• Title/Summary/Keyword: Web-based Business Process

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Business Process Model Formalization and Structural Anomaly Verification Techniques for Integrated Process Management of Medical Institutions (의료기관 프로세스 통합 관리를 위한 비즈니스 프로세스 모델 정형화 및 구조적 이상 현상 검증 기법)

  • Kim, Gun-Woo;Kim, Seong-Hyuk
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.18 no.7
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    • pp.177-193
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    • 2018
  • The business process management system that can integrate and manage a medical institution's processes has been increased importance to adapt to constantly changing medical environments and share information with various external medical institutions. The business process management system is an automated process tool that converts the graphic-based BPMN process model into a WS-BPEL, the execution language of the web service environment, and executes it through the process engine. However, the BPMN process model can be difficult to convert into WS-BPEL due to several ambiguities and structural inconsistencies. The process model may also contain structural anomalies that can lead to execution errors during process execution. In this paper, we present business process model formalization and structural anomaly verification techniques for facilitating integrated process management in medical institutions. Through the case study based on the IHE profile, we presented a formalized BPMN process model and verify the structural anomalies. We show the superiority of the proposed technique through comparative experiments with other related works.

Semantic Process Retrieval with Similarity Algorithms (유사도 알고리즘을 활용한 시맨틱 프로세스 검색방안)

  • Lee, Hong-Joo;Klein, Mark
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.79-96
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    • 2008
  • One of the roles of the Semantic Web services is to execute dynamic intra-organizational services including the integration and interoperation of business processes. Since different organizations design their processes differently, the retrieval of similar semantic business processes is necessary in order to support inter-organizational collaborations. Most approaches for finding services that have certain features and support certain business processes have relied on some type of logical reasoning and exact matching. This paper presents our approach of using imprecise matching for expanding results from an exact matching engine to query the OWL(Web Ontology Language) MIT Process Handbook. MIT Process Handbook is an electronic repository of best-practice business processes. The Handbook is intended to help people: (1) redesigning organizational processes, (2) inventing new processes, and (3) sharing ideas about organizational practices. In order to use the MIT Process Handbook for process retrieval experiments, we had to export it into an OWL-based format. We model the Process Handbook meta-model in OWL and export the processes in the Handbook as instances of the meta-model. Next, we need to find a sizable number of queries and their corresponding correct answers in the Process Handbook. Many previous studies devised artificial dataset composed of randomly generated numbers without real meaning and used subjective ratings for correct answers and similarity values between processes. To generate a semantic-preserving test data set, we create 20 variants for each target process that are syntactically different but semantically equivalent using mutation operators. These variants represent the correct answers of the target process. We devise diverse similarity algorithms based on values of process attributes and structures of business processes. We use simple similarity algorithms for text retrieval such as TF-IDF and Levenshtein edit distance to devise our approaches, and utilize tree edit distance measure because semantic processes are appeared to have a graph structure. Also, we design similarity algorithms considering similarity of process structure such as part process, goal, and exception. Since we can identify relationships between semantic process and its subcomponents, this information can be utilized for calculating similarities between processes. Dice's coefficient and Jaccard similarity measures are utilized to calculate portion of overlaps between processes in diverse ways. We perform retrieval experiments to compare the performance of the devised similarity algorithms. We measure the retrieval performance in terms of precision, recall and F measure? the harmonic mean of precision and recall. The tree edit distance shows the poorest performance in terms of all measures. TF-IDF and the method incorporating TF-IDF measure and Levenshtein edit distance show better performances than other devised methods. These two measures are focused on similarity between name and descriptions of process. In addition, we calculate rank correlation coefficient, Kendall's tau b, between the number of process mutations and ranking of similarity values among the mutation sets. In this experiment, similarity measures based on process structure, such as Dice's, Jaccard, and derivatives of these measures, show greater coefficient than measures based on values of process attributes. However, the Lev-TFIDF-JaccardAll measure considering process structure and attributes' values together shows reasonably better performances in these two experiments. For retrieving semantic process, we can think that it's better to consider diverse aspects of process similarity such as process structure and values of process attributes. We generate semantic process data and its dataset for retrieval experiment from MIT Process Handbook repository. We suggest imprecise query algorithms that expand retrieval results from exact matching engine such as SPARQL, and compare the retrieval performances of the similarity algorithms. For the limitations and future work, we need to perform experiments with other dataset from other domain. And, since there are many similarity values from diverse measures, we may find better ways to identify relevant processes by applying these values simultaneously.

Web Site Design Using 6 Sigma Methodology (6시그마 방법론을 이용한 웹 사이트 디자인)

  • Sung, Ki-Wook;Kim, Bong-Sun
    • Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.205-214
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    • 2009
  • Today, many of communication methods based on print media traditionally has moved to the internet. As increase of interest in internet business, effective web site design is needed. While the researches for the evaluation of completed web site are increased, that of web site design procedures are rare. In the design process occur various problems : rework, delay, etc.. In this paper are presented the improved procedures of web site design using 6 sigma methodology. The main object of this study is to introduce an empirical study on DIDOV.

WebGen: a Template-based Web Script Generator (WebGen: 템플릿 기반 웹 스크립트 생성기)

  • Eum, Doo-Hun
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.14D no.5
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    • pp.509-516
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    • 2007
  • The demand for Web applications that un on databases has been rapidly increased in every area including business. Comparing to this growing demand, it still takes much time to write and maintain Web applications. In this paper, we introduce the Web script generator, WebGen that generates the Web forms as application interface and the Web scripts that process the queries by the forms operating with a database. WebGen generates five Web scripts(Search, Select, Edit, Information, and Action) from built-in templates that are the frames for those scripts by applying the declarative contents of a user-written configuration file. Each script except the Action script generates a corresponding form as user interface. Therefore, WebGen enhances Web application productivity by reducing the development time and effort for Web applications. Unlike the commercial Web script generators, WebGen supports easy version management because it is based on independent templates. Moreover, a WebGen-generated form includes not only the interested entity but also the entities that are related directly and indirectly with the interested entity.

