• Title/Summary/Keyword: Viral

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A Literature Study of Dermatosurgical Diseases in the ImJeungJiNamUiAn (臨證指南醫案에 나타난 피부외과 질환에 대한 문헌고찰)

  • Cho, Jae-Hun;Chae, Byung-Yoon;Kim, Yoon-Bum
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology and Dermatology
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.271-288
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    • 2002
  • Authors investigated the pathogenesis and treatment of dennatosurgical diseases in the ImJeungJiNamUiAn(臨證指南醫案). 1. The symptoms and diseases of dermatosurgery were as follows; 1) BanSaJinRa(반사진라) : eczema, atopic dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis, lichen planus, pityriasis rosea, hives, dermographism, angioedema, cholinergic urticaria, urticaria pigmentosa, acne, milium, syringoma, keratosis pilaris, discoid lupus erythematosus, hypersensitivity vasculitis, drug eruption, polymorphic light eruption, rheumatic fever, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis(Still's disease), acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis(Sweet's syndrome), Paget's disease, folliculitis, viral exanthems, molluscum contagiosum, tinea, tinea versicolor, lymphoma, lymphadenitis, lymphangitis, granuloma annulare, cherry angioma 2) ChangYang(瘡瘍) : acute stage eczema, seborrheic dermatitis, stasis ulcer, intertrigo, xerosis, psoriasis, lichen planus, ichthyosis, pityriasis rosea, rosacea, acne, keratosis pilaris, dyshidrosis, dermatitis herpetiformis, herpes gestationis, bullae in diabetics, pemphigus, lupus erythematosus, fixed drug eruption, erythema multiforme, toxic epidermal necrolysis, toxic shock syndrome, staphylococcal scaled skin syndrome, scarlet fever, folliculitis, impetigo, pyoderma gangrenosum, tinea, candidiasis, scabies, herpes simplex, herpes zoster, chicken pox, Kawasaki syndrome, lipoma, goiter, thyroid nodule, thyroiditis, hyperthyroidism, thyroid cancer, benign breast disorder, breast carcinoma, hepatic abscess, appendicitis, hemorrhoid 3) Yeok(疫) : scarlet fever, chicken pox, measles, rubella, exanthem subitum, erythema infectiosum, Epstein-Barr virus infection, cytomegalovirus infection, hand-foot-mouth disease, Kawasaki disease 4) Han(汗) : hyperhidrosis 2. The pathogenesis and treatment of dermatosurgery were as follows; 1) When the pathogenesis of BalSa(발사), BalJin(發疹), BalLa(발라) and HangJong(項腫) are wind-warm(風溫), exogenous cold with endogenous heat(外寒內熱), wind-damp(風濕), the treatment of evaporation(解表) with Menthae Herba(薄荷), Arctii Fructus(牛蒡子), Forsythiae Fructus(連翹) Mori Cortex(桑白皮), Fritillariae Cirrhosae Bulbus(貝母), Armeniaoae Amarum Semen(杏仁), Ephedrae Herba(麻黃), Cinnamomi Ramulus(桂枝), Curcumae Longae Rhizoma(薑黃), etc can be applied. 