• Title/Summary/Keyword: anthropometric assessment

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The Analysis of Geriatric Nutritional Risk Index (GNRI) for Nutritional Assessment and Health Care in Elderly Women (여자노인의 영양상태 평가 및 건강관리를 위한 Nutritional Risk Index (NRI) 비교 분석)

  • Yang, Eun-Ju
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.234-245
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    • 2009
  • Nutritional assessment for the elderly can identify health status and morbidity. However, development of Nutritional Risk Index (NRI) remains limited for elderly because of difficulties in understanding physiological mechanism of elderly. This study was performed to analyze and develop Nutritional Risk Index for Korean elderly Women (Geriatric Nutritional Risk Index, GNRI). Based on literature review, factors for NRI were identified and indices were assessed by a cross-sectional survey. The survey involved Korean elderly women (${\geq}$60, n = 94) in Gwangju area, and sociodemographics, lifestyle characteristics, health conditions, dietary intakes based on 24h- recall, anthropometric measures (wt, ht, BMI, waist, hip, WHR, body protein, body fat, abdominal fat, and triceps skinfold thickness), and clinical biochemistry parameters (systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, triglyceride, total protein, albumin, prealbumin, hemoglobin, hematocrit, fasting blood glucose, HbAlc, ferritin, Zn, Ca, Na, K, Vit E, Vit $B_{12}$, folate, C-reactive protein) were examined relation to nutritional risk index. Based on literature review and data analyses, three NRIs were categorized (NRI I, NRI II, NRI III) and used for further analysis. NRI I was related to having metabolic syndrome, NRI II was related to serum albumin and body weight, and NRI III was related to food habit and health concerns. Abdominal fat (%) of elderly was correlated with each NRIs. NRI II was correlated with nutritional deficiency and higher tendency of inflammatory response, and NRI III was correlated with nutritional status which tend to be lower on aging (protein, folate, Vit $B_{12}$). NRI can serve as a useful tools in assessing health risk and nutritional status. Some modification of items in NRI and validity study are need to apply to Korean elderly.

Changes in Nutrient Intake in Patients at Nutritional Risk (영양 불량 입원 환자에서 영양소 섭취 변화 분석)

  • Lee, Ho Sun;Shin, Kyung Hun;Rha, Sun Young;Chung, Moon Jae;Song, Si Young;Song, Seung Eun;Ham, Hye Jin;Kim, Hyung Mi
    • Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.285-295
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study was to examine changes in nutrient intake in patients at nutritional risk. We included 106 malnourished patients who were admitted to Severance Hospital from March to September 2014. The average age was $59.0{\pm}11.6$ years old and 59 patients were male (59.7%). The majority of diagnosis was cancer (94.3%). We evaluated patients' nutritional status by scored patient-generated subjective global assessment (PG-SGA), anthropometric measurement (height, weight, body composition by Bioelectrical impedance analysis), hand grip strength, biochemical and dietary assessment. The patients' daily intakes of energy and protein ($1,019.5{\pm}706.4kcal$, $40.4{\pm}27.7g$) during hospitalization were significantly lower than their usual intakes ($1,382.0{\pm}499.8kcal$, $54.4{\pm}25.1g$, P<0.001). Serum levels of albumin, cholesterol, and total lymphocytes were significantly reduced during hospital stay. The negatively influencing factors for reduced dietary intake were anorexia (42.5%), abdominal distention (14.2%), pain (13.2%), and others. The results of this study could be used to establish baseline data for developing new strategies for nutritional intervention in malnourished patients.

Assessment of Malnutrition of Dialysis Patients and Comparison of Nutritional Parameters of CAPD and Hemodialysis Patients

