• Title/Summary/Keyword: antenna measurement

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Design and Fabrication of Multi-Band Antenna for WLAN and Sub-6GHz Band (WLAN 및 Sub-6GHz 대역을 위한 다중대역 안테나 설계 및 제작)

  • Joong-Han Yoon
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.845-852
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    • 2024
  • In this paper, we propose mult-band antenna included Sub-6 GHz band for WLAN system. The proposed antenna has the fourth strip line and slot in the partial ground plane to obtain impedance matching. The total substrate size is 48.0 mm (W)×50.0 mm (L), thickness (h) 1.0 mm, and the dielectric constant is 4.4, which is made of 26.0 mm (W2)×42.0 mm (L1+L2+4.0(L1+L2+4.0 mm+L8+L9) antenna size on the FR-4 substrate. From the fabrication and measurement results, bandwidths of 115 MHz (0.825 to 0.940 GHz) for 900 MHz band, 210.0 MHz (2.29 to 2.50 GHz) for 2.4 GHz band, 270.0 MHz (3.45 to 3.72 GHz) for 3.5 GHz band, and 930.0 MHz (4.95 to 5.88 GHz) for 5.0 GHz band were obtained on the basis of -10 dB. Also, gain and radiation pattern characteristics are measured and shown in the frequency triple band as required.

Measurement of Dielectric Properties of Cereal Grains by Nondestructive Microwave Measurement Technique (마이크로파 비파괴 계측기술을 이용한 곡류의 유전율 측정)

  • Kim, Ki-Bok
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.369-376
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    • 2002
  • The dielectric properties of cereal grains such as short-grain rough rice, brown rice and barley with various moisture contents were determined by measuring the attenuation and phase shift of the microwave signal trough the grain samples at 9.5GHz. The microwave free-space transmission measurement system consisted of sample holder, horn antenna and network analyzer. Dielectric constant and loss factor of grain samples increased with moisture content and bulk density and agreed well with previous research results. Moisture density, which is defined as the product of moisture content and bulk density, was proposed as a bulk density and variety compensation factor. The technique for measurement of dielectric properties based on free-space transmission may be useful for other particulate materials.

Array Manifold Measurement and Verification for UCA Calibration in Multistatic PCL System based on FM Broadcasting (FM 방송 기반 멀티스태틱 PCL 시스템 원형 배열 안테나 보정을 위한 Array Manifold 측정 및 검증)

  • Park, Junsik;Shim, Hongsuk;Ahn, Junil;Song, Kyuha
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.165-174
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    • 2021
  • This study describes a method of measurement and verification of array manifold of uniform circular array antenna applicable to multistatic Passive Coherent Location(PCL) system using FM broadcasting. In an environment of outdoor test where FM broadcast signals are scattered, array manifold measurement methods using network analyzer and multi-channel digital receiver are introduced. Also, the descriptions and solutions for the test limits of each measurement method and the considerations affecting the measurement accuracy are presented. In addition, to verify the validity of the measured array manifold, the gain and phase difference were compared with the array manifold data obtained by EM simulation, and the effectiveness and accuracy of the measured array manifolds were compared and analyzed by estimating the direction of arrival of the FM broadcast signal received from the multistatic PCL system.

The Effect of Directivity of Antenna for the Evaluation of Abnormal Area Using Ground Penetrating Radar (지하투과레이더를 이용한 이상구간 평가 시 안테나 지향성의 영향)

  • Kang, Seonghun;Lee, Jong-Sub;Lee, Sung Jin;Park, Young-Kon;Hong, Won-Taek
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.33 no.11
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    • pp.21-34
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    • 2017
  • The ground penetrating radar (GPR) signal can be measured with different amplitudes according to the directivity, so the directivity of the antenna should be considered. The objective of this study is to investigate the directivity of antenna by analyzing the reflection characteristics of electromagnetic waves radiated from the antenna, and to evaluate effective range of angle that can inspect an abnormal area according to the directivity of antenna. For the measurement of the directivity, a circular metal bar is used as reflector and the signals are measured by changing the angle and the distance between reflector and antenna in the E- and H-plane. The boundary distance between the near field and the far field is determined by analyzing the amplitudes of reflected signals, and two points with different distances from each of near and far fields are designated to analyze radiation patterns in near and far fields. As a result of radiation pattern measurement, in the near field, minor lobes are observed at angle section at more than $50^{\circ}$ in both E- and H-plane. Therefore, antenna has the directivity for the direction of main lobe and minor lobes in near field. In the far field, antenna has the directivity for a single direction of main lobe because minor lobes are not observed. The amplitude of the signal reflected from the near field is unstable, but it can be distinguished from noise. Therefore, in the near field, the ground anomaly can be detected with high reliability. On the other hand, the amplitude of the signal reflected from the far field is stable, but it is hard to distinguish between reflected signal and noise because of the excessive loss of electromagnetic wave. The analyses of directivity in the near and the far fields performed in this study may be effectively used to improve the reliability of the analyses of abnormal area.

