• Title/Summary/Keyword: automatic test

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A Study on the Integrated Computer Program for the Multi Analysis of In-Situ Aquifer and Geothermal Response Test (현장 열응답시험과 현장 대수성시험결과를 동시 분석 가능한 통합전산 Program에 관한 연구)

  • Hahn, Jeong-Sang;Han, Hyuk-Sang;Yonn, Yun-Sang
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Geothermal and Hydrothermal Energy
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.11-19
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    • 2008
  • Groundwater flow in confined aquifer and heat transport in underground geologic media are using same governing equation(line source) like well fuction. Therefore the conventional slope method using only later data obtained from in-situ thermal response test to determine the thermal conductivity of vertical geothermal heat exchanger(GHEX) is basically identical with one of Theis straight line method of aquifer test under artesian condition. In case that the pumping rate(Q, $m^3$/d) and drawdown(s,m) which are used for input data of existing hydrogeologic computer programs for aquifer test are replaced and converted to supplying heat energy per unit length of bore hole(Q/L,w/m or Kcal/h.m) and temperatures (T,$^{\circ}C$)measured at in and out-let of GHEX as in put data respectively, thermal conductivity around geothermal heat exchanger can be easily estimated without any special modification of the existing hydrogeologic computer program. Two numbers of time series temperature variation data obtained from in situ geothermal response test are analized using Theismethods(standard curve and straight line method) by using existing aquifer test program and conventional Slope method proposed by ASHRAE. The results show that thermal conductivity values estimated by two straight methods are identical and the difference of estimated values between standard curve methods and Slope method are also within acceptable ranges. In general,the thermal conductivity estimated from Theis straight linemethod gives more accurate value than the one of Slope method due to that Slope method uses only visual matching otherwise Theis method uses automatic curve matching estimation with reducing RSS.

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Study on Analytical and Empirical Methods for Assessing Geo-Heat Transfer Characteristics (지중열전달특성 평가에 관한 해석 및 실험적 방법에 관한 연구 - 지중 열물성치 및 보어 홀 열 저항 평가 -)

  • Park Jun-n;Baek Nam-Choon
    • 한국신재생에너지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2005.06a
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    • pp.427-432
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    • 2005
  • This study treats the advantage of in situ line source method measuring the heat transfer capacity of a borehole, using mobile equipment, to determine the thermal properties of the entire borehole system such as thermal conductivity, diffusiveity. volumetric heat capacity, and borehole thermal resistance. The results from the response test include not only the thermal properties of the ground and the borehole, but also conditions that are difficult to estimate, e,g. natural convection in the boreholes, asymmetry in the construction, etc. In this study, 1) theoretical in situ methods for assessing working fluid temperature variation in V-type PE tube have been introduced, and 2) TRTE(Thermal Response Test Equipment) has been built based on these kinds of theoretical in situ methods. Basically TRTE consists of a pump, a heater and temperature sensors for measuring the inlet and outlet temperatures of the borehole. In order to make equipment easily transportable it is set up on a small trailer. Since the response test takes above two days to execute, the test was fully automatic in recording measured data using Labview DAS(Data acquisition system) program. The test was demonstrated in the course of intensive research in this field through the one site at Ulsan city in Korea. From this kind of thermal properties test of borehole systems in situ, the design of the borehole system can be optimized regarding the total geological, hydro-geological and technical conditions at the location.

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Development of an Auto ABLB Test Software (자동 ABLB 검사 소프트웨어 개발)

  • Kang, Deok-Hun;Kim, Jin-Dong;Song, Bok-Deuk;Shin, Bum-Joo;Wang, Soo-Geun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.11 no.12
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    • pp.5120-5126
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    • 2010
  • ABLB(Alternate Binaural Loudness Balance) test is one of the medical assessments to diagnose detailed lesion of sensory-neural hearing loss based on a recruitment phenomenon. This paper describes an Auto ABLB test software. This software automatically decides test frequency and intensity of first test tone. And it supports an automatic algorithm that analyses the subject's reponses in the current step and then decides intensity of tone provided in next step. Also, this software supports an interface to control and monitor subject's ABLB test. The assessment result is represented by a ladder diagram. The output of this software has been verified using a digital oscilloscope.

