• Title/Summary/Keyword: adult (20-30s)

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A Study on Bone Mineral Density, dietary habits and Nutritional Status of Adult Women in the three age groups (연령에 따른 성인여성의 골밀도와 식습관 및 영양섭취상태 연구)

  • Choi, Mi-Kyeong;Kim, Mi-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.833-840
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study was to obtain baseline data of nutritional management for women's bone health according to age. This study was conducted through questionnaire, bone mineral density(BMD) measurement by DEXA and dietary survey by 24hr recalls to 134 adult women. Subjects were divided into three groups: young women group who aged 20-29(n=48), middle aged women group who aged over 30 and were pre-menopause(n=36), postmenopausal women group(n=48). The body fat percent of postmenopausal women group was the highest among the three groups. BMD of lumbar spine(L1-L2) were $0.93\;g/cm^2$ for young women, $0.97\;g/cm^2$ for middle aged women, and $0.88\;g/cm^2$ for postmenopausal women, respectively(p<0.05). BMD of femoral neck(p<0.05), trochanter(p<0.05), and ward's (p<0.001) were significantly decreased as age increasement. Drinking alcohol and skipping meals were significantly higher in young women groups than in the other groups, however frequency of doing regular exercise was significantly lower in young women groups. Young women group consumed the significantly higher amount of cereals(p<0.05), sugar and sweeteners(p<0.001), meats(p<0.01), eggs(p<0.01), milks(p<0.05) and oils(p<0.001) than middle aged and postmenopausal women. Also, energy(p<0.001), animal protein, (p<0.01), plant oil(p<0.001), animal fat(p<0.001), retinol(p<0.001), vitamin E(p<0.01), and cholesterol(p<0.001) intakes of young women were highest among the three groups. However, young women group consumed the significantly lower amount of dietary fiber(p<0.05), vitamin C(p<0.01), folate(p<0.05) and fruits(p<0.01) than the other groups. To summarized the our results, young women who were in still undergoing bone formation activity to develope peak bone mass, had more dietary habit and lifestyle problems than middle aged and postmenopausal women. The results of this study revealed that nutritional management and education for bone health should be emphasized in young women not only aged women.

Bust point information for Korea women's Basic Bodice Pattern (한국 여성의 상의 원형 설계를 위한 젖꼭지점 위치 연구)

  • Kyoung-ok Ryu ;Hwa-yeon Jeong
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.157-164
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study is to compare and analyze bust point information presented in literature and the 8th Korean Anthropometric Survey (Size Korea 2021) as a basis for pattern making for Korean adult women. Therefore, the the bust point position was analyzed through the length from the side neckline to the bust point and the horizontal length from the bust point to the chest. The results are as follows. First, Size Korea's population shows an increase in bust circumference and Side Neck Point to Bust Point with age, with the largest Bust-Point Breadth in the 30s, followed by the 20s, 40s, 60s, and 50s. Second, the Bust-Point Breadth in the female Basic Bodice pattern of Kang Soon-hee, and Oh Sun-hee, which were created from the bust circumference measurements of Size Korea's population, was wider than the measurements, and the difference was verified as a highly significant. Third, in the female Basic Bodice pattern of Kang Soon-hee, and Oh Sun-hee created with the bust circumference dimensions of Size Korea's population, the length of Neck Point to Bust Point was shorter than the measured value, and the difference was highly significant. Fourth, the Bust-Point Breadth and Neck Point to Bust Point in the female Basic Bodice pattern of Kang Soon-hee, and Oh Sun-hee, which were created with the bust circumference of the population of Size Korea by age, were analyzed in different age groups and showed significant differences from the measurements of Size Korea.

