• Title/Summary/Keyword: Wando area

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Studies on the Bamboo in Korea (한국산의 죽류에 관한 연구)

  • 정현배
    • Journal of Plant Biology
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.14-21
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    • 1959
  • The bamboo, one of staples of South-East Asia, has 1, 250 species in 46 Genus throughout the world South-East Asia, it's main habitat, has 1, 180 species, while South America has about 70 species or so. Major places of it's production in Asia are Korea, southern China, Japan, Malay, Ceylon, Formosa, and Philipine, but of these, Korea, southern China, and Japan are the most famous places for their production of excellant bamboo. In Korea, Kyongsang-Namdo and Cholla-Namdo are known as it's home, occupying 80 per cent of the total area of bamboo production in this country. Kyongsang-Pukdo, Cholla-Pukdo, Chungehong-Namdo, and Kangwon-do are also known as it's minor production. The importance of the bamboo can not be ignored, considering it's role in the industrial development of this country; the bamboo-ware is indispensable for the culture of laver which annually secures a considerable amount of foreign money. But it has long been regreted that the home-made bamboo-ware is far from being able to meet the ever increasing demand in quantity and is forced to be imported annually. In the light of the above mentioned fact, much interested; I undertook the task of investigating the bamboo in this country, Primarily concerned in it's kind and distribution, and could draw the following conclusions as the first phase of my investigation: (1). The amount of the bamboo accumulation in this country, compared with that of pre-worldwar II, is reduced as much as 300, 000 fagots(on fagot amounts to 25 pieces), and now the acreage of the bamboo field is 32, 200$\textrm{km}^2$s. (2). At a mountian peak in Kunoe-myon Wando-kun Cholla-Namdo, I found out a new specis. (Shasamorpha chiisanensis NAKAI Forma wan-Ponia H. P. CHONG) (3). The kinds of the autogenous wild bamboo in this country are as follows; a). 8 kinds in Sinoarundinaria. (5 Spp; 2 For; 1 Var) b). 1 kinds in Pieioplastus. (1 Spp) c). 2 kinds in Pseudosasa. (1 Spp; 1Var.) d) 4 kinds in Sasamorpha. (2 Spp; 1 For.; 1 Var.) e). 4 kinds in Sasa. (4 Spp) In total there are nineteen(19) kinds of autogenous wild bamboo in this country. When adding to this thethirty five (35) species which the japanese has transplanted in Kyongsang-Namdo Forestry Expreimental stations, there are in all fifty four (54) spe ies in this country. (4). As for the distribution of the Northern limitation of the bamboo growing, I found that Sinoarundinaria nigra OHWI var, Henonis HONDA can be cultivated as for as Kosongkun, Kangwon-Do, andSinoarundinaria pubescens HONDA as for as Clung Chong Namdo, and Sinoarundinaria reticulata as far as chung Chong-Pukdo.

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Chemical Properties of Sea Tangle (Saccharina. japonica) Cultured in the Different Depths of Seawater (양식 다시마의 수심과 부위에 따른 화학적 성분 특성)

  • Shin, Tai-Sun;Xue, Zheng;Do, Ye-Won;Jeong, Sang-Il;Woo, Hee-Chul;Kim, Nam-Gil
    • Clean Technology
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.395-405
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    • 2011
  • To develop the technology for cultivation of high-density seaweed, sea tangle was cultured from varying depths(0.5 m, 3 m) of seawater at Gijang and Wando area. Proximate composition, component sugar, total amino acid, fatty acid composition, and element composition of different parts of sea tangle (Saccharina japonica) have been examined. Significant differences were found in the amount of crude protein and ash content in lower, middle, and upper parts of algal blades. The upper parts of the sea tangle was rich in crude protein, while lower parts was rich in crude ash. Crude lipid content was higher in the middle parts than those of the other parts. The component sugars were not significantly different from all parts of algal blades. The highest content of most of the amino acids were found in the upper parts of the blades. The amount of saturated fatty acids concentrated mostly in lower parts of blades, while the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids concentrated in the upper parts. The highest N element contents were found in upper part of algal blades. However, the contents of those chemical component were not affected by the depths of seawater.