The Effects of Qigong training on the cardiopulmonary functions and catecholamine levels after physical traning stress in untrained college students (‘내경일지선(內徑一指禪)’ 기공수련이 대학생의 운동부하 스트레스 후의 심폐기능 및 Catecholamine 변화에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim Jong-Woo;Oh Jae-Keun;Whang Wei-Wan
    • Journal of Oriental Neuropsychiatry
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.39-48
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    • 1996
  • This study was performed to investigate the effects of Qigong training after physical training stress in untrained college students For this study, 6 voluntary subjects(male 4, female 2) were chosen in untrained students of K University. they were trained by teachers during 6 weeks and tested just before Qingong training and after 6 weeks. Each subject was performed a treadmill exercise(model Q65, Quinton Co, U.S.A.) to the all-out state. During exercise stress test, electrocardiogram, heart rate were checked by stress test monitor(model Q4500, Quinton Co, U.S.A) and also oxygen uptake, maximal oxygen uptake analyzed continuously by automatic gas analysis(model QMC, Quinton Co, U.S.A). During physical training the serum were collected 3 times, pre-experimental rest time, and serum catecholamine were measured by HPLC.T-test of statistical analysis system was used in every experiment for statistical assessment. The results of T-test on these data were summarized as follow:1.Heart rate change during exercise stress test after Qigong training was shown more decreasing tendency than before training. Especially, heart rate change after Qigong training during resting periods was decreased significantly than before training.2. Oxygen uptake change during exercise stress test after Qigong training was shown more increasing tendency than before training, And also maximal oxygen uptake after Qigong training was shown more increasing tendency than before 6 weeks.3. Epinephrine level of after Qigong training was more decreased significantly than before training in all-out state. And norepinephrine level of after Qigong training was shown more decreasing tendency than before training in all-out state and after 30 minutes rest time. Above results indicate that Qigong training for 6 weeks could be effective to elevate the cardiopulmonary functions and diminish the stress responses of the physical stress.

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Development of an Auto Stimulus Breaker During the Electric Pulp Testing using Human Responses (전기 치수 검사 시 인체 반응을 이용한 자극 제어기의 개발)

  • 남기창;안선희;이승종;김덕원
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SC
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    • v.41 no.6
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    • pp.43-49
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    • 2004
  • Electric pulp test is a method to examine the vitality of dental pulp using physical and chemical stimulation. During the pulp test, the current stimulates intradental nerve, and it makes patients painful. In this paper, we measured each activating response EMG in anterior belly of digastric muscle, voice, and finger movement during the pulp test by increasing stimulus intensity gradually. We also measured excessive stimulus time from the activating responses (EMG, voice, and finger movement) to the end of the stimulation. We measured and analyzed excessive stimulus time for each stimulus detecting method. As a result, we developed automatic stimulus breaker using the human responses to stimulus during electric pulp test. We reduced the excessive stimulus time by disconnecting the pulp tester stimulus output rapidly in 10 ms after activating human response.

Evaluation of Reliability about Short TAT (Turn-Around Time) of Domestic Automation Equipment (Gamma Pro) (국산 자동화 장비(Gamma Pro)의 결과보고시간 단축에 대한 유용성 평가)

  • Oh, Yun-Jeong;Kim, Ji-Young;Seok, Jae-Dong
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.197-202
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: Recently, many hospitals have been tried to increase the satisfaction of the outpatients through blood-gathering, exam, result notice and process in a day. Each laboratory has been used the automatic equipment for the rapid requests of the result notice and the increase of the reliability and efficiency. Current automatic equipments that have been limited short TAT(Turn-Around Time)because of the restricted batch lists and 1 tip-5 detectors. The Gamma Pro which is made in Korea to improve the shortcomings of existing automation equipment, complemented with capacity to perform a wide range of domestic automation equipment. In this study, we evaluated the usefulness and reliability of short TAT by comparing Gamma Pro with current automatic equipment. Materials and Methods: We studied the correlation between Gamma Pro and RIA-mat 280 using the respective 100 specimens of low or high density to the patients who were requested the thyroid hormone test (Total T3, TSH and Free T4) in Samsung Medical Center Sep. 2009. To evaluate the split-level Gamma Pro, First, we measured accuracy and carry over on the tips. Second, the condition of optimal incubation was measured by the RPM (Revolution Per Minute) and revolution axis diameter on the incubator. For the analysis for the speed of the specimen-processing, TAT was investigated with the results in a certain time. Result: The correlation coefficients (R2) between the Gamma Pro and RIA-mat 280 showed a good correlation as T3 (0.98), TSH (0.99), FT4 (0.92). The coefficient of variation (C.V) and accuracy was 0.38 % and 98.3 % at tip 1 and 0.39 % and 98.6 % at tip 2. Carry over showed 0.80 % and 1.04% at tip 1 and tip 2, respectively. These results indicate that tips had no effect on carry over contamination. At the incubator condition, we found that the optimal condition was 1.0mm of diameter at 600RPM in 1.0mm and 1.5mm of at 500RPM or 1.0mm and 1.5 mm of diameter at 600 RPM. the Gamma Pro showed that the number of exam times were increased as maximum 20 times/day comparing to 6 times/day by current automatic equipment. These results also led to the short TAT from 4.20 hour to 2.19 hours in whole processing. Conclusion: The correlation of between the Gamma Pro and RIA-mat 280 was good and has not carry over contamination in tips. The domestic automation equipment (Gamma Pro) decreases the TAT in whole test comparing to RIA-280. These results demonstrate that Gamma Pro has a good efficiency, reliability and practical usefulness, which may contribute to the excellent skill to process the large scale specimens.