2) When the pathogenesis of BuYang(부양), ChangI(瘡痍) and ChangJilGaeSeon(瘡疾疥癬) are wind-heat(風熱), blood fever with wind transformation(血熱風動), wind-damp(風濕), the treatment of wind-dispelling(疏風) with Arctii Fructus(牛蒡子), Schizonepetae Herba(荊芥), Ledebouriellae Radix(防風), Dictamni Radicis Cortex(白鮮皮), Bombyx Batrytioatus(白??), etc can be applied. 3) When the pathogenesis of SaHuHaeSu(사후해수), SaJin(사진), BalJin(發疹), EunJin(은진) and BuYang(부양) are wind-heat(風熱), exogenous cold with endogenous heat(外寒內熱), exogenous warm pathogen with endogenous damp-heat(溫邪外感 濕熱內蘊), warm pathogen's penetration(溫邪內陷), insidious heat's penetration of pericardium(伏熱入包絡), the treatment of Ki-cooling(淸氣) with TongSeongHwan(通聖丸), Praeparatum(豆?), Phyllostachys Folium(竹葉), Mori Cortex(桑白皮), Tetrapanacis Medulla(通草), etc can be applied. 4) When the pathogenesis of JeokBan(적반), BalLa(발라), GuChang(久瘡), GyeolHaek(結核), DamHaek(痰核), Yeong(?), YuJu(流注), Breast Diseases(乳房疾患) and DoHan(盜汗) are stagnancy's injury of Ki and blood(鬱傷氣血), gallbladder fire with stomach damp(膽火胃濕), deficiency of Yin in stomach with Kwolum's check (胃陰虛 厥陰乘), heat's penetration of blood collaterals with disharmony of liver and stomach(熱入血絡 肝胃不和), insidious pathogen in Kwolum(邪伏厥陰), the treatment of mediation(和解) with Prunellae Spica(夏枯草), Chrysanthemi Flos(菊花), Mori Folium (桑葉), Bupleuri Radix(柴胡), Coptidis Rhizoma(黃連), Scutellariae Radix(黃芩), Gardeniae Fructus(梔子), Cyperi Rhizoma(香附子), Toosendan Fructus(川?子), Curcumae Radix(鬱金), Moutan Cortex(牧丹皮), Paeoniae Radix Rubra(赤芍藥), Unoariae Ramulus Et Uncus(釣鉤藤), Cinnamorni Ramulus(桂枝), Paeoniae Radix Alba(白芍藥), Polygoni Multiflori Radix (何首烏), Cannabis Fructus (胡麻子), Ostreae Concha(牡蠣), Zizyphi Spinosae Semen(酸棗仁), Pinelliae Rhizoma(半夏), Poria(백복령). etc can be applied. 5) When the pathogenesis of BanJin(반진), BalLa(발라), ChangI(瘡痍), NamgChang(膿瘡). ChangJilGaeSeon(瘡疾疥癬), ChangYang(瘡瘍), SeoYang(署瘍), NongYang(膿瘍) and GweYang(潰瘍) are wind-damp(風濕), summer heat-damp(暑濕), damp-warm(濕溫), downward flow of damp-heat(濕熱下垂), damp-heat with phlegm transformation(濕熱化痰), gallbladder fire with stomach damp(膽火胃濕), overdose of cold herbs(寒凉之樂 過服), the treatment of damp-resolving(化濕) with Pinelliae Rhizoma(半夏), armeniacae Amarum Semen(杏仁), Arecae Pericarpium(大腹皮), Poria(백복령), Coicis Semen(薏苡仁), Talcum(滑石), Glauberitum(寒水石), Dioscoreae Tokoro Rhizoma(??), Alismatis Rhizoma(澤瀉), Phellodendri Cortex(黃柏), Phaseoli Radiati Semen(?豆皮), Bombycis Excrementum(?沙), Bombyx Batryticatus(白??), Stephaniae Tetrandrae Radix(防己), etc can be applied. 