• Title/Summary/Keyword: Web-based Business Process

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A BPN model for Web-based Business Process Reengineering and Specification (웹 기반 비즈니스 프로세스의 리엔지니어링과 명세를 위한 BPN 모형)

  • Jang, Soo-Jin;Choi, Sang-Soo;Lee, Gang-Soo
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.10D no.3
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    • pp.471-488
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    • 2003
  • A web-based information system, that is a dominant type of information systems, suffers from the “web crisis” in development and maintenance of the system. To cope with the problem, a technology of reengineering to web-based business process, which is one of web engineering, is strongly needed. In this paper, we propose a BPN(Business Process Net) model and reengineering guides along with an application example, which are used for modeling web-based business processes and migrating to web-based information system. BPN model is a type of not only a Beta-distributed stochastics Petri net, but also an executable Activity diagram. BPN is modeled by using the Use Case analysis method and the Beta-distribution. The later is used for the purpose of modeling the uncertainty of execution time and cost of a business process. BPN model and reengineering heuristics might be used as a formal common model for business process specification languages, and analysis and design method for Web-based Information system, respectively.

A Web-based System for Business Process Discovery: Leveraging the SICN-Oriented Process Mining Algorithm with Django, Cytoscape, and Graphviz

  • Thanh-Hai Nguyen;Kyoung-Sook Kim;Dinh-Lam Pham;Kwanghoon Pio Kim
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.18 no.8
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    • pp.2316-2332
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    • 2024
  • In this paper, we introduce a web-based system that leverages the capabilities of the ρ(rho)-algorithm, which is a Structure Information Control Net (SICN)-oriented process mining algorithm, with open-source platforms, including Django, Graphviz, and Cytoscape, to facilitate the rediscovery and visualization of business process models. Our approach involves discovering SICN-oriented process models from process instances from the IEEE XESformatted process enactment event logs dataset. This discovering process is facilitated by the ρ-algorithm, and visualization output is transformed into either a JSON or DOT formatted file, catering to the compatibility requirements of Cytoscape or Graphviz, respectively. The proposed system utilizes the robust Django platform, which enables the creation of a userfriendly web interface. This interface offers a clear, concise, modern, and interactive visualization of the rediscovered business processes, fostering an intuitive exploration experience. The experiment conducted on our proposed web-based process discovery system demonstrates its ability and efficiency showing that the system is a valuable tool for discovering business process models from process event logs. Its development not only contributes to the advancement of process mining but also serves as an educational resource. Readers, students, and practitioners interested in process mining can leverage this system as a completely free process miner to gain hands-on experience in rediscovering and visualizing process models from event logs.

Study on aWeb-based Business Process Evaluation Model for BPM using BSC and Fuzzy AHP (BSC와 Fuzzy AHP를 활용한 웹 기반의 BPM 대상 프로세스 선정에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Seung-Sin;Cho, Chi-Woon
    • IE interfaces
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.26-37
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    • 2009
  • BPM(Business Process Management) secures the agility of an enterprise through automation, integration, and optimization of business process. For the successful BPM introduction, the evaluation and selection of suitable processes for BPM are very important. But as to process evaluation and selection standards, in fact, various selection elements exist and they have to be considered. Therefore, it is very difficult to evaluate systematically and reasonably business processes for enterprises or concerned persons that plan to introduce BPM. This paper describes a Web-based business process evaluation model for BPM using BSC(Balanced Scorecard) and fuzzy AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process). A Web-based business process evaluation system was implemented based on this and it provides many useful business process evaluation results to enterprises or concerned persons that have insufficient experience and knowledge about BPM, and initially plan to implement BPMS(Business Process Management System). Thus, this paper demonstrates the applicability of fuzzy AHP concept in business process evaluation and selection for BPM, and provides a systemic guidance in the decision-making process.

Re-engineering Distribution Using Web-based B2B Technology

  • Kim, Gyeung-min
    • Journal of Distribution Research
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.22-35
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    • 2001
  • The focus of Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) has been extended to inter-business process that cuts across independent companies. Combined with Supply Chain Management (SCM), inter-business process reengineering (IBPR) focuses on synchronization of business activities among trading partners to achieve performance improvements in inventory management and cycle time. This paper reviews the business process reengineering movement from the historical perspective and presents a case of inter-business process reengineering using the latest internet-based Business-to- Business (B2B) technology based on Collaborative Planning, Forecasting, and Replenishment (CPFR). The case demonstrates how CPFR technology reengineers the distribution process between Heineken USA and its distributors. As world's first implementor of web-based collaborative planning system, Heineken USA reduces cycle time from determining the customer need to delivery of the need by 50% and increases sales revenue by 10%. B2B commerce on the internet is predicted to grow from $90 billion in 1999 to $2.0 trillion in 2003. This paper provides the management with the bench-marking case on inter-business process reengineering using B2B e-commerce technology.

