• Title/Summary/Keyword: arbitrary 10-mer primer

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cDNAs encoding the antigenic proteins in pathogenic strain of Entamoeba histolytica (이질아메바 병원성 분리주에서 발현되는 항원 단백질을 coding하는 cDNA)

  • 임경일;최종태
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.203-210
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    • 1997
  • The difrrrenlial display reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (DDRT-PCR) aniilysis roils performed to identify the pathogellir strain specific amplicons. mRNAs were purified from the trophozoites of the pathogenif strain YS-27 and the non-pathogenic strain S 16. respectively. Three kinds of rirsl stranded rDNAs were reverse transcribed from the mRNAs by one base anchored oligo-dT 11M (M: A. C, or G) primers. Each cDNA lemplatr was used for DDRT-PCK analysis. A total of 144 pathogenic strain specific amplicons was observed in DDRT-PCR analysis using primer combinations of the 11 arbitrary primers and the 3 one base anchored oli해-dT11M primers. Of these 31 amplit'tons were verified as the amplirons amplified only from the mRNAs of the pathogenic strain by DNA slots biol llybridizatioil. Furthel cklaracleization of the 31 pathogenic strain sprcifil amplicons by DNA slot blot hybridlnation analysis using biotin labeled Probes or the PCR amplified DNA of rysteine proteinase genes revealed that 21 of them were amplliried from the maNAs of the cysteine proteinase genes. Four randomly selected amplirons out of the rest 10 amplirons were used fur screening of cDNA library followed by immunoscreening and all of them were turned outs to be amplified from the mRNA.

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Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA Analysis of Listeria Species Isolated from Foods in Korea (국내 식품으로부터 분리한 Listeria Species의 RAPD 분석)

  • 최영춘;박부길;이택수;오덕환
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.606-614
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    • 2000
  • This study was carried out for comparing Listeria strains developing genetic markers for Listeroa strains using Listeria sp. genetic markers using Randomly Amlymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis method. Five of RAPD promers (OPA-01, OP-26-01, OP-26-02, OPB-01, OP-26-10) showed the distinctive polymorphism among Kisteria sp. isolated from domestic foods. RAPD-PCR with five arbitrary primers produced 76 DNA polymorphism. Among them, OPA-01 and OP-26-01 primers produced about 1.5kb and 0.7 kb amplified DNA fragments for all the Listeric relationships of Listeria sp. using NTSYS program were grouped into 7 clusters and showed 0.54 to 0.93 similarity among strains. Especially, No. 3 and No. 20 isolates showed the genetically most similar relationship by 0.94, and No. 7 and No. 24, or No. 7 and N0. 45 isolates showed the least similarty by 0.54 From these results, RAPD analysis method deemed to be successfully applied the classification and genetic analysis for Listeria sp. isolates.

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Genetic Variation of the Wild Strains of Lentinula edodes in Three Mountains of Korea (계방산, 오대산 및 지리산 야생 표고균주의 유전적 변이)

  • Kim, Dool-Yi;Bak, Won-Chull
    • The Korean Journal of Mycology
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.99-103
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    • 2001
  • Genetic variation of the wild strains of Lentinula edodes[(Berk.)Pegler] in three regions of Korea was investigated by analyzing random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. A total of 32 strains of L. edodes were collected from Mt. Kyebang (10 strains), Mt. Odae (11), and Mt. Jiri (11), respectively. The genomic DNA was amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using an arbitrary 10-mer primer. A total of 170 amplified fragments were observed, of which 161 fragments were polymorphic. The results of cluster analysis, performed on the basis of the presence or absence of amplified fragments of the same size, revealed that strains collected from both Mt. Kyebang and Mt. Odae in a single group. AMOVA analysis revealed that genetic variations between sites amounted to 12.5%, while 87.1% of total variations was explained by variations among strains within sites. Relatively high genetic relationships among the strains of Mt. Kyebang and Mt. Odae, which were high variance within populations. Whereas, all the strains of Mt. Jiri, which were low variance among populations from both Mt. Kyebang and Mt. Odae, which resulted in genetic isolation of the strains in Mt. Jiri.

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Genetic Relationships among the Poplars of Section Leuce (Genus Populus) revealed by RAPD Marker Analysis (RAPD 표식자(標識者) 분석(分析)에 의한 사시나무속(屬) Leuce절(節) 포플러의 유연관계(類緣關係))

  • Hong, Kyung-Nak;Hyun, Jung Oh;Hong, Yong Pyo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.87 no.2
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    • pp.153-163
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    • 1998
  • Genetic relationships of some poplars in the section Leuce, including 5 species and 11 clones of Populus alba${\times}$glandulosa, were investigated on the basis of RAPD marker analysis. Twenty-two of the 88 arbitrary 10-mer primers, showed reproducible amplification in the preliminary experiment with 6 samples, were used for PCR and generated a total of 181 RAPD markers. Genetic relationships among the analyzed samples were tested by two phenetic methods of the UPGMA and the neighbor-joining, which revealed the close genetic relationship between P. glandulosa and P. alba. And the close genetic relationship between P. glandulosa and P. davidiana was ascertained by the principal component analysis. Based on the observation of the close genetic relationship between them, it was deduced that P. glandulosa might be originated by the saltational speciation caused by the hybridization between P. alba and P. davidiana in nature.

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