• Title/Summary/Keyword: Workflow Model

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Applied Practices on Blockchain based Business Application

  • Park, Bo Kyung
    • International journal of advanced smart convergence
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.198-205
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    • 2021
  • With the development of blockchain technology, the scope of blockchain applications has expanded rapidly. Blockchain decentralization allows transaction participants to make transparent and safe transactions without a third trust agency. A distributed ledger-based system enables transparent and trusted business for anonymous users. For this reason, many companies apply blockchain to various fields such as logistics, electronic voting, and real estate. Despite this interest, there are still not enough case studies confirming the potential of blockchain as a concrete business model. Therefore, it is necessary to study how blockchain technology can change the existing business model and connect it to a new business model. In this paper, we propose blockchain-based business models and workflow types in various fields such as healthcare, logistics, and energy. We also present application cases. We expect to help companies apply blockchain to their business.

Work-flow Analysis and Specification Definition Method of Software Process (소프트웨어 프로세서의 작업흐름 분석과 명세정의 방법)

  • Yang, Hae-Sool
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.904-914
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    • 1998
  • BPR(Business Process Reengineering), a radical improvement approach of business process, has been paying attention, and work-flow management and automation has been concentrated on progress velocity of business process and productivity of engineers. In software engineering, software process engineering which focus to process begin to be watched, and for the purpose of software productivity and quality progress and reduction of development term, study on SPR(Software Process Reengineering) is being progressed. In this paper, made workflow analysis and design method for construction of work-flow management system of software process to stand firm process reengineering methodology. In other words, we studied modeling process methods for SPR process, and software process structure and workflow analysis method which construct software process workflow model and specification definition method of workflow software.

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The Implementation of Business Process Animator (비즈니스 프로세스 애니메이터의 구현)

  • 백수기
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Industry Society
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.77-86
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    • 2004
  • In recent, workflow technology has been spotlighted in the literature, according for e-business processes and their automations to be taken important and essential parts into account in the enterprise information processing environment, because the workflow technology ought to be an impeccable solution for automating the e-business processes. When we analyze and model e-business processes in an enterprise, it is very important to verify and validate the e-business processes before they are deployed on the real business environment. Especially, it should be very worthy for the verification and validation work to be done by a kind of graphical visualization approaches. This paper propose a business process enactment animator implemented by Java Technologies. And it supports WPDL(Workflow Process Definition Language) as well as XPDL(XML-Based Process Definition Language), both of which are the standard specification language by WfMC that is the international standardization organization for Workflow Technology.

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  • Dong-Eun Lee
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2005.10a
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    • pp.569-574
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    • 2005
  • This paper presents the core technology of Construction Business Process Automation to model and automate construction business processes. Business Process Reengineering (BPR) and Automation (BPA) have been recognized as one of the important aspects in construction business management. However, BPR requires a lot of efforts to identify, document, implement, execute, maintain, and keep track thousands of business processes to deliver a project. Moreover, existing BPA technologies used in existing Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems do not lend themselves to effective scalability for construction business process management. Application of Workflow and Object Technologies would be quite effective in implementing a scalable enterprise application for construction community. This paper present the technologies and methodologies for automating construction business processes by addressing how: 1) Automated construction management tasks are developed as software components, 2) The process modeling is facilitated by dragging-and dropping task components in a network, 3) Raising business requests and instantiating corresponding process instances are delivered, and 4) Business process instances are executed by using workflow technology based on real-time simulation engine. This paper presents how the construction business process automation is achieved by using equipment reservation and cancellation processes simplified intentionally.

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A Fully Digital Auricular Splint Workflow for Post-Keloid Excision

  • Rahmat Maria;Yee Onn Kok;Khim Hean Teoh
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • v.50 no.6
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    • pp.563-567
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    • 2023
  • Ear keloids are challenging lesions to treat due to high recurrence rates postexcision. Conservative compression techniques as adjunct treatment have been reported to be effective. An innovative technique of using computer-aided design/computed-aided manufacturing to print a customized auricular splint improves efficiency and comfort level for patients compared with conventional methods. The ear is scanned using an intraoral scanning 2 weeks postsurgery. A two-piece auricular splint is designed on the digital model, incorporating perforated projections for three nylon screws for retention of the splint. The splint is printed with clear acrylic material, postprocessed, and finished. The patient is taught to assemble the components of the splint and instructed to wear for at least 8 hours daily. The surgery site reviewed for any ulceration, pain, or recurrence of keloid for 6 months. During the 6-month review, the excision scar remained flat and pink. The patient also reports unrestricted daily activities. The digital workflow increases comfort for the patient and reduces the number of hours required to produce a customized auricular splint compared with conventional methods. A fully digital workflow for a printed auricular splint should be considered for adjunctive treatment to excision of ear keloids.

