• Title/Summary/Keyword: analytical mode decomposition

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Aspects of the use of proper orthogonal decomposition of surface pressure fields

  • Baker, C.J.
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.97-115
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    • 2000
  • The technique of proper orthogonal decomposition is potentially useful in specifying the fluctuating surface pressure field around structures. However there has been a degree of controversy over whether or not the calculated modes have physical meanings. This paper addresses this issue through consideration of the results of full scale experiments, and through an analytical investigation. It is concluded that the lower, most energetic modes are likely to reflect different fluctuating flow mechanisms, although no mode is likely to be associated with just one flow mechanism or vice versa. The higher, less energetic modes are likely to represent interactions between different flow mechanisms, and to be significantly affected by the number of measurement points and measurement errors. The paper concludes with a brief description of the application of POD to the problem of building ventilation, and the calculation of cladding pressures.

Extraction of quasi-static component from vehicle-induced dynamic response using improved variational mode decomposition

  • Zhiwei Chen;Long Zhao;Yigui Zhou;Wen-Yu He;Wei-Xin Ren
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.155-169
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    • 2023
  • The quasi-static component of the moving vehicle-induced dynamic response is promising in damage detection as it is sensitive to bridge damage but insensitive to environmental changes. However, accurate extraction of quasi-static component from the dynamic response is challenging especially when the vehicle velocity is high. This paper proposes an adaptive quasi-static component extraction method based on the modified variational mode decomposition (VMD) algorithm. Firstly the analytical solutions of the frequency components caused by road surface roughness, high-frequency dynamic components controlled by bridge natural frequency and quasi-static components in the vehicle-induced bridge response are derived. Then a modified VMD algorithm based on particle swarm algorithm (PSO) and mutual information entropy (MIE) criterion is proposed to adaptively extract the quasi-static components from the vehicle-induced bridge dynamic response. Numerical simulations and real bridge tests are conducted to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed extraction method. The results indicate that the improved VMD algorithm could extract the quasi-static component of the vehicle-induced bridge dynamic response with high accuracy in the presence of the road surface roughness and measurement noise.

Ambient vibration testing of Berta Highway Bridge with post-tension tendons

  • Kudu, Fatma Nur;Bayraktar, Alemdar;Bakir, Pelin Gundes;Turker, Temel;Altunisik, Ahmet Can
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.21-44
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    • 2014
  • The aim of this study is to determine the dynamic characteristics of long reinforced concrete highway bridges with post-tension tendons using analytical and experimental methods. It is known that the deck length and height of bridges are affected the dynamic characteristics considerably. For this purpose, Berta Bridge constructed in deep valley, in Artvin, Turkey, is selected as an application. The Bridge has two piers with height of 109.245 m and 85.193 m, and the total length of deck is 340.0 m. Analytical and experimental studies are carried out on Berta Bridge which was built in accordance with the balanced cantilever method. Finite Element Method (FEM) and Operational Modal Analysis (OMA) which considers ambient vibration data were used in analytical and experimental studies, respectively. Finite element model of the bridge is created by using SAP2000 program to obtain analytical dynamic characteristics such as the natural frequencies and mode shapes. The ambient vibration tests are performed using Operational Modal Analysis under wind and human loads. Enhanced Frequency Domain Decomposition (EFDD) and Stochastic Subspace Identification (SSI) methods are used to obtain experimental dynamic characteristics like natural frequencies, mode shapes and damping ratios. At the end of the study, analytical and experimental dynamic characteristic are compared with each other and the finite element model of the bridge was updated considering the material properties and boundary conditions. It is emphasized that Operational Modal Analysis method based on the ambient vibrations can be used safely to determine the dynamic characteristics, to update the finite element models, and to monitor the structural health of long reinforced concrete highway bridges constructed with the balanced cantilever method.

