• Title/Summary/Keyword: and MATLAB software

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Modern Software Defined Radar (SDR) Technology and Its Trends

  • Kwag, Young-Kil;Jung, Jung-Soo;Woo, In-Sang;Park, Myeong-Seok
    • Journal of electromagnetic engineering and science
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.321-328
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    • 2014
  • Software defined radar (SDR) is a multi-purpose radar system where most of the hardware processing is performed by software. This paper introduces a concept and technology trends of software defined radar, and addresses the advantages and limitations of the current SDR radar systems. For the advanced SDR concept, the KAU SDR Model (KSM) is presented for the multimode and multiband radar system operating in S-, X-, and K-bands. This SDR consists of a replaceable multiband antenna and RF hardware, common digital processor module with multimode, and open software platform based on MATLAB and LabVIEW. The new concept of the SDR radar can be useful in various applications of the education, traffic monitoring and safety, security, and surveillance depending on the various radar environments.

A Study on the Defection of Arcing Faults in Transmission Lines and Development of Fault Distance Estimation Software using MATLAB (MATLAB을 이용한 송전선로의 아크사고 검출 및 고장거리 추정 소프트웨어 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Byeong-Cheon;Park, Nam-Ok;Kim, Dong-Su;Kim, Gil-Hwan
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers A
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    • v.51 no.4
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    • pp.163-168
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    • 2002
  • This paper present a new verb efficient numerical algorithm for arcing faults detection and fault distance estimation in transmission line. It is based on the fundamental differential equations describing the transients on a transmission line before, during and alter the fault occurrence, and on the application of the "Least Error Squares Technique"for the unknown model parameter estimation. If the arc voltage estimated is a near zero, the fault is without arc, in other words the fault is permanent fault. If the arc voltage estimated has any high value, the faust is identified as an fault, or the transient fault. In permanent faults case, fault distance estimation is necessary. This paper uses the model of the arcing fault in transmission line using ZnO arrestor and resistance to be implemented within EMTP. One purpose of this study is to build a structure for modeling of arcing fault detection and fault distance estimation algorithm using Matlab programming. In this paper, This algorithm has been designed in Graphic user interface(GUI).

A study for the development of curriculum and courses of mathematics for engineering majors (공학전공자를 위한 대학수학교육과정 및 교과목 개발 연구)

  • Kim, Sung-Ock;Ahn, Kyung-Mo;Lee, Jong-Won
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.961-976
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study is to revise the curriculum of mathematics, which is the basic for the engineering studies, especially for the disciplines of the electronic engineering, computer science, computer engineering, mechanical engineering, environmental engineering, civil engineering and architecture. Another goal of this research was to integrate a computer software, MATLAB into a mathematics course so that the mathematical concepts and theories in the course can be visualized to help students understand some difficult subjects and enhance their interest in mathematics.

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Effect of power law index for vibration of armchair and zigzag single walled carbon nanotubes

  • Khadimallah, Mohamed Amine;Hussain, Muzamal
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.37 no.5
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    • pp.621-632
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    • 2020
  • This research deals with the study of vibrational behavior of armchair and zigzag single-walled carbon nanotubes invoking extended Love shell theory. The effects of different physical and material parameters on the fundamental frequencies are investigated. By using volume fraction for power law index, the fundamental natural frequency spectra for two forms of single-walled carbon nanotubes are calculated. The influence of frequencies against length-to-diameter ratios with varying power law index are investigated in detail for these tubes. To discretize the governing equation in eigen-value form, wave propagation approach is developed. Complex exponential functions have been used and the axial model depends on boundary condition that has been described at the edges of carbon nanotubes to calculate the axial modal dependence. Computer software MATLAB is utilized for the frequencies of single-walled carbon nanotubes and current results shows a good stability with comparison of other studies.

Modelling and Development of Control Algorithm of Endoscopy

  • Ma, Weichao;Lee, Sanghyuk
    • Journal of Convergence Society for SMB
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.33-39
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    • 2014
  • In this paper, basic backgrounds about capsule endoscopy are introduced, and the aims and objectives are also illustrated. Methodology and mathematical model for LuGre model were investigated to analyse system characteristics. A nonlinear friction model, the stick-slip motion system based on LuGre friction model was used to simulate the motion of capsule endoscopy inside human body. Under the different situation, LuGre friction model was simulated by Matlab Simulink software. The entire cycle of motion and the influence of parameters towards to velocity are fully simulated.

