• 제목/요약/키워드: aperture shape

검색결과 115건 처리시간 0.021초

A Study for the Limitation of Measurement Accuracy and Reliability of Autostigmatic Null lens System by Adjustment and Fixing Process (조정방식과 경통고정방식에 대한 자동무수차점 널 렌즈 광학계의 측정 정밀도 한계 및 신뢰도)

  • Lee, Young-Hun;Rim, Cheon-Seog
    • Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics
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    • 제16권5호
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    • pp.440-445
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    • 2005
  • The limitation of measurement accuracy and reliability of autostigmatic null lens system are studied for the cases of using inter-distance of null lenses as the adjustment factor of alignment and fixing the distance by mounting. If we investigate the first case, the wavefront aberration of null lens system is compensated by the adjustment process even though the shape of aspherical surface is not properly fabricated. As the result, it brings about the problem of measurement reliability. However, for the fixing process by mounting null lenses, it doesn't cause the reliability problem because the wavefront aberration of null lens system is not compensated. Further, the fixing process shows nearly same result in measurement accuracy to the adjustment process, that is, $0.0316{\lambda}$ vs. $0.0326{\lambda}$. So, we can conclude the setup for autostigmatic null lens system must be constituted by means of the fixing process. Meanwhile, we introduce and define the alignment aperture on aspheircal mirror, which can be approximated as spherical zone for alignment of null lens system, and besides, we calculate the required fabrication accuracy of the zone for the necessary measurement accuracy.

A Study on the Improvement of Wavefront Sensing Accuracy for Shack-Hartmann Sensors (Shack-Hartmann 센서를 이용한 파면측정의 정확도 향상에 관한 연구)

  • Roh, Kyung-Wan;Uhm, Tae-Kyoung;Kim, Ji-Yeon;Park, Sang-Hoon;Youn, Sung-Kie;Lee, Jun-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics
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    • 제17권5호
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    • pp.383-390
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    • 2006
  • The SharkHartmann wavefront sensors are the most popular devices to measure wavefront in the field of adaptive optics. The Shack-Hartmann sensors measure the centroids of spot irradiance distribution formed by each corresponding micro-lens. The centroids are linearly proportional to the local mean slopes of the wavefront defined within the corresponding sub-aperture. The wavefront is then reconstructed from the evaluated local mean slopes. The uncertainty of the Shack-Hartmann sensor is caused by various factors including the detector noise, the limited size of the detector, the magnitude and profile of spot irradiance distribution, etc. This paper investigates the noise propagation in two major centroid evaluation algorithms through computer simulation; 1st order moments of the irradiance algorithms i.e. center of gravity algorithm, and correlation algorithm. First, the center of gravity algorithm is shown to have relatively large dependence on the magnitudes of noises and the shape & size of irradiance sidelobes, whose effects are also shown to be minimized by optimal thresholding. Second, the correlation algorithm is shown to be robust over those effects, while its measurement accuracy is vulnerable to the size variation of the reference spot. The investigation is finally confirmed by experimental measurements of defocus wavefront aberrations using a Shack-Hartmann sensor using those two algorithms.

A Study on the RCS Analysis and Reduction Method of Unmanned Surface Vehicles (무인수상정의 RCS 해석 및 감소 방법에 대한 연구)

  • Han, Min-Seok;Ryu, Jae-Kwan;Hong, Soon-Kook
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • 제12권4호
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    • pp.425-433
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    • 2019
  • In this paper, the RCS analysis of the 10m unmanned surface vehicles was performed, and the factors of RCS increase were analyzed. Modeling techniques by transforming a geometric shape can reduce the RCS area, which can be used to develop stealth unmanned surface vehicles. In order to reduce the RCS, the existing Top Mast part was moved 1m to the tail part, the 5 degree tilt angle was moved below 0.5 m, and additional guided walls were installed to minimize the influence on the center and surrounding corner reflecting structures. As a result of comparing and analyzing the RCS analysis value with the existing model, it can be seen that the reduced countermeasure model is -3.79 dB lower than the existing model for all elevations. In particular, it can be seen that the strong scattering phenomenon is substantially removed in the region except the sacrificial angle region. In addition, it can be seen that in the case of -5m to 2m where the guide wall is added, the reflected signal is improved up to 20 to 40 dB or more, so that it does not appear on the 2D ISAR image. RCS analysis of unmanned surface vehicles explained the process of analyzing and identifying problem location through distance profile analysis and ISAR image analysis.

Phylogeny and Conservation of the Genus Bupleurum in Northeast Asia with Special Reference to B. latissimum, Endemic to Ulleung Island in Korea (울릉도 고유종인 섬시호를 중심으로 동북아시아 시호속 식물의 계통과 보전생물학)

