• Title/Summary/Keyword: area of interest

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A Study on the Visual Satisfaction of a Panel-type Facade Planting (패널형 입면녹화의 시각적 만족도에 관한 연구)

  • Han, Seung-Ho;Kim, Sun-Hae;Song, Kyu-Seong
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.53-59
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    • 2008
  • As cities become more industrial and modern, they become overcrowded and the construction zones increase accordingly. In particular, the demand for panel-type planting methods has gradually increased due to early planting and easy installation. However, studies on panel-type planting have strictly concentrated on the vegetation sub system or irrigation system without any interest in landscape-centered system. Factors of preference will be made through landscape evaluation on the panel-type facade planting. A questionnaire survey was conducted in a location where panel-type facade planting was available. In terms of responses to the facade planting, 'natural (3.80)' was the highest, followed by 'friendly (3.70),' 'comfortable (3.65),' 'beautiful (3.65),' and 'peaceful (3.50).' On the contrary, negative responses such as 'too quiet,' 'simple,' 'heavy,' 'gloomy,' 'dark,' and 'dirty' were also received. It is thought that these responses refer to the poor management of the area. The results of this study will be useful as basic data for the development and distribution of panel-type facade planting.

Levying Garage Option on Car Buyers (Jejusi Case Studies and the Way to Success) (제주시 차고지증명제 사례소개와 성공을 위한 방안 연구)

  • Hwang, Gyeong-Su
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.91-100
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study is to introduce the Levying Garage Option on Car Buyers which has become operative firstly in Korea, and to suggest the way to activate the system, hearing the view of Jeju residents with positive and negative function of parking. Levying Garage Option on Car Buyer is the system to apply a law for establishing garages to all of vehicles. Especially this is proposed to correct the disorder of Local street night parking, to improve the fine view of street, and to recover the original function of street to residents. To make this system successful there should be separate solutions at the densely built up area as a result of survey. This study conduct the Logistic Regression Analysis for and against the system. If the more residents approve the system, we should concern about the several solutions such as easing the distance between the garage and street, regulating, and special plan for an apartment house, etc. The suggestions are as follows. First, the policy needs to ease the distance between the garage and street gradually. Second, the Jeju government need to offer the residents the incentive such as reduce or exempt the tax and make them establish the private parking lot with supplying the low interest loan. Third, there should be connected with the project to break up the fences of their houses.

Korean Broadcasting Laws under the WTO Service Negotiation (WTO 서비스 협상과 국내 방송규제: 정책적 대응 및 규제정비의 필요성)

  • Song, Kyoung-Hee
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.22
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    • pp.77-106
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    • 2003
  • As globalization of communication is going on and as the media have become increasingly central to the world economy, media policy matters have become the province of world economic organizations like the IMF and the WTO. The WTO service negotiation is focused primarily on the discriminatory and quantitative barriers associated with the trade of audiovisual services. Domestic measures such as subsidization, content regulation including quotas, and licensing requirements and restrictions on foreign ownership and control are at issues here. These measures have been successfully implemented by countries wishing to withstand competition from the American audiovisual industry. The debate about trade in audiovisual services is permeated by the unstated assumption that these programs are pure commodities whose production, distribution, exhibition and in turn, values are solely determined by the market forces. It is therefore presumed that liberalization of trade in audiovisual services will benefit all, serving cultural pluralism and diversity as well as economic efficiency. However, this assumption is not shared by developing countries, the recipients of U.S. television material. They argue audiovisual sector requires a social and cultural approach, since it plays a key role in the preservation of people's identity and social bonds. They claim that it is the each state's right to define its media policy and to implement it through the means it considers fit. These clashing views over the nature of the audiovisual material and the ways in which protect cultural pluralism and diversity do not confine to be the realm of theoretical debate. Each state's interest and motivation to protect its local industry and to have a competitive advantage in the international market is working in this battle. Consolidation with the countries like Australia, Canada, and EU nations, in favour of cultural exemption, seems to be the best policy for us. However, we are not entirely free from the WTO pressures, considering relation to the U. S. This study analyzes Korean Broadcasting Law compared with those of other OECD countries and tries to propose some strategical guidelines facing WTO service negotiation in the area of broadcasting.

