• Title/Summary/Keyword: alveolar consonants

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The effect of word frequency on the reduction of English CVCC syllables in spontaneous speech

  • Kim, Jungsun
    • Phonetics and Speech Sciences
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.45-53
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    • 2015
  • The current study investigated CVCC syllables in spontaneous American English speech to find out whether such syllables are produced as phonological units with a string of segments, showing a hierarchical structure. Transcribed data from the Buckeye Speech Corpus was used for the analysis in this study. The result of the current study showed that the constituents within a CVCC syllable as a phonological unit may have phonetic variations (namely, the final coda may undergo deletion). First, voiceless alveolar stops were the most frequently deleted when they occurred as the second final coda consonants of a CVCC syllable; this deletion may be an intermediate process on the way from the abstract form CVCC (with the rime VCC) to the actual pronunciation CVC (with the rime VC), a production strategy employed by some individual speakers. Second, in the internal structure of the rime, the proportion of deletion of the final coda consonant depended on the frequency of the word rather than on the position of postvocalic consonants on the sonority hierarchy. Finally, the segment following the consonant cluster proved to have an effect on the reduction of that cluster; more precisely, the following contrast was observed between obstruents and non-obstruents, reflecting the effect of sonority: when the segment following the consonant cluster was an obstruent, the proportion of deletion of the final coda consonant was increased. Among these results, the effect of word frequency played a critical role for promoting the deletion of the second coda consonant for clusters in CVCC syllables in spontaneous speech. The current study implies that the structure of syllables as phonological units can vary depending on individual speakers' lexical representation.

The Transfer Effects of Perceptual Learning by Japanese of Korean Alveolar Stop Consonants (일본인의 한국어 치경폐쇄음 지각 학습의 전이효과)

  • Kim, Yoon-Hyun;Kim, Jung-Oh
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Cognitive Science Conference
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    • 2005.05a
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    • pp.154-157
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    • 2005
  • 본 연구는 한국어를 학습한 경험이 없는 일본인의 한국어 치경폐쇄음 세 음소 범주(/ㄷ/, /ㄸ/, /ㅌ/)에 대한 지각 학습이 양순폐쇄음 세 음소(/ㅂ/. /ㅃ/, /ㅍ/) 지각에 미치는 효과를 검토하였다. 김윤현과 김정오 (2005)는 일본인들이 지각 학습과제에서 한국어 치경폐쇄음 세 범주를 구분할 때 기식성. 긴장성과 같은 변별 자질에 선택주의 하게 됨을 시사하는 결과를 얻었다. 치경음에 대한 지각 학습으로 적절한 단서에 선택주의 하게 되었다면, 같은 지각 차원에 따라 세 범주로 구분되는 양순음의 경우에도 치경폐쇄음 학습 후 음성자극들을 옳게 범주화를 할 것이다. 실험 결과, 치경폐쇄음 자극(/다/, /따/, /타/)만으로 이루어진 동일-상이판단 학습 과제에서 치경폐쇄음 파악의 정확율은 29.1%(표준오차=3.02) 증가하였고, 조음 위치의 변화에 따른 음향적 차이에도 불구하고 양순폐쇄음의 정반응율도 15.8%(표준오차=3.27)의 향상을 보였다. 이 전이효과는 치경음 지각 학습 때문에 일본인들이 폐쇄음의 세 음소 범주를 구분하는 적절한 지각 차원에 선택주의하게 되었음을 시사한다.

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A perceptual study of the three-way contrast in Korean stops with cross-spliced syllables