A QoS-aware Web Services Selection for Reliable Web Service Composition

  • Nasridinov, Aziz;Byun, Jeongyong
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2012.04a
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    • pp.586-589
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    • 2012
  • Web Services have been utilized in a wide variety of applications and have turned into a key technology in developing business operations on the Web. Originally, Web Services can be exploited in an isolated form, however when no single Web Service can satisfy the functionality required by a user, there should be a possibility to compose existing services together in order to fulfill the user requirement. However, since the same service may be offered by different providers with different non-functional Quality of Service (QoS), the task of service selection for Web Service composition is becoming complicated. Also, as Web Services are inherently unreliable, how to deliver reliable Web Services composition over unreliable Web Services should be considered while composing Web Services. In this paper, we propose an approach on a QoS-aware Web Service selection for reliable Web Service composition. In our approach, we select and classify Web Services using Decision Tree based on QoS attributes provided by the client. Service classifier will improve selection of relevant Web Services early in the composition process and also provide flexibility to replace a failed Web Services with a redundant alternative Web Services, resulting in high availability and reliability of Web Service composition. We will provide an implementation of our proposed approach along with efficiency measurements through performance evaluation.

InfoFlow: A Web-based Workflow Management System

  • Kim, Yeong-Ho;Kang, Suk-Ho;Kim, Dong-Soo;Heo, Won-Chang;Ko, Young-Myoung;Lee, Sang-Jin;Joo, Kyoung-Jun
    • Proceedings of the CALSEC Conference
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    • 1999.07b
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    • pp.587-596
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    • 1999
  • In this paper, we introduce the design and development of a web-based workflow management system. The goal of the developed system is to manage business processes occurring in the CITIS (Contractor Integrated Technical Information Services) environment. The system is composed of three main modules: Process Designer, Workflow Engine, and Client modules. The Process Designer is a module that provides the environment for the build-time function, which generates the specifications of processes. The module presents the capability of defining nested process models, which is powerful in particular for designing complex processes. Since the other two modules are implemented using pure Java technology, the Workflow Engine can be implemented on any platform and the Client programs can be accessed via the WWW interface. This indicates that there is no need to install any client programs at the client-sides. Users who has a connection to the internet with web browsers, such as Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator, and has a proper right of access can utilize the normal client, monitoring client, and system administration client programs. Communications between the workflow engine and the clients are implemented using the java servlet mechanism. The workflow system can serve as the underlying platform of process management tool in CALS and CITIS environments. An example scenario of using the system is presented.

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A Web-based Shoppingmall Implementation Process focused on User Interface Development (사용자 인터페이스 개발중심의 웹 기반 쇼핑몰 구축 프로세스)

  • 유재곤;최윤석;정기원
    • Proceedings of the CALSEC Conference
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    • 2002.01a
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    • pp.421-425
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    • 2002
  • ◈기존 방법론의 문제점 사용자 인터페이스 디자인의 중요성 과소평가 사용자 인터페이스 디자인 요구 반영 부족 개발팀과 사용자 인터페이스 디자인팀의 독립적인 작업의 어려움 사용자 인터페이스 디자인 변경 요청에 대한 유연한 대처가 어려움 사용자 인터페이스 디자인 유지보수 비용 과다(중략)

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uEngine: A Web service based Workflow Management System

  • Jang, Jin-Young;Park, Yong-Sun
    • Proceedings of the CALSEC Conference
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    • 2004.02a
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    • pp.345-349
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    • 2004
  • ·Emerging requirements for EC environments : -At eun-time: Dynamic process composition with various networked resources, i.e., application or participants -At build & maintenance time: Agile technical enhancements. e.g., evolution in standards · Open issues of WfMS(Bussler, 1999: Sayal et al., 2002): -Heterogeneity & interoperability -Adaptability and flexibility(omitted)

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Implementation of a soap based web services for slip data process (전표데이터 처리를 위한 SOAP기반 웹서비스의 구현)

  • 황의철;정민영;정선태
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2003.07d
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    • pp.1435-1438
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    • 2003
  • SOAP(Simple Object Access Protocol) that is a late protocol for exchange of information with Web Services that is useful for implementing common functions in especially a large size business area, is a protocol that is a lightweight, XML-based protocol over HTTP for exchange to information in decentralized, distributed environments. In this paper, we implement SOAP-based Web Services that can use with a slip database, for common slip processing functions in enterprise accounts in order to enhance the transparency of transactions by slip processing system. The result of this paper will contribute to increasing the productivity of enterprises through enhancing the standardization of slip data, reusability of functions, convenience of access, and efficiency of implementing applications.

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Application of Quality Cost Model ln Quality Improvement Area (품질개선분야에서의 품질코스트모델의 적용)

  • Chung, Young-Bae;Kim, Yon-Soo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.71-78
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    • 2011
  • This parer proposes application of quality costing system in quality improvement area. Cost of quality in quality improvement area provides a valuable of both providing the need for improvement and giving a starting point for project. WQCMS(Web-based Q-Cost Management System) have ability to collect and analyze quality data generated from various different departments in the inside or outside of the enterprise without any limitations, if end-users are able to access wide area network. It provides the capability to integrate quality information from database and to generate various easy analysis reports to management's needs using built-in analysis tool modules with real-time. Web-based quality cost management system to measure the performance of quality improvement activities in the business firms. This paper proposes standard model for quality cost process in quality improvement area.