Metabolic risk and nutritional state according to breakfast energy level of Korean adults: Using the 2007~2009 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (한국 성인의 아침식사 에너지 수준에 따른 대사적 위험과 영양상태: 2007~2009년 국민건강영양조사 자료 이용)

  • Jang, So-Hyoun;Suh, Yoon Suk;Chung, Young-Jin
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.48 no.1
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    • pp.46-57
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: The aim of this study was to determine an appropriate energy level of breakfast with less risk of chronic disease for Korean adults. Methods: Using data from the 2007~2009 Korean National Health & Nutrition Examination Survey, from a total of 12,238 adults aged 19~64, the final 7,769 subjects were analyzed except subjects who were undergoing treatment for cancer or metabolic disorder. According to the percent of breakfast energy intake versus their estimated energy requirement (EER), the subjects were divided into four groups: < 10% (very low, VL), 10~20% (low, L), 20~30% (moderate, M), ${\geq}30%$ (sufficient, S). All data were analyzed on the metabolic risk and nutritional state after application of weighted value and adjustment of sex, age, residential area, income, education, job or jobless, and energy intake using a general linear model or logistic regression. Results: The subjects of group S were 16.9% of total subjects, group M 39.2%, group L 37.6%, and group VL 6.3%. The VL group included more male subjects, younger-aged (19 to 40 years), urban residents, higher income, higher education, and fewer breakfasts eaters together with family members. Among the 4 groups, the VL group showed the highest waist circumference, while the S group showed the lowest waist circumference, body mass index, and serum total cholesterol. The groups of VL and L with lower intake of breakfast energy showed high percent of energy from protein and fat, and low percent of energy from carbohydrate. With the increase of breakfast energy level, intake of energy, most nutrients and food groups increased, and the percentage of subjects consuming nutrients below EAR decreased. The VL group showed relatively higher intake of snacks, sugar, meat and eggs, oil, and seasonings, and the lowest intake of vegetable. Risk of obesity by waist circumference was highest in the VL group by 1.90 times of the S group and the same trend was shown in obesity by BMI. Risk of dyslipidemia by serum total cholesterol was 1.84 times higher in the VL group compared to the S group. Risk of diabetes by Glu-FBS (fasting blood sugar) was 1.57 times higher in the VL group compared to the S group. Conclusion: The results indicate that higher breakfast energy level is positively related to lower metabolic risk and more desirable nutritional state in Korean adults. Therefore, breakfast energy intake more than 30% of their own EER would be highly recommended for Korean adults.

A Study on the Influencing Factors of High Risk Drinking by Gender in Single Adult Households (성인 1인 가구의 성별에 따른 고위험 음주 영향요인에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jeong Wook
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.321-331
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    • 2021
  • This study sought to analyze factors influencing high-risk drinking in single-person households. For this, data from the 2018 community health survey were used. Subjects were 32,389 adults above the age of 19 in single-person households. For the data analysis, high-risk drinking groups were extracted according to the high-risk drinking rate index of the survey to arrive at influencing factors and differences in health-related and sociodemographic characteristics. The IBM SPSS 25.0 software was used for analysis and a complex sampling design was applied. The results showed that the high-risk drinking rate of Korea's single-person households was 15.0% (male: 25.8%, female: 5.8%) and age, education under high school level, service-industry employees, smokers, people with depression, high blood pressure, and irregular breakfast eaters appeared as common elements for both genders. Stress appeared to only affect males while being diabetic only affected females. High-risk drinking was higher for males in their 30~40s and women in their 20~30s. The younger generation showed the highest numbers in high-risk drinking and factors like stress or depression appeared to be influencing factors for high-risk drinking. Hence, mental health programs along with customized health policies through health forms and lifestyle changes will be required to lower the high-risk drinking rates of single-person households.

The Effect of Listening to Music on Anxiety, Sedation, and Vital Signs of Patients Undergoing Spinal Anesthesia (수술 중 음악청취가 척수마취 환자의 불안, 진정 및 활력징후에 미치는 효과)

