• Title/Summary/Keyword: artificial reflective force, sloped terrain

검색결과 1건 처리시간 0.02초

Gyro/Vision Sensor Module을 이용한 주행 로봇의 미끄러짐 및 넘어짐 회피 제어 기법 (Control Method of Mobile Robots for Avoiding Slip and Turnover on Sloped Terrain Using a Gyro/Vision Sensor Module)

  • 이정희;박재병;이범희
    • 제어로봇시스템학회논문지
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    • 제11권8호
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    • pp.669-677
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    • 2005
  • This acticle describes the control method of mobile robots for avoiding slip and turnover on sloped terrain. An inexpensive gyro/vision sensor module is suggested for obtaining the information of terrain at present and future. Using the terrain information and the robot state, the maximum limit velocity of the forward velocity of the robot is defined fur avoiding slip and turnover of the robot. Simultaneously the maximum value of the robot velocity is reflected to an operator in the form of reflective force on a forte feedback joystick. Consequently the operator can recognize the maximum velocity of the robot determined by the terrain information and the robot state. In this point of view, the inconsistency of the robot movement and the user's command caused by the limit velocity of the robot can be compensated by the reflective force. The experimenal results show the effectiveness of the suggested method.