• Title/Summary/Keyword: aPPT

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Effects of Clove Oil and Lidocaine-HCl Anesthesia on Water Parameter during Simulated Transportation in the Marine Medaka, Oryzias dancena

  • Park, In-Seok;Gil, Hyun Woo;Lee, Tae Ho;Nam, Yoon Kwon;Lim, Sang Gu;Kim, Dong Soo
    • Development and Reproduction
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.19-33
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    • 2017
  • Optimum concentrations of anesthetic clove oil and anesthetic lidocaine-HCl were determined for a species of adult marine medaka, Oryzias dancena, over a range of salinity conditions, and investigated in a transport simulation experiment by analyzing various water and physiological parameters. Research indicated that the higher the concentration of anesthetic at each salinity, the shorter the anesthesia time at each salinity. At each concentration, fish were anesthetized slower at water salinities over 10 ppt (P<0.05). Anesthesia time at 10 ppt was faster than any other salinity. In 10 ppt salinity, the dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations and respiratory frequencies of the clove-oil-administered groups decreased until 48 hours (P<0.05), whereas the $NH_4{^+}$ and $CO_2$ concentrations increased until 48 hours (P<0.05). In same period, the DO, $NH_4{^+}$, and $CO_2$ concentrations and respiratory frequencies all decreased as the clove oil concentration increased (P<0.05). The trends in the DO, $NH_4{^+}$, and $CO_2$ concentrations and respiratory frequencies in the lidocaine-HCl-administered groups were similar to those in the clove-oil-administered groups. In conclusion, clove oil and lidocaine-HCl are effective anesthetics, improving the transportation of the marine medaka. The results from this study will contribute to safe laboratory handling of the marine medaka, which are commonly required by many research studies and experiments.

Effects of Korean Medicine Therapies on Oral Pain in Patients with Burning Mouth Syndrome: a Before and After Study (구강작열감 증후군 환자의 구강내 통증에 대한 한방치료의 효과: 전.후 비교 연구)

  • Son, Ji-Young;Kim, Ju-Yeon;Kang, Kyung;Baek, Seung-Hwan;Choi, Jane;Jang, Seung-Won;Ryu, Bong-Ha;Kim, Jin-Sung
    • The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.122-133
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    • 2013
  • Objectives : Burning mouth syndrome (BMS) is characterized by chronic pain or a burning sensation in the mouth. There is limited evidence available to provide clear guidelines for treating BMS patients and a variety of different treatments have been used. This study was designed to investigate the Effects of Korean medicine therapies on oral pain in patients with BMS. Methods : We surveyed 30 BMS patients who newly visited the Oral Diseases Clinic in the Kyung Hee University Korean Medicine Hospital from February 2012 to March 2013. When the patients visited the clinic for the first time, they were evaluated on sociodemographic characteristics, BMS questionnaire, severity of pain using visual analogue scale (VAS) and pressure pain threshold (PPT) of the acupuncture point CV17. After 3 weeks of Korean medicine therapies (acupuncture, electroacupuncture, pharmacopuncture and herbal medicine), they were re-evaluated with the VAS and the PPT. Results : After 3 weeks of Korean medicine therapies, 30 patients' oral pain improved and the PPT score on CV17 rose, which means decrease of qi-stagnation score. Conclusions : Korean medicine therapies were effective on oral pain in patients with BMS. To confirm the additional curative effect and evaluate the efficacy of each treatment, well-designed randomized controlled trials will be needed in the future.

Effects of Propyl Pyrazole Triol on the Blood Vessel-Dilation and Cellular Morphology of Liver and Kidney in Adult Male Mouse (성체 수컷 생쥐에서 간장과 신장의 혈관 확장 및 세포 형태에 미치는 Propyl Pyrazole Triol의 영향)

  • Lee, Eun-Jung;Lee, Yu-Mi;Choe, Eun-Sang;Seong, Chi-Nam;Cho, Hyun-Wook
    • Toxicological Research
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.365-373
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    • 2006
  • The present study was designed to characterize the effects of estrogen receptor agonist (4,4',4'-(4-Propyl-[1H]-pyrazole-1,3,5-triyl) trisphenol, PPT) on liver and kidney in male mouse using a light microscopic analysis. PPT was subcutaneously given to adult male mice at a weekly dosage of 178.6mg/kg in a volume 0.08 ml of vehicle for 3, 5 and 8 weeks. There were differences in body and organ weights between control and the treated groups. Body and kidney weights were decreased in treated group whereas, liver weight was increased. In microscopic observations, sinusoidal diameter in liver of treated group was increased 156%, 216% and 255% on week 3, 5 and 8 respectively. Compared to the control, diameter of proximal convoluted tubules in kidney was increased 37% and 43% or week 5 and 8 in treated group. Whereas, height of epithelial cells in the proximal tubules was reduced at all time points. These results suggest that microstructure of liver and kidney was changed by treatment of estrogen receptor agonist PPT in the male mice.