  • Ahn, Jin-Kab;Lee, Hee-Cheon;Kim, Chul-Hwan;Lim, Dong-Ok;Sun, Byooog-Yoon
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • 제22권1호
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    • pp.18-34
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    • 2008
  • Based on external morphology, each of five species can be classified into three groups: 1) B. falcatum group (B. falcatum, B. scorzonerifolium), 2) B. euphorbioides group (B. euphorbioides) and 3) B. longiradiatum group (B. longiradiatum, B. latissimum). B. falcatum group has cauline leaves linear or lanceolate in shape and attenuate at base and not surrounding the stem. In contrast, B. longiradiatum group and B. euphorbioides group have cauline leaves ovate, lanceolate or panduriform in shape and auriculate or cordate at base and completely surrounding the stem. The inflorescence is basically compound umbels terminated at the apex of stem. But B. euphorbioides group is small in size and pedicels are rather short and the number of the pedicel is ca. 20. On the other hand, B. longiradiatum and B. falcatum groups are large in size and their pedicels are long and the number of the pedicel is around 10. The pore of pollen aperture of B. longiradiatum and B. latissimum is partially projected or not while those of B. falcatum group and B. euphorbioides is usually remarkably projected. The number of somatic chromosomes was counted as 2n=20 in B. falcatum, 2n=12 in B. scorzonerifolium and B. longiradiatum, and 2n=16 in B. euphorbioides and B. latissimum. Although chromosome numbers of B. euphorbioides and B. latissimum are the same, the two species are not likely to relate because the karyotypes of the two species are different from each other. Based on these observations, it can be concluded that B. latissimum is most closely related to B. longiradiatum. However, molecular data indicated that the species is probably related to B. bicaule distributed in central Siberia. In terms of conservation of B. latissimum, overexploitation by human and grazing by goat are most threatened factors.


    • Journal of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • 제29권spc1호
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    • pp.63-64
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    • 1996
  • The nature of distant faint blue field galaxies remains a mystery, despite the fact that much attention has been devoted to this subject in the last decade. Galaxy counts, particularly those in the optical and near ultraviolet bandpasses, have been demonstrated to be well in excess of those expected in the 'no-evolution' scenario. This has usually been taken to imply that galaxies were brighter in the past, presumably due to a higher rate of star formation. More recently, redshift surveys of galaxies as faint as B$\~$24 have shown that the mean redshift of faint blue galaxies is lower than that predicted by standard evolutionary models (de-signed to fit the galaxy counts). The galaxy number count data and redshift data suggest that evolutionary effects are most prominent at the faint end of the galaxy luminosity function. While these data constrain the form of evolution of the overall luminosity function, they do not constrain evolution in individual galaxies. We are carrying out a series of observations as part of a long-term program aimed at a better understanding of the nature and amount of luminosity evolution in individual galaxies. Our study uses the luminosity-linewidth relation (Tully-Fisher relation) for disk galaxies as a tool to study luminosity evolution. Several studies of a related nature are being carried out by other groups. A specific experiment to test a 'no-evolution' hypothesis is presented here. We have used the AUTOFIB multifibre spectro-graph on the 4-metre Anglo-Australian Telescope (AAT) and the Rutgers Fabry-Perot imager on the Cerro Tolalo lnteramerican Observatory (CTIO) 4-metre tele-scope to measure the internal kinematics of a representative sample of faint blue field galaxies in the red-shift range z = 0.15-0.4. The emission line profiles of [OII] and [OIII] in a typical sample galaxy are significantly broader than the instrumental resolution (100-120 km $s^{-l}$), and it is possible to make a reliable de-termination of the linewidth. Detailed and realistic simulations based on the properties of nearby, low-luminosity spirals are used to convert the measured linewidth into an estimate of the characteristic rotation speed, making statistical corrections for the effects of inclination, non-uniform distribution of ionized gas, rotation curve shape, finite fibre aperture, etc.. The (corrected) mean characteristic rotation speed for our distant galaxy sample is compared to the mean rotation speed of local galaxies of comparable blue luminosity and colour. The typical galaxy in our distant sample has a B-band luminosity of about 0.25 L$\ast$ and a colour that corresponds to the Sb-Sd/Im range of Hub-ble types. Details of the AUTOFIB fibre spectroscopic study are described by Rix et al. (1996). Follow-up deep near infrared imaging with the 10-metre Keck tele-scope+ NIRC combination and high angular resolution imaging with the Hubble Space Telescope's WFPC2 are being used to determine the structural and orientation parameters of galaxies on an individual basis. This information is being combined with the spatially resolved CTIO Fabry-Perot data to study the internal kinematics of distant galaxies (Ing et al. 1996). The two main questions addressed by these (preliminary studies) are: 1. Do galaxies of a given luminosity and colour have the same characteristic rotation speed in the distant and local Universe? The distant galaxies in our AUTOFIB sample have a mean characteristic rotation speed of $\~$70 km $s^{-l}$ after correction for measurement bias (Fig. 1); this is inconsistent with the characteristic rotation speed of local galaxies of comparable photometric proper-ties (105 km $s^{-l}$) at the > $99\%$ significance level (Fig. 2). A straightforward explanation for this discrepancy is that faint blue galaxies were about 1-1.5 mag brighter (in the B band) at z $\~$ 0.25 than their present-day counterparts. 2. What is the nature of the internal kinematics of faint field galaxies? The linewidths of these faint galaxies appear to be dominated by the global disk rotation. The larger galaxies in our sample are about 2"-.5" in diameter so one can get direct insight into the nature of their internal velocity field from the $\~$ I" seeing CTIO Fabry-Perot data. A montage of Fabry-Perot data is shown in Fig. 3. The linewidths are too large (by. $5\sigma$) to be caused by turbulence in giant HII regions.

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