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Research on Changing of Renal Relative Uptake Depending on the Setting of Background ROI in Kidney MAG3 Study of Hydronephrosis Patients (Hydronephrosis 환자의 Kidney MAG3 검사 시 Background ROI 설정에 따른 신장 상대 섭취율 변화에 관한 연구)

  • Noh, Ik Sang;Ahn, Byung Ho;Kim, Soo Yung;Choi, Sung Wook
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.25-30
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    • 2013
  • Purpose: To evaluate kidney function, renal relative uptake is very important and is affected by kidney and the setting of background region of interest (ROI). In particular, in the case of patients with hydronephrosis to the naked eyes, such as size, position and shape etc. can be difficult to identify. So according to ROI to be set by user, the results are many differences. This study assumes the ROI of a constant kidney. According to the change of background ROI by analyzing renal relative uptake affect how the results are intended to study. Materials and Methods: From January 2012 to February 2013, we analyzed 27 patients with hydronephrosis who were examined MAG3 test in nuclear medicine department of Samsung medical center. After patients were received intravenous injection of $^{99m}Tc-MAG3$ 185 MBq (5 mCi) data were obtained. While we reconstructed images of patients, we've changed background ROI in the process of setting up ROI. First, in the process of renal processing, automatic ROI which set automatically and background ROI which needed to set manually were compared. Second, we set the ROI position separated by above, lateral and bottom of kidney. Third, background setting time were compared with 1-2 min and 2-3 min. Results: The relative uptake occurred in 3.7%p of the errors on average in Automatic & Manual ROI study. And comparison of background ROI position study, located in the lower position was more accurate results. Above, lateral, bottom each of the values 74.6%, 67.6% and 62.0% showed respectively. The standard value was 59.9%. finally, split function range test doesn't show significant difference. Conclusion: The study shows that relative uptake of kidney is affected in the background ROI. Therefore, it should be set by considering various dependent factors.

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A Study of The Correlation of The Area Dose with Residual CT Contrast Media and MRI Contrast Media during The Use of General Imaging Automatic Exposure Control System (일반촬영 자동노출제어장치 사용 시 잔존 CT 조영제와 MRI 조영제에 따른 면적선량의 상관성 연구)

  • Hong, Chan-Woo;Park, Jin-Hun;Lee, Jung-Min;Seo, Young-Deuk
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.10 no.8
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    • pp.619-627
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of CT contrast agent and MRI contrast agent on the area dose in the body when using automatic exposure control system in general radiography. After making rectangular holes in the center of the abdominal thickness paraffin phantom, CT contrast agent and MRI contrast agent were respectively diluted with physiological saline solution for contrast medium dilution ratio of 10:0, 9:1, 8:2, 7:3, 6:4, 5:5, 4:6, 3:7, 2:8, 1:9, 0:10%. Each experiment was set to 78 kVp, 320 mA, which is the proper condition for KUB photography, and thereafter a total of 30 inspections were made for each dilution ratio using an automatic exposure control device, and the area dose corresponding to the dilution ratio of each contrast agent, Average comparison and correlation analysis were performed on the exposure index. As a result, the CT contrast agent and the MRI contrast agent appeared different in area dose according to the dilution ratio(p<0.05), and as the dilution ratio increased, the area dose increased for CT contrast agent and MRI contrast agent(P<0.05). In each test, the exposure index showed the manufacturer's recommendation of 200-800 EI value, and the exposure index and area dose increased as the area dose increased(p<0.05). In conclusion, CT contrast agent and MRI contrast agent confirmed to increase the area dose by general imaging test using all automatic exposure control device. Therefore, it is considered that it is necessary to perform it after the contrast medium has been excreted sufficiently when using usual imaging test after using the contrast agent in CT and MRI examination.