The electronic structure of the ion-beam-mixed Pt-Cu alloys by XPS and XANES

  • Lim, K.Y.;Lee, Y.S.;Chung, Y.D.;Lee, K.M.;Jeon, Y.;Whang, C.N.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 1998.02a
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    • pp.133-133
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    • 1998
  • In the thin film alloy formation of the transition metals ion-beam-mixing technique forms a metastable structure which cannot be found in the arc-melted metal alloys. Sppecifically it is well known that the studies about the electronic structure of ion-beam-mixed alloys pprovide the useful information in understanding the metastable structures in the metal alloy. We studied the electronic change in the ion-beam-mixed ppt-Ct alloys by XppS and XANES. These analysis tools pprovide us information about the charge transfer in the valence band of intermetallic bonding. The multi-layered films were depposited on the SiO2 substrate by the sequential electron beam evapporation at a ppressure of less than 5$\times$10-7 Torr. These compprise of 4 ppairs of ppt and Cu layers where thicknesses of each layer were varied in order to change the alloy compposition. Ion-beam-mixing pprocess was carried out with 80 keV Ae+ ions with a dose of $1.5\times$ 1016 Ar+/cm2 at room tempperature. The core and valence level energy shift in these system were investigated by x-ray pphotoelectron sppectroscoppy(XppS) pphotoelectrons were excited by monochromatized Al K a(1486.6 eV) The ppass energy of the hemisppherical analyzer was 23.5 eV. Core-level binding energies were calibrated with the Fermi level edge. ppt L3-edge and Cu K-edge XANES sppectra were measured with the flourescence mode detector at the 3C1 beam line of the ppLS (ppohang light source). By using the change of White line(WL) area of the each metal sites and the core level shift we can obtain the information about the electrons pparticippating in the intermetallic bonding of the ion-beam-mixed alloys.

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Long-term consistency of clinical sensory testing measures for pain assessment

  • Pablo Bellosta-Lopez;Victor Domenech-Garcia;Thorvaldur Skuli Palsson;Pablo Herrero;Steffan Wittrup Mcphee Christensen
    • The Korean Journal of Pain
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.173-183
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    • 2023
  • Background: Understanding the stability of quantitative sensory tests (QSTs) over time is important to aid clinicians in selecting a battery of tests for assessing and monitoring patients. This study evaluated the short- and long-term reliability of selected QSTs. Methods: Twenty healthy women participated in three experimental sessions: Baseline, 2 weeks, and 6 months. Measurements included pressure pain thresholds (PPT) in the neck, upper back, and leg; Pressure-cuff pain tolerance around the upper-arm; conditioned pain modulation during a pressure-cuff stimulus; and referred pain following a suprathreshold pressure stimulation. Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) and minimum detectable change (MDC) were calculated. Results: Reliability for PPT was excellent for all sites at 2 weeks (ICC, 0.96-0.99; MDC, 22-55 kPa) and from good to excellent at 6 months (ICC, 0.88-0.95; MDC, 47-91 kPa). ICC for pressure-cuff pain tolerance indicated excellent reliability at both times (0.91-0.97). For conditioned pain modulation, reliability was moderate for all sites at 2 weeks (ICC, 0.57-0.74; MDC, 24%-35%), while it was moderate at the neck (ICC, 0.54; MDC, 27%) and poor at the upper back and leg at 6 months. ICC for referred pain areas was excellent at 2 weeks (0.90) and good at 6 months (0.86). Conclusions: PPT, pressure pain tolerance, and pressure-induced referred pain should be considered reliable procedures to assess the pain-sensory profile over time. In contrast, conditioned pain modulation was shown to be unstable. Future studies prospectively analyzing the pain-sensory profile will be able to better calculate appropriate sample sizes.

In vitro efficacy of formalin, hydrogen peroxide and copper sulfate on the scuticocilliate Uronema marinum at low salinity

  • Jee, Bo Young;Jo, Mi Ra;Kim, Jin Woo;Park, Mi Seon
    • Journal of fish pathology
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.111-115
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    • 2002
  • The scuticocilliate, Uronema marinum is a histophagous ciliate and the causative agent of 'scuticociliatosis'in cultured olive flounder Paralichthys olivaceus. In the present study, in vitro efficacy of hydrogen peroxide, formalin and copper sulfate on the scuticocilliate at low salinity was investigated. Each chemical showed synergistic parasiticidal effects with low salinity (salinity in 5 ppt) compared to each chemical alone (salinity in 33 ppt). At low salinity (5‰), ciliates were killed completely within 1.5h by exposure to 50ppm formalin (37% formaldehyde), at 100ppm hydrogen peroxide (30% solution) and at 100ppm copper sulfate (20% solution). The formalin was the most effective chemical against the parasites at low salinity.

