• 제목/요약/키워드: agricultural ecosystem

검색결과 615건 처리시간 0.028초

($^{14}C-$방사성 추적자에 의한 농약의 토양과 식물체내에서의 행적규명 (Elucidation of the Behaviour of Pesticides in Soil and Plant by the $^{14}C-radiotracer$)

  • 경기성;이재구
    • 한국환경농학회지
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    • 제12권3호
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    • pp.309-318
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    • 1993
  • A few technical methods including lysimeter, micro-ecosystem and soil column experiments which have been used for elucidation of the behaviour of pesticide residues in soil by means of the $^{14}C-radiotracer$ were introduced. They are essential for the investigation of soil-bound residues of pesticides, and hence the continued development and support in this field are urgently required.

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농림생태계와 대기간의 상호 작용 연구를 위한 에디 공분산 방법의 사용에 관하여 (On Using the Eddy Covariance Method to Study the Interaction between Agro-Forest Ecosystems and the Atmosphere)

  • 최태진;김준;윤진일
    • 한국농림기상학회지
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    • 제1권1호
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    • pp.60-71
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    • 1999
  • The micrometeorological tower flux network is the cornerstone of the global terrestrial vegetation monitoring. The eddy covariance technique used for tower fluxes is derived from the conservation of mass and is most applicable for steady-state conditions over flat, extended, and uniform vegetation. This technique allows us to obtain surface fluxes of energy budget components, greenhouse and trace gases, and other pollutants. The quality-controlled flux data are invaluable to validate various models with temporal scales ranging from minutes to years and spatial scales ranging from a few meters to hundreds of kilometers. In this paper, we review the theoretical background of this important eddy covariance technique, examine the measurement criteria and corrections, and finally suggest some measurement strategies that may facilitate coordinated flux measurements among different disciplines and provide a strong infrastructure for the global flux network.

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Deriving Ecological Protective Concentration of Cadmium for Korean Soil Environment

  • Lee, Woo-Mi;Nam, Sun-Hwa;An, Youn-Joo
    • Environmental Engineering Research
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    • 제18권4호
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    • pp.241-246
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    • 2013
  • For effective and efficient environmental management, developed countries, such as the Netherlands, UK, Australia, Canada, and United States apply ecological risk assessment, and they have an autonomous risk assessment methodology to protect native receptors. In this study, soil ecological protective concentration (EPC) of cadmium in Korea was derived using Korean ecological risk assessment methodology. The soil EPC of cadmium was calculated using probabilistic ecological risk assessment based on species sensitivity distribution. The soil EPC was calculated according to land use for residential/agricultural and industrial/commercial purposes. The chronic soil EPCs for residential/agricultural and industrial/commercial lands were derived to be 1.58 and 9.60 mg/kg, respectively. These values were similar to soil EPC of European Commission, the Netherlands, UK, and Canada. However, these values were lower than the established Korean soil standard, because the current soil standard was based on human risk. Therefore, the impact on an ecosystem when establishing environmental standard should be considered.

공간기후모형을 이용한 농업기상정보 생산 (Visualization of Local Climates Based on Geospatial Climatology)

  • 윤진일
    • 한국농림기상학회지
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    • 제6권4호
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    • pp.272-289
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    • 2004
  • The spatial resolution of local weather and climate information for agronomic practices exceeds the current weather service scale. To supplement the insufficient spatial resolution of official forecasts and observations, gridded climate data are frequently generated. Most ecological models can be run using gridded climate data to produce ecosystem responses at landscape scales. In this lecture, state of the art techniques derived from geospatial climatology, which can generate gridded climate data by spatially interpolating point observations at synoptic weather stations, will be introduced. Removal of the urban effects embedded in the interpolated surfaces of daily minimum temperature, incorporation of local geographic potential for cold air accumulation into the minimum temperature interpolation scheme, and solar irradiance correction for daytime hourly temperature estimation are presented. Some experiences obtained from their application to real landscapes will be described.