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Development of an Analysis Software for the Load Measurement of Wind Turbines (풍력발전기의 하중 측정을 위한 해석 소프트웨어의 개발)

  • Gil, Kyehwan;Bang, Je-Sung;Chung, Chinwha
    • Journal of Wind Energy
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.20-29
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    • 2013
  • Load measurement, which is performed based on IEC 61400-13, consists of three stages: the stage of collecting huge amounts of load measurement data through a measurement campaign lasting for several months; the stage of processing the measured data, including data validation and classification; and the stage of analyzing the processed data through time series analysis, load statistics analysis, frequency analysis, load spectrum analysis, and equivalent load analysis. In this research, we pursued the development of an analysis software in MATLAB to save labor and to secure exact and consistent performance evaluation data in processing and analyzing load measurement data. The completed analysis software also includes the functions of processing and analyzing power performance measurement data in accordance with IEC 61400-12. The analysis software was effectively applied to process and analyse the load measurement data from a demonstration research for a 750 kW direct-drive wind turbine generator system (KBP-750D), performed at the Daegwanryeong Wind Turbine Demonstration Complex. This paper describes the details of the analysis software and its processing and analysis stages for load measurement data and presents the analysis results.

Dynamic simulation models for seismic behavior of soil systems - Part I: Block diagrams

  • Sahin, Abdurrahman
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.145-167
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    • 2015
  • Digital simulation has recently become the preferred method for designing complex and dynamic systems. Simulation packages provide interactive, block-diagram environment for modeling and simulating dynamic models. The block diagrams in simulation models are flowcharts which describe the components of dynamic systems and their interaction. This paper is the first part of the study for determining the seismic behavior of soil systems. The aim of this part is to present the constructed block diagrams for discrete-time analysis of seismic site amplification in layered media for vertically propagating shear waves. Detailed block diagrams are constructed for single and multiple soil layers by considering wave propagation with and without damping, respectively. The block diagrams for recursive filter to model attenuation in discrete-time form are also constructed. Finite difference method is used for strain calculation. The block diagrams are developed by utilizing Simulink which is a software add-on to Matlab.

Models and Simulation of the Switched Reluctance Motor Drive System

  • Hao Chen;Ahn, Jin-Woo
    • KIEE International Transaction on Electrical Machinery and Energy Conversion Systems
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    • v.2B no.4
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    • pp.201-206
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    • 2002
  • The paper presents the component parts and their models of the Switched Reluctance motor drive system with the angle position-current chopping control and with the fixed angle pulse width modulation control. The calculation of the parameters and the simulated models based on the MATLAB SIMULINK software package are introduced by a four-phase 816 structure prototype with the four-phase asymmetric bridge power converter. The simulation of the prototype in the course of starting is made by the simulated models at the different control strategies and the different given rotor speed.

A New Unified Design Environment for Optimization of Electric Machines Based on Continuum Sensitivity and B-Spline Parametrization

  • Kim, Min-Ho;Lee, Hyang-Beom;Kim, Hyeong-Seok;Byun, Jin-Kyu
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.513-518
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, a unified design environment is developed for the optimization of electric machines based on continuum sensitivity. For electromagnetic (EM) system analysis, COMSOL scripting environment is used. Optimization module is developed by MATLAB programming, which can be combined with COMSOL script commands. The modules are combined into one MATLAB project, and iteration process necessary for the optimization of EM system can be performed efficiently. During the design process, visual feedback of the current design status is given to the designer. In addition, the B-Spline parametrization of the nodal points is implemented to obtain smooth boundary of the device. The developed software is applied to the problem of finding uniform flux density distribution at the air gap of an electromagnet to verify its feasibility and effectiveness.

A Study on the Optimal Parameter Selection of a Power System Stabilizer by Field Tests (현장 시험에 의한 편력계통 안정화장치의 적정 파라메타 설정에 관한 연구)

  • 김경철;임익헌
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.83-90
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    • 2001
  • This paper resents an algorithm for the optimal parameter selection of a power system stabilizer in a single machine-infinite bus system through the external equivalent transmission line. This method is one of the classical techniques by changing the PSS gain to allocate properly pole-zero positions. All the PSS parameters are obtained by solving a set of algebraic equations for the system constants depend on a variety of machine loadings and system external impedances, the natural oscillation modes, and the damping characteristics. And this algorithm was written in a simple software program using MATLAB.

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