance. Present calculation is compared with acceptance performance test data from SeoInchon combined cycle power plant. Present results is expected to shed some light to design and manufacture 150~200MW class heavy duty gas turbine whose conceptual design is already being undertaken.

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A study on the arrangement of integrated power system for warship (함정의 통합 전력시스템 구성에 관한 연구)

  • Baek, Hyun-Min;Jung, Kyun-Sik;Lee, Myung-Ho;Choi, Jae-Sung
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.38 no.9
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    • pp.1070-1074
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    • 2014
  • According to IEEE 1662(2009), IPS is a power system where all prime movers produce electrical power that is shared among propulsion, mission, and ship service loads. Discriminating attributes of integrated power systems are flexibility of movers' arrangements, mechanical decoupling between prime movers and propulsors, an increased level of energy conversion and transmission redundancy, and flexibility of redistributing available electrical power for future electronic weapons. IPS could have various steps of power that can be produced at optimal load of movers. In this study, an evaluation method for optimal arrangement of movers was investigated when an IPS warship is projected. The two factors are utilized for the quantitative analysis which are the weight of system as the fighting power and the fuel consumption per year as the economic feasibility. And also the ways for arrangement of system were studied according to existence of small diesel generator. The evaluation method that decides the optimization level is based on the DEA(Data Envelopment Analysis)

Multiple Linear Regression Analysis of PV Power Forecasting for Evaluation and Selection of Suitable PV Sites (태양광 발전소 건설부지 평가 및 선정을 위한 선형회귀분석 기반 태양광 발전량 추정 모델)

  • Heo, Jae;Park, Bumsoo;Kim, Byungil;Han, SangUk
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.126-131
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    • 2019
  • The estimation of available solar energy at particular locations is critical to find and assess suitable locations of PV sites. The amount of PV power generation is however affected by various geographical factors (e.g., weather), which may make it difficult to identify the complex relationship between affecting factors and power outputs and to apply findings from one study to another in different locations. This study thus undertakes a regression analysis using data collected from 172 PV plants spatially distributed in Korea to identify critical weather conditions and estimate the potential power generation of PV systems. Such data also include solar radiation, precipitation, fine dust, humidity, temperature, cloud amount, sunshine duration, and wind speed. The estimated PV power generation is then compared to the actual PV power generation to evaluate prediction performance. As a result, the proposed model achieves a MAPE of 11.696(%) and an R-squred of 0.979. It is also found that the variables, excluding humidity, are all statistically significant in predicting the efficiency of PV power generation. According, this study may facilitate the understanding of what weather conditions can be considered and the estimation of PV power generation for evaluating and determining suitable locations of PV facilities.

Reliable Distributed Lookup Service Scheme for Mobile Ad-hoc Networks

  • Malik Muhammad Ali;Kim Jai-Hoon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2006.06d
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    • pp.124-126
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    • 2006
  • Mobile Ad hoc networking is an emerging technology and in these days many applications are being developed to run on these networks. In these networks lookup services are very important because all nodes do not have same resources in term of memory and computing power. Nodes need to use different services offered by different servers. Reliable and efficient scheme should be available for lookup services due to limited bandwidth and low computing power of devices in mobile ad hoc networks. Due to mobility and rapid change in network topology, lookup mechanism used in wired network is not appropriate. Service discovery mechanism can be divided into two main categories Centralized and Distributed. Centralized mechanism is not reliable as there is no central node in these networks. Secondly centralized mechanism leads toward single point failure. We can handle the service discovery mechanism by distributing server's information to each node. But this approach is also not appropriate due to limited bandwidth and rapid change in network. In this paper, we present reliable lookup service scheme which is based on distributed mechanism. We are not using replication approach as well due to low bandwidth of wireless networks. In this scheme service discovery mechanism will be handled through different lookup servers. Reliability is the key feature of our proposed scheme.

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Mathematical Model for a Mode-sequence Reversed Two-degrees-of-freedom Piezoelectric Vibration Energy Harvester (모드 순서 전환된 2자유도계 압전 진동 에너지 수확 장치의 수학적 모델)

  • Lee, Sowon;Kim, Yoon Young;Kim, Jae Eun
    • Transactions of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.546-552
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    • 2013
  • A cantilevered piezoelectric energy harvester(PEH) and an auxiliary mass-spring unit can be integrated into a novel two-degrees-of-freedom PEH where its lowest eigenmode is not an in-phase modes but an out-of-phase mode. This typical behavior was shown to enhance output power considerably compared with its stand-alone counterpart. The objective of this study is to newly develop a continuum-based mathematical model suitable for efficient analysis of the mode-sequence reversed PEH. Once such a mathematical model is available, various physical behaviors can be analytically investigated for better designs. After a new mathematical model is developed, its validity is checked by using ANSYS results, in terms of resonant frequency, open-circuit voltage, and output power with a specified external resistance.