Current Status and Future Plans for Surface Current Observation by HF Radar in the Southern Jeju (제주 남부 HF Radar 표층해류 관측 현황 및 향후계획)

  • Dawoon, Jung;Jae Yeob, Kim;Jae-il, Kwon;Kyu-Min, Song
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.198-210
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    • 2022
  • The southern strait of Jeju is a divergence point of the Tsushima Warm Current (TWC), and it is the starting point of the thermohaline circulation in the waters of the Korean Peninsula, affecting the size and frequency of marine disasters such as typhoons and tsunamis, and has a very important oceanographic impact, such as becoming a source of harmful organisms and radioactively contaminated water. Therefore, for an immediate response to these maritime disasters, real-time ocean observation is required. However, compared to other straits, in the case of southern Jeju, such wide area marine observations are insufficient. Therefore, in this study, surface current field of the southern strait of Jeju was calculated using High-Frequency radar (HF radar). the large surface current field is calculated, and post-processing and data improvement are carried out through APM (Antenna Pattern Measurement) and FOL (First Order Line), and comparative analysis is conducted using actual data. As a result, the correlation shows improvement of 0.4~0.7 and RMSE of about 1~19 cm/s. These high-frequency radar observation results will help solve domestic issues such as response to typhoons, verification of numerical models, utilization of wide area wave data, and ocean search and rescue in the future through the establishment of an open data network.

A Study on Mobile Antenna System Design with Tri-band Operation for Broadband Satellite Communications and DBS Reception (광대역 위성 통신/방송용 삼중 대역 이동형 안테나 시스템 설계에 관한 연구)

  • Eom Soon-Young;Jung Young-Bae;Son Seong-Ho;Yun Jae-Seung;Jeon Soon-Ick
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.17 no.5 s.108
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    • pp.461-475
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    • 2006
  • In this paper, it is described about the tri-band mobile antenna system design to provide broadband multimedia and direct broadcasting services using goo-stationary Koreasat 3, simultaneously operated in Ka/K/Ku band. The radiating part of the antenna system with a fan beam characteristic in the elevation plane is composed of the quasi-offset dual shaped reflector and the tri-band feeder. The tri-band feeder is also composed of the Ka/K dual band feeder with the protruding dielectric rod, the circular polarizer, the ortho-mode transducer and the circular-polarized Ku band feed array. Especially, the Ka/K dual band circular polarizer was realized firstly using the comb-type structure. For fast satellite-tracking on the movement, the Ku band feed array has the structure of the $2{\times}2$ active phased array which can make electrical beams. And, the circular-polarized characteristic in the feed array was improved by $90^{\circ}$ rotating arrangement of four radiating elements polarized circularly by a $90^{\circ}$ hybrid coupler, respectively. Four beam forming channels to make electrical beams at Ku band are divided into the main beam channel and the tracking beam channel in the output, and noise temperature characteristics of each channel were analyzed on the basis of the contributions of internal sub_units. From the fabricated antenna system, the output power at $P_{1dBc}$ of Ka_Tx channel was measured more than 34.1 dBm and the measured noise figures of K/Ku_Rx channels were less than 2.4 dB and 1.5 dB, respectively, over the operating band. The radiation patterns with co- and cross-polarization in the tri-band were measured using a near-field measurement in the anechoic chamber. Especially, Ku radiation patterns were measured after correcting each initial phase of active channels with partial radiation patterns obtained from the independent excitation of each channel. The antenna gains measured in Ka/K/Ku band of the antenna system were more than 39.6 dBi, 37.5 dBi, 29.6 dBi, respectively. And, the antenna system showed good system performances such as Ka_Tx EIRP more than 43.7 dBW and K/Ku_Rx G/T more than 13.2 dB/K and 7.12 dB/K, respectively.

