• Title/Summary/Keyword: assessment of collection

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Measurement techmology analysis for current ratio characteristic assessment of catenary (전차선로 전류비 특성평가 측정 기술 분석)

  • Oh, Seok-Yong;Park, Young;Cho, Yong-Hyeon;Lee, Ki-Won;Kwon, Sam-Young;Kim, Hyung-Chul;Song, Joon-Tae
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2010.06a
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    • pp.1918-1923
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    • 2010
  • In electic railway, 25kV is applied to AC sections of overhead contact lines and pantographs of Korea Train eXpress(KTX) make contact at speeds of 300km/h. Thus, there is a need to utilize wireless, optic, contact-less sensors to implement condition monitoring systems. This paper is based on describing and analyzing the condition monitoring system implementation technologies for efficient catenary current ratio characteristic assessment. The conclusion of this paper should be widely applied to design, diagnosis, completion of construction, current collection status, fault diagnosis, and selection of contact wires and suspension wires.

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A LCA Case Study on Basic Materials of PC (PC 구성물질에 관한 LCA 사례연구)

  • Lee, Sung-Ho
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.10-17
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    • 2005
  • In this paper, the life cycle assessment(LCA) methodology is applied to Personal Computer's basic materials in order to analyze the impact to the environment. LCA data collection is carried out taking into account on main materials of PC's parts and component. And the impact assessment is the environmental burden on three factor into air emission(CO2, SOx, NOx), five factor into water emission(BOD, COD, SS, N, P), and three factor on transported substance(cl, NH4, SO4). According to the result, the environmental burden of PC's basic materials was proved to be used total energy 6,285Mj and emitted CO2 259.8kg, SOx 3,571g, NOx 330g, COD 1,328g, P 246g, N 2,434g. And this paper was presented the problems of its disposition-incinerating, landfill, and recycling.

Study on assessment of the environmental impacts for track system by Input-Output Analysis (산업연관분석법에 의한 궤도시스템의 환경부하 평가)

  • Kim, Yong-Ki;Lee, Cheul-Kyu;Jeon, Yong-Sam;Jo, Hyun-Jung
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2009.05a
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    • pp.73-76
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    • 2009
  • LCA is nowadays getting popular as a tool to assess the environmental impacts. We can assess the environmental impacts of products and also compare the environmental performance between products with LCA. Furthermore, the LCA results can be used for designing eco-friendly products. But LCA needs an enormous amount of data collection, calculations of energy and material balance. which required to spend pretty much time and cost. However, If we use Input-Output Analysis, There is a lot of advantages that we can save time and cost to calculate and also analyze energy-material balance more comprehensively. Therefore, we implemented the fundamental research of the environmental impact assessment on railway system using life cycle inventory analysis and Input-Output Analysis method.

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전기철도 집전상태 실시간 데이터 획득기술 분석

  • O, Seok-Yong;Park, Yeong;Song, Jun-Tae;Kim, Hyeong-Cheol
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2009.11a
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    • pp.222-222
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    • 2009
  • Currently in electric railways, there are various test standards for catenary systems such as stability assessment standards and maintenance standards for appropriate vehicle operation. In Korea, maintenance vehicles are used to measure height, stagger, and wear of catenaries and various tests are being conducted based on maintenance manuals. In this paper, real-time data aquisition technologies for assessment of electric railway current collection status between catenaries and pantographs that are consistantely being developed from the adoption of electric railways were analyzed based on on-board measurement items.

