• Title/Summary/Keyword: available power

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Anuran Metamorphosis: a Model for Gravitational Study on Motor Development

  • Jae Seung;Jin Cheul;In-Ho;Park, In-Ho
    • Animal cells and systems
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.223-229
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    • 2000
  • Limbs and supporting structures of an organism experience a full weight of its own when it lands from water, because neutral buoyancy in the aquatic habitat will be no longer available in the terrestrial world. Metamorphosis of anuran amphibians presents 8 good research model to examine how this transition from non-loading to weight-loading affects development of motor capacity at the time of their first emergence on land. Our video analysis of the transitional anurans, Rana catesbeiana, at Gosner stage 46 (the stage of complete transformation) demonstrated that the take-off speed increased 1.23-fold after the first six hours of weight-loading on the wet ground. It did not increase further during the following three days of loading, and was close to the level of mature frogs with different body mass. During development of larvae in deep water with no chance of landing through metamorphosis, both tension and power of a hindlimb anti-gravity muscle increased 5-fold between stages 37 and n. However, the muscle contractility increased more rapidly when the larvas could access the wet ground by their natural landing behavior after stages 41-42. Muscle power, one of major factors affecting locomotory speed, was 1.29-fold greater in the loaded than in the non-loaded larvae at the transitional stage. Thus, weight-loading had a potentially significant effect on the elevation of motor capacity, with a similar extent of increment in locomotory speed and muscle power during the last stages of metamorphosis. Such a motor adjustment of the froglets in a relatively short transitional period would be important for effective ecological interactions and survival in their inexperienced terrestrial life.

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A Solar Energy Harvesting Circuit with Low-Cost MPPT Control for Low Duty-Cycled Sensor Nodes. (낮은 듀티 동작의 센서 노드를 위한 저비용 MPPT 제어기능을 갖는 빛에너지 하베스팅 회로)

  • Yoon, Eun-Jung;Yang, Min-Jae;Yu, Chong-Gun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2015.10a
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    • pp.397-400
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    • 2015
  • In this paper a solar energy harvesting system with low-cost MPPT control for low duty-cycled sensor nodes is proposed. The targeted applications are environment, structure monitoring sensor nodes that are not required successively to operate, and MPPT(Maximum Power point Tracking) control using simple circuits is low-cost differently than existing MPPT control. The proposed MPPT control is implemented using linear relationship between the open-circuit voltage of a solar cell. The designed MPPT circuit traces the maximum power point by sampling periodically the open circuit voltage of the solar cell and delivers the maximum available power to the load. The proposed circuit is designed in 0.35um CMOS process. The designed chip area is $975um{\times}1025um$ including pads. Measured results show that the designed system can track the MPP voltage by sampling periodically the open circuit voltage of solar cell.

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PD Signal Time-Frequency Map and PRPD Pattern Analysis of Nano SiO2 Modified Palm Oil for Transformer Insulation Applications

  • Arvind Shriram, R.K.;Chandrasekar, S.;Karthik, B.
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.902-910
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    • 2018
  • In recent times, development of nanofluid insulation for power transformers is a hot research topic. Many researchers reported the enhancement in dielectric characteristics of nano modified mineral oils. Considering the drawbacks of petroleum based mineral oil, it is necessary to understand the dielectric characteristics of nanofluids developed with natural ester based oils. Palm oil has better insulation characteristics comparable to mineral oil. However very few research reports is available in the area of nanofluids based on palm oil. Partial discharge (PD) is one of the major sources of insulation performance degradation of transformer oil. It is essential to understand the partial discharge(PD) characteristics by collecting huge data base of PD performance of nano modified palm oil which will increase its confidence level for power transformer application. Knowing these facts, in the present work, certain laboratory experiments have been performed on PD characteristics of nano $SiO_2$ modified palm oil at different electrode configurations. Influence of concentration of nano filler material on the PD characteristics is also studied. Partial discharge inception voltage, Phase resolved partial discharge (PRPD) pattern, PD signal time-frequency domain characteristics, PD signal equivalent timelength-bandwidth mapping, Weibull distribution statistical parameters of PRPD pattern, skewness, repetition rate and phase angle variations are evaluated at different test conditions. From the results of the experiments conducted, we came to understand that PD performance of palm oil is considerably enhanced with the addition of $nano-SiO_2$ filler at 0.01%wt and 0.05%wt concentration. Significant reduction in PD inception voltage, repetition rate, Weibull shape parameter and PD magnitude are noticed with addition of $SiO_2$ nanofillers in palm oil. These results will be useful for recommending nano modified palm oil for power transformer applications.