Finite element model updating of an arch type steel laboratory bridge model using semi-rigid connection

  • Altunisik, Ahmet Can;Bayraktar, Alemdar;Sevim, Baris;Kartal, Murat Emre;Adanur, Suleyman
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.541-561
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    • 2010
  • This paper presents finite element analyses, experimental measurements and finite element model updating of an arch type steel laboratory bridge model using semi-rigid connections. The laboratory bridge model is a single span and fixed base structure with a length of 6.1 m and width of 1.1m. The height of the bridge column is 0.85 m and the maximum arch height is 0.95 m. Firstly, a finite element model of the bridge is created in SAP2000 program and analytical dynamic characteristics such as natural frequencies and mode shapes are determined. Then, experimental measurements using ambient vibration tests are performed and dynamic characteristics (natural frequencies, mode shapes and damping ratios) are obtained. Ambient vibration tests are performed under natural excitations such as wind and small impact effects. The Enhanced Frequency Domain Decomposition method in the frequency domain and the Stochastic Subspace Identification method in the time domain are used to extract the dynamic characteristics. Then the finite element model of the bridge is updated using linear elastic rotational springs in the supports and structural element connections to minimize the differences between analytically and experimentally estimated dynamic characteristics. At the end of the study, maximum differences in the natural frequencies are reduced on average from 47% to 2.6%. It is seen that there is a good agreement between analytical and experimental results after finite element model updating. Also, connection percentages of the all structural elements to joints are determined depending on the rotational spring stiffness.

Application of OMA on the bench-scale earthquake simulator using micro tremor data

  • Kasimzade, Azer A.;Tuhta, Sertac
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.61 no.2
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    • pp.267-274
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    • 2017
  • In this study was investigated of possibility using the recorded micro tremor data on ground level as ambient vibration input excitation data for investigation and application Operational Modal Analysis (OMA) on the bench-scale earthquake simulator (The Quanser Shake Table) for model steel structures. As known OMA methods (such as EFDD, SSI and so on) are supposed to deal with the ambient responses. For this purpose, analytical and experimental modal analysis of a model steel structure for dynamic characteristics was evaluated. 3D Finite element model of the building was evaluated for the model steel structure based on the design drawing. Ambient excitation was provided by shake table from the recorded micro tremor ambient vibration data on ground level. Enhanced Frequency Domain Decomposition is used for the output only modal identification. From this study, best correlation is found between mode shapes. Natural frequencies and analytical frequencies in average (only) 2.8% are differences.

OMA of model chimney using Bench-Scale earthquake simulator

  • Tuhta, Sertac
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.321-327
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    • 2019
  • This study investigated the possibility of using the recorded micro tremor data on ground level as ambient vibration input excitation data for investigation and application Operational Modal Analysis (OMA) on the bench-scale earthquake simulator (The Quanser Shake Table) for model chimney. As known OMA methods (such as EFDD, SSI and so on) are supposed to deal with the ambient responses. For this purpose, analytical and experimental modal analysis of a model chimney for dynamic characteristics was performed. 3D Finite element model of the chimney was evaluated based on the design drawing. Ambient excitation was provided by shake table from the recorded micro tremor ambient vibration data on ground level. Enhanced Frequency Domain Decomposition is used for the output only modal identification. From this study, best correlation is found between mode shapes. Natural frequencies and analytical frequencies in average (only) 1.996% are different.

Modal parameter identification of in-filled RC frames with low strength concrete using ambient vibration

  • Arslan, Mehmet E.;Durmus, Ahmet
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.50 no.2
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    • pp.137-149
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    • 2014
  • In this study, modal parameters such as natural frequencies, mode shapes and damping ratios of RC frames with low strength are determined for different construction stages using ambient vibration test. For this purpose full scaled, one bay and one story RC frames are produced and tested for plane, brick in-filled and brick in-filled with plaster conditions. Measurement time, frequency span and effective mode number are determined by considering similar studies and literature. To obtain experimental dynamic characteristics, Enhanced Frequency Domain Decomposition and Stochastic Subspace Identification techniques are used together. It is shown that the ambient vibration measurements are enough to identify the most significant modes of RC frames. The results indicate that modal parameters change significantly depending on the construction stages. In addition, Infill walls increase stiffness and change the mode shapes of the RC frame. There is a good agreement between mode shapes obtained from brick in-filled and in-filled with plaster conditions. However, some differences are seen in plane frame, like expected. Dynamic characteristics should be verified using finite element analysis. Finally, inconsistency between experimental and analytical dynamic characteristics should be minimize by finite element model updating using some uncertain parameters such as material properties, boundary condition and section properties to reflect the current behavior of the RC frames.

