• Title/Summary/Keyword: WATERSHED

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A study on the application of River Monitoring Activities for Residents Participatory Watershed Management - Focusing on the Musim River Basins - (주민참여형 유역관리를 위한 하천모니터링 활동의 적용가능성 연구 - 무심천유역을 대상으로 -)

  • Lee, Eunjeong
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.57-67
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    • 2017
  • Recently, Looking at the watershed management policy in Korea, It is preparing to manage sub-watershed and tributary from the government-led mainstream management, such as the selection of algae focused management tributary, application of tributary-TMDLs. At this point, this study is attempted to propose the residents participatory watershed management methods that is possible daily, voluntary and customized management in the sub-watershed. As a results, through this study, we found out the importance of sub-watershed unit based watershed management because of the pollutants in blind spot. It is the prerequisite for watershed management to arrange practicable bottom-up approach that these investigated contents can be reflected in the various planning.

A Landscape Ecological Classification based on Watershed Focusing Landcover Types (경관생태학적 유역관리를 위한 토지이용 유형 분류)

  • Oh, Jeong-Hak;Jung, Sung-Gwan;Kwon, Jino;Park, Kyung-Hun
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.22-34
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study is to evaluate landscape characteristics of watersheds in the Nakdong River Basin for identifying the groups of watershed with similar landcover patterns by using Geographic Information System and statistical technique. According to the results based on the cluster analysis using cluster analysis tool in the ArcGIS 8.3 program, 22 sub-watersheds were classified into three types; "Forest watershed", "Agriculture watershed", and "Urban watershed". In the forest watershed that has the least potential of ecological disturbances by human, a forest management approach based on geographic conditions and coverage types, etc., should be developed to sustain the ecological and environmental functions of forest. For the agriculture watershed, environmental-friendly agricultural techniques should be performed in the particular enhancement of riparian buffer zone to the prevent direct inflow of soils, fertilizers, and other chemicals into the stream network. Finally, in the urban watershed, an environmental-friendly plan that may increase the ratio of pervious surface and amount of green-space to should be reserved.

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The Allocation Methods for Economical Efficiency Using an Optimized Model (최적화 모델을 이용한 경제적인 총량관리 할당기법 연구)

  • Choi, In Uk;Shin, Dong Seok;Kim, Hong Tae;Park, Jae Hong;Ahn, Ki Hong;Kim, Yong Seok
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.295-303
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    • 2015
  • In Korea, Total Maximum Daily Loads(TMDLs) has been enforced to restore and manage water quality in the watersheds. However, some assesment of implementation plan of TMDLs showed that the achievement of the target water quality is not related to the proper allocation loads because difference of flow duration interval. In the United States, the discharge loads are determined by water quality modeling considering standard flow conditions according to purpose. Therefore, this study tried to develop the allocation method considering economical efficiency using water quality model. For this purpose, several allocation methods being used in the management of TMDLs is investigated and develope an allocation criteria considering regional equality and uniformity. Since WARMF(Watershed Analysis Risk Management Framework) model can simulate the time varying behavior of a system and the various water quality variables, it was selected for a decision support system in this study. This model showed fairly good performance by adequately simulating observed discharge and water quality in Miho watershed. Furthermore, the scenario simulation results showed that the effect of annual average water quality improvement to remove 1kg BOD is more than 25 times, even if point pollutants treatment facility is six times more expensive to operate than non-point pollutants treatment facility.

Estimation of Nitrate Leaching Rates for a Small Rural Watershed Using a Distributed Watershed Model (분포형 유역모델을 이용한 농촌지역 소유역의 질산성 질소 지하침출량 평가)

  • Park, Min-Hye;Park, Sunhwa;Kim, Hyun-Koo;Hwang, Jong-Yeon;Kim, Tae-seung;Chung, Hyen Mi;Cho, Hong-Lae;Lee, Taehwan;Koo, Bhon K.;Park, Yun Hee
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.661-669
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    • 2017
  • A distributed watershed model CAMEL (Chemicals, Agricultural Management and Erosion Losses) was applied to a small rural watershed where intensive livestock farming sites are located to estimate nitrate leaching rates from soil to groundwater. The model was calibrated against the stream flows, and T-N and $NO_3-N$ concentrations were observed at the watershed outlet for three rainfall events in 2014. The simulation results showed good agreement with the observed stream flows ($R^2=0.67{\sim}0.93$), T-N concentrations ($R^2=0.40{\sim}0.58$) and $NO_3-N$ concentrations ($R^2=0.43{\sim}0.65$). The estimated annual nitrate leaching rate of the watershed was 33.0 kg N/ha/yr. The contributing proportions of individual activities to the total nitrate leaching rate of the watershed were estimated for livestock farming, applications of chemical fertilizer, and manure. The simulation results showed that the highest contributor to the nitrate leaching rate of the watershed was chemical fertilizer applications. The simulation period was for one year only, however, and results may vary depending on different conditions. Gathering input data over a longer period of time and monitoring data for calibration is needed. When this has been accomplished, it is expected that this model can be applied to small rural watersheds for evaluating temporal and spatial variations of nitrogen transformations and transport processes.

