• Title/Summary/Keyword: atomization

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A Study of the Thickness Characteristics of the Liquid Sheet Formed by an Impinging Jet onto a Plate (평판 충돌 제트로 생성되는 액막의 두께 분포 특성 연구)

  • Kim, M.S.;Oh, J.H.;Jeong, H.M.;Kang, B.S.
    • Journal of ILASS-Korea
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.77-83
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    • 2022
  • In this study, the thickness of the liquid sheet formed by a low speed impinging jet onto a flat plate was measured by the direct contact method. The spatial distribution characteristics of the sheet thickness in the radial and circumferential directions, and the effects of jet velocity and liquid viscosity were analyzed. The measurement results were compared with the theoretical predictions. The wavy surface was observed in the case of low viscosity water, but not in the high viscosity aqueous glycerol solutions. The sheet thickness increased as the circumferential angle increased or the distance from the impinging point increased, but the thickness decreased as the circumferential angle increased around the impinging point. As the jet speed increased, the sheet thickness decreased, and the sheet thickness increased as the liquid viscosity increased. Comparison with the theoretical predictions showed that the measurement results agreed well in the case of low viscosity water or high viscosity liquids around the impinging point. The distribution characteristics of the sheet thickness can provide useful means for prediction of spray characteristics in splash plate injectors.

A Study on the Prediction of Transport Properties of Hydrocarbon Aviation Fuels Using the Methane-based TRAPP Method (Methane-based TRAPP method를 이용한 탄화수소 항공유의 전달 물성치 예측 연구)

  • Hwang, Sung-rok;Lee, Hyung Ju
    • Journal of ILASS-Korea
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.66-76
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    • 2022
  • This study presents a prediction methodology of transport properties using the methane-based TRAPP (m-TRAPP) method in a wide range of temperature and pressure conditions including both subcritical and supercritical regions, in order to obtain thermo-physical properties for hydrocarbon aviation fuels and their products resulting from endothermic reactions. The viscosity and thermal conductivity are predicted in the temperature range from 300 to 1000 K and the pressure from 0.1 to 5.0 MPa, which includes all of the liquid, gas, and the supercitical regions of representative hydrocarbon fuels. The predicted values are compared with those data obtained from the NIST database. It was demonstrated that the m-TRAPP method can give reasonable predictions of both viscosity and thermal conductivity in the wide range of temperature and pressure conditions studied in this paper. However, there still exists large discrepancy between the current data and established values by NIST, especially for the liquid phase. Compared to the thermal conductivity predictions, the calculated viscosities are in better agreement with the NIST database. In order to consider a wide range of conditions, it is suggested to select an appropriate method through further comparison with another improved prediction methodologies of transport properties.

Development of a Simulation Model based on CAN Data for Small Electric Vehicle (소형 전기자동차 CAN 데이터 기반의 시뮬레이션 모델 개발)

  • Lee, Hongjin;Cha, Junepyo
    • Journal of ILASS-Korea
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.155-160
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    • 2022
  • Recently, major developed countries have strengthened automobile fuel efficiency regulations and carbon dioxide emission allowance standards to curb climate change caused by global warming worldwide. Accordingly, research and manufacturing on electric vehicles that do not emit pollutants during actual driving on the road are being conducted. Several automobile companies are producing and testing electric vehicles to commercialize them, but it takes a lot of manpower and time to test and evaluate mass-produced electric vehicles with driving mileage of more than 300km on a per-charge. Therefore, in order to reduce this, a simulation model was developed in this study. This study used vehicle information and MCT speed profile of small electric vehicle as basic data. It was developed by applying Simulink, which models the system in a block diagram method using MATLAB software. Based on the vehicle dynamics, the simulation model consisted of major components of electric vehicles such as motor, battery, wheel/tire, brake, and acceleration. Through the development model, the amount of change in battery SOC and the mileage during driving were calculated. For verification, battery SOC data and vehicle speed data were compared and analyzed using CAN communication during the chassis dynamometer test. In addition, the reliability of the simulation model was confirmed through an analysis of the correlation between the result data and the data acquired through CAN communication.

