• Title/Summary/Keyword: Waitan

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A Study on The Waitan Alchemy method of Peng Xiao's 'Zhouyi chantongqi fenzhangtongzhenyi' (팽효 『주역참동계분장통진의』의 외단 연단법 연구)

  • 신진식
    • 유학연구
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    • v.44
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    • pp.303-333
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    • 2018
  • In this paper, Peng Xiao's analysis of his Waitan Alchemy method was conducted, using Zhouyi Chantongqi Fenzhangtongzhenyi as the main text. Unlike former President Zhouyi Chantongqi, Peng Xiao's president Zhoui Chantongqi is characterized by the simultaneous appearance of Neidan and Waitan. It reveals the characteristics of the course. The study of Zhouyi Chantong qi Fenzhangtongzhenyi explains the shift in Waitan and Neitan in Taoism and the change in terms of its meaning and terminology. In this paper, we looked at the basic principles of Alchemy in Zhouyi Chantongqi Fenzhangtongzhenyi, the three main tools of Alchemy : pots, drugs, and fire control. In addition, Huangtan, Liangtan and Xuantan, which were acquired in the specific process of Alchemy, were also identified through text analysis. Finally, we looked at the effects and effects of the Waitan's Alchemy. These studies will provide easier access to the Waitan language, which is more diverse than the original Wei Boyang's Zhouyi Chantongqi and other comments. Based on this, another in-depth study of the Neitan idea of Fenzhangtongzhenyi will be possible in the future.