Development of Precision Overhead Watering and Boom Irrigation System for Fruit Vegetable Seedlings (과채류 육묘용 정밀 두상관수 시스템 개발)

  • Dong Hyeon Kang;Soon Joong Hong;Dong Eok Kim;Min Jung Park
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.8-14
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    • 2023
  • This study was conducted to develop a precision automatic irrigation system in a nursery by considering the problems and improvements of manual and the conventional automatic irrigation system. The amount of irrigated water between the conventional automatic irrigation system and manual irrigation was 28.7 ± 4.4 g and 14.2 ± 4.3 g, respectively, and the coefficient of variation was less than 30%. However, the coefficient of variation of the conventional automatic irrigation system of 15%, was higher than that of manual irrigation of 30%. The irrigation test using the developed uniform irrigation system attached with the nozzle of a spray angle 80° and most highest uniformity was at height 600 mm. And coefficient of variation of the irrigation uniformity at the center part was within 20%, but irrigation amount of the edge part was lower 50% and over compared to the center part. As a result of a tomato grafting seedling cultivation test using the developed uniform irrigation system, the average plant height of seedling at the edge part was 28 mm but plant height at the center part was higher as 72 mm. Therefore, it was necessary to apply additional irrigation device at the edge part. The irrigation uniformity of the edge concentrated irrigation system was investigated that the irrigation amount of the edge part was irrigated by more than 50% compared with the center part, and coefficient of variation of the irrigation amount at the center part was less than 30%. As a result of a cucumber grafting seedling cultivation test using the edge concentrated irrigation system, the plant height of seedlings in the edge and central part of cultivation bed were 24% and 26%, respectively, so irrigation uniformity was higher then the uniform irrigation system. In order to improve the uniformity of seedlings, it is necessary to adjust the height of boom according to the growth of the seedling by installing a distance sensor in the overhead watering and boom irrigation system.

Detection of Pyrazinamide Resistance in Mycobacterium Tuberculosis by Sequencing of pncA Gene (pncA 유전자의 염기 서열 결정에 의한 결핵균의 Pyrazinamide 내성 진단)

  • Hwang, Jee-Yoon;Kwak, Kyung-Rok;Park, Hye-Kyung;Lee, Ji-Seok;Park, Sam-Seok;Kim, Yun-Seong;Lee, Jung-Yoo;Chang, Chul-Hun;Lee, Min-Ki;Park, Soon-Kew
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.50 no.1
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    • pp.94-105
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    • 2001
  • Background : Examining the biological susceptibility of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to pyrazinamide (PZA) in vitro is very difficult as PZA is inactive under normal culture conditions. The biological susceptibility test, an enzyme assay for Pzase activity, and a genetic test for pncA gene mutations, were performed in order to predict PZA resistance. Methods : 28 cultured clinical isolates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis were tested. The biological susceptibility was performed by the absolute concentration method using Lowenstein-Jensen media. The PZase activity was tested by means of Wayne's method. A 710-bp region includes the entire open reading frame of pncA was amplified and sequenced. Results : All six strains with positive PZase activity exhibited no pncA mutations with one strain showing a false resistance in the biological susceptibility test. Among the 22 strains with no PZase activity, 21 exhibited showed pncA mutations. In the biological susceptibility test, 20 strains were resistant, and one was susceptible, and the other flied to test. The mutation types varied with ten missense, one silent and one nonsense mutation 1 slipped-strand mispairing, and 6 frameshift mutations. Three strains had an adenine to guanine mutation at position -11 upstream of the start codon. Conclusion : The mutation at the pncA promotor region is frequent at -11 upstream position. Automatic sequencing of pncA is a useful tool for rapid and accurate detection of PZA resistant M. tuberculosis, and for demonstrating the epidemiological relatedness of the PZA resistant M. tuberculosis strains.

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