• Title/Summary/Keyword: and MATLAB software

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Energy flow finite element analysis of general Mindlin plate structures coupled at arbitrary angles

  • Park, Young-Ho
    • International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.435-447
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    • 2019
  • Energy Flow Finite Element Analysis (EFFEA) is a promising tool for predicting dynamic energetics of complicated structures at high frequencies. In this paper, the Energy Flow Finite Element (EFFE) formulation of complicated Mindlin plates was newly developed to improve the accuracy of prediction of the dynamic characteristics in the high frequency. Wave transmission analysis was performed for all waves in complicated Mindlin plates. Advanced Energy Flow Analysis System (AEFAS), an exclusive EFFEA software, was implemented using $MATLAB^{(R)}$. To verify the general power transfer relationship derived, wave transmission analysis of coupled semi-infinite Mindlin plates was performed. For numerical verification of EFFE formulation derived and EFFEA software developed, numerical analyses were performed for various cases where coupled Mindlin plates were excited by a harmonic point force. Energy flow finite element solutions for coupled Mindlin plates were compared with the energy flow solutions in the various conditions.

Development of Real-Time Flutter Analysis Program (실시간 플러터 해석 프로그램 개발)

  • Lee, Ju-Yeon;Bae, Jae-Sung;Hwang, Jai-Hyuk;Roh, Jin-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.45 no.2
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    • pp.99-105
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    • 2017
  • Wind tunnel test which is one of the method to predict the aeroelastic characteristics has difficulties to make scale-down structural model and achieve a specified free stream velocity. It is very costly and complicated to consider similarity relationships between real structure and scale-down structural model. "Dry Wind-Tunnel(DWT)" was proposed to overcome these difficulties. This is made up of Ground Vibration Test hardware and software to compute the aerodynamic forces. In the present study, program for computing the real-time unsteady aerodynamic forces which is an important part of DWT system was developed by Matlab Simulink and dSPACE. In addition, using this program and software which is a part of the test structure, a real-time flutter analysis was conducted and the results are verified by ZAERO.

Using Arduino and Processing Graphics performance validation (아두이노와 Processing을 사용한 그래픽 성능 검증)

  • Choi, Chul-kil;Lee, Sung-jin;Lee, Kyung-mu;Choi, Byeong-yoon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2013.05a
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    • pp.975-977
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    • 2013
  • Arduino is for design based on open source prototyping platform, artist, designer, hobby activists, etc, i has been designed for all those who are interested in the environment construct. Arduino adventage you can easily create applications hardware, without deep knowledge about the hardware. Configuration of arduino using AVR microcontroller ATmage 168, software to action arduino using arduino program, MATLAB, Processing. Arduino is open source base, you can hardware production directly and using shield additionally, the arduino can be combined. Processing iis open source. You can 2D, 3D, PDF output, using P3D and OpenGL graphics. Also you can check by running a stand-alone application. Through a combination of Arduino, library support, such as sound, video, and computer vision can be expanded, this program is the Android phone and iPhone programming. In this paper, sortware was used for Processing, hardware was used for arduino MegaADK board, After making easy 2axis game, using the software and hardware verification.

  • PDF

Implementation and Verification of Precise Lift-Cruise Dynamics Model Using Flightlab (Flightlab을 활용한 정밀 Lift-Cruise 동역학 모델 구현과 검증)

  • Chi-sung Roh;Daniel Kim
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.386-392
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    • 2024
  • This paper constructs a precise dynamics model using flightlab, a specialized program for rotor modeling and performance analysis, to simulate urban air mobility (UAM). flightlab is well-suited for detailed modeling of UAM, particularly requiring detailed aerodynamic characteristics under high-altitude and urban wind conditions. The study focuses on implementing and analyzing a lift-cruise UAM model with distributed propulsion using flightlab. The lift-cruise model integrates motors for vertical take-off and fixed-wing flight. Given the limited specific examples of such UAM models in flightlab and challenges in evaluating with conventional fixed-wing or drone models, this research implements and verifies the lift-cruise model using matlab, comparing its performance against flightlab results to validate the modeling approach. This research aims to explore the potential of flightlab for detailed UAM modeling and contribute to technological advancements in future urban transportation.

Optimize KNN Algorithm for Cerebrospinal Fluid Cell Diseases

  • Soobia Saeed;Afnizanfaizal Abdullah;NZ Jhanjhi
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.43-52
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    • 2024
  • Medical imaginings assume a important part in the analysis of tumors and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leak. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is an image segmentation technology, which shows an angular sectional perspective of the body which provides convenience to medical specialists to examine the patients. The images generated by MRI are detailed, which enable medical specialists to identify affected areas to help them diagnose disease. MRI imaging is usually a basic part of diagnostic and treatment. In this research, we propose new techniques using the 4D-MRI image segmentation process to detect the brain tumor in the skull. We identify the issues related to the quality of cerebrum disease images or CSF leakage (discover fluid inside the brain). The aim of this research is to construct a framework that can identify cancer-damaged areas to be isolated from non-tumor. We use 4D image light field segmentation, which is followed by MATLAB modeling techniques, and measure the size of brain-damaged cells deep inside CSF. Data is usually collected from the support vector machine (SVM) tool using MATLAB's included K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) algorithm. We propose a 4D light field tool (LFT) modulation method that can be used for the light editing field application. Depending on the input of the user, an objective evaluation of each ray is evaluated using the KNN to maintain the 4D frequency (redundancy). These light fields' approaches can help increase the efficiency of device segmentation and light field composite pipeline editing, as they minimize boundary artefacts.