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A Hybrid Service Orchestration Framework based on BPEL4WS

  • Kim, Sung-Min
    • Journal of information and communication convergence engineering
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.253-257
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    • 2009
  • As the value of B2B integration gets more importance and the business process becomes more complex, BPEL4WS standard has been focused for the solution of the problems which is based on web service technology. Many vendors implement the standard in their systems to integrate B2B and web service based inner-Enterprise Application(EA)s. But there is no way to use the standard to integrate non-web service based EAs, because the standard is designed only for Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) over web services. This paper proposes Hybrid Service Orchestration Framework to participate web services and also non-web service based EAs in the business process as a partner using BPEL4WS standard. The framework introduces Hybrid Service Architecture to represent non-web service based EAs as a service, so BPEL4WS could be used to integrate web services and non-web service based EAs. And the framework also introduces Hybrid Service Toolkit to support software level facilities. The paper also introduces Hybrid Orchestration System that is based on Hybrid Service Orchestration Framework.

A Study on the Component Development For e-Business Application Systems (e-비즈니스 응용 시스템을 위한 컴포넌트 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Haeng-Kon
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.11D no.5
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    • pp.1095-1104
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    • 2004
  • An electronic services which are based on Internet/Intranet business transactions are available to e-market places and get the broader business concepts. Component-based e-commerce technology is a recent trend towards resolving the e-commerce chanange at both system and ap-plication levels. The basic capabilities of component based systems should include the plug and play features at various granularities, interoper-ability across networks and mobility in various networking environments. E-business application developers are attempting to more towards web-service as a mechanism for developing component-based web-applications. Traditional process and development models are inadequately architectured to meet the rapidly evolving needs for the future of scalable web services. In this thesis, we focus specifically on the issues of e-business system architecture based on web service for establishing e-business system. We specifies and identifies design pattern for applying e-business domain in the context of multiple entities. We investigate prototype and frameworks to develope components for e-business application based suggested process. We present a worked example to demonstrate the behavior of Customer Authentication System(CAS) development with component and recommend process. Final]Y, we indicate and view on future directions in component-based development in the context of electronic business.

Web Service-based Enactment Architecture for the Efficient Process Execution (효율적인 프로세스 실행을 위한 웹서비스 기반의 실행 아키텍처)

  • Yun, Ho-Seong;Jeong, Ji-Su;Choe, In-Jun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Operations and Management Science Society Conference
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    • 2004.05a
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    • pp.710-713
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    • 2004
  • There have been numerous research and development efforts to automate business processes or execute business processes automatically. Especially, Web service is considered to be one of the most promising technologies. Existing Web service composition languages such as BPEL (Business Process Execution Language) and BPML (Business Process Modeling Language) do not provide full semantic support for business processes. This paper proposes a 3-layer model that consists of business process layer and service layer which can seamlessly integrates business process semantics with service semantics. The proposed model and architecture will enable effective management of business processes as well-defined corporate assets, services that execute tasks to achieve goals of business processes, and software components that comprise services.

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Business Process and Navigation Modeling for Web-based Information System including Digital Contents (디지털컨텐츠를 포함한 웹기반 정보시스템의 재구성을 위한 비즈니스 프로세스 및 항해 모델링)

  • Choi Sang-Su;Hwang Sung-Ha;Park Hark-Soo;Jang Soo-Jin;Lee Gang-Soo
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.23-35
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    • 2002
  • Recently, digital contents systems have been constructed by means of a Web-based Information Systems(WBIS). However, developers supper from the Web Crisis since there is no systematic methodology for development and maintenance of the WBIS. To partially cope with the problem, we propose web-based business process and navigation modeling methods for efficient restructuring of a WBIS. A Business Process Net model is the business process model. Additionally, system structure model, state transition model, and user interaction model are the navigation models. These models might be useful for development and restructuring of a WBIS which includes digital contents.

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Collaborative workflow architecture modeling in B2B (B2B에서의 Collaborative 워크플로우 아키텍처 모델링)

  • Kim TaeWoon;Han YongHo;Kim SeungWan
    • Proceedings of the Korean Operations and Management Science Society Conference
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    • 2002.05a
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    • pp.909-915
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    • 2002
  • Collaborative system is an essential idea in the global and e-business environments Workflow plays a key role implementing collaborative system. Workflow is an emerging technology for business process automation, monitoring integrity enforcement, and recovery. A process model describes the structure of business process in the real world The process model can be transformed into a Workflow model utilizing a computer. The paper proposes a web-based Workflow process design in the B2B environment Considering a global environment where the partners interchange their processes beyond the company boundaries, a web-based infrastructure is the most preferred platform Considering this, Workflow processes and e-Business structures were combined together on the web environment.

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Recent Advances in Web Services Composition and Their Implications to Seamless Business Process Integration.

  • Park, Jong-Hun
    • Proceedings of the CALSEC Conference
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    • 2004.02a
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    • pp.191-196
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    • 2004
  • Web Service ·A software application identified by a URI, whose interface and bindings are capable of being defined, described, and discovered as XML artifacts A Web service supports direct interactions with other software agents using XML-based messages exchanges via Internet-based protocols(W3C) ·Utilize the WWW infrastructure ·Example : http://etech.kaist.ac.kr:8080/search.html(omitted)

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