• Title/Summary/Keyword: X-ray shielding

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A Study on the Environment for Lowbirth Weight Infants in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in the United States (신생아집중간호단위 환경과 저체중출생아의 반응에 대한 연구)

  • Han Kyung Ja
    • Child Health Nursing Research
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.159-176
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    • 1998
  • In effort to conduct comparative study on the caregiving environment of Neonatal Intensive Care Unit(NICU) in both U. S and Korea, this study was been conducted first in the U.S. Purpose : The purpose of this study is to identify the physical environment and direct caregiving practices to lowbirth weight infants in NICU in the US. It also aims to examine the NICU outcome status and behavioral reponses of lowbirth weight infants. Methods : A study design using descriptive and inferential statistics was been conducted through an observational, field method. A sample of 15 preform infants admitted to NICU were recruited for the study. The subjects were those with birth weight between 1,000 gm to 1,500 gm, born at the gestation period of 27 to 33 weeks, and without any chromosomal or other genetic anomalies, major congenital infections, or maternal illness. Thirty minutes observation(three times of ten minutes of continuous observation)of the infant's behavior and physiological status, and an four-hour observation of the physical environment and direct care giving procedures were been conducted on the 3rd and 10th day after birth, and on the day of discharge from the NICU or at 34weeks postconception. The data to be collected were in four areas : the demograghic characteristics of the infants, the physical environment and care giving procedures, the frequency of the infant's designated behavior and physiological response, and NICU outcome variables. A descriptive analysis and Kruskal-Wallis, Pearson r were been applied according to variable characteristics. Results : 1. Mother's mean age was 29.47. The sample consisted of 6 males and 9 females. Mean gestational ages were 29.17 weeks. Mean birth weight was 1236.33g. Mean Apgar scores at one minute were 6.6, and 7.8 at five minutes. 2. The location for the incubator was in the distance from the light, X-ray screens and nursing station, in proximity to side-lamp, telephone and faucet on the third day after birth. The location for the incubator was in the distance from the light and radio on the tenth day and in proximity to nursing station on the day of dischage from the NICU or at 34weeks postconception. 3. Nesting was the most applying aids to the infants. And foot roll, shielding and plastic frame were frequently using by nurses for facilitating well modulated restful posture. 4. There were statistically significant changes in the patterns of physical environment included locating the infant's incubator and bedding, specific aids to self regulation on the 3rd and 10th day after birth, and on the day of discharge from the NICU or at 34weeks postconception. 5. Statistically significant changes were not appeared in the patterns of direct caregiving procedure to the infants included stress inducing or reducing manipulations on the 3rd and 10th day after birth, and on the day of discharge from the NICU or at 34weeks postconception. 6. The stress response of the infants in NICU were significantly reduced as the infants grow older. 7. There were not statistically significant correlation between the physical envronment and the stress responses of the infants in NICU. 8. There were statistically significant correlation between the direct caregiving procedure to the infants and the stress response of the infants in NICU in the second and third observation on the day three. 9. Average weight gain per day from birth to discharge was 38.73g, number of days in the hospital was 42.60, number of days before bottle feeding was 3.6. Postconception age starting bottle feed ing was 31/sup +5/ weeks. Number of days on mechanical ventilator was average 7.64, 11.42 was an average number of days of oxygen need. Conclusion : It, thus, appears that to minimize the sensorymotor stimulation for the low birthweight preterm infant in NICU, manipulation of care giving practices to the babies whatever the stress inducing or reducing procedures, have to be limited in the immediate early stage after birth. And it needed to be reexamine to identify the appropriate and specific physical environment and the patterns of direct caregiving to the low birthweight preform infant as the infants grow older in NICU.

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Optimum Dose Combination of External Radiation and High Dose Rate ICR in FIGO IB Uterine Cervical Cancer (병기 IB 자궁경부암의 방사선치료에서 외부방사선치료와 고선량율 강내치료의 최적선량 배합)

  • Lee Sang Wook;Suh Chang Ok;Chung Eun Ji;Kim Woo Cheol;Chang Sei Kyung;Keum Ki Chang;Kim Gwi Eon
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.201-209
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    • 1996
  • Purpose : To assess the efficacy of high dose rate - intracavitary radio-therapy (HDR-ICR) in the radiotherapy of FIGO stage IB squamous cell carcinoma of uterine cervix and to determine the optimum dose combination scheme of external radiotherapy and ICR to achieve acceptable local control without severe complication. Materials and Methods : One hundred and sixty two patients with FIGO stage Ib squamous cell carcinoma of uterine cervix who received definitive radiotherapy between May 1979 and December 1990 were retrospectively analyzed. All the patients received external radiotherapy combined with HDR-ICR. External dose of 40-46 Gy in 4.5-5 weeks was given to whole pelvis(median 45 Gy) and ICR dose of 30-39 Gy in 10-13 times was given to the point A. Midline shielding was done after 20-45 Gy of external radiotherapy(median 40 Gy) Summation of external dose Plus ICR dose to the point A range were 64.20-95.00 Gy. and mean was 83.94 Gy. We analyzed the local control rate, survival rate, and late complication rate. Rusults : Initial complete response rate was $99.4\%$ for all patients. Overall 5-year survival rate was $91.1\%$ and 5-year disease free survival rate was $90.9\%$. Local failure rate was $4.9\%$ and distant failure rate was $4.3\%$. Tumor size was the only significant prognostic factor. When tumor size greater than 3cm, 5-rear survival rate was $92.6\%$ and less than 3cm, that was $79.6\%$. Late complication rate was $23.5\%$ with $18.5\%$ of rectal complication and $4.9\%$ of bladder complication. Mean rectal dose summation of external midline dose plus ICR rectal point dose was lower in the patients without rectal complication(74.88 Gr) than those with rectal complication (78.87 Gy). Complication rate was increased with low rate of improvement of survival rate when summation of external midline dose plus point A or point R dose by ICR was greater than 70-75 Gy. Conclusion : The definitive radiation therapy using high dose rate ICR in FIGO stage IB uterine cervical cancer is effective treatment modality with good local control and survival rate without severe complication.

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