A Thermoelectric Energy Harvesting Circuit For a Wearable Application

  • Pham, Khoa Van;Truong, Son Ngoc;Yang, Wonsun;Min, Kyeong-Sik
    • Journal of IKEEE
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.66-69
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    • 2017
  • In recent year, energy harvesting technologies from the ambient environments such as light, motion, wireless waves, and temperature again a lot of attraction form research community [1-5] due to its efficient solution in order to substitute for conventional power delivery methods, especially in wearable together with on-body applications. The drawbacks of battery-powered characteristic used in commodity applications lead to self-powered, long-lifetime circuit design. Thermoelectric generator, a solid-state sensor, is useful compared to the harvesting devices in order to enable self-sustained low-power applications. TEG based on the Seebeck effect is utilized to transfer thermal energy which is available with a temperature gradient into useful electrical energy. Depending on the temperature difference between two sides, amount of output power will be proportionally delivered. In this work, we illustrated a low-input voltage energy harvesting circuit applied discontinuous conduction mode (DCM) method for getting an adequate amount of energy from thermoelectric generator (TEG) for a specific wearable application. With a small temperature gradient harvested from human skin, the input voltage from the transducer is as low as 60mV, the proposed circuit, fabricated in a $0.6{\mu}m$ CMOS process, is capable of generating a regulated output voltage of 4.2V with an output power reaching to $40{\mu}W$. The proposed circuit is useful for powering energy to battery-less systems, such as wearable application devices.

Improving Accident Tolerance of Nuclear Fuel with Coated Mo-alloy Cladding

  • Cheng, Bo;Kim, Young-Jin;Chou, Peter
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.48 no.1
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    • pp.16-25
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    • 2016
  • In severe loss of coolant accidents (LOCA), similar to those experienced at Fukushima Daiichi and Three Mile Island Unit 1, the zirconiumalloy fuel claddingmaterials are rapidlyheateddue to nuclear decay heating and rapid exothermic oxidation of zirconium with steam. This heating causes the cladding to rapidly react with steam, lose strength, burst or collapse, and generate large quantities of hydrogen gas. Although maintaining core cooling remains the highest priority in accident management, an accident tolerant fuel (ATF) design may extend coping and recovery time for operators to restore emergency power, and cooling, and achieve safe shutdown. An ATF is required to possess high resistance to steam oxidation to reduce hydrogen generation and sufficient mechanical strength to maintain fuel rod integrity and core coolability. The initiative undertaken by Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) is to demonstrate the feasibility of developing an ATF cladding with capability to maintain its integrity in $1,200-1,500^{\circ}C$ steam for at least 24 hours. This ATF cladding utilizes thin-walled Mo-alloys coated with oxidation-resistant surface layers. The basic design consists of a thin-walled Mo alloy structural tube with a metallurgically bonded, oxidation-resistant outer layer. Two options are being investigated: a commercially available iron, chromium, and aluminum alloy with excellent high temperature oxidation resistance, and a Zr alloy with demonstratedcorrosionresistance.Asthese composite claddings will incorporate either no Zr, or thin Zr outer layers, hydrogen generation under severe LOCA conditions will be greatly reduced. Key technical challenges and uncertainties specific to Moalloy fuel cladding include: economic core design, industrial scale fabricability, radiation embrittlement, and corrosion and oxidation resistance during normal operation, transients, and severe accidents. Progress in each aspect has been made and key results are discussed in this document. In addition to assisting plants in meeting Light Water Reactor (LWR) challenges, accident-tolerant Mo-based cladding technologies are expected to be applicable for use in high-temperature helium and molten salt reactor designs, as well as nonnuclear high temperature applications.

The Process Simulation of Entrained Flow Coal Gasification in Dynamic State for 300MW IGCC (300MW급 IGCC를 위한 건식 분류층 석탄 가스화 공정의 동적 상태 모사)

  • Kim, Mi-Yeong;Joo, Yong-Jin;Choi, In-Kyu;Lee, Joong-Won
    • Journal of Hydrogen and New Energy
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.460-469
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    • 2010
  • To develop coal gasfication system, many studies have been actively conducted to describe the simulation of steady state. Now, it is necessary to study the gasification system not only in steady state but also in dynamic state to elucidate abnormal condition such as start-up, shut-down, disturbance, and develop control logic. In this study, a model was proposed with process simulation in dynamic state being conducted using a chemical process simulation tool, where a heat and mass transfer model in the gasifier is incorporated, The proposed model was verified by comparison of the results of the simulation with those available from NETL (National Energy Technology Laboratory) report under steady state condition. The simulation results were that the coal gas efficiency was 80.7%, gas thermal efficiency was 95.4%, which indicated the error was under 1 %. Also, the compositions of syngas were similar to those of the NETL report. Controlled variables of the proposed model was verified by increasing oxygen flow rate to gasifier in order to validate the dynamic state of the system. As a result, trends of major process variables were resonable when oxygen flow rate increased by 5% from the steady state value. Coal flow rate to gasifier and quench gas flow rate were increased, and flow rate of liquid slag was also increased. The proposed model in this study is able to be used for the prediction of gasification of various coals and dynamic analysis of coal gasification.