Ammonia removal rate on ammonia loading rates in seawater filtering system using rotating biological contactor (RBC) (회전원판을 이용한 해수 순환여과 시스템에서 암모니아 부하율에 따른 암모니아 제거율)

  • SON Maeng Hyun;JEON Im Gi;CHO Kee Chae;KIM Kang Soo
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.367-372
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    • 2000
  • A series of experiment was conducted to investigate the relationship between ammoia removal rate and ammonia loading rates in seawater filtering system using rotating biological contactor (RBC). In this experiment, RBC system was consisted of rotating polyvinyl film disks, which provided $12 m^2$ of total effective surface area in $0.075 m^3$ of volume. $NH_4Cl$ was added by $10{\~}150 g$ as a ammonia nitrogen source to determine ammonia removal rate in RBC system. Relationship between time required for ammonia removal (y: hour) and nitrogen inputted ($x: NH_4-N mg/l$) in RBC system was as followed: $y=3.51+7.76 lnx (r^2=0.936)$. At ammonia concentration $2 mg/l$, it took 10 hour for removal of ammonia in the RBC system. However, at ammonia concentration of $5 and 16.5 mg/l$, it took 16 and 27 hours, respectively. There was a decreasing tencency of an increasing ammonia in the rearing water. Finally, the ammonia removal rate in the RBC system increased with the rise of total ammonia concentration up to $16.5 mg/l$.

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Identification of Yeasts Isolated from Wild Flowers Collected in Coast Areas of Korea Based on the 26S rDNA Sequences (우리나라 일부 해안 지역 야생화들로부터 분리한 효모들의 분자 생물학적 동정)

  • Min, Jin Hong;Lee, Hyang Burm;Lee, Jong Soo;Kim, Ha Kun
    • The Korean Journal of Mycology
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.185-191
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    • 2013
  • Several yeast colonies were isolated from wild flowers collected from East, West and South coast areas of Korea by plating of flower suspensions on the YPD plates containing antibiotics, streptomycin and ampicillin. Polymerase chain reactions (PCR) were performed for the amplification of D1/D2 region of 26S rDNA for those colonies. PCR-amplified nucleotide sequences were compared using BLAST for their identification. As results, 27 yeast strains belonged to 15 species were isolated from wild flowers collected at Donghae, where is located in eastern coast of Korea. Also, 34 strains belonged to 17 species were isolated from wild flowers of Daecheon, where is located in western coast of Korea. In addition, 22 strains belonged to 13 species were isolated from wild flowers collected at Wando, where is located in southern coast of Korea. Among those 45 species isolated from 3 different collection sites, only 4 species including Cryptococcus laurentii, Metschnikowia koreensis, Pseudozyma rugulosa, and Rhodotorula mucilaginosa were found from all 3 different collection sites. And 5 species including Cryptococcus aureus, Cryptococcus flavus, Hanseniaspora uvarum, Pichia guilliermondii, and Rhodosporidium fluviale were overlapped from the at least 2 different collection sites. Other 23 species were found only in a specific collection sites implying that each area has distinctive yeast flora.

Statistical data on infectious diseases of cultured olive flounder Paralichthys olivaceus from 2005 to 2007 (2005년부터 2007년 사이 양식 넙치, Paralichthys olivaceus 질병에 대한 통계 자료)

  • Kim, Jin-Woo;Cho, Mi-Young;Park, Gyeong-Hyun;Won, Kyoung-Mi;Choi, Hye-Sung;Kim, Myoung-Sug;Park, Myoung-Ae
    • Journal of fish pathology
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.369-377
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    • 2010
  • The epidemiological study was performed to survey the prevalence of fish pathogens of cultured olive flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus collected in Pohang, Ulsan.Gijang, Keoje and Wando area of Korea from 2005 to 2007. In this study, the fish pathogens were detected from 1,528 among 2,238 fish samples and annual incidences were 60.6% in 2005, 66.7% in 2006 and 72.3% in 2007, respectively. Seasonal prevalence was 63.5% in February, 67.3% in May, 75.1% in August and 64.2% in November for three years. The detection rates of parasites, bacteria or viruses were 36.7%, 32.8% and 31.4%, respectively. 775 cases (34.6%) among 2,238 fish samples showed mixed infection with a different pathogens. The distribution of specific diseases showed that detection rates of diseases occurring the most frequently during the study period were Trichodina spp., (28.2%), viral nervous necrosis virus (24.3%), Vibrio (11.6%), viral hemorrhagic septicaemia virus (10.5%).

