• Title/Summary/Keyword: Warp size

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Injection Molding Analysis for Narrow-Pitched FPC Connectors (협 피치 FPC 커넥터의 사출 성형 해석)

  • Yoon, Seon-Jin;Heo, Young-Moo;Han, Mu-kun;Jung, Min-young;Kang, Woo-Seung
    • Design & Manufacturing
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 2014
  • The narrow-pitched connectors are of interest for small-scale devices such as smart phones because of theirs caling. We conducted an injection molding analysis and a warp analysis for 0.3mm and 0.5mm pitch FPC connectors. We obtained a volumetric shrinkage of 4.344%, a clamping force of 0.2529 tonne, a maximum injection pressure of 76.3 MPa as optimized molding conditions for the 0.3mm pitch FPC connector. We found that, compared with the traditional injection molding technique, the injection molding for narrow-pitched connectors comes with distinct features like low clamping force, high injection molding pressure, and narrow gate size. Adding to the optimization analysis, the deflection of 0.5mm pitch FPC connector was analyzed as well. A maximum deflection of 0.053mm was calculated, which the actual deflection of 0.062mm was compared to. The results deduced a relative error of 17%. We conclude that the deflection analysis along with the optimization analysis can be used as an effective tool to predict the behavior of narrow-pitch connectors although the relative error may need to improve.

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A Study on the Conditions of Apparel Products of Stretch Material(I) (스트레치소재(素材) 의류제품(衣類製品)의 생산실태(生産實態) 硏究(I))

  • Park, Jin-Young;Sohn, Hee-Soon
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.1 no.3
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    • pp.35-44
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this study is to the processes and quality of local women's apparel production using the stretch fabric and to address the problems related to production in order to provide useful data for producing competitive apparels. The result of the survey can be summarized as follows; 1. Results of surveying the process for raw materials and notions indicated that most of the workers were ignorant of the properties of stretch fabrics. And most factories were stacking the stretch fabrics across improperly, while being aware of the properties of the fabrics through their experiences or in-company test. 2. The major problem involving spreading fabrics was the uneven tension, followed by static electricity, overlap and warp twist. The problems involving the cutting work were melting of the fabric by cutter and difference of size between upper and lower parts. 3. Most of the businesses were not tempering the fabric before and after its linking works due to lack of working space, short delivery time, ignorance and etc. The majority of the sample businesses were operating their cutters at the speed of 3,000 rpm or higher, which suggests a poor technological guidance.

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Development of Retro-reflective Fiber(I) - Making of Slit Yarn and Manufacturing of Fabric using in the Warp Threads - (재귀반사 섬유의 개발(I) - Slit Yarn의 제조와 경사에 Slit Yarn 사용에 의한 직물제조 -)

  • Jeong, Dong-Seok;Park, Sang-Woon;Kweon, Il;Chun, Tae-Il
    • Textile Coloration and Finishing
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.139-147
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    • 2017
  • In this study, interesting area of development is retro-reflective thin film and then slitting to form retro-reflective material to be conbined with other fibers to form having retro-reflective characteristics, which slitting yarn can then be to provide fabrics. Glass beads are microscopic spherical size with diameters ranging from several microns to several millimeters. Applying the effects of optical property, glass beads are consumed for road safety used to make traffic signs, safety clothing and others. Glass beads retro-reflective films can be turned into slit yarns through slitting yarn process. The slit yarns can be combined into textiles using diverse methods such as weaving to provide a fabric having retro-reflective characteristics. Lightness and Luminance was increased with decreasing of interval of slit yarn in the fabric. Also, the hue is shifted greenish and bluish with interval of slit yarn.