Remaining life prediction of concrete structural components accounting for tension softening and size effects under fatigue loading

  • Murthy, A. Rama Chandra;Palani, G.S.;Iyer, Nagesh R.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.459-475
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    • 2009
  • This paper presents analytical methodologies for remaining life prediction of plain concrete structural components considering tension softening and size effects. Non-linear fracture mechanics principles (NLFM) have been used for crack growth analysis and remaining life prediction. Various tension softening models such as linear, bi-linear, tri-linear, exponential and power curve have been presented with appropriate expressions. Size effect has been accounted for by modifying the Paris law, leading to a size adjusted Paris law, which gives crack length increment per cycle as a power function of the amplitude of a size adjusted stress intensity factor (SIF). Details of tension softening effects and size effect in the computation of SIF and remaining life prediction have been presented. Numerical studies have been conducted on three point bending concrete beams under constant amplitude loading. The predicted remaining life values with the combination of tension softening & size effects are in close agreement with the corresponding experimental values available in the literature for all the tension softening models.

Development of an Optimized Algorithm for Bidirectional Equalization in Lithium-Ion Batteries

  • Sun, Jinlei;Zhu, Chunbo;Lu, Rengui;Song, Kai;Wei, Guo
    • Journal of Power Electronics
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.775-785
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    • 2015
  • Many equalization circuits have been proposed to improve pack performance and reduce imbalance. Although bidirectional equalization topologies are promising in these methods, pre-equalization global equalization strategy is lacking. This study proposes a novel state-of-charge (SoC) equalization algorithm for bidirectional equalizer based on particle swarm optimization (PSO), which is employed to find optimal equalization time and steps. The working principle of bidirectional equalization topologies is analyzed, and the reason behind the application of SoC as a balancing criterion is explained. To verify the performance of the proposed algorithm, a pack with 12 LiFePO4 batteries is applied in the experiment. Results show that the maximum SoC gap is within 2% after equalization, and the available pack capacity is enhanced by 13.2%. Furthermore, a comparison between previously used methods and the proposed PSO equalization algorithm is presented. Experimental tests are performed, and results show that the proposed PSO equalization algorithm requires fewer steps and is superior to traditional methods in terms of equalization time, energy loss, and balancing performance.

Ideological symbols of Heavenly Kingdom's Dress

  • Kim, Sun;Cho, Woo Hyun
    • International Journal of Costume and Fashion
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.39-49
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    • 2015
  • Heavenly Kingdom was known for their strict discipline and law as well as their anti-corruption practices and for putting up unconventional ideas to rule its kingdom. They became weak as their leadership was split along with the power struggles that occurred within their kingdom. Heavenly Kingdom's style of dress also ended during this period, but their philosophy continues to influence the style of dress. Taiping rebellion was modern China's biggest internal disturbance which prior studies included political ideals, gender equality and the peasant movement. My research is to associate Heavenly Kingdom's ideas and their dress style by analyzing its relations. Their form of clothing was similar to the Qing Dynasty but the same. They wanted to restore their identity of the Han(漢) while their ideology was oriented in creating a large enough military power to go against the corrupt Qing Dynasty as seen in their military uniform. This research is to analyze about Heavenly Kingdom's ideology with regard to their style of dress but because of their short existence, there are only small remains of artifacts and clothing available which limits this research. This research has to developing further research as I gather more additional data.

Optimal Harmonic Stepped Waveform Technique for Solar Fed Cascaded Multilevel Inverter

  • Alexander, S.Albert;Thathan, Manigandan
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.261-270
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    • 2015
  • In this paper, the Optimal Harmonic Stepped Waveform (OHSW) method is proposed in order to eliminate the selective harmonic orders available at the output of cascaded multilevel inverter (CMLI) fed by solar photovoltaic (SPV). This technique is used to solve the harmonic elimination equations based on stepped waveform analysis in order to obtain the optimal switching angles which in turn reduce the Total Harmonic Distortion (THD). The OHSW method considers the output voltage waveform as four equal symmetries in each half cycle. In the proposed method, a solar fed fifteen level cascaded multilevel is considered where the magnitude of six numbers of harmonic orders is reduced. A programmable pulse generator is developed to carry the switching angles directly to the semiconductor switches obtained as a result of OHSW analysis. Simulations are carried out in MATLAB/Simulink in which a separate model is developed for solar photovoltaic which serves as the input for cascaded multilevel inverter. A 3kWp solar plant with multilevel inverter system is implemented in hardware to show the effectiveness of the proposed system. Based on the observation the OHSW method provides the reduced THD thereby improving power quality in renewable energy applications.

Characteristics of Small Hydro Power Resources for River System (수계별 소수력자원의 특성)

  • Park, Wansoon;Lee, Chulhyung
    • 한국신재생에너지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2010.06a
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    • pp.193.1-193.1
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    • 2010
  • Small hydropower resources for five major river systems have been studied. The model, which can predict flow duration characteristic of stream, was developed to analyze the variation of inflow caused from rainfall condition. And another model to predict hydrologic performance for small hydropower(SHP) plants is established. Monthly inflow data measured at Andong dam were analyzed. The predicted results from the developed models in this study showed that the data were in good agreement with measured results of long term inflow at Andong dam. It was found that the models developed in this study can be used to predict the available potential and technical potential of SHP sites effectively. Based on the models developed in this study, the hydrologic performance for small hydropower sites located in river systems have been analyzed. The results show that the hydrologic performance characteristics of SHP sites have some difference between the river systems. Especially, the specific design flowrate and specific output of SHP sites located on North Han river and Nakdong river systems have large difference compared with other river systems.

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