  • Wi, Jin Woo;Kim, Nam-Ho
    • Biomedical Science Letters
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.185-193
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    • 2017
  • Malnutrition is common and the major risk factor of mortality of end stage renal disease (ESRD) patients. The aim of this study is to assess nutritional status of malnutrition patients on dialysis by various methods and compare nutritional parameters of continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) patients with hemodialysis patients. 137 patients on dialysis from April 2009 to July 2013 were enrolled. Nutritional parameters of 66 CAPD and 71 hemodialysis patients were investigated by anthropometry, biochemical study, diet analysis and questionnaires. Malnutrition patients were selected by body mass index (BMI), serum albumin and pre-albumin based on International Society of Renal Nutrition and Metabolism (ISRNM) diagnostic criteria for protein-energy wasting and compared with non-malnutrition patients. In comparison of CAPD and hemodialysis patients, most anthropometric values showed no significant difference except total body water (TBW). TBW was lower in CAPD patients (P=0.024). Although serum albumin was slightly higher in hemodialysis patients (P=0.047), pre-albumin were significantly higher in CAPD patients (P=0.000). Serum blood urea nitrogen (BUN) was higher in hemodialysis patients (P=0.000). In diet analysis, Total calorie (P=0.000) and total cholesterol (P=0.012) intakes were higher in CAPD patients. Mean subjective global assessment (SGA) grade was higher in CAPD patients (P=0.003). Several nutritional parameters of CAPD patients were better than hemodialysis patients implying more intensive therapeutic approach may be needed for hemodialysis patients. We have to understand multiple factors contributing malnutrition of ESRD patients and individualized therapeutic approach is needed.

Quantitative and Qualitative Assessment of Dietary Intake in Metabolic Syndrome Patients (대사증후군 환자의 양적 및 질적 식사섭취상태 평가)

  • Kang, Myung-Hwa;Choi, Mi-Kyeong
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.456-464
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to compare the quantitative and qualitative assessment of dietary intake between patients with metabolic syndrome (MetS) and healthy subjects and to investigate dietary factors related to MetS. Anthropometric measurements, blood analysis, and dietary intake as assessed by 24-hour recall were conducted in MetS patients (n=15) and healthy subjects (n=25). In order to assess the quantity and quality of dietary intake, daily nutrient intake, nutrient density, nutrient intake to dietary reference intake (DRI), nutrient adequacy ratio (NAR), food intake, dietary diversity score (DDS), and dietary variety score (DVS) were analyzed. The statistical differences between MetS patients and controls were analyzed using the SAS software program. Daily energy intake and food intake were not significantly different between the two groups (2,154.3 kcal vs. 1,872.9 kcal; 1,280.0 g vs. 1,261.6 g). There were also no significant differences in daily nutrient intake, nutrient intake ratio to DRI, NAR, or DVS between the MetS group and the control group. However, daily intake of eggs and milk in MetS patients was significantly lower than in the control group (9.0 g/day vs. 30.3 g/day, p<0.05; 0 g/day vs. 49.7 g/day, p<0.05). These results indicate that low intake of eggs and dairy products may be related to the development of MetS.

The Airflow Obstruction and Subjective Health Status Among Stable Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Patients Residing in the Community (안정된 만성폐쇄성폐질환 환자의 기류제한 정도와 주관적 건강상태)

  • Song, Hee-Young
    • Journal of Korean Biological Nursing Science
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.38-47
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    • 2017
  • Purpose: This study was undertaken to examine the relationship between airflow obstruction and subjective health status reported by stable patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) residing in the community. Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted with 78 stable COPD patients aged 69.7 years old on average and selected by a convenient sampling from an outpatient department of pulmonology in tertiary hospitals. They completed a constructed questionnaire including general characteristics, smoking history, dyspnea by modified medical research council (mMRC) scale, and health status by COPD assessment test (CAT). Anthropometric measurements were performed for body mass index (BMI) and pulse oxymetry for $O_2$ saturation (Sat $O_2$). Medical records were reviewed to obtain disease-related characteristics including duration of the disease, cardiovascular comorbidity, and forced expiratory volume in 1 second ($FEV_1$). Data were analyzed using PASW statistics 20.0. Results: Mean $FEV_1%$ and CAT scores were 55.11% and 17.73, respectively. Those in the lower stage of mMRC showed significantly higher $FEV_1$ and lower CAT. $FEV_1$ and CAT showed significant negative correlations; age and BMI with $FEV_1$, and Sat $O_2$ with CAT. Conclusion: The findings suggest that the less airway obstruction was, the better health status was, and provide the support for using subjective measures in clinical practices for COPD patients.