  • Moon, Yang-Hee;Kang, In-Soon;Hwang, Sun-Kyung
    • Journal of Korean Biological Nursing Science
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.105-113
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: The aim of this study was to examine the effect of listening to music on the level of anxiety, sedation, and vital signs of patients undergoing surgery with spinal anesthesia. Methods: A convenience sample of 70 adult patients, ASA physical status I-II, scheduled for elective urologic or orthopedic surgery with spinal anesthesia, was included in this study. They were assigned to either an experimental group (n=35), listening to music during surgery, or a control group (n=35), not listening to music. Their anxiety was measured with the Spielberg's Trait and State Anxiety Inventory (STAI-KYZ). Sedation level was monitored with the Bispectral Index, and the vital signs at beginning, 10, 20, 30, and 45 min after operation. Results: The music group reported significantly lower state anxiety level during surgery as compared with the control group (t=3.91, p<.001). Repeated measures of ANOVA indicated a significant by group interaction on BIS index scores of sedation (F=4.23, p=.006). Among the vital signs, only heart rate was a significant by group interaction (F=5.529, p=.004). Conclusion: These findings indicate that listening to music during surgery with spinal anesthesia is a useful and effective nursing intervention to reduce anxiety and to maintain proper sedation.

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Effects of Body Weight Control Behaviors on Bone Mineral Density in Korean Young Adult Women (한국 2.30대 여성의 체중조절행위가 골밀도에 미치는 영향)

  • Chung, Chae Weon;Lee, Suk Jeong
    • Women's Health Nursing
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.57-65
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    • 2013
  • Purpose: This study identified the effects of body weight control behaviors on bone mineral density (BMD) in Korean women aged 20 to 39 years. Methods: A secondary analysis of the 5th Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey was conducted. Asian-Pacific criteria of BMI (Body Mass Index) and BMD were calculated for 1,026 women selected. The effects of body weight control behaviors were assessed using binary multiple logistic regression analysis while controlling for BMI. Results: Osteopenia and osteoporosis rates were 32.8% and 2.0%, respectively. About 69% of women performed weight control behaviors, and a combination of diet/exercise (22.7%) and drug added methods (10.9%) for weight control. Women who performed both diet control and exercise had a lower possibility to have abnormal BMD than those who did not try weight control (OR=0.67, CI=0.45~0.98, p=.039). Further weight control behaviors did not influence abnormal BMD. Conclusion: Body weight control should include proper diet and exercise in accordance with each woman's BMI level.

The Relationship between Physical Activity and Insulin Resistance in the Middle-Aged Adults (중년기 성인의 신체활동과 인슐린 저항성의 관계)

  • Park, Jee-Yeon;Kim, Na-Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Biological Nursing Science
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.245-252
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    • 2011
  • Purpose: This study was designed to find the correlations between physical activity and insulin resistance of the middle-aged adults. Methods: One hundred thirty one subjects participated in this study were age 40-60 from Y university's center for physical exercise in W city. The data were collected from August 5 to October 5, 2009. To measure physical activity, the contracted Korean version of the Self-Report of Physical Activity Questionnaires of IPAQ was used. Insulin resistance was measured using fasting glucose levels, serum insulin levels, and HOMA method (serum insulin${\times}$fasting glucose/22.5). Results: The continuous physical activity overall in this study was on average $1,792.30{\pm}2,216.81$ MET (min/week), and as a result of categorical classification: no activity was 66 subjects (50.4%); minimum activity, 41 (31.3%); and health-improving activity, 24 (18.3%), respectively. The overall degree of insulin resistance in these subjects was $2.20{\pm}2.62$(0.28-12.74). There was negative correlation between moderate intensity activity and insulin resistance (r= -.189, p<.05). Conclusion: These results revealed that promoting moderate-intensity physical activity is important in preventing and improving insulin resistance and possibly other metabolic risk factors in the middle-aged adults.

The comparative study between hyperlipidemia and disease of adult people, which belong to the people who came to Daejon Oriental hospital for the examination of C.V.A (중풍조기검진(中風早期檢診)을 통한 고지혈증(高脂血症)과 성인병(成人病)에 대한 비교연구(比較硏究))

  • Lee, Gi-Tae;Kim, Yun-Sik;Seol, In-Chan
    • Journal of Haehwa Medicine
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.85-90
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    • 2002
  • From June 1th to December 31th 2001, the study was carried out 285 person who came to the Daejon oriental hospital for the examination of CVA. The result was as follows : 1. Hyperlipidemia patient is 41%, 50's is the highest. 2. In the case of Hyperlipidemia patient, Taeyum type is 49%, Soyang type is 36% and Soyum type is 15%. but in the Control group Taeyum type is 36%, Soyang type is 44% and Soyum type is 20%. 3. In the case of Abnormal EKG, Hyperlipidemia group is 34%, Control group is 32%. 4. In the case of Liver disease, Hyperlipidemia group is 17%, Control group is 9%. 5. In the case of Diabet mellitus, Hyperlipidemia group is 30%, Control group is 7%. 6. In the case of Hypertension, Hyperlipidemia group is 50%, Control group is 42%.