6) When the pathogenesis of ChangPo(瘡泡), hepatic abscess(肝癰) and appendicitis(腸癰) are food poisoning(食物中毒), Ki obstruction & blood stasis in the interior(기비혈어재과), damp-heat stagnation with six Bu organs suspension(濕熱結聚 六腑不通), the treatment of purgation(通下) with DaeHwangMokDanPiTang(大黃牧丹皮湯), Manitis Squama(穿山甲), Curcumae Radix(鬱金), Curcumae Longae Rhizoma(薑黃), Tetrapanacis Medulla(通草), etc can be applied. 7) When the pathogenesis of JeokBan(적반), BanJin(반진), EunJin(은진). BuYang(부양), ChangI(瘡痍), ChangPo(瘡泡), GuChang(久瘡), NongYang(膿瘍), GweYang(潰瘍), Jeong(정), Jeol(癤), YeokRyeo(疫?) and YeokRyeolpDan(疫?入?) are wind-heat stagnation(風熱久未解), blood fever in Yangmyong(陽明血熱), blood fever with transformation(血熱風動), heat's penetration of blood collaterals(熱入血絡). fever in blood(血分有熱), insidious heat in triple energizer(三焦伏熱), pathogen's penetration of pericardium(心包受邪), deficiency of Yong(營虛), epidemic pathogen(感受穢濁), the treatment of Yong & blood-cooling(淸營凉血) with SeoGakJiHwangTang(犀角地黃湯), Scrophulariae Radix(玄參), Salviae Miltiorrhizae Radix(丹參), Angelicae Gigantis Radix(當歸), Polygoni Multiflori Radix(何首烏), Cannabis Fructus(胡麻子), Biotae Semen(柏子仁), Liriopis Tuber(麥門冬), Phaseoli Semen(赤豆皮), Forsythiae Fructus(連翹), SaJin(사진), YangDok(瘍毒) and YeokRyeoIpDan(역려입단) are insidious heat's penetration of pericardium(伏熱入包絡), damp-warm's penetration of blood collaterals(濕溫入血絡), epidemic pathogen's penetration of pericardium(심포감수역려), the treatment of resuscitation(開竅) with JiBoDan(至寶丹), UHwangHwan(牛黃丸), Forsythiae Fructus(連翹), Curcumae Radix(鬱金), Tetrapanacis Medulla(通草), Acori Graminei Rhizoma(石菖蒲), etc can be applied. 9) When the pathogenesis of SaHuSinTong(사후신통), SaHuYeolBuJi(사후열부지), ChangI(瘡痍), YangSon(瘍損) and DoHan(盜汗) are deficiency of Yin in Yangmyong stomach(陽明胃陰虛), deficiency of Yin(陰虛), the treatment of Yin-replenishing(滋陰) with MaekMunDongTang(麥門冬湯), GyeongOkGo(瓊玉膏), Schizandrae Fructus(五味子), Adenophorae Radix(沙參), Lycii Radicis Cortex (地骨皮), Polygonati Odorati Rhizoma(玉竹), Dindrobii Herba(石斛), Paeoniae Radix Alba(白芍藥), Ligustri Lucidi Fructus (女貞子), etc can be applied. 10) When the pathogenesis of RuYang(漏瘍) is endogenous wind in Yang collaterals(陽絡內風), the treatment of endogenous wind-calming(息風) with Mume Fructus(烏梅), Paeoniae Radix Alba (白芍藥), etc be applied. 11) When the pathogenesis of GuChang(久瘡), GweYang(潰瘍), RuYang(漏瘍), ChiChang(痔瘡), JaHan(自汗) and OSimHan(五心汗) are consumption of stomach(胃損), consumption of Ki & blood(氣血耗盡), overexertion of heart vitality(勞傷心神), deficiency of Yong(營虛), deficiency of Wi(衛虛), deficiency of Yang(陽虛), the treatment of Yang-restoring & exhaustion-arresting(回陽固脫) with RijungTang(理中湯), jinMuTang(眞武湯), SaengMaekSaGunjaTang(生脈四君子湯), Astragali Radix (황기), Ledebouriellae Radix(防風), Cinnamomi Ramulus(桂枝), Angelicae Gigantis Radix(當歸), Ostreae Concha(牡蠣), Zanthoxyli Fructus(川椒), Cuscutae Semen(兎絲子), etc can be applied.