A Survey on Weight Control and Eating Behavior in Reproductive Women by BMI (가임여성의 비만도에 따른 체중조절 실태 및 식습관)

  • Lee, Eun-Jung;Kim, Mi-Hyun;Kim, Wha-Young;Cho, Mi-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.172-180
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    • 2003
  • This study was performed to document the weight loss diet practice and dietary habit related to weight control in child-bearing Korean women. The subjects were 1,434 women aged 17-39 years. The subjects were classified into 3 groups based on BMI: low weight(LW) BMI < 18.5; normal weight(NW), 18.5 BMI 22.9; and overweight(OW), 23.0 BMI. Anthropometric, general characteristics, weight control practice, and the quality of diet were assessed by a questionnaire. LW group had higher rate of smoking and drinking. They also complained more subjective symptom of anemia and used less nutritional supplementation. Weight loss diet had been practiced by about 40% of subjects and the percent was increased with increasing BMI. The reason of weight loss diet were significantly different by BMI groups(p<0.05); LW to keep body in shape, OW for health. Low BMI group had experienced more side effects after weight loss diet(p<0.05). LW group usually used inappropriate method to control weight such as skipping meals and some of OW group reported using drug to lose weight. All subjects have been skipped their meals of 3.9 times per week, especially 4.3 times in LW group. By mini dietary assessment, most of the subjects did not have regular meals. LW group tended to eat what they like and OW group preferred fried food. This study showed that child-bearing aged women make a ceaseless effort apart from their weight, and LW group have a matter of grave concern because of their dietary habit and weight control practice. Additional research should be necessary to assess the relation of health and weight loss diet in young women.

Health-Related Factors Influencing the Quality of Life of Rural Elderly Subjects - Activities of Daily Living, Cognitive Functions, Prevalence of Chronic Diseases and Nutritional Assessment (농촌지역 노인의 삶의 질에 영향을 미치는 건강관련 요인 - 신체기능, 인지기능, 만성질환 유병율 및 영양진단)

  • Lee, Mee Sook
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.772-781
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    • 2012
  • In order to supply the reference data to define the quality of life of the rural agricultural elderly population in the simplified steps, the data were collected by personal visits to 232 elder people over 65 (89 males and 143 females) in Sunchang area. The survey was conducted with written questionnaires concerning the quality of life, health-related habits, basic physical functions and cognitive behavior. The prevalence of the degenerative diseases were assessed by anthropometric and biochemical determinations. The averaged overall quality of life represented by EQ-5D index with Nam's model was calculated to be $0.865{\pm}0.1509$, and the percentages of people below the average were 38% (low QOL group) and 62% (high QOL group) were found to be the above the average. Generally, the subjects with male gender, higher educational background, higher self-rated health status, higher social activities were belonged to the high QOL group. The high QOL group had higher scores of daily living activities KADL and IADL, and lower risks in cognitive functions K-MMSE and depression scale GDS. There was no statistically significant correlation between biochemical indexes of blood and cognitive function and EQ-5D scores when the results were adjusted for age and gender. There were significant differences in nutritional assessment determined by the MNA between the high and low QOL groups. The low QOL group showed inferior nutritional status. The rapidly measurable factors of the quality of life of rural elderly were turned out to be physical activity scores and the simplified nutritional status measurement.

Dietary Calcium Intake is associated with Blood Lipid Profile, Blood Pressure, Inflammatory State and Insulin Resistance in Type 2 Diabetes Patients (제2형 당뇨병 환자의 칼슘 섭취가 혈중지질, 혈압, 염증 및 혈당 관련 지표에 미치는 영향)

  • Chung, Hae-Yun
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.290-299
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    • 2016
  • This study was conducted to determine the association between dietary calcium intake and biomarkers related to lipid and glucose metabolism and inflammation in Korean patients with type 2 diabetes. Seventy-five subjects (41 males, 34 females) were recruited from a group of patients who had visited the department of endocrine medicine. Data on anthropometric characteristics, clinical indices such as hemoglobin A1c and C-reactive protein (CRP), and dietary nutrient intakes were collected. Subjects were divided into three groups on the basis of their calcium intake [< EAR (below estimated average requirement), EAR-RNI (between EAR and recommended nutrient intake), > RNI (above RNI)]. Average calcium intake of < EAR, EAR-RNI, > RNI groups were $462.7{\pm}18.7$, $649.7{\pm}12.8$, and $895.7{\pm}21.7mg$, respectively. Energy intake was not different among groups but intakes of protein, total and saturated fatty acids were significantly higher in > RNI group than < EAR group. Analysis of covariance revealed that HDL cholesterol level was significantly higher in EAR-RNI group, as compared to < EAR group after adjustment with confounders such as age, sex, BMI and energy intake (p < 0.05). Levels of CRP and homeostasis model assessment 2-insulin resistance (HOMA2-IR) were significantly lower in EAR-RNI group. Total cholesterol level was higher in EAR-RNI and > RNI groups, although within the normal range. Our results suggest that dietary calcium intake may influence the levels of HDL-cholesterol, CRP and HOMA2-IR and subsequently, help management/treatment of type 2 diabetes patients.