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Studies on Tolerance of Mice to X-rays (X-선에 대한 마우스의 내력)

  • 김정진
    • The Korean Journal of Zoology
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.11-15
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    • 1963
  • A total of 220 adult male mice (18-20g) of the S.M. strain were divided into ten experimental and control groups. The total-body X-ray irradiation doses used were 50 r, 100r, 200r, 400r, 600r, 800r, 1,000r, 1,200r, 1,400r, and1,600r. The respiratory arrest (mortality) caused by each irradiation doses were observed for 30 days. Relationships between irradiation doses and survival time and percentage of response were examined. From this experiment, a formula was obtained to express the relationship among three factors, which may be presented as follows : {{{{{{{{P= { 10} over { SQRT { 2 pi } } INT _{ - INF }^{ p'} e-{(p'-50)^2 } over {200 }dp···(a) p'=100 LEFT { t^0.3- LEFT ( { { 16.9965} over {D-60 } } RIGHT ) ^{ { 1} over {2.5 } } } / LEFT { LEFT ( { 26372.43} over {D-81.86 } RIGHT ) ^{ { 1} over {2.5 } } -( { { 16.9965} over {D-60 } } RIGHT ) ^{ { 1} over {2.5 } } ···(b) p= { (D-60) t^0.75-16.9965} over {0.2186 t^0.75 +263.55434 }····(c) }} {{{{P= { 10} over { SQRT { 2 pi } } INT _{ - INF }^{ p'} e-{(p'-50)^2 } over {200 }dp···(a) p'=100 LEFT { t^0.3- LEFT ( { { 16.9965} over {D-60 } } RIGHT ) ^{ { 1} over {2.5 } } } / LEFT { LEFT ( { 26372.43} over {D-81.86 } RIGHT ) ^{ { 1} over {2.5 } } -( { { 16.9965} over {D-60 } } RIGHT ) ^{ { 1} over {2.5 } } ···(b) p= { (D-60) t^0.75-16.9965} over {0.2186 t^0.75 +263.55434 }····(c)

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The Effect of Tapping on the Trunk and Lower Limb Muscle Activities during Abdominal Drawing-in Bridging Exercises with Verbal Command (테이핑 적용 후 구두지시 복부 드로우-인 교각운동이 몸통과 다리의 근 활성도에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Jung-Hyun;Kim, Seong-Yeol
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Integrative Medicine
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.165-172
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    • 2021
  • Purpose : This study was conducted to find out the effect on the activity of trunk and lower limbs muscles during abdominal drawing-in bridging exercises by verbal cue on the unstable supporting surface after pelvic rearward sloping taping for trunk stabilization movement. Methods : The study subjects were recruited by using the on-campus bulletin boards for healthy adult males and females in their 20s attending K University in Changwon-city, South Gyeongsang Province. The subjects were 30 persons (15 males and 15 females) who agreed to the study purpose in accordance with the criteria for selection and exclusion. Results : The results were obtained by measuring the muscle activity of the trunk and lower limbs during abdominal drawing-in bridging exercises by verbal cue on the unstable supporting surface after pelvic fixed tapping. The effects on erector spinae and hamstring muscles was statistically significantly lower (p<.05), it was confirmed that there were no statistically significant differences between the multifidus and gluteus maximus muscle (p>.05). Conclusion : Through this study, it was found that the excessive flexion of the waist was significantly reduced from erector spinalis and hamstring muscle after abdominal drawing-in bridging exercises by verbal cue on the unstable supporting surface after pelvic rearward sloping tapping compared to the general bridging exercises.