A Study on Serum Lipid Levels in Elderly People in Wando Area - Based on Age, BMI, WHR - (완도지역 성인 및 노인의 혈청지질 수준에 관한 연구(I) - 연령, 신체 계측치를 중심으로 -)

  • Cha, Bok-Kyeong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.68-77
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    • 2006
  • This study was peformed to document the association between nutrient intakes, body mass index (BMI), waist/hip ratio (WHR), and a major risk factor for chronic diseases. A three-day dietary intake survey, using a 24 hour recall method, was obtained from 187 subjects aged 46 to 84 (mean age 65.3) living in Wando island area. The average daily mean energy intakes were 1869.0 kcal for male and 1943.9 kcal for female, respectively. Daily intakes of protein for male and female were 28.0 and 30.4 g, and those of fat were 31.5 and 28.51 g, respectively Carbohydrate dependency was decreased with age. Protein dependency was increased with age. The mean intakes of energy, protein, Vit. A, Vit. D, Vit. E, Ca, Zn did not meet Korean RDA for elderly. The level of serum triglyceride was higher in males than in females and showed the tendency to increase with age in both sexes, whereas HDL-cholesterol tended to decrease with age in both sexes. The levels of serum total-cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol were significantly higher in males than in females, particularly in the age of $46\~59$ (p<0.05). The level of atherogenic index (AI) was significantly higher in females than in males, particularly in the age of 80 and over (p<0.05) Based on these results, it is evident that people in island area did not consume enough nutrient. Specially, dietary intake of protein was not adequate. This study implies that triglyceride, total-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, AI were increased with increasing age, BMI and WHR.

Spatial Distribution of Macrozoobenthic Organisms along the Korean Coasts in Summer Season (한국 연안의 하계 대형저서동물의 공간분포)

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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.87-102
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    • 2022
  • To clarify the spatial distribution pattern of macrozoobenthos in Korean coastal waters in the summer season and investigate the relationship between community structure and benthic environmental factors, field surveys on community structure and benthic environmental factors were conducted at 117 stations in August 2017. A total of 613 macrobenthic species were identified, with the mean density of 1,228 ind./m2 and the mean biomass (wet weight) of 110.9 g WW/m2. Rich biodiversity was found at stations near Wando and along the coast of the East Sea, and there is a trend that stations with greater biodiversity also showed higher mean density as well. The dominant species in all the coastal areas in Korea was Heteromastus filiformis, which were found at most of the stations during the survey. The relatively deep areas in the East Sea were dominated by Magelona johnsoni and Maldane cristata, which were the third and ninth dominant species in the study areas, respectively. Pseudopolydora kempi and Rhynchospio sp. were observed only at the station located in the Nakdong River estuary. From the cluster analysis the stations could be clustered into three station groups with more similar faunal composition. Group A was located in the eastern coast, characterized with deep water depth and low levels of sand contents, while Group B was located in the southern coast, characterized by shallow depth of water and high content of mud and organic matter. Lastly, Group C was in the western coast, demonstrating low levels of mud content and organic matters. The biodiversity of macrobenthic species in the study area showed high positive correlation coefficients with benthic environmental factors such as sorting, clay, silt, and contents of organic matter in sediments, but negatively correlated with the sand contents. Major dominant species, Theora lata and Eriopisella sechellensis, both showed negative correlation coefficients with the sand contents, but a relatively high positive correlation with the levels of organic contents.It can be concluded that the spatial distribution patterns of macrobenthic organisms in Korean coastal waters are affected by depth, sediment type, and contents of organic matters.