Simulation of Soil Erosion due to Snow Melt at Alpine Agricultural Lands (고령지 농경지에서 융설에 의한 토양유실량 모의)

  • Heo, Sung-Gu;Lim, Kyoung-Jae;Kim, Ki-Sung;Myung, SaGong;An, Jae-Hun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers Conference
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    • 2005.10a
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    • pp.241-246
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    • 2005
  • Doam watershed is located at alpine areas in the Kangwon province. The annual average precipitation, including snow accumulation during the winter, at the Doam watershed is significantly higher than other areas. Thus, pollutant laden runoff and sediment discharge from the alpine agricultural fields are causing water quality degradation at the Doam watershed. To estimate soil erosion from the agricultural fields, the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) has been widely used because of its simplicity to use. The USLE rainfall erosivity (R) factor is responsible for impacts of rainfall on soil erosion. Thus, use of constant R factor for the Doam watershed cannot reflect variations in precipitation patterns, consequently soil erosion estimation. In the early spring at the Doam watershed, the stream flow increases because of snow melt, which results in erosion of loosened soil experiencing freezing and thaw during the winter. However, the USLE model cannot consider the impacts on soil erosion of freezing and thaw of the soil. Also, it cannot simulate temporal changes in USLE input parameters. Thus, the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model was investigated for its applicability to estimate soil erosion at the Doam watershed, instead of the widely used USLE model. The SWAT hydrology and erosion/sediment components were validated after calibration of the hydrologic component. The $R^2$ and Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient values are higher enough, thus it was found the SWAT model can be efficiently used to simulate hydrology and sediment yield at the Doam watershed. The effects of snow melt on SWAT estimated stream flow and sediment were investigated using long-term precipitation and temperature data at the Doam watershed. It was found significant amount of flow and sediment in the spring are contributed by melting snow accumulated during the winter. Thus, it is recommend that the SWAT model capable of simulating snow melt and long-term weather data needs to be used in estimating soil erosion at alpine agricultural land instead of the USLE model for successful soil erosion management at the Doam watershed.

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A Study on the Water Quality Changes of TMDL Unit Watershed in Guem River Basin Using a Nonparametric Trend Analysis (비모수 경향분석법 적용을 통한 금강수계 총량관리 단위유역의 수질변화 연구)

  • Kim, Eunjung;Kim, Yongseok;Rhew, Doughee;Ryu, Jichul;Park, Baekyung
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.148-158
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    • 2014
  • In order to assess the effect of TMDLs management and improve that in the future, it is necessary to analyze long-term changes in water quality during management period. Therefore, long term trend analysis of BOD was performed on thirty monitoring stations in Geum River TMDL unit watersheds. Nonparametric trend analysis method was used for analysis as the water quality data are generally not in normal distribution. The monthly median values of BOD during 2004~2010 were analyzed by Seasonal Mann-Kendall test and LOWESS(LOcally WEighted Scatter plot Smoother). And the effect of Total Maximum Daily Loads(TMDLs) management on water quality changes at each unit watershed was analyzed with the result of trend analysis. The Seasonal Mann-Kendall test results showed that BOD concentrations had the downward trend at 10 unit watersheds, upward trend at 4 unit watersheds and no significant trend at 16 unit watersheds. And the LOWESS analysis showed that BOD concentration began to decrease after mid-2009 at almost all of unit watersheds having no trend in implementation plan watershed. It was estimated that TMDLs improved water quality in Geum River water system and the improvement of water quality was made mainly in implementation plan unit watershed and tributaries.

A Study on the Final Evaluation Criteria of Allocation Exceedance Regional in Total Maximum Daily Load (오염총량관리 할당부하량 초과지역의 최종 평가기준에 관한 연구)

  • Oh, Seung Young;Han, Mideok;Kim, Seok Gyu;Ahn, Ki Hong;Kim, Oksun;Kim, Yong Seok;Park, Ji Hyoung
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.32 no.5
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    • pp.450-457
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    • 2016
  • The Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) is a watershed management system that involves the establishment of the target water quality, the calculation of permission loading (allocation loading), and the control of total pollutants for each unit watershed. Allocation loading is assessed through the comprehensive implementation assessment of the previous year's plan. Assessment results are used for follow-up management measures such as the limit of development and updating of TMDL Management Implementation Plans for the next planning period. Although detailed assessment criteria are important, they are not currently available. Therefore, we suggested assessment criteria by comparing two methods('integration method' and 'separation method') using combination point and non-point discharge loading. We also examined the penalty criteria considering controllable load local government and updating methods of the TMDL Management Implementation Plan for the next planning period.

