• Title/Summary/Keyword: Variable preload

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직접해법에 의한 공기 윤활 틸팅 패드 저어널 베어링의 윤활 해석에 관한 연구

  • 김인식;황명
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 1993.04b
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    • pp.121-126
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    • 1993
  • Tiling pad journal bearing that has high stability is analyzed about air-lubricated bearing that is usually used to need high precision by using the Direct analysis. The pressure that supports the shaft is occured by the differences between the shaft and pads radii of curvatures. So the characteristics of load capacity for their variable values is important. In this paper the load capacity is compared with some the eccentricity ratio values of0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 0.8. The large load capacity comes from large eccentricity ratio, highbearing number and high preload. But if the preload become high too much, then the shaft makes contact with pads.

A Study On the Automatic Cardiac Output Control Without Pressure Sensors for the motor-driven Totally Implantable TAH Using Motor-Current Waveform Analysis (모터구동형 완전이식 인공심장에서 전류파형의 분석에 의한 심박출량 자동제어 알고리즘의 개발)

  • Choe, Won-U;Kim, Hui-Chan;Min, Byeong-Gu
    • Proceedings of the KOSOMBE Conference
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    • v.1992 no.11
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    • pp.130-135
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    • 1992
  • In this paper a new cardiac output control method without pressure sensors is presented for the rotor-driven totally implantable TAH using motor-current wavelet analysis. Theoretical analysis and mock circulation system experiment results show that cardiac output of TAH, which is indeperdent of afterload and sensitively dependent to preload, is well controlled for the independently variable preload.

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A hybrid method for dynamic stiffness identification of bearing joint of high speed spindles

  • Zhao, Yongsheng;Zhang, Bingbing;An, Guoping;Liu, Zhifeng;Cai, Ligang
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.57 no.1
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    • pp.141-159
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    • 2016
  • Bearing joint dynamic parameter identification is crucial in modeling the high speed spindles for machining centers used to predict the stability and natural frequencies of high speed spindles. In this paper, a hybrid method is proposed to identify the dynamic stiffness of bearing joint for the high speed spindles. The hybrid method refers to the analytical approach and experimental method. The support stiffness of spindle shaft can be obtained by adopting receptance coupling substructure analysis method, which consists of series connected bearing and joint stiffness. The bearing stiffness is calculated based on the Hertz contact theory. According to the proposed series stiffness equation, the stiffness of bearing joint can be separated from the composite stiffness. Then, one can obtain the bearing joint stiffness fitting formulas and its variation law under different preload. An experimental set-up with variable preload spindle is developed and the experiment is provided for the validation of presented bearing joint stiffness identification method. The results show that the bearing joint significantly cuts down the support stiffness of the spindles, which can seriously affects the dynamic characteristic of the high speed spindles.

Performance Analysis of the Rubber Belt type CVT System (고무 벨트식 무단변속기 시스템의 성능분석)

  • Kim, Sung-Mo;Zheng, Chun-Hua;Lim, Won-Sik;Cha, Suk-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Technology Engineers
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.376-381
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    • 2011
  • CVT(Continuously Variable Transmission) is one of the most promising candidates for the future automobile transmission because of its continuously variable gear ratio and reduced shift shock. It is also possible to operate the power source at its high efficiency region with CVT. The CVT system consists of thrust plate, driving pulley, belt, driven pulley, and preload spring of output shaft. In this paper, the dynamic modeling of a CVT system is completed to obtain the static performances of CVT system. A simulator is implemented on Matlab(Simulink), which can analyse the static performances of a CVT system. The methods for improving the total efficiency of a motorcycle system are also proposed based on the simulation results. In this study we increase the capacity factor of CVT up to the three times of default specification.

Dynamic Characteristics of HDD Slider by Perturbed Finite Element Method (교란 유한요소법을 이용한 하드 디스크 슬라이더의 동특성 해석)

  • Hwang Pyung;Khan Polina V.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers Conference
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    • 2004.11a
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    • pp.143-148
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    • 2004
  • The numerical analysis of the hard disk drive slider is presented. The pressure distribution was calculated using the finite element method. The generalized Reynolds equation was applied in order to include the gas rarefaction effect. The balance of the air bearing force and preload force was considered. The characteristics of the small vibrations near the equilibrium were studied using the perturbation method. Triangular mesh with variable element size was employed to model the two-rail slider. The flying height, pitching angle, rolling angle, stiffness and damping of the two-rail slider were calculated for radial position changing from the inner radius to the outer radius and for a wide range of the slider crown values. It was found that the flying height, pitching angle and rolling angle were increased with radial position while the stiffness and damping coefficients were decreased. The higher values of crown resulted in increased flying height, pitching angle and damping and decreased stiffness.

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A Motor-Driven Focusing Mechanism for Small Satellite (소형위성용 모터 구동형 포커싱 메커니즘)

  • Jung, Jinwon;Choi, Junwoo;Lee, Dongkyu;Hwang, Jaehyuck;Kim, Byungkyu
    • Journal of Aerospace System Engineering
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.75-80
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    • 2018
  • The working principle of a satellite camera involves a focusing mechanism for controlling the focus of the optical system, which is essential for proper functioning. However, research on focusing mechanisms of satellite optical systems in Korea is in the beginning stage and developed technology is limited to a thermal control type. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a motor-driven focusing mechanism applicable to small satellite optical systems. The proposed mechanism is designed to generate z-axis displacement in the secondary mirror by a motor. In addition, three flexure hinges have been installed on the supporter for application of preload on the mechanism resulting in minimization of the alignment error arising due to manufacturing tolerance and assembly tolerance within the mechanism. After fabrication of the mechanism, the alignment errors (de-space, de-center, and tilt) were measured with LVDT sensors and laser displacement meters. Conclusively, the proposed focusing mechanism could achieve proper alignment degree, which can be applicable to small satellite optical system.

Time-dependent Analysis of Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete Structures Incorporating Creep Recovery Function (크리프 회복 거동을 고려한 철근콘크리트 및 프리스트레스트 콘크리트 부재의 장기거동해석에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Se-Hoon;Oh, Byung-Hwan
    • Magazine of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.279-288
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    • 1999
  • The creep of concrete structures caused by variable stresses is generally calculated by step-by-step method based on the superposition of creep function. Although most practical application is carried out by this linear assumption. significant deviations between predictions and experiments have been observed when unloading takes place, that is. stress is reduced. This shows that the superposition of creep function does not describe accurately the effect of sustained compressive preload. The main purpose of this study is to propose a creep analysis model which is expressed with both creep function and creep recovery function where increase or decrease of stress is repeated. In these two function method, the creep behavior is modelled by using linear creep law for loading and creep recovery law for unloading. To apply two function method to time analysis of concrete structures, the calculation method of creep strain increment under varying stress is proposed. The calculation results based on the present method correlates very well with test data, but the conventional superposition method exhibits large deviation from test results. This paper provides a more accurate method for the time dependent analysis of concrete structures subjected to varying stress, i.e. increasing or decreasing stress. The present method may be efficiently employed in the revision of future concrete codes.