The Types of Warm Temperate Forest and the Degraded Levels in the Island Area of the West and South Coast (서남해안 도서지역의 난온대 식생유형화 및 훼손등급)

  • Park, Seok-Gon;Sung, Chan-Yong;Kang, Hyun-Mi
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.35 no.6
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    • pp.579-593
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    • 2021
  • In order to understand the types of vegetation in warm temperate-climate zones, vegetation was investigated in several island areas in Jeollanam-do (Jindo, Wando, Gangjin, Goheung, and Yeosu). The evaluation standard for degraded level of warm temperate forests were proposed based on the importance percentage (IP) in canopy layer of the evergreen broad-leaf forests and the number of arboreal evergreen broad-leaf species. Through these measurements, the restoration types and techniques for each degraded level were estimated, and it is intended to be used in establishing restoration plans for the southwest coast island area. The vegetation was analyzed using the two-way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN) method using survey data of 307 plots. As a result, it was divided into 8 communities, and the appearance characteristics of evergreen broad-leaf species were identified in each community. Community I was located on the lower slope at an altitude of 86.6 m, and Neolitsea sericea and Castanopsis sieboldii were dominant. Communities II and III were the vegetation types that appear on the coast below an altitude of 10.5 to 22.5 m, and Machilus thunbergii, Cinnamomum japonicum, N. sericea, and C. sieboldii were dominant. Communities IV and V were vegetation types that appeared in the lower and middle slops between the altitudes of 71.9 to 153.4m, and C. sieboldii was dominant. In community VI, the N. sericea was dominant in the lower and middle slops at an altitude of 166.9 m. The last communities VII and VIII were the vegetation types that appeared on the middle slop at an altitude of 187.8 to 246.2 m. Also, Quercus acuta and Q. salicina were present. In summary, the evergreen broad-leaf forests dominated by M. thunbergii, C. japonicum, and N. sericea appeared mainly in the coastal areas of the lowlands. The community of C. sieboldii was distributed higher inland than this community. The communities that appeared mainly in the inland highlands at levels above these two communities were Q. acuta and Q. salicina. The degraded level was classified as 0 to V, according to the IP of arboreal evergreen broad-leaf species and the number of arboreal evergreen broad-leaf species. According to the degraded level, the restoration types (preservation, induction, improvement, creation) and the restoration techniques were determined.

Abundance of Harmful Algae, Cochlodinium polykrikoides, Gyrodinium impudicum and Gymnodinium catenatum in the Coastal Area of South Sea of Korea and Their Effects of Temperature, Salinity, Irradiance and Nutrient on the Growth in Culture (남해안 연안에서 적조생물, Cochlodinium polykikoides, Gyrodinium impudicum, Gymnodinium catenatum의 출현상황과 온도, 염분, 조도 및 영양염류에 따른 성장특성)

  • LEE Chang Kyu;KIM Hyung Chul;LEE Sam-Geun;JUNG Chang Su;KIM Hak Gyoon;LIM Wol Ae
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.536-544
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    • 2001
  • Three harmful algal bloom species with similar morphology, Cochlodinium polykrikoides, Gyodinium impudicum and Gymodinium catenatum have damaged to aquatic animals or human health by either making massive blooms or intoxication of shellfishes in a food chain. Eco-physiological and hydrodynamic studies on the harmful algae offer useful informations in the understanding their bloom mechanism by giving promising data for the prediction and modelling of harmful algal blooms event. Thus, we studied the abundance of these species in the coastal area of South Sea of Korea and their effects of temperature, salinity, irradiance and nutrient on the growth for the isolates. The timing for initial appearance of the three species around the coastal area of Namhaedo, Narodo and Wando was between Bate July and late August in 1999 when water temperature ranged from $22.8^{\circ}C\;to\;26.5^{\circ}C$ Vegetative cells of C. polykrikoides and G. impudicum were abundant until late September when water temperature had been dropped to less than $23^{\circ}C$. By contrast, vegetative cell of G. catenatum disappeared before early September, showing shorter period of abundance than the other two species in the South Sea. Both G. impudicum and G. catenatum revealed comparatively low density with a maximal cell density of 3,460 cells/L and 440 cells/L, respectively without making any bloom, while C. polykrikoides made massive blooms with a maximal cell density more than $40\times10^6$cells/L, The three species showed a better growth at the relatively higher water temperature ranging from 22 to $28^{\circ}C$ with their maximal growth rate at $25^{\circ}C$ in culture, which almost corresponded with the water temperature during the outbreak of C. polykrikoides in the coastal area of South Sea. Also, they all showed a relatively higher growth at the salinity from 30 to $35\%$. Specially, G. impudicum showed the euryhalic characteristics among the species, On the other hand, growth rate of G. catenatum decreased sharply with the increase of water temperature at the experimental ranges more than $35\%$. The higher of light intensities showed the better growth rates for the three species, Moreover, C. polykrikoides and G. impudirum continued their exponential growth even at 7,500 lux, the highest level of light intensity in the experiment, Therefore, It is assumed that C. polykrikoides has a physiological capability to adapt and utilize higher irradiance resulting in the higher growth rate without any photo inhibition response at the sea surface where there is usually strong irradiance during its blooming season. Although C. poiykikoides and G. impudicum continued their linear growth with the increase of nitrate ($NO_3^-$) and ammonium ($NH_4^-$) concentrations at less than the $40{\mu}M$, they didn't show any significant differences in growth rates with the increase of nitrate and ammonium concentrations at more than $40{\mu}M$, signifying that the nitrogen critical point for the growth of the two species stands between 13.5 and $40{\mu}M$. Also, even though both of the two species continued their linear growth with the increase of phosphate ($PO_4^{2-}$) concentrations at less than the $4.05{\mu}M$, there were no any significant differences in growth rates with the increase of phosphate concentrations at more than $4.05{\mu}M$, signifying that the phosphate critical point for the growth of the two species stands between 1.35 and $4.05{\mu}M$. On the other hand, C. polykrikoides has made blooms at the oligotrophic environment near Narodo and Namhaedo where the concentration of DIN and DIP are less than 1.2 and $0.3{\mu}M$, respectively. We attributed this phenomenon to its own ecological characteristics of diel vertical migration through which C. polykrikoides could uptake enough nutrients from the deep sea water near bottom during the night time irrespective of the lower nutrient pools in the surface water.