Road Segmentation using Automatic Marked Watershed (Automatic Marked Watershed를 이용한 차도 분할)

  • Park, Han-dong;Oh, Jeong-su
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.409-415
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    • 2017
  • This paper proposes a road segmentation algorithm using a watershed. The proposed algorithm is a segmentation algorithm using an automatic marked watershed that automatically creates a road marker and a background marker using information about vehicles and lanes on road and it can solve problems of a watershed-based segmentation such as overmany regions or handworks for markers. The road marker has property for pure road areas in which lanes are included but vehicles are excluded and the background marker has property for the areas left in which vehicles and background are included. Results of segmentation applied to real road images show that the proposed algorithm can automatically creates appropriate markers and it can properly segments the required road area that include the lane with a vehicle and its both side lanes in various environments, and it is equal to the conventional algorithm using markers created by handwork in performance.


  • Gangodagamage, Chandana;Flugel, Wolfgang;Turrel, Dr.Hagh
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.82-84
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    • 2003
  • Watershed boundaries and flow paths within the watershed are the most important factors required in watershed analysis. Most often the derivation of watershed boundaries and stream network and flow paths is based on topographical maps but spatial variation of flow direction is not clearly understandable using this method. Water resources projects currently use 1: 50, 000-scale ground survey or aerial photography-based topographical maps to derive watershed boundary and stream network. In basins, where these maps are not available or not accessible it creates a real barrier to watershed geo-spatial analysis. Such situations require the use of global datasets, like GTOPO30. Global data sets like ETOPO5, GTOPO30 are the only data sets, which can be used to derive basin boundaries and stream network and other terrain variations like slope aspects and flow direction and flow accumulation of the watershed in the absence of topographic maps. Approximately 1-km grid-based GTOPO 30 data sets can derive better outputs for larger basins, but they fail in flat areas like the Karkheh basin in Iran and the Amudarya in Uzbekistan. A new window in geo-spatial hydrology has opened after the launching of the space-borne satellite stereo pair of the Terra ASTER sensor. ASTER data sets are available at very low cost for most areas of the world and global coverage is expected within the next four years. The DEM generated from ASTER data has a reasonably good accuracy, which can be used effectively for hydrology application, even in small basins. This paper demonstrates the use of stereo pairs in the generation of ASTER DEMs, the application of ASTER DEM for watershed boundary delineation, sub-watershed delineation and explores the possibility of understanding the drainage flow paths in irrigation command areas. All the ASTER derived products were compared with GTOPO and 1:50,000-based topographic map products and this comparison showed that ASTER stereo pairs can derive very good data sets for all the basins with good spatial variation, which are equal in quality to 1:50,000 scale maps-based products.

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A Study on the Discharged Characteristics of the Pollutants using the Empirical Equation and Factor Analysis - Case Study of the Upper and Lower Watershed of South Han River (경험식과 요인분석을 통한 오염물질 유출 특성 연구 - 남한강 상·하류 수계 주요 하천을 중심으로)

  • Park, Ji Hyoung;Sohn, Su Min;Rhew, Doug Hee
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.905-913
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    • 2011
  • This study was conducted to characterize the discharge feature of pollutant load from the upper and lower watershed influencing on the water quality of South Han River using the empirical equation and Factor Analysis. The results of regression analysis between flow rate and pollutant load were as follows. In the streams of the upper watershed of South Han river, $BOD_5$ and $COD_{Mn}$ were increased as the flow rate was increased. Also, steep increases in SS and TP were observed with positive correlation with the flow rate while change in TN was slightly shown. On the other hand, in the streams of the lower watershed of South Han river, $BOD_5$ was negatively correlated with the flow rate, being decreased with the increase in the flow rate. However, changes in $COD_{Mn}$, TN, SS, and TP showed a similar trend with those observed in the upper watershed. With Factor Analysis of the water quality and various components, it was appeared that the flow rate, SS, and TP were significantly correlated each other and they were indicated as the principal component influencing on water quality in the streams of the upper watershed. In contrast, $BOD_5$, $COD_{Mn}$ and TOC were significantly correlated each other and they were included as the principal pollution component of the streams in the lower watershed. From these results, it was conclusive that the upper watershed of South Han River was mainly affected by non point source pollutants while the lower watershed was influenced by point source pollutants from the developed areas.