• Title/Summary/Keyword: Wall painting of Goguryo mural tomb

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The Pigment Analysis of 『Procession of the Ladies』 Mural painting from Gaemachong, Koguryo (고구려 개마총 『여인행렬도』의 안료분석)

  • Yun, Eunyoung;Kim, Yuran;Kang, Hyungtae
    • Conservation Science in Museum
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    • v.12
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    • pp.53-58
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    • 2011
  • This study investigated ingredient of the pigment of wall painting piece of women parade of Gaemachong Goguryo that the National Museum of Korea kept. XRF, a non-destructive analyzer, was used to investigate ingredient of the pigment. At the analysis, not only cinnabar/ vermillion(HgS) but also hematiae(Fe2O3) was used to produce red, and carbon was done to produce black, and lead white was done to produce white. The face was painted by mixture of not only cinnabar/ vermillion but also hematiae: No coloring was done depending upon situation.