Developing A Document-based Work-flow Modeling Support System A Case-based Reasoning Approach

  • Kim, Jaeho;Woojong Suh;Lee, Heeseok
    • Proceedings of the Korea Inteligent Information System Society Conference
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    • 2001.06a
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    • pp.445-454
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    • 2001
  • A workflow model is useful fur business process analysis and has often been implemented for office automation through information technology. Accordingly, the results of workflow modeling need to be systematically managed as information assets. In order to manage the modeling process effectively, it is necessary to enhance the efficiency of their reuse. Therefore, this paper creates a Document-barred Workflow Modeling Support System (DWMSS) using a case-based reasoning (CBR) approach. It proposes a system architecture, and the corresponding modeling process is developed. Furthermore, a repository, which consists of a case base and vocabulary base, is built. A carte study is illustrated to demonstrate the usefulness of th is system.

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Workflow based storing model for XML documents (워크플로우 기반의 XML문서의 변경저장 모델)

  • 배혜림
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.139-154
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    • 2004
  • Recent business environments require a company to communicate frequently with other companies. This makes it essential to use XML (eXtensible Markup Language) documents for integration of information systems. Especially in e-Business environments, change management of documents is important to record and trace the history of the documents. In this paper, we propose a new method of storing a document by detecting changes automatically and reconstructing the document version when a user requests. In addition, based on the method, we also propose a model to recover a document into previous state even when system errors occur. A prototype system is implemented on top of a workflow system and an experiment is carried out to present efficiency of our method. Our approach provides efficiency of storage space and convenient management of documents.

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The Hierarchical Modeling Approach for Integrating the Enterprise Activity Model (기업 액티비티 모델 통합을 위한 계층적인 모델링 접근법)

  • Jun, H.B.;Suh, H.W.
    • Korean Journal of Computational Design and Engineering
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.157-168
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    • 2001
  • The description of enterprise activities is the basis fur process improvement and information system building. To describe such activities, it is necessary to model the enterprise activities from the abstraction level to the implementation level in a stepwise and integrated form. For this reason, several modeling approaches have been proposed. However, most of them lacked the stepwise or integration aspects although some of them covered overall levels. This study proposes the hierarchical modeling approach for integrating the enterprise activity model from the abstraction level to the implementation level systematically. It is composed of five modeling levels such as function level, process level, task level, document workflow level, and event flow level. This study discusses the definition and characteristics of each level and compare our modeling frame with other modeling methodologies in case study.

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A change Management Model for BPM Documents in e-Business Environments (e-Business를 위한 BPM 문서 변경관리 모델)

  • 배혜림;조재균;정석찬;박기남
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.87-105
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    • 2003
  • Business Process Management (BPM) is an emerging trend of managing business process life cycles and integrating heterogeneous systems . Recently, BPM is considered as an essential element for automation of complex business processes involving many companies, particularly for those in an e-Business environment. In such an environment, it is very important for each business partner to trace history of resources. However, it has been a difficult problem for Workflow Management Systems(WFMSs) to support management of resource changes because of limited storage, complex process structure, and absence of formal change model. In this paper. a new framework is proposed, which can support change management for documents, one of core resources of business process. Under a traditional WFMSs framework, all workflow components belong to either build-time or run-time function, and executions of workflow processes are performed by the two functions . To manage changes of documents while process executing. a new framework with additional component modules are required. A version control method is introduced for the purpose of managing document changes. The proposed method includes five models for document structure, process structure, association between process and document, version management, and efficient version storage. A prototype system is developed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed models.

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Petri Net-based Process Modeling for B2B e-Commerce (기업간 전자거래를 위한 Petri Net 기반 프로세스 모델링)

  • Kim, Sun-Ho
    • IE interfaces
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.79-86
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    • 2007
  • In B2B e-commerce environments, many initiatives for process modeling have made efforts to design business processes correctly. Especially, Petri nets have been widely used as a good theory to design and verify process models. Therefore, we propose the process modeling method for the B2B e-commerce based on Petri nets. First of all, a B2B process model based on BPSS is represented by the UML activity diagram. Second, the activity diagram is transformed to a Petri net model. For the transformation, well-behaved building blocks/control structures and the modeling rules for inter-organizational workflow processes are proposed. Third, the process is partitioned into sharable processes for individual business partners. Finally, according to needs of individual business partners, the sharable processes are modified by well-structured refinement rules. The whole procedure is explained with the purchase process of an e-bookstore.