• Title/Summary/Keyword: arm circumference

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Ergonomic studies of arm shapes and sleeve: Classification of arm shapes (상지형태와 의복소매에 관한 인간공학적 연구 (제1보))

  • 함옥상;조경애
    • Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.29-45
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    • 1997
  • This study aims at designing sleeves which are suitable for arm shapes and arm movements. With the samples of of ordinary 24 women aged from 20 to 22, the arm shapes and movements were measured 3-dimensionally using a motion analyzer and a sonic digitizer, and then clasified into three characteristic types (A, B, and C). Our analysis leads to the following conclusion. The factors classifying arm shapes are the length from acromion to posterior armpit point, arm hole length, the cap height, difference in height between anterior and posterior armpit points, armhole circumference, upper arm circumferemce, armhole depth, and underarm circumference. The characteristics of arm type A is that the armhole depth and the length from acromion to posterior armpit point are the largest, while the circumference inbe- tween upper arm and elbow is the smallest among the three arm types. Thus, the large circumference difference between upper and lower arms is the most notable in arm type A. The factors classifying arm shapes for arm type B are the smallest except for the circumference inbetween upper arm and elbow which is larger than that for arm type A. The circumference difference betweemn upper and lower arms is small for arm type B. Arm type C has the smallest armhole depth, while other factors are similar to those for arm type B. In type C, the size of upper arm is comparatively small on the frontal plane, while it is the largest on the sagital plane.

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An Ergonomic Study on Functional Utility of Movement in Sleeves (소매의 동작기능성에 관한 인간공학적 연구)

  • 최해주
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.826-841
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    • 1995
  • This study is concerned with the functional utility of movement in sleeve from an ergonomic viewpoint. Experiments were carried out which include 43 upper extremity segments, 21 motions and 35 female subjects. The major conclusions of the study are. 1. The expansion rate of upper extremity was higher in length than in circumference mesurements. The amounts of expansion were, especially high (more than 60mm) for inner arm length, axillary arm circumference, and outer arm length. Therefore, a lot of ease is necessary for these parts. On the other hand, armhole circumference, forearm circumference, and wrist circumference had low rates of expansion. The sleeve cap length was also contracted in all motions. 2. The expansion rate and the range of expansion and contraction were higher in the upper arm than in the forearm. The main points of expansion were the axillary and elbow parts. The segment of maximum expansi (rate of 44.8%) was Iii of axillary parts. As the body surface expands mainly in some segments, it is desirable to allow ease to the main segments of expansion. 3. In a basic sleeve, necessary ease was lacking in the measurements for outer arm length and axillary arm circumference, while it was too large in armhole circumference, forearm circumference, wrist circumference, and sleeve cap length. Therefore, a basic sleeve is inadequate as a functional sleeve for hard work in point of functional utility of movement. Wider application of these findings would lead to an improvement in the comfort of workers.

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Skinfold Thickness and Arm Circumference of Korean Breast Fed and Formula Fed Infants from 1 to 3 Postpartum Months (모유영양아와 인공영양아의 피하지방 및 상완위의 성장발육 상태-영아의 피하지방 및 상완위 발육상태-)