  • Kim, Mi-Ryoung
    • Proceedings of the KSPS conference
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    • 1996.10a
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    • pp.343-348
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    • 1996
  • This paper examines the contribution of vocalic information (after the onset of voicing) to the perception of Korean alveolar stops: the aspirated /$t^{h}$/, the lenis /t/, and the fortis /$t^{*}$/. These stops have been analyzed as differing in VOT (Abramson & Lisker, 1964), the glottal width or aspiration (Kim, 1970), and F0 and intensity build-up (Han & Weitzman, 1970). These studies focused on the articulatory and acoustic qualities of the consonants and often assumed that the consonantal portion before the onset of voicing plays the main role in maintaining the three-way distinction. In contrast, the role of the following vowels was given less attention. In order to investigate the contribution of the following vowels, a perceptual study was conducted using stimuli cross-spliced from three naturally produced syllables [$t^{h}al$] 'mask', [tal] 'moon', and [$t^{*}al$]) 'daughter'. Stimuli were presented to 12 Korean listeners for identification. Each subject responded to a total of 486 tokens. The results show that vowels play the primary role when the cut occurs at the star of voicing. Even with cuts at 10 ms and 40 ms into voicing, the following vowel still plays a clear role. This suggests that vowels carry the important information for distinguishing the three stops.

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Acoustical Analysis of Phonological Reduction in Conversational Japanese (일본어 회화문에 나타난 축약형의 음운론적 해석과 음향음성학적 분석)

  • Choi, Young-Sook
    • Speech Sciences
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.229-241
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    • 2001
  • Using eighteen texts from various genera of present-day Japanese, I collected phonologically reduced forms frequently observed in conversational Japanese, and classified them in search of a unified. explanation of phonological phenomena. I found 7,516 cases of reduced forms which I divided into 43 categories according to the types of phonological changes they have undergone. The general tendencies are that deletion and fusion of a phoneme or an entire syllable takes place frequently, resulting in the decrease in the number of syllables. From a morphosyntactic point of view, phonological reduction often occurs at the NP and VP morpheme boundaries. The following findings are drawn from phonetical observations of reduction. (1) Vowels are more easily deleted than consonants. (2) Bilabials ([m], [b], and [w]) are the most likely candidates for deletion. (3) In a concatenation of vowels, closed vowels are absorbed into open vowels, or two adjacent vowels come to create another vowel, in which case reconstruction of the original sequence is not always predictable. (4) Alveolars are palatalized under the influence of front vowels. (5) Regressive assimilation takes place in a syllable starting with [r], changing the entire syllable into a phonological choked sound or a syllabic nasal, depending on the voicing of the following phoneme.

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Segment and Word Duration Produced by Preschool Children (학령전기 아동의 분절음 및 단어 길이)

  • Kang, Eunyeong
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Integrative Medicine
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.291-305
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    • 2020
  • Purpose : The duration of speech segments reflects children's speech motor development. The purpose of this study was to determine whether segmental sound and word duration varies by age among preschool children. Methods : A total of 60 children aged 4~5 years participated in this study. Participants took the picture-naming test to produce single-word speech data. The duration of the consonant at the initial position of the word and the final position of the word, the voice onset time of plosive, the duration of the vowel following the initial consonant, and the duration of the word were measured. Results : As age increased, the duration of the initial consonant, the duration of the word, and the voice onset time decreased significantly. The main effects of age, manner of articulation, and place of articulation on the duration of the initial consonant were significant. The duration of consonants in the nasal sound and plosives and the duration of bilabial and alveolar sound differed significantly between groups. The main effects of age and vocal type on voice onset time were significant. The main effect of age on the duration of the consonant in the final position of word and on the duration of the vowel were not statistically significant. Conclusion : The results of this study showed that the duration of segmental sound and the word were associated with speech development between 4 and 5 years old. Accordingly, duration of the segmental sound and the word may serve as an acoustic cue as they reflect speech development and speech motor control maturity.

The Compensatory Articulation in the Patients with Cleft Palate having Velopharyngeal Insufficiency (구개열로 인한 연인두 폐쇄 부전 환자의 보상조음)

