• Title/Summary/Keyword: aging of the population

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A study of the elderly housing type development plan considering the Preconsumer Housing Characteristic -focused on Seoul metropolitan area- (예비 수요자 주택선호특성을 고려한 유형별 고령자주택 개발방안에 관한 연구 -수도권을 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Min-Chang;Won, You-Ho;Lee, Joo-Hyung
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.2844-2858
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    • 2014
  • The society experiencing the industrialization and urbanization has got over the socio-demographic change. these changes make the number of the population around the world, and this phenomenon is flowing into the whole country. Korea has became a Aging Society since 2000 and will be turned into the aged society by the 2018. therefore, the importance of preparing elderly living life such as silver town is getting emphasized. the purpose of this study is aimed at analyzing the decision elements of the preliminary demanders' intention who selecting Elderly Housing. Based on this study, it was broken down by the type much more. Binary Logistic Regression Analysis of Factors affecting the Elderly housing choices were subdivided. Through this process, improvement and the implications of this study was derived. this study deducts 3 kinds of implications. First, the preference for the development of elderly housing are different with each type of characteristics. Second, the indicators along with the individual characteristics account for the most part of the surface. so the specific investigation for the demand must be required to check the indicators. Third, when it comes to development of urban elderly housing, it requires to have a part of a local government plans securing the land. Fourth, when it comes to development of suburb elderly housing, it is required to arrange the living environment around the suburbs to let user classes living in Gyeonggi-do flow into elderly housing and live their new-life in the suburbs. Finally, when it comes to development of rural elderly housing, a variety of production, leisure and other programs should be made and put into there.

An Ethnographic Study on CosPlay Group in Korea II - Analysis on CosPlay Culture in Korea and Japan - (한국 코스프레 집단의 문화기술지적 연구 II - 한국과 일본의 코스프레 문화에 대한 비교 분석 -)

  • Koh, Ae-Ran;Shin, Mi-Ran
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2006
  • This study examines the social meaning of the CosPlay, the growth potential of CosPlay culture and its effect on the related industry through the perspectives and language of the youths who enjoy CosPlay, based on the ethnographic research. Also, this study presents a comparative description of Korea and Japan CosPlay culture by the ethnographic methodology whose purpose is to define relationship of cause and effect with phenomenon. For further step, this study plans to emphasize the need to link culture, clothes and related industry in order to create a cultural environment where diversity co-exists. CosPlay is the mania culture of Japan that emulated the Halloween party of the West and that developed the party into a unique form. In Korea, this practice was accepted for the first time among a handful of youths, starting from the 1990s, after which, it was introduced to the masses while holding CosPlay related events. While CosPlay is succeeded as an industry in Japan, CosPlay in Korea is considered childish play due to the Korean culture of considering cartoon as a childish and low class genre which is enjoyed by youths. CosPlay in Korea faces the following changes: aging of the members who comprised the CosPlay culture at the initial stage; population increase, centered on middle and high school students; interest of the government and the businesses that wish to produce economic wealth by organizing CosPlay events into events for youths; and changes in the environment that comprised the surrounding of the CosPlay culture. CosPlay is an honest play that demonstrates one's effort on the stage through performance. Moreover, most of the middle and high school students who comprise the CosPlay culture demonstrate similar characteristics as mania type of people when it came to the reason that they enjoy CosPlay. However, they did not consider CosPlay culture as an important aspect of their lives. Instead, most of them said that they participate to relieve stress. Thus, they have the potential to move onto another form of youth culture that may appear more attractive to them. To them, it is not the CosPlay culture that is important, but the fact that CosPlay provides a forum where they can freely engage in play.

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Role of Citrate Synthase in Acetate Utilization and Protection from Stress-Induced Apoptosis