Study on the Characteristics of Piston Friction Losses for Fuel Injected Mass and Oil Temperature in a Gasoline Engine (가솔린 엔진에서 연료 분사량 및 오일 온도에 따른 피스톤 마찰손실 특성 연구)

  • Kang, Jongdae;Cho, Jinwoo;Park, Sungwook
    • Journal of ILASS-Korea
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.161-166
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    • 2022
  • To measure the change in friction loss due to the control of fuel mass and oil temperature in a gasoline engine, the floating liner method was used to measure the friction generated by the piston of a single-cylinder engine. First, to check the effect of combustion pressure on friction, the friction loss was measured by adjusting the fuel mass. It was confirmed that the friction loss increased as the fuel mass increased under the same lubrication conditions. In addition, it was confirmed that the mechanical efficiency decreased as the fuel mass increased. Next, to check the effect of lubrication conditions on friction, the friction loss was measured by controlling the oil temperature. It was confirmed that friction loss increased as the oil temperature decreased at the same fuel mass. As the oil temperature decreases, the viscosity increases, resulting in decreased mechanical efficiency and increased friction loss.

Development of the Real-time Concentration Measurement Method for Evaporating Binary Mixture Droplet using Surface Plasmon Resonance Imaging (표면플라즈몬공명 가시화 장치를 이용한 증발하는 이종혼합물 액적의 실시간 농도 가시화 기법 개발)

  • Jeong, Chan Ho;Lee, Hyung Ju;Choi, Chang Kyoung;Lee, Hyoungsoon;Lee, Seong Hyuk
    • Journal of ILASS-Korea
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.212-218
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    • 2021
  • The present study aims to develop the Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) imaging system facilitating the real-time measurement of the concentration of evaporating binary mixture droplet (BMD). We introduce the theoretical background of the SPR imaging technique and its methodology for concentration measurement. The SPR imaging system established in the present study consists of a LED light source, a polarizer, a lens, and a band pass filter for the collimated light of a 589 nm wavelength, and a CCD camera. Based on the Fresnel multiple-layer reflection theory, SPR imaging can capture the change of refractive index of evaporating BMD. For example, the present study exhibits the visualization process of ethylene glycol (EG)-water (W) BMD and measures real-time concentration change. Since the water component is more volatile than the ethylene glycol component, the refractive index of EG-W BMD varies with its mixture composition during BMD evaporation. We successfully measured the ethylene glycol concentration within the evaporating BMD by using SPR imaging.

Selective Laser Sintering of Co-Cr Alloy Powders and Sintered Products Properties

  • Dong-Wan Lee;Minh-Thuyet Nguyen;Jin-Chun Kim
    • Journal of Powder Materials
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.7-12
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    • 2023
  • Metal-additive manufacturing techniques, such as selective laser sintering (SLS), are increasingly utilized for new biomaterials, such as cobalt-chrome (Co-Cr). In this study, Co-Cr gas-atomized powders are used as charge materials for the SLS process. The aim is to understand the consolidation of Co-Cr alloy powder and characterization of samples sintered using SLS under various conditions. The results clearly suggest that besides the matrix phase, the second phase, which is attributed to pores and oxidation particles, is observed in the sintered specimens. The as-built samples exhibit completely different microstructural features compared with the casting or wrought products reported in the literature. The microstructure reveals melt pools, which represent the characteristics of the scanning direction, in particular, or of the SLS conditions, in general. It also exposes extremely fine grain sizes inside the melt pools, resulting in an enhancement in the hardness of the as-built products. Thus, the hardness values of the samples prepared by SLS under all parameter conditions used in this study are evidently higher than those of the casting products.

A Behavior of the Ultrasonically-atomized Kerosene Lifted-flame According to the Position of Ultrasonic Standing-wave Field (정상초음파장의 위치에 따른 초음파 무화 케로신 부상화염의 거동)

  • Chang Han Bae;Jeong Soo Kim
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2023
  • A study was conducted to scrutinize the behavior of the ultrasonically-atomized kerosene lifted-flame according to the carrier gas flow-rate and position of ultrasonic standing wave (USW). The combustion region of the kerosene-aerosol generated through a slit-jet nozzle was visualized using a DSLR, ICCD, high-speed camera, and Schlieren technique, and the fuel consumption was measured by using a precision balance. As a result, the flame was confined within the region bounded by the USW-field, and the fuel consumption decreased as the position of the USW field increased.