김제 벼-보리 이모작 논에서 벼 재배기간 동안의 순생태계 CO2 교환량에 대한 환경요인 분석 (Environmental Controls on Net Ecosystem CO2 Exchange during a Rice Growing Season at a Rice-Barley Double Cropping Paddy Field in Gimje, Korea)

  • 심교문;민성현;김용석;정명표;황해;김석철;소규호
    • 한국기후변화학회지
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    • 제5권1호
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    • pp.71-81
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    • 2014
  • 미기상학적 방법인 에디공분산 기법을 이용하여 벼-보리 이모작의 논 생태계와 대기간 $CO_2$ 교환량의 계절적 변화를 조사하고, 벼-보리 이모작 작부체계에서 벼 재배기간의 $CO_2$ 교환량에 미치는 환경요인들과 지상부 생육량의 효과를 분석하였다. 관측된 $CO_2$ 플럭스자료는 보정과 결측 보충 등의 과정을 거친 후 분석에 활용되었다. 벼-보리 이모작 논 생태계에서 벼 재배기간 동안의 $CO_2$ 순 생태계 교환량(NEE)과 총일차생산량(GPP) 및 생태적 호흡량(Re)은 각각 단위면적($m^2$)당 -215.6, 763.9, 548.3g C로 분석되었다. 순복사에너지(Rn)와 NEE의 관계는 이차함수로 나타낼 수 있으며, Rn의 이차함수는 NEE 변이의 66%를 설명하였다. 반면에 Re와 지온의 관계는 지수함수로 나타낼 수 있으며, 벼논이 배수생태에서는 Re에 대한 지온의 지수함수는 Re 변이의 43%를 설명하였다. 그리고 벼 작물의 지상부 생육량과 논 생태계의 $CO_2$ 플럭스(NEE, GPP, Re)는 유의성 높은 선형관계를 나타냈다. 따라서 환경인자 및 벼 작물 생육자료와 $CO_2$ 플럭스의 관계식으로 미 관측 논 생태계에 대한 $CO_2$ 플럭스의 추정이 가능할 것으로 판단되었다.

유기농 벼-담수어 복합영농의 습지기능평가 및 전문가 조사 (Wetland Function Evaluation and Expert Assessment of Organic Rice-Fish Mixed Farming System)

  • 남홍식;박광래;안난희;이상민;조정래;김봉래;임종악;이창원;최선우;김창현;공민재;손진관
    • 한국습지학회지
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    • 제20권2호
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    • pp.161-172
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    • 2018
  • 우리나라 농업 농촌은 경영 개선을 위해 유기농 쌀 생산과 더불어 담수어를 생산하는 복합영농이 시작되었다. 본 연구는 복합영농이 환경, 생태적 기능에 얼마나 가치가 있는지 알아보았다. 연구방법은 전문가 평가와 습지평가체계(RAM)를 분석하였다. 전문가 조사 결과 양서파충류 서식처(2.39), 수서곤충 서식처(2.36), 어류 서식처(2.34), 식생다양성(2.13), 조류 서식처(2.05) 등 생물다양성 분야와 체험/생태교육(2.29) 기능이 1순위로 구분되었다. Modified RAM를 통해 관행논과 복합논의 습지기능평가를 실시한 결과 복합논이 대부분의 평가기능 항목에서 기능이 향상 되는 것으로 평가되었다. 보전가치 판단기준은 관행논 향상에서 복합논 보전으로 가치가 향상 되었다. 연구결과 복합영농은 관행논에 비해 습지 기능이 탁월하게 개선되는 것을 평가를 통해 알 수 있었다. 논은 국가 생물다양성 유지에 지대한 역할을 수행하며, 기후조절, 탄소저감 등 다양한 생태계서비스를 제공하는 공간으로 평가받는다. 복합영농 실현은 논의 다양한 생태계서비스 기능을 증진시켜 줄 뿐 아니라 물고기 생산이라는 부가가치를 통한 농가의 소득증대와 그로 인한 체험, 전통계승 등의 사회적 기능 증진에도 유용 할 수 있다. 본 연구결과를 바탕으로 습지기능평가가 높게 개선된 항목과 전문가들로부터 높은 개선이 예상된 항목을 실재 운영 시 정량 평가 및 조사하여 생산되는 물고기과 쌀의 친환경 이미지를 제고시키고 브랜드, 음식, 체험, 논농업 직불제 등 다양한 분야로 활용하도록 연구를 추가적으로 추진해야 할 것으로 판단된다.