Effects of Muscle Strengthening Exercises on Function and Pain for Rotator Cuff Partial Tear Patients (근력강화운동이 회전근개 부분 파열환자의 기능과 통증에 미치는 영향)

  • Bang, Hyoji;Lee, Hyojeong
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Integrative Medicine
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.53-62
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of muscle strengthening exercise on shoulder function and pain for rotator cuff tear patients. Method: The subjects of this study, partial tear of the rotator cuff diagnosed patients, twelve patients were picked up, who were agreed with this research. The twelve patients received muscle strengthening exercise for 4 weeks, which consisted of 5 times per week, 40 min of supervised exercise program. Shoulder function and pain, measured by ROM, CMS, SST, PPT and VAS. Result: In comparison of VAS, PPT and ROM, CMS, SST were showed a more improved after intervention. Conclusion: Therefore, muscle strengthening exercise is useful to improve the shoulder function and pain for rotator cuff tear patients.

Effects of Manual Lymph Drainage on the Activity of Sympathetic Nervous System, Anxiety, Pain, and Pressure Pain Threshold in Subjects with Psychological Stress

  • Kim, Sung-Joong
    • The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.391-397
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of manual lymph drainage (MLD) on the activity of sympathetic nervous system, anxiety, pain and pressure pain threshold in subjects with psychological stress. Methods: Twenty-nine subjects with psychological stress were randomly assigned to experimental (MLD) and control (rest) groups. This study was performed as a controlled, randomized study using spectral analysis of electrocardiographic (ECG) activities, the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) and Pressure Pain Threshold (PPT). Results: Heart rate variability differed significantly between the experimental and control groups (p<0.05). Anxiety and pain showed positive change in both group but it were not showed statically differences. The pressure pain threshold in the upper trapezius muscle was increased in the experimental group (p<0.05). Conclusion: These findings indicate that the application of MLD was effective in reducing the activity of the sympathetic nervous system, anxiety, pain, and increasing the PPT.

Population growth of a tropical tintinnid, Metacylis tropica on different temperature, salinity and diet (수온, 염분 및 먹이에 따른 열대 유종류, Metacylis tropica의 성장)

  • Lee, Kyun-Woo;Choi, Young-Ung
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.9
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    • pp.322-328
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    • 2016
  • This study investigated the effects of temperature, salinity, and algal diet to find the optimal conditions for 5 days for the mass culture of the tropical tintinnid, Metacylis tropica. This tintinnid had a small, hyaline, and ovoid lorica. The oral diameter, length, and maximum width of the lorica were $36.7{\mu}m$, $49.5{\mu}m$, and $44.5{\mu}m$, respectively. In the temperature experiments, the highest maximum density and population growth rate were observed at $30^{\circ}C$ with 340.7 cells/mL and 1.1/day, respectively. Lower salinities adversely affected the population growth of M. tropica. The maximum density was observed at 33 ppt (840 cells/mL). In the diet experiments, M. tropica fed Isochrysis galbana showed the highest density (413 cells/mL) and population growth rate (1.2/day). As a result, M. tropica is appropriate as a potential prey organism for early fish larvae with smaller mouths because the tintinnid has a relatively small size compared to the rotifer. In addition, the conditions of $30^{\circ}C$, 33 ppt and supplying I. galbana would be effective in the cultivation of M. tropica.

Convergence Study of Wearing Head-Mounted Display on Cervical Range of Motion, Neck Muscles Thickness, and Pain (헤드 마운티드 디스플레이 착용이 목 관절가동범위와 목 근육 두께 및 통증에 미치는 융합연구)

  • Oh, So-Hyun;Choung, Sung-Dae;Shim, Jae-Hoon;Yang, No-yul
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.11 no.9
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    • pp.277-285
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of wearing Head-Mounted Display (HMD) on the cervical range of motion (CROM), neck muscle thickness, and pain in healthy young adults. The HMD group(male=16, female=7) was asked to perform sitting comfortably in a backless chair with hands on their knees with the HMD was worn on their heads to watch the video for 30 minutes. The control group(male=15, female=8) was asked to sit in the same posture as the HMD group for 30 minutes. CROM, neck muscle thickness, and pressure pain threshold (PPT) of both the upper trapezius and levator scapulae were measured before and after intervention. CROM and PPT of the upper trapezius and levator scapulae in the HMD group were significantly decreased and the thickness of the muscles in the HMD group were significantly increased more than in the pre-test (p<.05). There was no significant difference in CROM, muscle thickness, and PPT in the control group. Wearing HMD for a long time can cause a decrease in CROM and PPT and an increase in muscle thickness, and there is a risk of developing musculoskeletal disorders in the neck and shoulder. Therefore, this study recommends maintaining the correct posture of the neck and shoulder and using HMD only for an appropriate time.