  • Lee, Yong-Joo;Kang, Hong-Yong;Maeng, Pil Jae
    • Proceedings of the Microbiological Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2008.05a
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    • pp.39-41
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    • 2008
  • The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been shown to contain three isoforms of citrate synthase (CS). The mitochondrial CS, Cit1, catalyzes the first reaction of the TCA cycle, i.e., condensation of acetyl-CoA and oxaloacetate to form citrate [1]. The peroxisomal CS, Cit2, participates in the glyoxylate cycle [2]. The third CS is a minor mitochondrial isofunctional enzyme, Cit3, and related to glycerol metabolism. However, the level of its intracellular activity is low and insufficient for metabolic needs of cells [3]. It has been reported that ${\Delta}cit1$ strain is not able to grow with acetate as a sole carbon source on either rich or minimal medium and that it shows a lag in attaining parental growth rates on nonfermentable carbon sources [2, 4, 5]. Cells of ${\Delta}cit2$, on the other hand, have similar growth phenotype as wild-type on various carbon sources. Thus, the biochemical basis of carbon metabolism in the yeast cells with deletion of CIT1 or CIT2 gene has not been clearly addressed yet. In the present study, we focused our efforts on understanding the function of Cit2 in utilizing $C_2$ carbon sources and then found that ${\Delta}cit1$ cells can grow on minimal medium containing $C_2$ carbon sources, such as acetate. We also analyzed that the characteristics of mutant strains defective in each of the genes encoding the enzymes involved in TCA and glyoxylate cycles and membrane carriers for metabolite transport. Our results suggest that citrate produced by peroxisomal CS can be utilized via glyoxylate cycle, and moreover that the glyoxylate cycle by itself functions as a fully competent metabolic pathway for acetate utilization in S. cerevisiae. We also studied the relationship between Cit1 and apoptosis in S. cerevisiae [6]. In multicellular organisms, apoptosis is a highly regulated process of cell death that allows a cell to self-degrade in order for the body to eliminate potentially threatening or undesired cells, and thus is a crucial event for common defense mechanisms and in development [7]. The process of cellular suicide is also present in unicellular organisms such as yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae [8]. When unicellular organisms are exposed to harsh conditions, apoptosis may serve as a defense mechanism for the preservation of cell populations through the sacrifice of some members of a population to promote the survival of others [9]. Apoptosis in S. cerevisiae shows some typical features of mammalian apoptosis such as flipping of phosphatidylserine, membrane blebbing, chromatin condensation and margination, and DNA cleavage [10]. Yeast cells with ${\Delta}cit1$ deletion showed a temperature-sensitive growth phenotype, and displayed a rapid loss in viability associated with typical apoptotic hallmarks, i.e., ROS accumulation, nuclear fragmentation, DNA breakage, and phosphatidylserine translocation, when exposed to heat stress. Upon long-term cultivation, ${\Delta}cit1$ cells showed increased potentials for both aging-induced apoptosis and adaptive regrowth. Activation of the metacaspase Yca1 was detected during heat- or aging-induced apoptosis in ${\Delta}cit1$ cells, and accordingly, deletion of YCA1 suppressed the apoptotic phenotype caused by ${\Delta}cit1$ mutation. Cells with ${\Delta}cit1$ deletion showed higher tendency toward glutathione (GSH) depletion and subsequent ROS accumulation than the wild-type, which was rescued by exogenous GSH, glutamate, or glutathione disulfide (GSSG). Beside Cit1, other enzymes of TCA cycle and glutamate dehydrogenases (GDHs) were found to be involved in stress-induced apoptosis. Deletion of the genes encoding the TCA cycle enzymes and one of the three GDHs, Gdh3, caused increased sensitivity to heat stress. These results lead us to conclude that GSH deficiency in ${\Delta}cit1$ cells is caused by an insufficient supply of glutamate necessary for biosynthesis of GSH rather than the depletion of reducing power required for reduction of GSSG to GSH.

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Factors Influencing the Length of Stay Ischemic Heart Disease Utilizing Medical Information (의료정보를 활용한 허혈성 심장질환의 재원일수에 영향을 미치는 요인 분석)

  • Park, Ji-Kyeong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.10
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    • pp.354-362
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    • 2017
  • Due to population aging and westernized lifestyle, ischemic heart diseases are increasing, and Korea has one of the highest lengths of stay for ischemic heart diseases. Since the increase in the length of stay is a major cause of the increase in medical expenses, it is necessary to prepare a plan to manage the length of stay. Accordingly, this study was conducted to identify the factors influencing the length of stay of ischemic heart disease, and provide the elementary resources necessary for the management of the length of stay. The study subjects were 566 ischemic heart disease patients of a tertiary hospital. As the result of the study, first, the number of inpatients with chest pain as the chief complaint was the largest. Second, the average length of stay was 4.89 days, and the length of stay varied depending on the type of ischemic heart disease. Third, the age of over 75 years, diabetes, and dyspnea were the factors increasing the length of stay. Therefore, for management of adequate length of stay for ischemic heart disease, it is important to prevent the progression of illness through blood sugar control for ischemic heart disease patients with diabetes. Also, it is necessary to prepare a system where patients can visit hospitals as fast as possible if they have any symptoms.