GIS를 이용한 아산시 마을습지 인벤토리 구축 및 관리 방안 연구 (A Study on Development of Village Wetlands Inventory Using GIS and Establishment of Management Methods in Asan City, Korea)

  • 박미옥;양승빈;구본학
    • 한국환경복원기술학회지
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    • 제18권6호
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    • pp.167-177
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    • 2015
  • This study was conducted to establish an inventory and propose conservation strategies for 'village wetlands' in Asan city, Korea, using GIS. As results, the village wetlands are defined as such places as 'palustrine' wetland, village embankment, agricultural reservoir or small reservoirs located in or near the village and related to everyday life or farming. Firstly 807 provisional village wetlands(draft) were identified in Asan by using Arc-GIS 10.1, then 196 wetlands(final) were defined finally as village wetlands and listed the inventory of Asan Village Wetlands after being validated through office works and field survey. The office works analyzed minimum area(greater than $625m^2$), satellite images, the Korea Land Information System, land use map and land coverage map. To evaluate the function and conservation values, the 37 wetlands were selected for detailed surveying and function assessment based on the following criteria : 1) doubled code both wetland and reservoir at digital map, 2) located less than 100m from village and 3) ecologically connected to such ecological resources as seaside mudflats, mountains and green area and ecological passages for small size wildlifes. As the result of the wetland function assessments by the RAM method, 7 wetlands were found to have 'high' wetland function (conservation) 18 wetlands were 'medium' (enhancement) and 12 wetlands were 'low' (restoration or enhancement). Enhancing biodiversity and ecosystem services through ecological management of wetlands in Asan and connecting with the Ecological Natural Degree were proposed.

기온자료에 근거한 주요 포도품종의 휴면해제 및 발아시기 추정 (Prediction of Dormancy Release and Bud Burst in Korean Grapevine Cultivars Using Daily Temperature Data)

  • 권은영;송기철;윤진일
    • 한국농림기상학회지
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    • 제7권3호
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    • pp.185-191
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    • 2005
  • An accurate prediction of dormancy release and bud burst in temperate zone fruit trees is indispensable for farmers to plan heating time under partially controlled environments as well as to reduce the risk of frost damage in open fields. A thermal time-based two-step phenological model that originated in Italy was applied to two important grapevine cultivars in Korea for predicting bud-burst dates. The model consists of two sequential periods: a rest period described by chilling requirement and a forcing period described by heating requirement. It requires daily maximum and minimum temperature as an input and calculates daily chill units (chill days in negative sign) until a pre-determined chilling requirement for rest release is met. After the projected rest release date, it adds daily heat units (anti-chill days in positive sign) to the chilling requirement. The date when the sum reaches zero isregarded as the bud-burst in the model. Controlled environment experiments using field sampled twigs of 'Campbell Early' and 'Kyoho' cultivars were carried out in the vineyard at the National Horticultural Research Institute (NHRI) in Suwon during 2004-2005 to derive the model parameters: threshold temperature for chilling and chilling requirement for breaking dormancy. The model adjusted with the selected parameters was applied to the 1994-2004 daily temperature data obtained from the automated weather station in the NHRI vineyard to estimate bud burst dates of two cultivars and the results were compared with the observed data. The model showed a consistently good performance in predicting the bud burst of 'Campbell Early' and 'Kyoho' cultivars with 2.6 and 2.5 days of root mean squared error, respectively.