  • 최경숙;최혜미;구재옥;임경숙;김주혜;김숙배
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.87-95
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    • 1997
  • One- to three-month-old infants (n=232) were compared their upper arm cumference and skinfold thickness(triceps, subscapular) by feeding methods in cross-sectional study. There were two groups : breast-fed(BF) and formula-fed groups(FF). As reported previously, weight, length, head and chest circumferences of these infants were good, and overall growth status was not significantly different by feeding methods, but weight, weight velocity and chest circumference of formula-fed infants were higher than breast-feds at 3month, significantly. Hear, the triceps skinfold thickness of infants at 1, 2, and 3 postpartum months were 7.4, 9.5 and 10.5 mm, respectively. The triceps skinfold thickness of breast-fed infants were higher than formula-feds at 1 and 2 postpartum month, but at 3 month that of formula-fed infants was greater than breast-fed infants, insignificantly. The subscapular skinfold thickness of infants were 6.4, 9.2 and 10.6 mm at 1 to 3 postpartum months, respectively. The upper arm circumference of infants were 11.7, 13.4, 14.3cm, and the arm muscle diameter were 34.5,39.3 and 41.7cm at one to three postpartum months, respectively. The upper arm circumference of male infants was higher than females at 2, 3 postpartum months. Overall, there were no signifiant differences between feeding methods in triceps and subscapular skinfold thickness, upper arm circumference and arm muscle diameter. But 3-month-old formula-fed male infant showed bigger significantly in arm circumference than the breast-feds. From this survey, long-term survey on growth and body composition of large scales might be necessary to determine the effect of feeding methods of infants after 3 months and to set proper body composition standard for infant.

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A Study on the Nutritional Assessment of Early Childhood Using Mid-Upper-Arm Circumference (상박위(上膊圍)에 의(依)한 성장기(成長期) 아동(兒童)에 영양상태(營養狀態)의 판정(判定)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Tchai, B.S.;Nam, Y.K.;Chung, Y.J.
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.9-14
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    • 1975
  • Growth retardation and a variable degree of body disproportion are recognized features of malnutrition, and mild and moderate protein-calorie malnutrition(PCM). Among the various body measurements suggested to assess the prevalence of all grades of PCM as judged by growth retardation and by body disproportion, the 'mid-upper-arm circumference'-abbreviated to 'arm-circumference' has been suggested as a potential useful simple field index for the assessment of PCM showing that the measurement would give composite information simultaneously on three important effects on PCM-deficit in the muscle protein reservoirs, availability of calorie stores in the form of subcutaneous fat, and growth failure. And this is selected because of its easy accessibility, and less involvement with clinical edema. This study is conducted to make a comparison between the percentage of Korean weight for age standards and the percentage of mid-upper-arm circumference for age standards of 175 preschool children aged $3{\sim}72$ months who are selected among the low-income residents in Seoul. In this study, a comparison is made between the results obtained by expressing the observed weight of the child as a percentage of Korean standard, referred to as 'weight-for-age' and the observed arm-circumference expressed as a percentage of the age-specific arm standard of Jelliffe, referred to as 'arm-for-age'. All the measurements were taken following the techniques described by Jelliffe. The left mid upper arm was measured using a glass-fibre tape and the Fairbanks Morse beam balance was used for weighing. 80% level of weight for age Korean standard and 85% level of arm for are Jelliffe standard were used as an upper borderline limit for PCM. Comparing the 80% weight-for-age and the 85% arm-for-age standard as an upper limit for PCM, for children aged $3{\sim}72$ months, results in 84.6% agreement with the sensitivity of 86.4% and its specificity of 83.5%. If arm circumference alone had been measured and judgement made on this basis, then only 5.1% of the children would have been 'wrongly' classified. And there is a moderately close correlation between arm circumference and weight for age as the data in Table 4 shows. The problem therefore lies in the standard for arm circumference in normal children and in determining what is the lower limit of normal. Once this is clearly difined, one can rely more confidently on arm circumference measurements alone for the nutritional assessment of early childhood.

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Measurements of Mid-arm Circumference(MAC) and Mid-arm Circumference/Head Circumference (MAC/HC) Ratio as Indices of Nutritional Status in Newborn Infants (신생아 신체 발육지표로서의 중앙 상완위 및 중앙 상완위와 두위비의 측정)