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A study for innovation of Adult nursing assessment tool (간호정보조사지 개선을 위한 연구)

  • Park, Kyung Sook;Chi, Sung Ai;Chung, Hae Kyung
    • Korean Journal of Adult Nursing
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.77-87
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    • 2000
  • This study tried to suggest the basic materials that can be efficiently applied in clinical cases by understanding problems through a content analysis of an adult nursing assessment tool and opinion agreement about nurse's practical usage presently used in the hospital. The study was carried out in 36 attached hospitals in nationwide universities from May to December, 1999, the two hundred and twenty five reports were for analysis. The contents of the collected nursing assessment tool were analyzed. It was found that the tool had been used with various names and content and there were instances of partial omission of a number of items, such as documentation and time records. Other results revealed that they mostly had a systematic classification of items, formation of details a form of a check list, and the effect of saving time. In spite of the adult nursing assessment tool, it was suggested that its style be subdivided according to the specialized of a department and that standardized style be amended and supplemented. The respondents also answered that there had to be education about continuous and sufficient health assessment skills on the physical examination record. The most frequently suggested items to be added were: past history, marital status, patient and caregiver's address and telephone number. It was found that a patient's education career, economic status, religion, hygienic practice, sexual life and hobby were the most frequently omitted items on record. The reason given wes because the items were associated with his/her privacy. These results highlight the importance of analyzing the content with an complete data collection, supplying basic content for a more accurate nursing record, computerization, sharing information and standardization of the form.

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A Study on Classification of Obesity for Koreans based on the Articles in the Korean Journal of Community Nutrition - Articles Enlisted from 1996 to 2011 - (대한지역사회영양학회지 게재 논문에서의 한국인 비만 판정에 관한 연구 - 1996~2011년 게재 논문 분석 -)

  • Kim, Youngnam
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.525-538
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to provide information on obesity assessment for Koreans. Among total of 1012 research papers enlisted in the Korean J Community Nutrition form 1996 to 2011, 248 articles were examined in which subjects were divided into more than 2 groups by obesity rate. About the method of anthropometric data collection, more than half of the research papers examined 52.5% and 28.7% of studies utilized the directly measured data and self-described data, respectively. About the utilization of obesity assessment methods, indirect methods of weight-height index (BMI, BMI percentile, and R$\ddot{o}$hrer index) and PIBW (WLR, Broca index, and KDA) were 62.4% and 23.2%, respectably, and the direct method of percent body fat assessment was only 9.3%. The most frequently utilized methods were WLR in under primary and primary school children, and BMI in the middle and high school students and in adults. For primary school students, WLR was the most frequently utilized method up to 2007, but it changed to BMI percentile afterward. Broca Index was no longer utilized since 2008. There were no articles utilizing BMI percentile and R$\ddot{o}$hrer index for obesity assessment in adults. Criteria for obesity assessment were not consistent among research papers: for example, % body fat, 19~40%; BMI, 20~30; BMI percentile, 85th or 95th. In the case of PIBW, 120% of ideal weight was the most frequently utilized criterion for obesity. Based on these findings, we suggest that proper methods and criteria of obesity assessment for each age group should be determined and proclaimed.

Suggestion on Screening Concept of Radionuclides to be Considered for the Radiological Safety Assessment of the Domestic KBS-3 Type Geological Disposal Facility of High-level Radioactive Waste(HLW) (국내 KBS-3 방식 고준위방사성폐기물 심층처분시설 방사선학적 안전성 평가 대상 방사성핵종 목록 선정개념(안) 제언)

  • Sukhoon Kim;Donghyun Lee;Dong-Keuk Park
    • Journal of Radiation Industry
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.45-59
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    • 2023
  • The transport calculation for a wide variety of radionuclides contained in high-level radioactive waste, especially spent nuclear fuel, is computationally difficult, and input data collection for this also take a considerable amount of time. Accordingly, considering limited resources, it is possible to reduce the calculation time while minimizing impact on accuracy by including only radionuclides important to calculation result through applying some criteria among potential radiation source terms that may release into environment. In this paper, therefore, we reviewed and analyzed the screening process performed to select radionuclides to be considered in the safety assessment for the KBS-3 type repository in Sweden and Finland. In both countries, it was confirmed that a list of radionuclides was selected by comprehensively considering screening criteria such as radioactivity inventory, half-life, radiotoxicity, risk quotient, and transport properties, and etc. A comparison of radionuclides included in the radiological safety assessment in both countries suggests that most of nuclides are considered in common, and a few nuclides considered only in one country are due to differences in decay chain treatment or spent fuel types. As of now, since most of information on the disposal facility in Korea has not been determined, it is necessary to comprehensively model release and transport of all radionuclides considered in Sweden and Finland when performing the radiological safety assessment. Based on these results, we derived the screening concept of selecting a list of radionuclides to be considered in the radiological safety assessment for the domestic KBS-3 type geological disposal facility, and this result is expected to be used as technical basis for confirming conformity with the safety objective. In a more detailed evaluation reflecting domestic characteristics in the future, it would be desirable to consider only radionuclides selected in accordance with the screening procedure. However, further research should be conducted to determine the quantitative limit for each criteria.