산림 저습지의 생태적 특성분석 및 관리방안 - 경상북도 남부지역을 중심으로 - (Management and Analysis on Ecological Characteristics of the Swamp in Forest - Focused on Southern Parts of Gyeongsangbuk-do -)

  • 유주한;나정화;정성관;조현주
    • 한국환경복원기술학회지
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    • 제11권2호
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    • pp.75-86
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    • 2008
  • The wetlands have functions those were retention of diverse biota, purification of water quality, control of climate and flood, eco-tourism and supply of agricultural water, and that was the ecosystem of high biodiversity as the zone of transition between inland and water. Therefore, this study showed the conservation and management plan by analyzing in the abiotic and biotic environment of forest swamp, Gyeongsangbuk-do. The results were as follows. Examining the management plan of the abiotic environment, there will need to establish the hydrological plan in continuous expediting the supply of water to maintain a humid soil of swamp, and to try to find the organic farming, use of low toxic agrichemicals and so on to prevent occurring a non-point source pollutants. To prevent changing the flowing of ground water and inflow of earth and sand in modifying the land character, there will be needed to restrict the construction of farmland and slope around swamp. To manage the biotic environment, there needed to offer the habitat by removing the regular interval and individual of a dead tree, and to improve the growth environment of vegetation. Because the naturalized plants disturb the natural vegetation, they will be removed. The afforested trees like Robinia pseudoacacia and Amorpha truticosa will be renewed to prevent the heterogeneity of landscape ecology, and the active conservation plan on wetland species will be established. As this study was carried out to study on the partial swamp, Gyeongsanbuk-do, the ecological environments distributing a swamp in Korea show a some problem. In the future, the study will accomplish to study the accurately and objectively ecological environment and management of a swamp by analyzing the extensive sites.

만덕산일대의 관속식물 분포 특성 (Characteristics of Distribution of Vascular Plants in the Mt. Manduk)

  • 오현경;변무섭
    • 한국환경과학회지
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    • 제16권10호
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    • pp.1139-1146
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    • 2007
  • The vascular plants in the Mt. Manduk was listed 560 taxa composed of 110 families, 345 genera, 488 species, 1 subspecies, 67 varieties and 4 forms. Based on the list of the rare plants by the Forest Research Institute, 4 taxa were recorded in the studied areas; Lilium distichum (Preservation priority order; No. 159), Tricyrtis dilatata (No. 97), Aristolochia contorta (No. 151) and Prunus yedoensis (No. 110). Based on the list of Korean endemic plants, 12 taxa were recorded; Cephalotaxus koreana, Carex okamotoi, Lilium amabile, Populus tomentiglandulosa, Salix purpurea var. japonica, Pseudostellaria multiflora, Prunus yedoensis, Stewartia koreana, Forsythia koreana, Paulownia core ana, Weigela subsessilis and Aster koraiensis. Based on the list of approved for delivering overseas of plants, 7 taxa were recorded; Carex okamotoi, Lilium distichum, Aristolochia contorta, Vaccinium oldhami, Paulownia coreana, Asperula lasiantha and Saussurea seoulensis. Specific plants by floral region were total 32 taxa; Prunus yedoensis in class V, Wistaria floribunda in class IV, 5 taxa (Girardinia cuspidata, Spiraea salicifolia, Acer palmatum, Stewartia koreana, Asperula lasiantha) in class III, 3 taxa (Potentilla dickinsii, Viola tokubuchiana var. takedana and Caryopteris incana) in class II and 22 taxa (Pinus koraiensis, Hosta capitata, Chloranthus japonicus, Salix glandulosa, Juglans mandshurica, etc.) in class I. The naturalized plants in the surveyed sites were 14 families, 36 genera, 44 species, 2 varieties, 46 taxa and naturalization rate was 8.2% of all 560 taxa of vascular plants. Wild plants disturbing ecosystem like Ambrosia artemisiifolia var. elatior have been increasing. Therefore, continuous control and conservation measures are needed on the ecosystem of Mt. Manduk.