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A Study on Nutritional Status of Young Children in Rural Korea (농촌영유아의 영양상태(營養狀態)에 관(關)한 조사연구(調査硏究))

  • Kim, Kyoung-Sik;Kim, Pang-Ji;Nam, Sang-Ok;Choi, Jung-Shin
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.1-28
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    • 1974
  • The writers have conducted the investigation to assess the nutritional status of young rural Korean children aged from 0 to 4 years old in August 1971. The survey areas were Kaejong-myon. Daeya-myon, Okku-gun, Jeonra-bukdo, Korea. These survey areas were typical agricultural plain areas. The total numbers of children examined were 2,706 comprising 1,394 male and 1,312 female. The weight, height, and chest circumference of children were measured and means and standard deviations. were calculated for each measurement. In addition, the nutritional status of each child was classified by the four levels of malnutrition and the Gomez classification, The examination of red blood cell count, haematocrit value, and intestinal parasite infection were carried out at the same time. In general, recent work tend to suggest that environmental influences, especially nutrition, are of great importance than genetic background or other biological factors for physical growth and development. Certainly the physical dimensions of the body are much influenced by nutrition, particularly in the rapidly growing period of early childhood. Selected body measurements can therefore give valuable information concerning protein-calory malnutrition. Growth can also be affected by bacterial, viral, and parasitic infection. For the field workers in a developing country, therefore, nutritional anthropometry appears to be of greatest value in the assessment of growth failure and undernutrition, principally from lack of protein and calories. In order to compare and evaluate the data obtained, the optimal data of growth from the off-spring of the true well-fed, medically and socially protected are needed. So-called 'Standards' that have been compiled for preschool children in Korea, however, are based on measurement of children from middle or lower socio-economic groups, who are, in fact, usually undernourished from six months of age onwards and continuously exposed to a succession of infective and parasitic diseases. So that, the Harvard Standards which is one of the international reference standards was used as the reference standards in this study. Findings of the survey were as follows: A. Anthropometric data: 1) Comparing the mean values for body weight obtained with the Korean standard weight of the same age, the rural Korean children were slightly haevier than the Korean standard values in both sexes. Comparing with the Japanese children values, the rural Korean children were slightly haevier in male and in the infant period of female but lighter in female of the period of 1 to 4 years old than Japanese children. 2) Comparing the mean values for height obtained with the Korean standard height of the same age, the rural Korean children were taller than the Korean standard values except the second half of infatn period in both sexes. Comparing with the Japanese children, the rural Korean children were slightly smaller than Japanese children except the first half of infant peroid in both sexes. 3) Mear values of chest circumference of rural Korean children obtained were less than the Korean standard values of the same ages in both sexes. B. Prevalence of Protein-Calory Malnutrition: Children examined were devided into two groups, i. e., infant(up to the first birthday) and toddler (1 to 4 fears old). 1) Percentages of four levels of malnutrition: a) When the nutrtional status of each child was classified (1) by body weight value, the percentages for male and female of children attained standard growth were 52.8%(infant 83.3%, toddler 44.4%) and 39.7% (infant 74.5%. toddler 30.5%), the first level of malnutrition were 31.9%(infant 13.7%, toddler 36.9%) and 31.7%(infant 15.3%, toddler 36,0%), the second level of malnutrition were 12.3%(infant 1.7%, toddler 15.3%) and 23.3% (infant 7.7%, fodder 27.5%), the third level of malnutrition were 2.7%(infant 0.7%, toddler 3.2%) and 4.6%(infant 1.8%, toddler 5.3%) the fourth level of malnutrition were 0.3% (infant 0.7%, toddler 0.2%) and 0.7% (0.7% for infant and toddler) respectively. (2) by