  • Lee Eun-Kyung;Park Mi-Kyong;Son Young-Ik
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Laryngology, Phoniatrics and Logopedics
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.118-122
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    • 2005
  • Background and Objectives The compensatory articulation not only influences general speech intelligibility, but also prevents precise assessment of the velopharyngeal function. This study was performed to investigate frequently affected phonemes, prevalence and the characteristics of compensatory articulation in the patients with cleft palate having velopharyngeal insufficiency. Material and Method An archival review was taken on 103 cleft palate subjects. Their age ranged from 2.6 to 63 years (mean age of 9.8 years). They were grouped into two : preschool group (n=71) and older patient group (n=32). The prevalence and patterns of compensatory articulation were examined on oral high pressure consonants such as plosives, fricatives and affricates. Results : Compensatory errors were observed in $49.5\%$ of the subjects and were mostly glottal stops with the exception of 4cases who had pharyngeal fricatives in addition to glottal stops. The most frequently substituted phonemes were velar plosives and tense sound. There was no significant difference of prevalence in both groups. However, errors for bilabial and alveolar plosives were more frequently observed in preschool group. Conclusion High prevalence of compensatory articulation observed in both preschool and older age group indicates that their articulation errors tend to remain unless appropriate speech therapy is provided. To improve speech intelligibility of the patients with cleft palate having velopharyngeal insufficiency, it is advisable to address and correct the compensatory articulation errors in their earlier ages.

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Articulation Changes after Partial Glossectomy in Patients with Early Tongue Cancer (초기 구강설암 환자에서 부분 설절제술 후 조음변화)

  • Lee, Gil-Joon;Youm, Hye-Youn;Lee, Gang-Gyu;Lee, Eun-Kyoung;Son, Young-Ik
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Laryngology, Phoniatrics and Logopedics
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.42-47
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    • 2010
  • Backgrounds and Objects: Carcinoma of the tongue is the most common cancer of the oral cavity. A primary treatment strategy includes surgery and/or radiotherapy. Resection of the tongue often results in speech dysfunction, which depends on the site and extent of resection, type of reconstruction, and the mobility of remaining tongue. This study aimed to evaluate the characteristics of articulation errors that were resulted from the partial glossectomy without free flap reconstruction. Materials & Method : Articulation evaluations including speech intelligibility and percent of correct consonants (PCC) were performed for 24 patients who underwent partial glossectomy for their T1 or T2 tongue cancer. Mobility of the tongue, size of the resected tongue, and the history of adjuvant radiotherapy were analyzed for their relationship with the results of articulation evaluation. Results: Speech intelligibility score was $6.4{\pm}0.9$ (on 7-point scale) and overall PCC was 96.9%. There were close relationships between the size of resection and limitations in the tongue mobility, especially in "protrusion and elevation (r=-0.687)" and "retroflexion (r=-0.775)". Errors in "alveolar fricatives" and "palatal affricates" were also closely related with the size of resection (r=-0.537 and -0.538, respectively). PCC for "liquid sound" /r/ was 83.2%, which was closely related with the history of radiation therapy. Conclusion : Overall articulatory function was satisfactory in cases of early tongue cancer after partial glossectomy of a limited volume without flap reconstruction. However, the size of resection and the history of radiation therapy were closely related to the limitations in some types of tongue mobility and the resultant articulation errors.

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Tongue and lip strength in children with and without speech sound disorders (말소리장애 아동과 일반 아동 간 입술 및 혀 근력 비교 연구)

  • Jicheol Bang;Ji-Wan Ha;Seong-Tak Woo;Hyunjoo Choi;Sungdae Na;Sung-Bom Pyun
    • Phonetics and Speech Sciences
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.59-69
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    • 2024
  • Among the subgroups of speech sound disorder (SSD), the motor speech disorder (MSD) group is characterized by weak articulatory force. This study quantitatively measured and compared articulatory muscle strength between SSD and typically developing (TD) children. The Iowa Oral Performance Instrument (IOPI) was used to measure lip and tongue strength in 15 children with SSD and 15 TD children. We additionally measured peak lip and tongue pressure and endurance, and analyzed the correlation between each strength measure and the percentage of consonants correct (PCC). The findings were as follows: First, lip strength for the bilabial sounds did not differ between the two groups in the initial position but was significantly weaker in the SSD group in the final position. Tongue strength for alveolar sounds was weaker in the SSD group than in the TD group for the initial and final positions. Second, for lip and tongue strength, the difference in voicing features was significant in the TD group but not in the SSD group. Third, the peak pressure and endurance of the lips and tongue were significantly lower in the SSD group than in the TD group. Fourth, significantly higher static correlations were observed between most strength measures and the PCC. These findings suggest that weakness in articulatory motor execution may be an unrecognized underlying problem of SSD with unknown origin.