• Title/Summary/Keyword: agitation power consumption

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Characteristic of Power Consumption in Agitated Vessel Using Wire Gauge Impeller (금망임펠러를 이용한 교반조에서의 교반소요동력 특성)

  • Kim, Moon-Gab;Lee, Young-Sei
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.73-78
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    • 2011
  • Power consumption for wire gauge impeller in cylindrical agitated vessel was measured over a wide range of Reynolds number from laminar to turbulent flow regions. The power correlation were obtained agitation power input of WM4 at gassing condition in turbulent region, at gassing condition in transient region and at gassing condition in laminar region. Also the compared with effect of impeller diameter and blade width on agitation power input at gassing condition in turbulent region, at gassing condition in transient region and at gassing condition in laminar region.

Effects and Batch Kinetics of Agitation and Aeration on Submerged Cultivation of Ganoderma Iucidum (영지의 액체배양에 미치는 통기.교반의 효과와 동력학적 특성)

  • 이학수;정재현;이신영
    • KSBB Journal
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.307-313
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    • 2001
  • The effects of agitaion and aeration on mycelial growth, exo-polysaccharide (EPS) production, and substrate consumption upon the submerged cultivation of G. lucidum were investigated, and the batch kinetics of the EPS fermentation of G. lucidum were interpreted as function of agitation speed and aeration rate. In a 2.6 L jar fermenter system, the optimum agitation speed and aeration rate for EPS production were determined to be 400 rpm and 1.0 vvm, respectively. The maximum production of EPS obtained was 15 g/L. The logistic model for mycelial growth fitted the experimental data better than that determined by the Monod and the two-thirds power models. The Luedeking-Piret equation adequately modelled the kinetic data obtained for product and substrate.

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Liquid-Liquid Dispersion of an Immiscible Liquid Phase (n-Hexane/Water) System in a Stirred Tank (교반조에서 비혼화성 액상(n-헥산/물)계의 액-액분산)

  • Kim, Tae-Ok;Kim, Dong-Uk;Chun, Jong-Han
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.537-543
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    • 1993
  • The effect of agitation on liquid-liquid dispersion was investigated in an immisible liquid phase(n-hexane/water) system. Four different types of six-bladed turbine impellers were used: a flat blade, two screen blades and a solid edged 60 mesh screen blade. We found that the extent of dispersion of organic phase and power consumption of agitator were decreased in the order of flat, solid edged, 60 mesh, and 40 mesh blades at same agitation speed. And the minimum agitation speed for complete dispersion of organic phase was increased with increasing volume fraction of organic phase. Also, mean diameter of liquid droplets of dispersed phase was decreased with increasing agitation speed and it was increased in the order of solid edged, flat, 60 mesh, and 40 mesh screen blades at same agitation speed. At complete dispersion, the minimum power consumption was not vary significantly with impeller blade types, but the solid edged screen blade impeller gave the smallest and uniform sizes of liquid droplets, and it had a good performance for liquid-liquid dispersion. In this condition, Power number was not affected by Reynolds number and it was constant in turbulent flow region, and Sauter mean diameter(d32d32) of liquid droplets was expressed as a function of volume fraction of organic phase(ϕϕ) and Weber number(NWeNWe) as follows: d32/D=a(1+bϕ)NWe0.6d32/D=a(1+bϕ)NWe0.6.

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Dispersion of Organic Phase by Agitation in a n-Hexane/p-TSA Aqueous Solution System (n-헥산/p-TSA 수용액계에서 교반에 의한 유기상의 분산)

  • Kim, Tae-Ok;Chun, Jong-Han
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.2 no.3
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    • pp.209-215
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    • 1991
  • The effect of agitation on the dispersion of organic phase was investigated in an immiscible liquid system (n-hexane/40 wt % p-TSA aqueous solution). Four different types of six-bladed turbine impellers were used : a flat blade type and three screen blade types. The experimental results showed that the extent of dispersion of organic phase at the same agitation speed was decreased in the order of flat blade, 60 mesh, 40 mesh, and 20 mesh screen blades. Otherwise, it was increased with increasing the concentration of TBA as a surfactant agent and with decreasing volume fraction of organic phase. Also, the minimum agitation speed for a complete dispersion was increased in the order of flat blade, 60 mesh, 40 mesh, and 20 mesh screen blades. However, the minimum power consumption did not vary significantly. In this condition, the relationship between Power number and Reynolds number was expressed as Np=aNRebNp=aNReb, where the values of constant a and constant b were ranged 2200~4100 and -0.69~-0.63 respectively.

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Critical Suspension Condition of Particles in a Shaking Vessel of Solid-Liquid System (고-액계 진동교반에서 입자의 부유화 한계조건)

  • Lee, Young-Sei;Kim, Moon-Gab;Kato, Yoshihito
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.73-81
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    • 1999
  • Shake mixing has been widely used in cell culture. The mixing performance for shake mixing, however, has not been reported quantitatively. The critical circulating frequency and the power consumption for complete suspension of particles, based on the definition of Zwietering, were measured in a shaking vessel containing a solid-liquid system. The critical suspension frequency was correlated by the equation from Baldi's particle suspension model modified with the physical properties of the particles. Critical suspension frequency was correlated as following ; NJS=0.58dp0.06(gΔρ/ρL)0.004X0.03D0.35d0.17υ0.04NJS=0.58dp0.06(gΔρ/ρL)0.004X0.03D0.35d0.17υ0.04 The power consumption at the critical suspension condition in the shaking vessel was less than that in an agitated vessel with impeller.