height value, the percentages for male and female of children attained standard growth were 80.3% (infant 97.3%, toddler 75.6%) and 75.1% (infant 96.4%, toddler 69.5), the first level of malnutrition were 17.9% (infant 2.0%, toddler 22.3%) and 23.6% (infants 3.6%, toddler 28.8%), the second level of malnutrition were 1.2% (infant 0.3%, toddler 1.5%) and 1.1% (infant 0%, toddler 1.4%), the third level of malnutrition were 0.4%(infant 0.3%, toddler 0.5%) and 0.2%(infant 0%, toddler 0.3%), the fourth level of malnutrition were 0.1%(infant 0%, toddler 0.1%) and 0% respectively. (3) by body weight in relation to height, the percentages for male and female of children attained standard growth were 87.9% (infant 77.6%, toddler 87.9%) and 78.2% (infant 77.4%, toddler 78.2%), the first level of malnutrition were 12.2% (infant 18.4%, toddler 10.6%) and 18.2% (infant 17.9%, toddler 18.3%), the second level of malnutrition were 1.9%(infant 3.3%, toddler 1.5%) and 3.0%(infant 3.3%, toddler 2.9%), the third level of malnutrition were 0.1%(infant 0%. toddler 0.1%) and 0.5% (infant 0%, toddler 0.6%), the fourth level of malnutrition were 0.1%(infant 0.7%, toddler 0%) and 0.3% (infant 1.5%, toddler 0%) respectively. b) When the nutritional status of each child according to the mother's age at perturition, i. e., young aged mother (up to 30 years old), middle aged mother (31 to 40 years old) and old aged mother (41 years or above) was classified (1) by body weight, among infants and toddlers, at each year of age, with increasing the mother's age, there was an increase in percentage of subjects underweight. This tendency of increasing percentage of underweight was more significant in the infant period than the toddler period. (2) by height value, no significant differences between each mother's age group were found. c) When the nutritional status of each child according to the birth rank, i. e., lower birth rank (first to third) and higher birth rank (fourth or above) was classified (1) by weight value, children of higher birth rank were slightly more often underweight than those of lower birth rank, but not significant. (2) by height value, no differences were found between children of lower and higher birth rank. 2) Gomez Classification: When the nutritional status of each child was classified a) by body weight value, the percentages for male and female of children. attained standard growth were 53.1% (infant 82.6%, toddler 44.9%) and 39.2% (infant 73.4%, toddler 30.1%), the first degree of malnutrition were 39.4% (infant 14.7%, toddler 46.2%) and 47.1% (infant 21.9%, toddler 53.8%), the second degree of malnutrition were 7.3%(infant 2.3%, toddler 8.6%) and 12.9% (infant 4.0%, toddler 15.2%). and the third degree of malnutrition were 0.2%. (infant 0.3%, toddler 0.2%) and 0.8% (infant 0.7%, toddler 0.9%) respectively. b) by height value, the percentages for male and female of children attained standard growth were 80.8% (infant 97.0%, toddler 76.3%) and 73.8%(infant 95.6%, toddler 68.0%), the first degree of malnutrition were 18.5% (infant 2.7%, toddler 22.9%) and 24.6% (infant 4.4%, toddler 30.0%), the second degree of malnutrition were 0.6%(infant 0.3%, toddler 0.7%) and 0.5% (infant 0.1%, toddler 0.7%), and the third degree of malnutrition were 0.1%(infant 0%, toddler 0.1%) and 1.1% (infant 0%, toddler 1.3%) respectively. C. Results of clinical laboratory examination: 1) Red blood cells: The ranges of mean red blood cell counts for male and female were $3,538,000/mm^3\;to\;4,403,000/mm^3\;and\;3,576,000/mm^3\;to\;4,483,000/mm^3$ respectively. The lowest red cell counts were seen at the age of 0-3 months for male and 1-2 months for female. 2) Haematocrit value : The ranges of haematocrit value of male and female were 35.1% to 38.8% and 34.7% to 38.8% respectively. The lowest haematocrit values were seen at the age of 2-3 months for male and 1-2, months for female. 3) The prevalence rates of intestinal parasites for male and female children with Ascaris lumbricoides were 34.1% (infant 18.8%, toddler 38.1%) and 36.0%(infant 18.4%, toddler 40.7%), with Trichocephalus trichiuris were 6.8% (infant 2.9%, toddler 7.9%) and 9.0% (infant 3.0%, toddler 10.6%), with Hookworm were 0.3% (infant 0.5%, toddler 0.2%) and 0.3% (infant 0.5%, toddler 0.3%), with Clonorchis sinensis were 0.4%(infant 0%, toddler 0.5%) and 0.1%(infant 0%, toddler 0.1%) respectively.