  • Lee, Jae-Jun;Lee, Kyung-A;Lee, Young-Hwan;Shin, Son-Moon
    • Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.160-166
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    • 1994
  • Mid-arm circumference and mid-arm circumference/head circumference ratio(MAC/HC) were measured in 207 AGA(appropriate for gestational age) infants delivered at 26 to 42 weeks of gestation from January 1990 to December 1993 in Yeungnam University Hospital, Taegu, Korea. There were linear relationships between MACs and MAC/HC ratios and gestational age(MAC : y=0.3181x - 2.2069, r=0.81, p<0.001 ; MAC/HC ratio : y=0.0049x+0.1128, r=0.62, ; < 0.001). Using standard curves of MAC and MAC/HC ratio according to the gestational age, measurement of MAC or MAC/HC ratio can be a noninvasive, simple method to evaluate the intrauterine growth of newborn infants and the nutritional status of growing premature infants.

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Body Surface Changes at Armhole Area for the Pattern of Armhole Line (진동둘레선 설계를 위한 진동체표변화에 관한 연구)

  • 이정란;임원자
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.930-942
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    • 1996
  • This study was done to provide the characteristics of body surface changes at armhole area. Experiments were carried out at upper arm and upper body inchuding 67 items, 74 segments by the stanard posture and arm movements. The subjects were 15 females of twenty aged. The major conclusions of this study are; 1. On the circumference items of upper arm, armhole circumference was decreased by all arm movement, especially high contracted on front armhole line. The most contracted segments of armhole circumference were from the shonlder point to front and back interscye breadth point. Axillary circumference was increased 5 cm to the utmost, so the function of sleeve pattern would be decided by axillary circumference. 2. The lengths of upper arm were decreased near center line, sleeve cap length was contracted 3∼4 cm. Posterior armpit point area was increased both length and breadth. According to the rates of expansion and contraction, the diagram of expansion and contraction of upper arm was suggested. 3. On upper body, back side chest breadth was increased exceedingly and shoulder length was decreased most. It was apparent that surface changes of upper body were greatly larger as far away from center front and center back line. The rates of expansion and contraction of upper body were also represented as a diagram of surface changes.

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Study on Water Distribution and Muscle Circumference of Arm, Leg and Trunk of Between Obese Patient and Normality (비만환자와 정상인의 상.하지 수분분포 및 근육둘레 비교연구)

  • Cha, Yun-Yeop
    • Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.289-293
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    • 2005
  • The aim of this study was to investigate the importance of behavior habit and body exercise. We divided 164 volunteers into 2 groups. 82 volunteers was obese group($BMI{\geqq}25$), and the others was normal group(BMI<25). And we investigated the difference of water distribution and muscle circumference of arm, leg and trunk of between obese patient and normality. The results are as follows; Normal group was significantly higher than obese group in leg water distribution and muscle circumference rate as compared with arm(P<0.001). Normal group was significantly higher than obese group in leg water distribution and muscle circumference rate as compared with trunk(P<0.001). Each of the relation of water distribution and muscle circumference was significantly correlated with Pearson correlation analysis(r = 0.96, r = 0.6). In conclusion, there is very important that Low limb exercise and behavior habit in obese.

Characteristocs of the Somatotypes of Korean Farmer (한국 남녀 농업인의 체형 특성)