Entrepreneurship Determines Public Empowerment through Good Governance and Public Service Quality

  • ROJIKINNOR, Rojikinnor;GANI, A. Juli Andi;SALEH, Choirul;AMIN, Fadillah
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.7 no.11
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    • pp.491-497
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    • 2020
  • This study examines the relationship between entrepreneurship of the state civil apparatus variable and public empowerment variable in Central Kalimantan province. Samples were taken using judgment sampling techniques. Based on these criteria, it is known that only 332 regional organizational structures that meet the criteria. Thus, the sample size is 332 regional organizational structure. In each organizational structure of the regional apparatus, 3 people were selected from the state civil apparatus and 3 from the community. Also, this study considers the effect of good governance and the quality of public services as mediating variables. The analysis used in this study is PLS using WarpPLS software. the variables studied were entrepreneurship of the state civil apparatus, good governance, public service quality and public empowerment. The results of the study stated that there is a significant positive relationship between entrepreneurship and public empowerment. In addition, there is a positive effect of entrepreneurship on good governance and public service quality. also, there is a positive influence of good governance and public service quality on public empowerment. The novelty of this research is the entrepreneurship of the state civil apparatus which is the driving force of public empowerment through good governance and public service quality.

Study on the Evaluation and Prediction of Micro-Defects in the Hemming Process (헤밍 공정에서의 미세 결함 평가 및 예측에 관한 연구)

  • Jung H. C.;Lim J. K.;Kim H. J.
    • Transactions of Materials Processing
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    • v.14 no.6 s.78
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    • pp.533-540
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    • 2005
  • The hemming process, composed of flanging, pre-hemming and main hemming, is the last one of a series of forming processes conducted on the automotive panels, having greater influence on the outward appearance of cars rather than on their performance. The hem quality can be quantitatively defined by the hemming defects including turn-down/up, warp and roll-in/out. However, it is difficult to evaluate and predict the hem quality through an experimental measurement or a numerical calculation since the size of defects is very small. This study aims to precisely evaluate the hemming defects, especially turn-down and roll-in, through numerical and experimental approaches and to investigate the influence of process parameters on the hem quality, focused on how to simulate the same conditions as in the experiment by the finite element analysis (FEA). The FEA results on the turn-down and roll-in obtained from a model composed of the optimum-sized elements, including a spring element linked to the flanging pad, and given the double master contact condition between the inner and outer panels, had a good correlation with the experimental data. It is thought possible to make an early estimate of the hem quality in a practical automotive design by applying the methodology proposed in this study.

Prediction of Turn-down and Roll-in in Hemming Processes through the Comparison between FEA and Experiment (유한요소해석과 실험의 비교를 통한 헤밍 공정에서의 턴다운 및 롤인 결함 예측)

  • Jung H. C.;Lim J. K.;Kim H. J.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Technology of Plasticity Conference
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    • 2005.05a
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    • pp.101-105
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    • 2005
  • Hemming process, composed of flanging, pre-hemming and main hemming, is the last one of a series of forming processes conducted on the automotive panels, having a great influence on the outward appearance of them. The hem quality can be quantitatively defined by the hemming defects including turn-down, warp and roll-in. However, it is difficult to evaluate and predict the hem quality through the experimental measurement or the numerical calculation since the size of defects is very small. This study is focused on how to simulate in the finite element analysis (FEA) the same conditions as in the experiment. The FEA result on turn-down, that was obtained from a finite element model including the spring element linked to the flanging pad, had a good correlation with the experimental data. It was found that the radius of curvature of the flange deeply affects the final hem quality and therefore high rigidity of forming tools and tight assembling tolerance are highly recommended. An over-stroke of the main hemming punch is also proposed to reduce the turn-down.

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The Distribution Condition and Clothing Construction Factors of the Working Clothes - Reference to the Changwon National Industrial Complex -

  • Park, Gin-Ah;Park, Hye-Won
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.116-135
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    • 2008
  • To investigate the actual distribution condition and clothing construction factors of the working clothes supplied to the Changwon national industrial complex, 5 major companies in machinery, automotive, industrial engineering, shipbuilding and rolling stock in the industrial complex located in Gyeongsangnam-Do were selected. The questionnaire designed for the research consisted of working clothes distribution policies in manufacturing industry and the actual conditions of the design facts, repair and maintenance of the working clothes, etc. The analysis of the clothing construction factors of the working clothes provided by 5 respondent companies were conducted in parallel. The results derived from the study were as follows: The basic types of working clothes were the blouson jacket and straight pants; safety equipments for manufacture were safety helmets, gloves, snickers, goggles, masks, ear caps, wristlets, leggings, apron, etc. The size-charts adopted by the participant companies were the small-medium-large and cm/inch measurement size systems. To solve wearer's dissatisfaction with the garment fit, certain clothing construction factors were used, e.g. strap bands and the elastic band on a waist band. The types of fabrics used for the working clothes were mainly polyester/cotton and polyester/rayon blended ones. Moreover, to provide with more air permeability to wearers, the warp knit material was used to construct the lining and the armpit or back bodice slits. Lock, two-thread chain, safety, overedge stitches were applied with flat, lap felled, French, superimposed, lapped, bound and edge finishing seams to construct the working clothes selected.