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Evaluation of Corporate Distress Prediction Power using the Discriminant Analysis: The Case of First-Class Hotels in Seoul (판별분석에 의한 기업부실예측력 평가: 서울지역 특1급 호텔 사례 분석)

  • Kim, Si-Joong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.10
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    • pp.520-526
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    • 2016
  • This study aims to develop a distress prediction model, in order to evaluate the distress prediction power for first-class hotels and to calculate the average financial ratio in the Seoul area by using the financial ratios of hotels in 2015. The sample data was collected from 19 first-class hotels in Seoul and the financial ratios extracted from 14 of these 19 hotels. The results show firstly that the seven financial ratios, viz. the current ratio, total borrowings and bonds payable to total assets, interest coverage ratio to operating income, operating income to sales, net income to stockholders' equity, ratio of cash flows from operating activities to sales and total assets turnover, enable the top-level corporations to be discriminated from the failed corporations and, secondly, by using these seven financial ratios, a discriminant function which classifies the corporations into top-level and failed ones is estimated by linear multiple discriminant analysis. The accuracy of prediction of this discriminant capability turned out to be 87.9%. The accuracy of the estimates obtained by discriminant analysis indicates that the distress prediction model's distress prediction power is 78.95%. According to the analysis results, hotel management groups which administrate low level corporations need to focus on the classification of these seven financial ratios. Furthermore, hotel corporations have very different financial structures and failure prediction indicators from other industries. In accordance with this finding, for the development of credit evaluation systems for such hotel corporations, there is a need for systems to be developed that reflect hotel corporations' financial features.

A Study on the Influence of Elderly Household Characteristics on Housing Consumption according to Public Pension Receipt (중·고령자 가구의 소득의 특성이 주택소비규모에 미치는 영향: 공적연금수령유무를 중심으로)

  • Jung, Sang Joon;Lee, Chang Moo;Shin, Hye Young
    • Korea Real Estate Review
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.105-114
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    • 2018
  • According to Statistics Korea, South Korea has entered the realm of the "aging society" with the rapid development of the country's population. Researchers anticipate that the extremely high (73%) ratio of real estate property to total assets for mid-age to aged households in South Korea that do not have a fixed income may cause serious problems in the future. For example, the real estate market in South Korea may be bombarded with properties listed for sale, causing the average property price to drop due to the abundant supply. Although this prediction may be reasonable, this concept has excluded the idea of pension (which is crucial as it can be considered a consistent and fixed income) due to the limited amount of available data thereon; as such, it is important to include this factor to improve the pertinent research. Thus, this research was conducted using the data from the $3^{rd}$ and $5^{th}$ Korea Retirement and Income Study. For the study results, it was found that variables such as net asset, gender, education, and number of family members have the same impact as that found in the previous studies. To extend from here, two new factors were introduced: the existence of pensions and the amount of pension received by a household. From there, it was found that the existence of a consistent and fixed income such as a pension has led to an increase in housing consumption, the area of interest of the authors.

The Needs for a Start-up and Business Approach to Makerspace; Why Should we Develop Makerspace through Management Techniques? (메이커스페이스(Makerspaces)에 대한 창업·경영학적 접근의 필요성)

  • Seo, Jin Won;Choi, Jong-In
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.111-127
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    • 2019
  • The "fourth industrial revolution" is changing society as a whole. Public innovation is needed to enhance national competitiveness. Amid these times' demands, the "maker movement," a new form of DIY movement that has revived since 2000, is regarded as a "popular innovation activity" that can respond to changing needs. In particular, "Makerspace," a significant activity area for the maker's movement, is drawing attention as a place where "Maker" shares each other's knowledge and resources, and share results. Makerspace has recently expanded its functions into a 'public innovation platform' or (preparation) start-up preparation space for start-ups. South Korea has also supported various types of "Makerspace" since 2010 as a policy for fostering an innovation base. The Ministry of Small and Medium Venture Business has been pushing for expansion of Makerspace since 2018 and is providing support by dividing it into "general rap" and "professional wrap" and "zero to Maker" spaces for novice makers in the beginning and necessary stages of makers, while "professional rap" is divided into "Maker to Maker" spaces for professionals. This study is about Makerspace, space where makers are active among the topics related to manufacturers. Thus, in this study, significant domestic and international studies related to Makerspace have been investigated so far, and trends in related studies have analyzed. Based on this, the research needs and specifics of Makerspace, which has recently expanded its role and functions. In particular, the Commission intends to present the need for research on Makerspace and specific areas of study from a start-up management perspective to promote qualitative growth of Makerspace, which is changing into a popular innovation platform in the era of the fourth industry, and inducing a start-up management interest in new manufacturing industry types.

Implementation of a citizen-driven smart city living lab community platform to improve pedestrian environment of school zone (스쿨존 보행환경 개선을 위한 시민참여형 스마트시티 리빙랩 커뮤니티 플랫폼 구현)

  • Jang, Sun-Young;Kim, Dusik
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.415-423
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    • 2021
  • Citizen participation and Living Lab are attracting interest as one of the major strategies for the success of smart cities. In a Living Lab, citizens, who are the end-users of technology, participate in the search for alternatives to define and solve problems and repeat experiments to verify alternatives in a circular process. The purpose of this research was to present an operating model of a citizen-participating online community platform to improve urban problems, implement and test it, and show its applicability. To this end, an operation model of a citizen-participating online community platform was proposed to improve urban problems. An online platform was designed and implemented to reflect the functions pursued by the operation model. Finally, a pilot test for the function was performed using the Oma Elementary School case located in Ilsan, Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do. The operating model was designed with the city's pedestrian environment and children. As a result, the sharing and communicating process of urban issues among community members worked appropriately according to the designed intention. The Living Lab coordinator could visualize and view urban issues posted by users on a map based on location information. Visualizing the urban problem as a heat map confirmed that urban problems were concentrated in a specific area.