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Chronic HBV Infection in Children: The histopathologic classification and its correlation with clinical findings (소아의 만성 B형 간염: 새로운 병리조직학적 분류와 임상 소견의 상관 분석)

  • Lee, Seon-Young;Ko, Jae-Sung;Kim, Chong-Jai;Jang, Ja-June;Seo, Jeong-Kee
    • Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.56-78
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    • 1998
  • Objective: Chronic hepatitis B infection (CHB) occurs in 6% to 10% of population in Korea. In ethinic communities where prevalence of chronic infection is high such as Korea, transmission of hepatitis B infection is either vertical (ie, by perinatal infection) or by close family contact (usually from mothers or siblings) during the first 5 years of life. The development of chronic hepatitis B infection is increasingly more common the earlier a person is exposed to the virus, particularly in fetal and neonatal life. And it progress to cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma, especially in severe liver damage and perinatal infection. Histopathology of CHB is important when evaluating the final outcomes. A numerical scoring system which is a semiquantitatively assessed objective reproducible classification of chronic viral hepatitis, is a valuable tool for statistical analysis when predicting the outcome and evaluating antiviral and other therapies. In this study, a numerical scoring system (Ludwig system) was applied and compared with the conventional histological classification of De Groute. And the comparative analysis of cinical findings, family history, serology, and liver function test by histopathological findings in chronic hepatitis B of children was done. Methods: Ninety nine patients [mean age=9 years (range=17 months to 16 years)] with clinical, biochemical, serological and histological patterns of chronic HBV infection included in this study. Five of these children had hepatocelluar carcinoma. They were 83 male and 16 female children. They all underwent liver biopsies and histologic evaluation was performed by one pathologist. The biopsy specimens were classified, according to the standard criteria of De Groute as follows: normal, chronic lobular hepatitis (CLH), chronic persistent hepatitis (CPH), mild to severe chronic active hepatitis (CAH), or active cirrhosis, inactive cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). And the biopsy specimens were also assessed and scored semiquantitatively by the numerical scoring Ludwig system. Serum HBsAg, anti-HBs, HBeAg, anti-HBe, anti-HBc (IgG, IgM), and HDV were measured by radioimunoassays. Results: Male predominated in a proportion of 5.2:1 for all patients. Of 99 patients, 2 cases had normal, 2 cases had CLH, 22 cases had CPH, 40 cases had mild CAH, 19 cases had moderate CAH, 1 case had severe CAH, 7 cases had active cirrhosis, 1 case had inactive cirrhosis, and 5 cases had HCC. The mean age, sex distribution, symptoms, signs, and family history did not differ statistically among the different histologic groups. The numerical scoring system was correlated well with the conventional histological classification. The histological activity evaluated by both the conventional classification and the scoring system was more severe as the levels of serum aminotransferases were higher. In contrast, the levels of serum aminotransferases were not useful for predicting the degree of histologic activity because of its wide range overlapping. When the histological activity was more severe and especially the cirrhosis more progressing, the prothrombin time was more prolonged. The histological severity was inversely related with the duration of seroconversion of HBeAg. Conclusions: The histological activity could not be accurately predicted by clinical and biochemical findings, but by the proper histological classification of the numerical scoring system for the biopsy specimen. The numerical scoring system was correlated well with the conventional histological classification, and it seems to be a valuable tool for the statistical analysis when predicting the outcome and evaluating effects of antiviral and other therapies in chronic hepatitis B in children.

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