Installation Damage Assessment of Geogrids by Laboratory Tester (실내 시험기에 의한 지오그리드의 시공 시 손상 평가)

  • Jeon, Han-Yong;Jin, Yong-Bum;Jang, Yeon-Soo;Yoo, Chung-Sik
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.23 no.7
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    • pp.77-86
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    • 2007
  • Installation damage of 3 types of geogrids was evaluated with compaction condition by laboratory tester. This experimental was in accordance with ENV ISO 10722-1. First, soil distribution and water content were conducted. And then we changed cyclic loading time and type of geogrids as a factor of installation damage. The samples are woven, warp-knitted, welded type of 6, 8, 10T. This study aims to give an insight into the relationships between installation damage and cyclic loading time. The result of studies was that strength of the damaged geogrids can be closely correlated with the time of loading cycles. Especially, welded type shows slower slope than two types of geogrids due to coating materials. That means welded type is coated with PP (Polypropylene), but the other two types of geogrids are coated with PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride). To confirm another factor different method was performed. The size of soil was used between 9.5 mm and 23.5 m to compare initial experimental. Cyclic loading compaction is taken 200 times before installation test and the reason is that the reduction factor of this case by installation damage was higher than other compaction loading conditions.

Structural defects in the multicrystalline silicon ingot grown with the seed at the bottom of crucible (종자결정을 활용한 다결정 규소 잉곳 내의 구조적 결함 규명)

  • Lee, A-Young;Kim, Young-Kwan
    • Journal of the Korean Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.190-195
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    • 2014
  • Because of the temperature gradient occurring during the growth of the ingot with directional solidification method, defects are generated and the residual stress is produced in the ingot. Changing the growth and cooling rate during the crystal growth process will be helpful for us to understand the defects and residual stress generation. The defects and residual stress can affect the properties of wafer. Generally, it was found that the size of grains and twin boundaries are smaller at the top area than at the bottom of the ingot regardless of growth and cooling condition. In addition to that, in the top area of silicon ingot, higher density of dislocation is observed to be present than in the bottom area of the silicon ingot. This observation implies that higher stress is imposed to the top area due to the faster cooling of silicon ingot after solidification process. In the ingot with slower growth rate, dislocation density was reduced and the TTV (Total Thickness Variation), saw mark, warp, and bow of wafer became lower. Therefore, optimum growth condition will help us to obtain high quality silicon ingot with low defect density and low residual stress.

Characterization of In-plane Shear Behaviors of Woven Fabrics by Bias-extension and Trellis-frame Tests (편향 인장 및 트렐리스 시험에 의한 직물 복합재료의 면내 전단 물성 평가)

  • Lee, Won-Oh;Um, Moon-Kwang;Byun, Joon-Hyung;Cao, Jian
    • Composites Research
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.8-14
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    • 2010
  • Three types of glass woven fabrics (plain, balanced twill, and unbalanced twill) having various sample sizes and aspect ratios were tested using the bias-extension tests. Real-time deformation images, force, and displacement data were collected. For the bias-extension test, the shear angle of the fabrics from the equation based on the crosshead displacement and fabric size was compared with direct manual measurements of the warp and weft angles as well as the optical measurement software. To determine the shear force, an analytical equation was introduced considering the kinematics of the bias-extension test. The obtained shear behaviors were further compared with the results by the trellis-frame test. The optical measurement methods showed that the mathematical method was reasonable before the shear angle of the fabrics reaches $30^{\circ}$ in the bias-extension tests. Also, the bias-extension test gave consistent behaviors with the trellis-frame test only for isotropic and homogeneous fabrics such as balanced plain and twill weaves.