Influence of lossy ground on impulse propagation in time domain for impulse ground penetrating radar (초광대역 임펄스 지반탐사레이더에서 지면의 영향에 따른 임펄스 전파 특성 연구)

  • Kim, Kwan-Ho;Park, Young-Jin;Yoon, Young-Joong
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea TC
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    • v.44 no.11
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    • pp.42-47
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    • 2007
  • In this paper, influence of lossy ground and gap variation between lossy ground and UWB antenna on impulse propagation in time domain for impulse ground penetrating radar (GPR) is numerically and experimentally investigated. For this study, a novel planar UWB fat dipole antenna is developed. First, influence of lossy ground and gap variation between lossy ground and UWB antenna is simulated. For verification, a test field of sand and wet clay soil is built and using the developed dipole antenna, transmission behavior is investigated at the test field. With an aid of IDFT (inverse discrete Fourier transform), time domain impulse response for transmission coefficient measured and simulated in frequency domain is obtained. Measurement and simulation show that the frequency of maximum transmission coefficient and transmission coefficient are increased with higher dielectric constant and larger gap distance. In time domain, it is shown that for higher dielectric constant, the amplitude of the received signal in time domain is higher and reflected signals are seriously modified. Also, it is found that variation of gap between antenna and ground surface makes timing of peak value changed.

Analysis of Near Field for Base Station Panel Antenna(4 X 2 Dipole Array) (기지국용 판넬 안테나(4 X 2 Dipole Array)의 근역장 분석)

  • Lee, Dugro;Park, Ju-Derk;Choi, Jae-Ic;Kim, Nam
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.473-479
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    • 2004
  • In this paper, power density in near field is calculated about analytic object which has comparatively large volume in considering used wavelength such as cellular base station antenna. Panel sector antenna which is used widespreadly in domestic cellular wireless communication system is modeled and electromagnetic field distribution in reactive near field region is calculated by FDTD (Finite Difference Time Domain) method. After that, antenna gain in far field region is obtain by near to far transformation. Power spectral density in radiated near field is calculated in applying to gain-based model with antenna gain in far field. Finally, compliance distance is obtained in considering the result from radiated near field calculation and basic restrictions on occupational and general public exposure limits in ICNIRP guideline. In the center of main radiating position, the result from gain-based model is -14.55 ㏈m and the result from surface scanning method is -15.75 ㏈m. When the losses from cables and connectors used in measurement are considered, the results from gain-based model and surface scanning method are nearly coincident.

Transparent Rectangular Patch Antenna Using Square Metal Mesh Transparent Electrode (정방형 메탈메쉬 투명전극을 이용한 투명 사각 패치 안테나)

  • Kang, Seok Hyon;Jung, Chang Won
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.277-284
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    • 2018
  • This paper reports the transparent electrode, which would be applied to transparent displays and smart glasses. Herein, a squared metal mesh with the most widely used copper wire in microwaves is studied for the alternating thin-film-type transparent and conducting indium tin oxide(ITO), with a low conductivity(sheet resistance > $5{\Omega}/sq.$). The electromagnetic performance of a patch antenna with metal mesh is analyzed. This paper presents the results of the optical(OT, optical transparent) and electrical(sheet resistance) characteristics of a squared metal mesh, which is a basic design. To improve the OT, copper wire(w=0.2 mm) is used in fabricating the squared metal mesh and the relationship between the OT and the antenna performance(radiation gain, radiation pattern) was analyzed according to the mesh size(l=1, 2 mm). The measurement results show that the antenna performance and the optical characteristic are in inverse proportion to each other. In real applications, the optical and electrical characteristics, and the costs of production are to be considered.

A Free-Space Method for Measurement and Analysis of Dielectric Characteristics of Electromagnetic Absorbing Materials at Microwave Frequencies (자유공간 기법을 적응한 마이크로파 대역 전파흡수재의 유전 특성 분석)

  • 배근식
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.73-82
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    • 2003
  • For measurements and analysis of dielectric characteristics of planar slabs of microwave absorbing materials, I have applied a free-space method in the frequency range of 8~14 GHz. The measurement system for free-space method consists of transmit and receive antennas, mode transitions, precision coaxal cables, the network analyzer, and a computer Special Spot-focused horn lens antenna was used to eliminate diffraction effects. Diffraction effects at the edges of the sample are minimized by satisfying the condition for minimum transverse dimension of the plate and the beamwidth of the antennas at the focus. The time-domain gating feature of the network analyzer and the thru, reflect, and line(TRL) calibration technique were used to eliminate the effects of undesirable multiple reflections. The complex coefficients of reflection and transmission, $S_{11}$ and $S_{21}$, of planar samples were measured for standard materials such as Teflon, Rexolite$\textregistered$ 2200. The results were compared with existing measurement method. And I applied a free-space method for measurement to measure dielectric constants of some electromagnetic absorbing materials. Dielectric properties for the same samples were also measured with a 7mm coxial transmission line method for purposes of comparison with the free-space method.