A Study on the Improvement of Color Detection Performance of Unmanned Salt Collection Vehicles Using an Image Processing Algorithm (이미지 처리 알고리즘을 이용한 무인 천일염 포집장치의 색상 검출 성능 향상에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Seon-Deok;Ahn, Byong-Won;Park, Kyung-Min
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.1054-1062
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    • 2022
  • The population of Korea's solar salt-producing regions is rapidly aging, resulting in a decrease in the number of productive workers. In solar salt production, salt collection is the most labor-intensive operation because existing salt collection vehicles require human operators. Therefore, we intend to develop an unmanned solar salt collection vehicle to reduce manpower requirements. The unmanned solar salt collection vehicle is designed to identify the salt collection status and location in the salt plate via color detection, the color detection performance is a crucial consideration. Therefore, an image processing algorithm was developed to improve color detection performance. The algorithm generates an around-view image by using resizing, rotation, and perspective transformation of the input image, set the RoI to transform only the corresponding area to the HSV color model, and detects the color area through an AND operation. The detected color area was expanded and noise removed using morphological operations, and the area of the detection region was calculated using contour and image moment. The calculated area is compared with the set area to determine the location case of the collection vehicle within the salt plate. The performance was evaluated by comparing the calculated area of the final detected color to which the algorithm was applied and the area of the detected color in each step of the algorithm. It was confirmed that the color detection performance is improved by at least 25-99% for salt detection, at least 44-68% for red color, and an average of 7% for blue and an average of 15% for green. The proposed approach is well-suited to the operation of unmanned solar salt collection vehicles.

Analysis of Hazard Factors for Domestic General Purpose Ventilator using Usability Assessment (사용적합성 평가를 적용한 국산 범용인공호흡기의 위험요인 분석)

  • Gyeongmin Kwon;Seung hee Kim;You Rim Kim;Won Seuk Jang
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.10-19
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study is to conduct a summative evaluation of the usability of a general-purpose ventilator to determine whether it can be used for its intended purpose in the intended environment by the intended user and to find possible errors in use. The importance of ventilators has increased due to the accelerated aging of the population and the impact of the pandemic. In addition, patients who require ventilators are often in critical condition, so even a small error in use can be fatal. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the ventilator has sufficient stability and can be used satisfactorily without inconvenience to the user. In this study, we conducted a usability test with 17 respiratory nurses with more than 3 years of experience using the ventilator. We analyzed the task success rate, satisfaction, and opinions of the intended users while going through a total of 17 scenarios. Satisfaction was captured through an ASQ questionnaire and subjective opinions were captured through a detailed opinion questionnaire. The results showed a high level of satisfaction with an average score of 6.3 for the use scenarios. Evaluators expressed satisfaction with the overall visibility and versatility of the features, but noted that improvements were needed for calibration tasks with low task success rates. As the calibration method is different from other equipment, it was suggested that specific explanations of the calibration method and the picture that appears when calibrating are needed, and that if relevant training is provided, the equipment can be used without problems. If the usability evaluation is not limited to securing efficiency and satisfaction from the intended users, but also continuously receives feedback from users to prepare for use in emergency environments such as pandemic situations, it will be very helpful to seize opportunities such as emergency authorization in future situations, and ultimately contribute to patient safety by reducing use errors.

A Study on the Spatial Perception and Usage Behavior of Fishing Villages - Focused on Gookhwa-Island in Hwasung-Si - (어촌마을 공간인식과 이용행태 연구 - 화성시 국화도를 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Hye-Jeong;Byun, Jun-Sik;Sung, Jong-Sang
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.51 no.3
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    • pp.122-138
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    • 2023
  • Today, fishing villages are on the verge of extinction due to severe aging within the population and outward migration. Recent projects and studies targeting fishing villages viewed the fishing villages from an outsider-centered perspective, without a local-centered understanding of the village as a daily living space. Therefore, to understand the settlement environment of fishing villages, this study analyzed empirical data on the usage behavior of fishing village residents to gain insight into the characteristics of the outdoor space uses of residents in fishing villages. In this regard, a face-to-face survey was conducted among residents, and a village map drawn by the villagers showedthe spatial perception of the villagers. Empirical data on the behavior of fishing villagers using the village space was collected and analyzed through GPS. The study results suggested that residents of fishing villages tend to focus on productive activities, such as fishing, leading to a lack of awareness of other leisure activities and spaces. This monotonous pattern of space utilization within the village appears to stem from an absolute lack of available facilities within the target area. Therefore, in future village regeneration projects aimed at improving the quality of life for residents in fishing villages, it is essential to consider the residents' perception and utilization of space as a priority. The results of this study can be considered valuable foundational data for understanding the utilization of spaces within fishing villages and can be effectively utilized in planning initiatives to enhance quality of life.