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Agitation Performance Study of 2-shafts Agitator Rotate Directio in the Mud Tank Based on CFD (CFD를 이용한 머드 탱크 2축 교반기의 회전방향에 따른 교반성능 연구)

  • Im, Hyo-Nam;Lee, Hee-Woong;Lee, In-Su;Choi, Jae-Woong
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.111-118
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    • 2014
  • In drilling process of oil wells, the drilling fluid such as mud keeps the drill bit cool and clean during drilling, with suspending drill cuttings and lubricating a drill bit. In this paper, a commercial CFD package(ANSYS Fluent 15.0) was used to solve the hydrodynamic force and evaluate mud mixing time in the mud mixing tank on offshore drilling platforms. Prediction of power consumption in co-rotating and counter-rotating models has been compared with results of Nagata's correlation equation. This research shows the hydrodynamic effect inside the two phase mud mixing tank according to rotating directions(co-rotating and counter-rotating). These results, we can conclude that the co-rotating direction of the two shafts with mixing blade in the mud mixing tank can be a preferable in power consumption and mixing time reduction.

Rheological Characteristics of Hydrogen Fermented Food Waste and Review on the Agitation Intensity (음식물류폐기물 수소 발효액의 유변학적 특성과 교반강도 고찰)

  • Kim, Min-Gyun;Lee, Mo-Kwon;Im, Seong-Won;Shin, Sang-Ryong;Kim, Dong-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korea Organic Resources Recycling Association
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.41-50
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    • 2017
  • The design of proper agitation system is requisite in biological waste treatment and energy generation plant, which is affected by viscosity, impeller types, and power consumption. In the present work, hydrogen fermentation of food waste was conducted at various operational pHs (4.5~6.5) and substrate concentrations (10~50 g Carbo. COD/L), and the viscosity of fermented broth was analyzed. The H2H2 yield significantly varied from 0.51 to 1.77molH2/molhexoseadded1.77molH2/molhexoseadded depending on the pH value, where the highest performance was achieved at pH 5.5. The viscosity gradually dropped with shear rate increase, indicating a shear thinning property. With the disintegration of carbohydrate, the viscosity dropped after fermentation, but it did not change depending on the operational pH. At the same pH level, the H2H2 yield was not affected much, ranging 1.401.86molH2/molhexoseadded1.401.86molH2/molhexoseadded at 10~50 g Carbo. COD/L. The zero viscosity and infinite viscosity of fermented broth increased with substrate concentrations, from 10.4 to 346.2mPas346.2mPas, and from 1.7 to 5.3mPas5.3mPas, respectively. There was little difference in the viscosity value of fermented broth at 10 and 20 g Carbo. COD/L. As a result of designing the agitation intensity based on the experimental results, it is expected that the agitation intensity can be reduced during hydrogen fermentation. The initial and final agitation intensity of 30 g Carbo. COD/L in hydrogen fermentation were 26.0 and 10.0 rpm, respectively. As fermentation went on, the viscosity gradually decreased, indicating that the power consumption for agitation of food waste can be reduced.

Solid-Liquid Mass Transfer in Gas-Solid-Liquid 3-Phase System Agitated Vessel (기 - 액 - 고 3상계 교반조내의 고-액간 물질이동)

  • Lee, Young Sei;Kato, Yoshihito;Suzuki, Junichiro
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.509-516
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    • 2006
  • The solid-liquid mass transfer coefficients kLkL in a gas-liquid-solid three phases agitated vessel were measured with conventional impellers (e.g. Rushton turbine, paddle, and propeller). For the conventional impellers the rotational speed for the complete suspension NjsNjs changes with the impeller height and gas flow rate. Mass transfer coefficient of the Rushton turbin impeller, for which the particle suspension was independent of the aeration, is correlated only with Pgv. Mass transfer coefficients kLkL for the Rushton turbine, paddle and propeller impellers were affected by the impeller position.

Evaluation of Operational Conditions and Power Consumption of a Bioattritor for Enzymatic Saccharification of Uncooked Starch (무증자 전분당화용 분쇄마찰매체 함유 효소반응기의 조작조건과 동력소모의 검토)

  • 이용현;박진서
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.349-357
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    • 1989
  • Uncooked starch can be effectively saccharified in an enzyme reaction system containing attrition-milling media. To develope the high efficiency bioattritor, an agitated bead type bioreactor was constructed, and its effectiveness was evaluated. The optimal operation condition of bioattritor was found to be 300 g glass bead/L, 200 rpm, standard type impeller for 220 g/L of uncooked corn starch. The torque under the various operational conditions were also measured. The interrelation-ship between energy consumption for agitation of attrition-milling media and enhanced extent of saccharification of uncooked starch was evaluated, Power consumption was measured to be around 1.53 watt/L under the optimal operation condition. The attrition coupled enzyme reaction system is identified to tie a very excellent energy saying process for saccharification of uncooked starch, and seems to have a bright prospect of industrial application.

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Mass Transfer of Gas-Liquid in Agitated Vessel Using Wire Gauge Impeller (금망임펠러를 이용한 교반조에서의 기-액 물질이동)

  • Lee, Young-Sei
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.19-26
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    • 2008
  • The gas-liquid mass transfer volumetric coefficients in gas-liquid agitated vessels with wire gauge impellers were measured to be compared with those in vessels with disk turbine and paddle impellers. Also mass transfer volumetric coefficients for disk turbine, paddle impeller and wire gauge impeller in cylindrical agitated vessel was measured over a wide range of Reynolds number from turbulent flow to transition regions. The effect of geometries on kLakLa is clarified experimentally. Mass transfer volumetric coefficients kLakLa depends only on the power consumption (Pgv+PavPgv+Pav) per unit volume.

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