An Analysis on the Effect of Japanese Monetary Policy in 21C (21c 일본 통화정책 효과에 대한 분석)

  • Yoon, Hyung-Mo
    • International Area Studies Review
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.105-125
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    • 2016
  • The expansionary monetary policy was practiced after 2001 in Japan to treat the deflation spiral, and reduced only the nominal interest rates and domestic household demand. One of the most serious factors for this failure was the change of private sector's expectancy. This paper has studied the effect of Japanese monetary policy in 21c., with empirical research based on a renewed macroeconomic model and the VAR. The empirical analysis shows that the effect of monetary policy on the national income during 2001.01-2015.03 is weaker than that of 1985.01-1994.04. Money volume has a diminutive effect on the growth of GDP within a short term after 2001. The change in the expectations of the private sectors might have been the cause of ineffectiveness of the expansive monetary policy. Economic agents learned from the past Japanese financial crisis that an expansive monetary policy increased the inflation rate and caused the 'bubbles to burst' afterwards. The VAR analysis says that the effectiveness of monetary policy on the economic depression declined over the past 20 years and the expansion of money volume has no influence on exchange rate and net export. This means that the expansive monetary policy lost its effect on net export and national income steadily. Monetary policy makers have to recognize this fact, and to consider another anti-cycle political instrument, i.e. the fiscal policy with government debt.

Study on Improvement of Signal to Background Ratio of Laser-based Fluorescence Imaging System (레이저 기반 형광 영상 시스템의 Signal to Background Ratio 향상 연구)

  • Kim, J.H.;Jeong, M.Y.
    • Journal of the Microelectronics and Packaging Society
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.107-111
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    • 2020
  • Recently, as an aging society progresses, a lot of interest in health and diagnosis is increasing, As the field of various bio-imaging systems for guided surgery capable of accurate diagnosis has emerged as important, a Fluorescence imaging system capable of accurate measurement and real-time confirmation has emerged as an important field. Fluorescence images currently being used are mainly in the NIR-I band, but many studies are in progress in the NIR-II band in order to improve resolution and confirm fluorescence deeply and accurately. In this paper, the difference between NIR-I and NIR-II, optical characteristics, and SBR (signal to background ration) of a fluorescent imaging system, was investigated using the finite element (FEM) method. After confirming, it was confirmed that the SBR was 16.2 times higher in the NIR-II area than in the NIR-I by making the skin phantom and measuring the fluorescence. It is confirmed that the enhancement in SBR of the Fluorescence imaging system is more effective in the NIR-II region than in the NIR-I region and expected to be used in application fields such as guided surgery, bio-sensor and also device which can detect the defect of optical devices.

An Analysis of Iran's Maritime Strategy from a Structural Perspective on Middle East International Relations: Focusing on Defensive Realism (중동 국제관계에 대한 구조적 관점에서의 이란 해양전략에 대한 분석: 방어적 현실주의 관점을 중심으로)

  • Oh, Dongkeon
    • Maritime Security
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.93-117
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    • 2020
  • Four cargo ships were ambushed by bombs in 2019 while navigating in the Strait of Hormuz. It was not clear who attacked those ships, however, many nations including the United States argued that it was Iran due to several reasons. The United States established the maritime collective defense system named International Maritime Security Construct (IMSC) in order to protect the maritime security in the Strait of Hormuz, without disclosure against whom it is aimed. Persian, who uses the Persian language unlike other countries in the Middle East, is the major ethnic group in Iran, and most of them believe Shi'ah Islam while most of the Arabs in the Gulf countries adhere to Sunni Islam. It seems that historic and religious motives caused the bipolar system in the Middle East, however, it is plausible to analyze the system of international affairs in the Middle East via defensive or structural realism. Iran has attempted to maintain its hegemony in the region by supporting Shi'ah muslims in the neighboring countries as well as in the world by using military and economic means. In this context, Iran's maritime strategy is to maintain its maritime hegemony on the Persian Gulf via countering threats and cooperating with friendly navies by using the Islamic Republic of Iran Navy(IRIN) and the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy(IRGCN). IRIN acts like other navies in the world: protecting national interest at sea, expending its operational areas to the outer seas, and enhancing cooperation with other navies. Meanwhile, IRGCN plays a role as an asymmetric force at sea. It is composed of small and fast asymmetric assets, which can ambush ships fast and furious. Considering the poor study for Iran's maritime strategy in Korea, analyzing the strategy is meaningful for the Republic of Korea Navy, which has operated the Cheonghae Unit for more than ten years since it has extended its operational area over the Strait of Hormuz. In order not to be drawn into the conflict in the Strait, research on the maritime strategy of Iran and other countries in the Middle East should be started.

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