A Study on the Prediction Model of the Elderly Depression

  • SEO, Beom-Seok;SUH, Eung-Kyo;KIM, Tae-Hyeong
    • The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business
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    • v.11 no.7
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    • pp.29-40
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: In modern society, many urban problems are occurring, such as aging, hollowing out old city centers and polarization within cities. In this study, we intend to apply big data and machine learning methodologies to predict depression symptoms in the elderly population early on, thus contributing to solving the problem of elderly depression. Research design, data and methodology: Machine learning techniques used random forest and analyzed the correlation between CES-D10 and other variables, which are widely used worldwide, to estimate important variables. Dependent variables were set up as two variables that distinguish normal/depression from moderate/severe depression, and a total of 106 independent variables were included, including subjective health conditions, cognitive abilities, and daily life quality surveys, as well as the objective characteristics of the elderly as well as the subjective health, health, employment, household background, income, consumption, assets, subjective expectations, and quality of life surveys. Results: Studies have shown that satisfaction with residential areas and quality of life and cognitive ability scores have important effects in classifying elderly depression, satisfaction with living quality and economic conditions, and number of outpatient care in living areas and clinics have been important variables. In addition, the results of a random forest performance evaluation, the accuracy of classification model that classify whether elderly depression or not was 86.3%, the sensitivity 79.5%, and the specificity 93.3%. And the accuracy of classification model the degree of elderly depression was 86.1%, sensitivity 93.9% and specificity 74.7%. Conclusions: In this study, the important variables of the estimated predictive model were identified using the random forest technique and the study was conducted with a focus on the predictive performance itself. Although there are limitations in research, such as the lack of clear criteria for the classification of depression levels and the failure to reflect variables other than KLoSA data, it is expected that if additional variables are secured in the future and high-performance predictive models are estimated and utilized through various machine learning techniques, it will be able to consider ways to improve the quality of life of senior citizens through early detection of depression and thus help them make public policy decisions.

Material Development of 'Silver Math' for Educating the Aged and Examination of its Effectiveness (노인교육으로서의 실버수학 자료개발 및 효과성 연구)

  • Ko, Ho-Kyoung
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.459-483
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    • 2010
  • This study aims to develop materials related to math education for the aged and to identify the effects of application as part of active measures to the aging society with its growing elderly population which is one of the greatest changes in our society. In this purpose, the necessity and objectives for development of materials of 'Silver Math' as education for the aged are explained. Developing and disseminating materials with a role as a program for intelligent needs and physical and spiritual health of the aged presents standards for development of more systemic and meaningful educational materials at this point of time when the importance of education of the aged increases to help the old enjoy qualitatively successful lives in later years in the perspective of lifelong education. Also it aims to present standards of contents and requirements in learning that are adequate and meaningful to old learners at the actual learning sites where education takes place only in terms of making good use of spare time while at the same time suggesting plans of teaching and learning as well as conditions for learning environment. Next, the effectiveness of 'Silver Math' are explored by applying developed materials to the aged. materials of 'Silver Math' for the aged with contents that are appropriate to the definitive and cognitive level of the aged are presented. The developed materials for mathematical activities are divided into 'computation of basic numbers' for those wishing to learn calculation and concepts of numbers, 'active math' that corresponds to definitive factors of old learners, facilitates leisure time through mathematical activities, and Improves communication abilities through cooperative learning among learners, and 'math with thinking power' to solve simple calculation problems by applying to various actual situations.

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Association between Cognitive Decline and Ten Heavy Metals (인지기능 저하와 체내 중금속 10종 간 연관성 분석)

  • Chaelyn, Lim;Seungho, Lee;Sang Min, Seo;Kyung Won, Park;Gwon-Min, Kim;Byeong Moo, Choe;Byoung-Gwon, Kim;Hyun Ju, Lim;Young-Seoub, Hong
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.48 no.6
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    • pp.306-314
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    • 2022
  • Background: Due to the rapid aging of the South Korean population, neurological diseases such as dementia are increasing. Many studies have reported that the incidence of dementia is associated with environmental factors along with age. Objectives: This study analyzed the association between cognitive function and ten heavy metals in the body: arsenic, aluminum, chromium, manganese, cobalt, nickel, iron, copper, zinc, and lead. Methods: From 2018 to 2019, a total of 120 participants who suffered from cognitive impairment were recruited for this study. Blood and urine samples were collected and analyzed for heavy metal concentrations using an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer. Demographic information was obtained through face-to-face questionnaires completed by a trained investigator. Cognitive function was evaluated with the Korean version of the Mini-Mental State Examination and the Korean version of the Boston Name Waiting Test. The associations between cognitive function scores and heavy metal concentrations were analyzed using multiple logistic regression analysis. Results: The average age of the 120 participants was 72.7 years, and 69.2% were female. The mean of the MMSE-K and K-BNT scores were 22.9 and 37.9, respectively. The geometric mean of aluminum (Al) was 8.42 ㎍/L. MMSE-K was associated with iron (Fe), but the significance was removed in the logistic regression based on 24 points. K-BNT was significantly associated with aluminum and the odds ratio for K-BNT above 38 decreased by 45% as the aluminum concentration increased. Conclusions: The association between aluminum and the K-BNT score indicated that aluminum is associated with language-related cognitive decline. Based on this result, further study will be conducted by considering co-exposure effects of heavy metals including aluminum.