  • Baek, Yoon-Jeong;Lee, Kyung-Suk;Hwang, Kyoung-Sook;Kim, Kyung-Ran;Kim, Hyo-Cher
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.431-442
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    • 2008
  • This study was to research the characteristics of the somatotype of Korean farmers. 836 Korean farmers(Male: 361 persons, Female: 475 persons) volunteered for this study. They volunteered from 9 different area such as Kumi, Damyang, Iksan, Injae, Chungju, Choongju, Haman, Whasung, and Whasoon. The reusults were as follows: 1. The subcutaneous body fat thickness were decreased as they aged(p<.05). 2. The thicker the subcutaneous body fat thickness of Korean farmer, the wider the circumference size by the Korean famer's physical parts(p<.05-p<.001). 3. There were no significant differences in the circumference size such as upper arm, chest, bust, waist, umbilical waist, hip, and calf between Korean farmers and Korean standard size. 4. Korean women farmer showed significantly differences in the upper arm circumference(p<.01), the chest circumference(p<.01), the bust circumference(p<.01), the waist circumference(p<.01), the umbilical waist circumference(p<.01), and the calf circumference(p<.05) from Korean women standard by ages. Especially, Korean women farmer had thicker the umbilical waist circumference(the 40's: 103.2mm, the 50's 52.3mm, the 60's 22.3mm, over 70's 22.1mm) than Korean women standard. 5. The 40's women farmer had thicker the upper arm circumference, the chest circumference, the bust circumference, the waist circumference, the umbilical waist circumference, and the calf circumference than Korean women standard. The 70's women farmer had skinner circumferences except the umbilical waist circumference than Korean women standard. 6. Korean farmers showed the crooked back shape, the broad-knee length and also front-bending knee shape as they aged.

Differences of Sleeve Cap Height & Circumference on the Improvement of Arm Mobility for Female Bodice Sloper -Concentration on the Measurement of Range-of-Motion Test Method- (여성복 상의 원형의 기능성 향상을 위한 소매산 및 소매통 변화에 관한 연구 -동작 가동 범위(ROM) 측정을 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Young-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.33 no.8
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    • pp.1181-1189
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    • 2009
  • This research analyzes the relationship between the height of the sleeve cap and the mobility of arm movement. Ten Korean women participated as subjects. For test clothes, the AH/4+3, AH/4+1, and AH/4-1 height of the sleeve cap were varied. The sleeve circumference was adjusted according to the variation of the height of the sleeve cap. To analyze test clothing objectively, the range-of-motion of two selected movements (Arm Adduction/Abduction and Arm Flexion/Extension) was measured by Leighton flexometer and goniometer. Also, a wearer acceptability rating was examined for acceptance by the subject. Anova and Duncan's multiple range tests are used for statistical analysis. According to the results, the mobility of test clothing 2 and 3 improved 14.9% and 27.7% in Arm Adduction/Abduction, and 12.7% and 31.9% in Arm Flexion/Extension compared to the test clothing 1.

Association of Obesity and Mid-Arm Circumferences with Dietary Life of Elderly Residing in Chungcheong Province (충청지역 일부 노인의 비만도 및 상완둘레와 식생활 상태의 관련성)

  • Choi, Mi-Kyeong;Kang, Myunghwa;Kim, Mi-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.374-383
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to compare the dietary status of elderly people according to the degree of obesity and mid-arm circumference in order to provide individualized and efficient nutrition management according to the physical condition of the elderly. Among the total 328 subjects, 72.2% were female, and the mean age and body mass index of the subjects were 76.5 years and $23.4kg/m^2$, respectively. The distribution of obesity degree was 47.9% for the normal group, 23.5% for the overweight group, and 28.7% for the obesity group. The distribution of mid-arm circumference was 18.0% for the under-21 cm group, 37.2% for the 21~22 cm group, and 44.8% for the over-22 cm group. About 82.9% of the subjects were consumed at least three meals a day, and 67.8% of the subjects regularly ate alone. The responses for meal time, regular meal, and meal reduction for 3 months were highest in the 10~20 min. (43.4%), yes (79.3%), and no (58.5%) group, respectively. The responses for eating alone were significantly highest in the overweight group (97.4%), followed by the normal group and obesity group according to the degree of obesity (P<0.05). There were no significant differences in preference for five flavors according to the degree of obesity and mid-arm circumference. Among the dietary habits, 31.1% of all subjects ate milk and dairy products more than once a day, and the response for eating vegetables and fruits more than three times a day was highest in the over-22 cm group (61.9%) while the drinking rate was highest in the under-21 cm group (27.1%; P<0.05). In conclusion, the degree of obesity was related to eating ability, and mid-arm the circumference was related with fruit and vegetable consumption and drinking rate.