Finite element model updating effect on the structural behavior of long span concrete highway bridges

  • Altunisik, A.C.;Bayraktar, A.
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.745-765
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    • 2014
  • In this paper, it is aimed to determine the finite element model updating effects on the structural behavior of long span concrete highway bridges. Birecik Highway Bridge located on the 81stkm of Sanliurfa-Gaziantep state highway over Firat River in Turkey is selected as a case study. The bridge consist of fourteen spans, each of span has a nearly 26m. The total bridge length is 380m and width of bridge is 10m. Firstly, the analytical dynamic characteristics such as natural frequencies and mode shapes are attained from finite element analyses using SAP2000 program. After, experimental dynamic characteristics are specified from field investigations using Operational Modal Analysis method. Enhanced Frequency Domain Decomposition method in the frequency domain is used to extract the dynamic characteristics such as natural frequencies, mode shapes and damping ratios. Analytically and experimentally identified dynamic characteristics are compared with each other and finite element model of the bridge is updated to reduce the differences by changing of some uncertain parameters such as section properties, damages, boundary conditions and material properties. At the end of the study, structural performance of the highway bridge is determined under dead load, live load, and dynamic loads before and after model updating to specify the updating effect. Displacements, internal forces and stresses are used as comparison parameters. From the study, it is seen that the ambient vibration measurements are enough to identify the most significant modes of long span highway bridges. Maximum differences between the natural frequencies are reduced averagely from %46.7 to %2.39 by model updating. A good harmony is found between mode shapes after finite element model updating. It is demonstrated that finite element model updating has an important effect on the structural performance of the arch type long span highway bridge. Maximum displacements, shear forces, bending moments and compressive stresses are reduced %28.6, %21.0, %19.22, and %33.3-20.0, respectively.

Three-dimensional Detonation Cell Structures in a Circular Tube

  • Cho, D.R.;Won, S.H.;Shin, Edward J.R.;Choi, J.Y.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers Conference
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    • 2008.03a
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    • pp.597-601
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    • 2008
  • Three-dimensional structures of detonation wave propagating in circular tube were investigated. Inviscid fluid dynamics equations coupled with a conservation equation of reaction progress variable were analyzed by a MUSCL-type TVD scheme and four stage Runge-Kutta time integration. Variable-$\gamma$ formulation was used to account for the variable properties between unburned and burned states and the chemical reaction was modeled by using a simplified one-step irreversible kinetics model. The computational code was parallelized based on domain decomposition technique using MPI-II message passing library. The computations were carried out using a home made Windows based PC cluster having 160 AMD AthloxXP and Athlon64 processor. The computational domain consisted of through a roundshaped tube with wall conditions. As an initial condition, analytical ZND solution was distributed over the computational domain with disturbances. The disturbances has circumferential large gradient. The unsteady computational results in three-dimension show the detailed mechanisms of multi-cell mode of detonation wave instabilities resulting diamond shape in smoked-foil record.

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Prediction of the Successful Defibrillation using Hilbert-Huang Transform (Hilbert-Huang 변환을 이용한 제세동 성공 예측)

  • Jang, Yong-Gu;Jang, Seung-Jin;Hwang, Sung-Oh;Yoon, Young-Ro
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SC
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    • v.44 no.5
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    • pp.45-54
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    • 2007
  • Time/frequency analysis has been extensively used in biomedical signal processing. By extracting some essential features from the electro-physiological signals, these methods are able to determine the clinical pathology mechanisms of some diseases. However, this method assumes that the signal should be stationary, which limits its application in non-stationary system. In this paper, we develop a new signal processing method using Hilbert-Huang Transform to perform analysis of the nonlinear and non-stationary ventricular fibrillation(VF). Hilbert-Huang Transform combines two major analytical theories: Empirical Mode Decomposition(EMD) and the Hilbert Transform. Hilbert-Huang Transform can be used to decompose natural data into independent Intrinsic Mode Functions using the theories of EMD. Furthermore, Hilbert-Huang Transform employs Hilbert Transform to determine instantaneous frequency and amplitude, and therefore can be used to accurately describe the local behavior of signals. This paper studied for Return Of Spontaneous Circulation(ROSC) and non-ROSC prediction performance by Support Vector Machine and three parameters(EMD-IF, EMD-FFT) extracted from ventricular fibrillation ECG waveform using Hilbert-Huang transform. On the average results of sensitivity and specificity were 87.35% and 76.88% respectively. Hilbert-Huang Transform shows that it enables us to predict the ROSC of VF more precisely.