• 제목/요약/키워드: automobile die

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  • Liu, B.;Jin, C.N;Hu, P.
    • International Journal of Automotive Technology
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    • 제8권3호
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    • pp.327-335
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    • 2007
  • A new optimization scheme and some key techniques are proposed in the development of a vehicle glass drop design software system. The key issues of the design system are how to regenerate the glass surface and make the vehicle glass drop down along the glass channels. To resolve these issues, a parameterized model was created at first, in which the optimizing method and Knowledge Fusion techniques were adopted the optimized process was then written into the glass drop design system by coding with C language and UGS/Open Application Programme Interface functions etc. Therefore, the designer or engineer can simulate the process of glass dropping along the channels to assess the potential interference between glass and door accessory by using this software system. All of the testing results demonstrate the validity of the optimizing scheme, and the parametric design software effectively solves the key issues on development of the door accessory package.

저압주조에 의한 자동차 Al Wheel의 제조(I) : 유동 및 응고해석 (Production of Automobile Al Wheel by Low-Pressure Die Casting (I) : Flow and Solidification Simulation)

  • 추인호;류성곤;최정길
    • 한국주조공학회지
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    • 제18권6호
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    • pp.578-585
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    • 1998
  • A multi-purpose code MAGMA was employed for mold design and process control in producing Al wheel by lowpressure die casting. Three-dimensional solid modeling was followed by mesh generation of casting and molds(top, bottom and side). The simulation of stability of casting cycle time, mold filling simulation with pressure variation from P1 to P2, solidification simulation by solidification time and feeding criteria, and temperature distribution of molds during processes were studied in this research. The thermal stability of molds was attained after 5 cycles when molds were preheated at $400^{\circ}C$. The pressure increase from P1 to P2 for mold filling was evaluated as slightly higher, and 6 seconds were taken for the mold filling. The cycle time was believed to be designed properly judged from the solidification time of casting and open/close time of molds.

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자동차 서브프레임 용접판재 유압성형시 주름발생 원인분석과 금형설계 (Analysis of Wrinkling and Die Design for Welded Blank Hydroforming of Automotive Subframe)

  • 김헌영;신용승;홍춘기;전병희;오수익
    • 한국소성가공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국소성가공학회 2000년도 추계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.153-157
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    • 2000
  • This paper presents possible defects when welded blank hydroforming and focus on wrinkling, and the die design to prevent this defect An explicit finite element code, PAM-STAMP, is used to simulate welded blank hydroforming process. The numerical results are compared to the experimental results in the aspect of deformed shape. An automobile subframe is taken as an example to carry out finite element analysis.

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생산 현장을 위한 TWB 도어 인너 패널 성형해석 (Forming Analysis of TWB Inner Door Panel Considering Workshop Aspects)

  • 이광식;김동직;한영호;송윤준
    • 소성∙가공
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    • 제15권4호
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    • pp.289-294
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    • 2006
  • To reduce automobile parts weight, TWB(tailored welded blank) forming is widely used in panel forming. But products used TWB forming process have many defect, wrinkle, crack and springback. So study of TWB forming process character is very important. In this study one of the current problems of TWB forming was analyzed, especially for the try-out process of inner door panel without frame. A comparison was made between actual measurements and prediction of forming analysis for formability and springback. Also a new analysis die model which have additional plane on die surface was proposed to correct result of forming analysis. This proposed method overcomes the difference for TWB forming result between try-out and analysis.

CAE를 이용한 컨덴서 튜브의 직접압출공정 해석 및 튜브 건전성 평가 (Extrusion Process Analysis and Evaluation of Integrity for Condenser Tube by Using CAE)

  • 배재호;이정민;김병민;조형호;김장현;조오제
    • 한국소성가공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국소성가공학회 2004년도 춘계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.23-26
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    • 2004
  • This paper describes the analysis of extrusion process and integrity for the condenser tube which is component of the heat exchanger in automobile and air conditioning apparatus. As development of the analysis method using computer, recently. It have been applied to the 3-dimensional hot extrusion process with complex section area of the non-steady statement and then results of the analysis have been applied to optimal die design and process design. As the result, this paper confirmed that used extrusion die of the research is satisfactorily designed to dimensional accuracy. And the stress point of view, condenser tube confirmed that it was influenced by the flow pressure of alternative regrigerants.