Spray Characteristics According to the Variation of Design Parameters and Gas-liquid Momentum-flux Ratio in a Swirl-coaxial Injector Applied to Small Rocket Engine (소형로켓엔진에 적용된 스월 동축형 인젝터의 형상변수와 기체-액체 운동량 플럭스 비에 따른 분무특성)

  • Hyun Jong Ahn;Yun Hyeong Kang;Jeong Soo Kim
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.27-36
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    • 2023
  • To understand the atomization performance in gas-liquid swirl-coaxial injector applied to a small rocket engine, a cold-flow test was performed by varying the design parameters and supply condition of propellants. As the swirl-chamber diameter and the angle of the convergent section, which are design parameters of injector increased, the spray performance of the injector improved by increasing the swirl strength. In addition, as the gas-liquid momentum-flux ratio increased, the gas flow separated some of the droplets from the liquid film, and a gas-droplet mixture core was formed in the center of the spray sheet.

Analysis Mechanism of Roll Forming Manufacturing Process using HIP (Hot Isostatic Press) Process (HIP(열간 등방압) 공정을 이용한 압연 롤 제조 공정의 해석 메커니즘)

  • W. Kim
    • Transactions of Materials Processing
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.114-121
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    • 2023
  • During rolling, rolling mill rolls endure wear when shaping metal billets into a desired form, such as bars, plates, and shapes. Such wear affects the lifespan of the rolls and product quality. Therefore, in addition to rigidity, wear performance is a key factor influencing the performance of rolling mill rolls. Conventional methods such as casting and forging have been used to manufacture rolling mill rolls. However, powder alloying methods are increasingly being adopted to enhance wear resistance. These powder manufacturing methods include atomization, canning to shape the powder, hot isostatic pressing to combine the powder alloy with conventional metals, and various wear performance tests on rolls prepared with powder alloys. In this study, numerical simulations and experimental tests were used to develop and elucidate the wear analysis mechanism of rolling mill rolls. The wear characteristics of the rolls under various rolling conditions were analyzed. In addition, experimental tests (wear and surface analysis tests) and wear theory (Archard wear model) were used to evaluate wear. These tests were performed on two different materials in various powder states to evaluate the different aspects of wear resistance. In particular, this study identifies the factors influencing the wear behavior of rolling mill rolls and proposes an analytical approach based on the actual production of products. The developed wear analysis mechanism can serve the future development of rolls with high wear resistance using new materials. Moreover, it can be applied in the mechanical and wear performance testing of new products.

Analysis of Cleaning Sponge Ball Recovery Performance According to Vortex Promoter Design Parameters in CTCS for Power Plant (발전소용 CTCS 내 Vortex Promoter 설계 변수에 따른 세척용 스폰지 볼 회수성능 분석)

  • Dawoon Jung;Seungyul Lee;Dongsun Kim;Hyunkyu Suh
    • Journal of ILASS-Korea
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.126-133
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    • 2023
  • This study analyzes the flow characteristics and sponge ball recovery performance in a ball strainer according to vortex promoter design variables through flow-particle analysis based on actual experiments to derive a method for improving the recovery rate of cleaning sponge balls of CTCS applied to existing power plants. Based on the ball strainer in CTCS used in the power plant, the experiment was conducted by changing the design factor of the improved shape. In addition, flow and particle analysis were performed under the same conditions as the experiment to numerically the flow characteristics and recovery rate in the ball strainer according to the design factor of the vortex promoter. As a result of the study, it was confirmed that the recovery performance was improved by about 3% by changing the design height of the Vortex promoter. And when comparing the difference between maximum and minimum recovery rate, it was found that the effect on the recovery performance increased slightly according to the distance condition compared to the vortex promoter design height condition.