Monitoring and control of multiple fraction laws with ring based composite structure

  • Khadimallah, Mohamed A.;Hussain, Muzamal;Naeem, Muhammad Nawaz;Taj, Muhammad;Tounsi, Abdelouahed
    • Advances in nano research
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.129-138
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    • 2021
  • In present article, utilizing the Love shell theory with volume fraction laws for the cylindrical shells vibrations provides a governing equation for the distribution of material composition of material. Isotopic materials are the constituents of these rings. The position of a ring support has been taken along the radial direction. The Rayleigh-Ritz method with three different fraction laws gives birth to the shell frequency equation. Moreover, the effect of height- and length-to-radius ratio and angular speed is investigated. The results are depicted for circumferential wave number, length- and height-radius ratios with three laws. It is found that the backward and forward frequencies of exponential fraction law are sandwich between polynomial and trigonometric laws. It is examined that the backward and forward frequencies increase and decrease on increasing the ratio of height- and length-to-radius ratio. As the position of ring is enhanced for clamped simply supported and simply supported-simply supported boundary conditions, the frequencies go up. At mid-point, all the frequencies are higher and after that the frequencies decreases. The frequencies are same at initial and final stage and rust itself a bell shape. The shell is stabilized by ring supports to increase the stiffness and strength. Comparison is made for non-rotating and rotating cylindrical shell for the efficiency of the model. The results generated by computer software MATLAB.

Seismic control of concrete buildings with nonlinear behavior, considering soil structure interaction using AMD and TMD

  • Mortezaie, Hamid;Zamanian, Reza
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.77 no.6
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    • pp.721-734
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    • 2021
  • The seismic analysis of structures without applying the effects of soil can undermine functional objectives of structure so that it can affect all the desired purposes at the design and control stages of the structure. In this research, employing OpenSees and MATLAB software simultaneously and developing a definite three-dimensional finite element model of a high-rise concrete structure, designed using performance-based plastic design approach, the performance of Tuned Mass Damper (TMD) and Active Mass Damper (AMD) is both examined and compared. Moreover some less noted aspects such as nonlinear interaction of soil and structure, uplift, nonlinear behavior of structure and structural torsion have received more attention. For this purpose, the analysis of time history on the structural model has been performed under 22 far-field accelerogram records. Examining a full range of all structural seismic responses, including lateral displacement, acceleration, inter-story drift, lost plastic energy, number of plastic hinges, story shear force and uplift. The results indicate that TMD performs better than AMD except for lateral displacement and inter-story drift to control other structural responses. Because on the one hand, nonlinear structural parameters and soil-structure interaction have been added and on the other hand, the restriction on the control force applied that leads up to saturation phenomenon in the active control system affect the performance of AMD. Moreover, the control force applied by structural control system has created undesirable acceleration and shear force in the structure.

Modeling, Control and Simulation of Microturbine Generator for Distributed Generation System in Smart Grid Application

  • Hong, Won-Pyo;Cho, Jae-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers
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    • v.23 no.7
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    • pp.57-66
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    • 2009
  • Microturbines system (MTS) are currently being deployed as small scale on-site distributed generators for microgrids and smart grids. In order to fully exploit DG potentialities, advanced integrated controls that include power electronics facilities, communication technologies and advanced modeling are required. Significant expectations are posed on gas microturbines that can be easily installed in large commercial and public buildings. Modeling, control, simulation of microturbine generator based distributed generation system in smart grid application of buildings for both grid-connected and islanding conditions are presented. It also incorporates modeling and simulation of MT with a speed control system of the MT-permanent magnet synchronous generator to keep the speed constant with load variation. Model and simulations are performed using MATLAB, Simulink and SimPowerSystem software package. The model is built from the dynamics of each part with their interconnections. This simplified model is a useful tool for studying the various operational aspects of MT and is also applicable with building cooling, heating and power (BCHP) systems

Design, Modeling and Analysis of a PEM Fuel Cell Excavator with Supercapacitor/Battery Hybrid Power Source

  • Dang, Tri Dung;Do, Tri Cuong;Truong, Hoai Vu Anh;Ho, Cong Minh;Dao, Hoang Vu;Xiao, Yu Ying;Jeong, EunJin;Ahn, Kyoung Kwan
    • Journal of Drive and Control
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.45-53
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    • 2019
  • The objective of this study was to design and model the PEM fuel cell excavator with supercapacitor/battery hybrid power source to increase efficiency as well as eliminate greenhouse gas emission. With this configuration, the system can get rid of the internal combustion engine, which has a low efficiency and high emission. For the analysis and simulation, the governing equations of the PEM system, the supercapacitor and battery were derived. These simulations were performed in MATLAB/Simulink environment. The hydraulic modeling of the excavator was also presented, and its model implemented in AMESim and studied. The whole system model was built in a co-simulation environment, which is a combination of MATLAB/Simulink and AMESim software. The simulation results were presented to show the performance of the system.

A Study on the Equivalent Circuit Modeling for Harmonics Analysis by Field Tests (현장시험에 의한 고조파 해석용 등가회로 모델링에 관한 연구)

  • 김경철;최종기;백승현;김종욱
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.60-67
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    • 2004
  • With the proliferation of nonlinear loads, high neutral harmonic currents in three-phase four-wire distribution system have been observed It has been also known that the ground impedance has an effect on the neutral currents of a system which operates with harmonics present. On-site measurements of harmonic currents and voltages, and the soil resistivity and ground resistance under case study system were made and the corresponding equivalent circuit for the harmonics analysis was developed This equivalent circuit model was simulated numerically and graphically through the use of MATLAB and CDEGS software packages, and adequate results were obtained.