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Development of Internet-based Collaborative Design System

  • Baek, Dong-Seok;Han, Young-Geun;Kim, Gi-Bom;Kong, Sang-Hoon;Lee, Kyo-Il
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 제어로봇시스템학회 2001년도 ICCAS
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    • pp.170.5-170
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    • 2001
  • As close competitions are being fought out among enterprises, they should accomplish their objectives such as reduction of cost, improvement of quality and condensation of due date, etc. For this objects, it becomes very important to manage the workflow harmoniously and to share the information efficiently between geographically dispersed users. We developed the collaborative design system, which manages various design process and enables to share design information. In this paper, Internal-based collaboration system for press die design process in the automobile manufacturer is developed with CORBA, Java and relational database system. After modeling real press die design process with UML language, workflow routing path is created by modeling data. Cost and time for ...

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헬리컬기어의 새로운 냉간압출법과 상계해석에 관한 연구 (A New Cold Extrusion Process of Helical Gear and its Upper Bound Analysis)

  • 최재찬;조해용;권혁흥;이언호
    • 한국정밀공학회지
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    • 제9권3호
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    • pp.12-28
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    • 1992
  • A new helical gear extrusion process was proposed and its numerical solution program based on the upper bound method was developed. In the analysis the involute curve was used as a shape of die and the upper bound method was used to calculate energy dissipation rate. By this method the power requirement and optimum conditions necessary for extruding helical gear were successfully calculated. These numerical solutions were in good agreement with experimental data. In the experiment, die life was greatly improved compared with that of Samanta process and 4 .approx. 5 class helical gear of KS standard for automobile transmission was successfully manufactured.

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엘라스토머 재생재의 사출성형시 유동성과 경도 (The Fluidity and Hardness of the Recycled Thermoplastic Elastomer in the Injection Molding process)

  • 노병수;정영득
    • Design & Manufacturing
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    • 제1권1호
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    • pp.39-44
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    • 2007
  • In recent, recycling of plastic material has became a major issue due to the landfills and environmental problem. This study investigated fluidity and hardness of thermoplastic vulcanizate(TPV), which is used for automobile component parts such as weather strip in order to replace ethylene propylene rubber (EPDM). So, using the spiral flow test mold, we conducted an experiment on fluidity and hardness of TPV according to injection molding conditions. As results of injection molding experiment, the recycled TPV's flow length was a little bit longer than virgin TPV and the hardness was decreased in case of using the recycled resin. Also, we investigated the morphology study by SEM photo.

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자동차 차체금형 가공용 공정계획 시스템 (A Process Planning System for Machining of Dies for Auto-Body Production)

  • 신동목;이창호;이기우
    • 한국정밀공학회지
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    • 제17권5호
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    • pp.108-115
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    • 2000
  • This paper presents a variant type process planning system for machining of dies for auto-body production. Through the analysis of dies and their manufacturing processes, the authors categorized the press dies into 15 groups according to the similarity of machining features. After critically reviewing current manufacturing procedures, a standard process plan was defined for each group. The authors present MP3D the process planning system built on the standard process plan database, and show how they apply it at the die manufacturing plant of an automobile company. MP3D is expected to reduce major losses in machining such as reworking caused by mistakenly uncut features and eventually to help to accumulate the knowledge of operators. The operation sheet MP3D produces is also used in monitoring the progress of manufacturing of dies. This paper explains the whole development cycle of a process planning system from process analysis to application so that it can help readers to develop and apply a process planning system to their machine shops.

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금형 열전도율에 따른 핫스탬핑 공정 냉각 특성 연구 (Research on the Cooling Characteristics of Hot Stamping Process with Thermal Conductivity Die Steel)

  • 이경훈;정믿음;석주성;서창희
    • 소성∙가공
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    • 제27권3호
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    • pp.171-176
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    • 2018
  • In this study, the cooling characteristics of dies were investigated in the hot stamping process of front pillars for automobile. Two identical dies were manufactured out of tool steels with different thermal conductivities. The dies were designed with curved channels for uniform cooling of the blank. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations were also carried out, which can consider the heat transfer among the coolant, die, and blank. Measured and simulated thermal histories of dies were compared, and it was shown that high conductivity tool steel has an excellent cooling capacity compared to conventional tool steel.