Analysis of the Disaster Sites using Power-assisted Devices for Rescue (인명구조용 근력지원장치의 적용가능한 재난현장 분석)

  • Lee, Minsu;Park, Chan;Kim, Jingi;Lee, Dongeun
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.273-278
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    • 2016
  • In this study, we set the need, purpose, and the direction of developments in life-saving devices and analyzed the disaster sites where power-assisted devices are to be applied. For this purpose, we classified the disaster in accordance with the Basic Law for on Disaster and Safety Management and analyzed the common disaster sites where power-assisted devices are available. As a result, 13 disaster sites were classified into three categories. Firstly, 8 sites of social disaster accidents, fire(suppression), fire(rescue), collapse, traffic accidents, explosion, CBR(chemical, biological, and radiological), environment pollution, and other safety accidents, were defined. Secondly, 4 disaster accidents, earthquake, flood, typhoon and other natural disasters, were classified. Finally, other disaster sites were taken into account.

Mechanical and Electrical Performance of 180kV HVDC Submarine Cable System (180kV HVDC 해저케이블 기계적/전기적 특성 평가)

  • Kim, N.Y.;Lee, T.H.;Lee, S.J.;Ji, B.K.;Kim, J.N.;Jeon, S.I.;Yun, H.S.;Joung, S.K.;Kang, C.H.;An, Y.H.
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2007.07a
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    • pp.616-618
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    • 2007
  • This paper describes the mechanical and electrical test on HVDC submarine cable, Flexible Repair Joint and termination for 180kV. This HVDC submarine cable was manufactured using LS cable's unique skill and would be applied the HVDC submarine cable system in korea. The performance test consist of mechanical test and electrical test. The tensile bending test and tensile test was done as the mechanical test and Electrical test is DC voltage and Impulse test. The tensile bending test carried out 6 times(double of specified times) for maximum reliability. The DC test voltage is $\pm$400kV/1hr. We estimate the lower limit of DC breakdown voltage is 600kV. The impulse test voltage is $\pm$800kV/10shots. The type of developed cables is the MI type. Its insulation consist of paper tapes impregnated with a high viscosity oil. The development of new HVDC cable is available for HVDC underground or submarine power transmission. The developed HVDC cable, FRJ and termination have passed the mechanical and electrical test successfully and showed excellent performance.

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Thermal-hydraulic Analysis of Operator Action Time on Coping Strategy of LUHS Event for OPR1000 (OPR1000형 원전의 최종열제거원 상실사고 대처전략 및 운전원 조치 시간에 따른 열수력 거동 분석)

  • Song, Jun Kyu
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.35 no.5
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    • pp.121-127
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    • 2020
  • Since the Fukushima nuclear accident in 2011, the public were concerned about the safety of Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs) in extreme natural disaster situations, such as earthquakes, flooding, heavy rain and tsunami, have been increasing around the world. Accordingly, the Stress Test was conducted in Europe, Japan, Russia, and other countries by reassessing the safety and response capabilities of NPPs in extreme natural disaster situations that exceed the design basis. The extreme natural disaster can put the NPPs in beyond-design-basis conditions such as the loss of the power system and the ultimate heat sink. The behaviors and capabilities of NPPs with losing their essential safety functions should be measured to find and supplement weak areas in hardware, procedures and coping strategies. The Loss of Ultimate Heat Sink (LUHS) accident assumes impairment of the essential service water system accompanying the failure of the component cooling water system. In such conditions, residual heat removal and cooling of safety-relevant components are not possible for a long period of time. It is therefore very important to establish coping strategies considering all available equipment to mitigate the consequence of the LUHS accident and keep the NPPs safe. In this study, thermal hydraulic behavior of the LUHS event was analyzed using RELAP5/Mod3.3 code. We also performed the sensitivity analysis to identify the effects of the operator recovery actions and operation strategy for charging pumps on the results of the LUHS accident.

A review on thermohydraulic and mechanical-physical properties of SiC, FeCrAl and Ti3SiC2 for ATF cladding

  • Qiu, Bowen;Wang, Jun;Deng, Yangbin;Wang, Mingjun;Wu, Yingwei;Qiu, S.Z.
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.52 no.1
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2020
  • At present, the Department of Energy (DOE) in Unite State are directing the efforts of developing accident tolerant fuel (ATF) technology. As the first barrier of nuclear fuel system, the material selection of fuel rod cladding for ATFs is a basic but very significant issue for the development of this concept. The advanced cladding is attractive for providing much stronger oxidation resistance and better in-pile behavior under sever accident conditions (such as SBO, LOCA) for giving more coping time and, of course, at least an equivalent performance under normal condition. In recent years, many researches on in-plie or out-pile physical properties of some suggested cladding materials have been conducted to solve this material selection problem. Base on published literatures, this paper introduced relevant research backgrounds, objectives, research institutions and their progresses on several main potential claddings include triplex SiC, FeCrAl and MAX phase material Ti3SiC2. The physical properties of these claddings for their application in ATF area are also reviewed in thermohydraulic and mechanical view for better understanding and simulating the behaviors of these new claddings. While most of important data are available from publications, there are still many relevant properties are lacking for the evaluations.