The Concurrent Validity of the Korean Occupational Balance Assessment(OBA) Tool (한국형 작업균형 평가(Occupational Balance Assessment)의 동시타당도 연구)

  • Hong, So-Young;Hong, Deok-Gi
    • The Journal of Korean society of community based occupational therapy
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2020
  • Objective : The purpose of this study was to establish the concurrent validity of the Korean Occupational Balance Assessment(OBA) tool. Methods : This study was conducted on 1016 people from October 1 to October 25, 2019. Data collection was performed using OBA and Occupational Balance Questionnaire11(OBQ11). The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation. Results : There was a significant correlation between the scores of the three areas of OBA and the total score of OBQ11(p<.01). All three areas were analyzed with positive correlations. The time use area (r = .554) and occupation frequency area (r = .574) were found to be correlated. Most of the sub-factors in the occupation characteristics area (importance r = .582, goal achievement r = .633, enjoyment r = .649, health r = .650) were analyzed with high correlation. Conclusion : OBA has proven to be a valid and reliable assessment tool for measuring occupational balance. Further research needs to provide guideline on occupational balance for usefulness in clinical area.

Experiences of the EIA-Society in Practical Application of EIA in Germany (독일 환경영향평가학회의 역할)

  • Wolte, Joris
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.27-32
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    • 1993
  • The German society for promotion of EIA was founded in 1987 with the aim to support the introduction of EIA in Germany. The society with its center in Hamm where there is a plenty collection of literature, studies and further scientific sources does an enormous work in EIA-consulting all over the country. This work practically is done without any governmental support, only by private activities. The EIA society is structured within 9 regional as well as 19 specialized working groups and consisits of about 1,000 members. The unification of Germany in 1989/90 also influenced the development in this field, of course. While in the former Western part of Germany the already existing environmental administrations were able to react on the EIA-law of 1990 with their long time experiences, in the Eastern part the corresponding structures must be built up newly from the beginning. Since 1990 a great number of interested people also from Eastern Germany became numbers of the EIA-Society. By them an additional pool of knowledge and activity was brought into the society. This also applies for methods and means of EIA which were developed in the East during the time ago independently.

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Analysis of Smart City Core Technology Using Quantitative Indicators of Patentes (특허의 정량적 지표를 활용한 스마트시티 주요기술 분석)

  • Kwon, Won Jin;Lee, Jung Hoon;Lee, Nam Jung
    • Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.79-101
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this research is to define detailed technologies of smart city based on excellent patents through patent analysis related to major technologies of smart city, and to use quantitative indicators to classify relatively high technology importance and identify related technologies. To achieve the purpose of the study, patent collection is conducted by reflecting literature research and expert opinions based on information related to the smart city Internet of Things/Internet of Things communication core technology. Also, DEA were used to determine the relatively high technology. The inputs and outputs used in the study used quantitative indicators to determine technical value and made up of impact assessment, performance assessment and value assessment. As a result of the analysis, various technology groups were classified into smart city-related platform technologies, information sharing technologies, and network-related technologies, and based on the results of this research, it is expected that it will be able to apply technology patents related to smart cities to research and development strategies through key detailed technologies by major technologies of Smart City.