Relationships between Obesity and Dietary Habits of Preschool Children and Their Parents in Dongducheon Based on the Nutrition Quotient (NQ) (어린이 영양지수를 활용한 동두천시 지역의 유아 및 부모의 식습관과 유아의 비만과의 관련성)

  • Kim, Ji-Myung;Song, Hye Jeong;Ahn, Young Ji
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.216-225
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    • 2018
  • Objectives: This study was conducted to investigate the associations between obesity and the children's Nutrition Quotient (NQ) and to further examine the relationships between NQ and mini dietary assessment (MDA) of their parents. Methods: The subjects were 355 children aged 3 to 5 years and their parents in Dongducheon. We collected parental-reported NQ questionnaires for children and MDA of parents. Anthropometric measurements, height, weight and BMI by BIA were measured in children. Overweight and obesity were determined according to age- and sex-specific BMI percentile from the 2007 Korean national growth chart. Statistical analyses consisted of the chi-squared test, ANOVA, partial correlations and logistic regression analysis adjustments for parents BMI. Results: Approximately 20.8% of preschool children were classified as overweight or obese. Underweight children showed a significantly higher score for balance than overweight children. The NQ of the children was $61.9{\pm}11.6$, and NQ scores and their parents' MDA did not exhibit any significant differences according to degree of obesity. After adjusting for parent's BMI, children's BMI was significantly correlated with balance and moderation among NQ factors. Parent's MDA showed significant correlation with their children's NQ, balance, diversity, moderation, regularity, practice and NQ grade, except for diversity of father. Additionally, NQ grade had a significantly increased (150.1%) odds ratio (OR) of being overweight (95% CI 1.008-2.234). Conclusions: These results show that NQ for children is influenced by their parents' MDA and BMI. Furthermore, our findings support the association between overweight prevention and improvement of NQ grade among preschool children.

The Effects of Long-Term, Low-Level Exposure to Monocyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons on Worker's Insulin Resistance

  • Won, Yong-Lim;Ko, Yong;Heo, Kyung-Hwa;Ko, Kyung-Sun;Lee, Mi-Young;Kim, Ki-Woong
    • Safety and Health at Work
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    • v.2 no.4
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    • pp.365-374
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    • 2011
  • Objectives: This study was designed to investigate whether long-term, low-level exposure to monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (MAHs) induced insulin resistance. Methods: The subjects were 110 male workers who were occupationally exposed to styrene, toluene, and xylene. One hundred and ten age-matched male workers who had never been occupationally exposed to organic solvents were selected as a control group. Cytokines, which have played a key role in the pathogenesis of insulin resistance, and oxidative stress indices were measured. Assessment of exposure to MAHs was performed by measuring their ambient levels and their urinary metabolites in exposed workers, and the resulting parameters between the exposed group and non-exposed control groups were compared. Results: There was no significant difference in general characteristics and anthropometric parameters between the two groups; however, total cholesterol, fasting glucose, fasting insulin, and homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance levels were significantly higher in the exposed group. Phenylglyoxylic acid levels showed significant association with tumor necrosis factor-${\alpha}$, total oxidative status, and oxidative stress index via multiple linear regression analysis. Further, there was a negative correlation between methylhippuric acid levels and total anti-oxidative capacity, and there was a significant relationship between MAHs exposure and fasting glucose levels, as found by multiple logistic regression analysis (odds ratio = 3.95, 95% confidence interval = 1.074-14.530). Conclusion: This study indicated that MAHs increase fasting glucose level and insulin resistance. Furthermore, these results suggested that absorbing the organic solvent itself and active metabolic intermediates can increase oxidative stress and cytokine levels, resulting in the changes in glucose metabolism and the induction of insulin resistance.