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Studies on the Organic Tiers Contained Paddy Soils in Honam Area -I. The Characteristcs and Formation of Organic Tiers Contained Paddy Soils (유기질토시(有機質土尸)을 함유(含有)한 호남지역(湖南地域) 답토양(畓土壤)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) -I. 유기질토시함유(有機質土尸含有) 답토양(畓土壤)의 특성(特性) 및 생성(生成))

  • Yoo, Chul-Hyun;Kim, Eung-Bog;Cho, Guk-Hyun;Kim, Han-Myoung;Yoo, Sug-Jong;Park, Keon-Ho;Bae, Sung-Ho;Um, Ki-Tae
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.265-275
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    • 1985
  • Present studies were carried out to investigate the distribution and formation of organic tiers contained paddy soils in Honam area characteristics to give basic informations on the effective utilization, management and improvement of the soils. The results obtained were summarized as follows; 1. The extent of organic tiers contained paddy soils in Honam area were 6.538㏊ and the amount of peat deposits were presumed about 2.41 million M/T. 2. Out of the total extent of the organic tiers contained paddy soils, about 97.6% was distributed in Honam plains (water-sheds of Mangyeong-Dongjin river), while about 1.5% in the Naju plains (water-sheds of Yeongsan river), and 0.9% in the Wando and Yeocheon areas. 3. The period of peat formation was presumed to be about the early of Seung Moon period (B.C. 4,250), and the Gongdeog series and the Bongnam series were formed in the bog conditions close to the valley mouth of near rolling and hill with small steram channels, and the Gimje series was formed in the out-skirts plains of the Gongdeog and Bongnam soils. 4. In the casue of peat formation, it was presumed to be the Gimje series that accumulated the fibrous peat out of the autochthonous peat such as reeds and grasses etc, to be the Gongdeog and Bongnam series that accumulated the autochtonous peat and the xylem and fibrous peat out of first allochthonous peat. 5. In the Organic horizons of these soils, the range of muck and peat horizons were in 62-68cm and 68-137cm of soil profile in the Gongdeog series, 52-84cm and 84-113cm in the Bongnam series respectively, one of muck horizon was in 46-71cm in the Gimje series. 6. The marks of soil horizons of the soils were expressed that the lower soils than the horizon of muck and peat were formed Cg, Aag for the muck horizon, 0 for the peat horizon, 0 of peat horizon were distingushed with Oag and Oig according to Organic forms. 7. The depthe occurred the muck and peat horizons were positively correlated with the width of local in the Gongdeog series ($r=0.881^{**}$, $r=0.827^{**}$), but not in the Bongnam series and Gimje series.

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