• Title/Summary/Keyword: User Application Information

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A Hybrid QoS Management Model for Distributed Multimedia Services in Ubiquitous Computing (유비쿼터스 컴퓨팅에서 분산 멀티미디어 서비스를 위한 하이브리드 QoS 관리 모델)

  • Jeong, Chang-Won;Lee, Geon-Yeob;Joo, Su-Chong
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartA
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    • v.15A no.2
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    • pp.101-110
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    • 2008
  • Ubiquitous computing has extended the computer system into the whole physical space and has ushered the emergence of more dynamic distributed systems. This environment require unique QoS parameters for various devices, resources and user requirements. In this paper, we propose a new hybrid QoS management model which defines a static-dynamic QoS parameter that is more appropriate to the ubiquitous computing environment. This model consists of the QoS Control Management Module(QoS CMM) in the client side and the Resource QoS Management Module (RQoS MM) in the server side. The RQoS MM deals with the static QoS parameters and the whole QoS control of the distributed control(QoS CMM) in order to minimize server load in cases of multiple communication. Finally, we present the experimental result of our location based application using a graphical user interface that shows the multimedia service execution of selected client device types such as desktop PC, notebook and PDA.

Development of Efficient User Navigation Interface for Client-side Mashups (클라이언트 매시업의 편리한 이동 사용자 인터페이스 개발)

  • Lee, Eun-Jung
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.18D no.3
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    • pp.205-214
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    • 2011
  • Client based web mashups have become one of the most important architecture in web application development. Although there are well known methods to generate presentation view codes for web services, navigations between views and service requests are still developed manually in most web mashups. In this paper, we propose the concept of deterministic data binding from output data to input parameters of another method. Using binding relations, we can model navigation menus for service method requests. For a given set of data mappings between services, we investigate context dependent binding conditions and discuss the generation of views and navigation menus. The proposed approach provides UI for users to navigate services of client mashup page using simple and convenient interface even when the number of services and the size of the mashup page grows. In order to show the usability of the proposed approach, we present a historic tourism service.

Design and Implementation of Embedded Linux-based Mobile Teller which supports CDMA and WiBro networks (듀얼모드 통신 지원 임베디드 리눅스 기반의 모바일 이야기꾼 설계 및 구현)

  • Kim, Do-Hyung;Yun, Min-Hong;Lee, Kyung-Hee;Lee, Cheol-Hoon
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.15D no.1
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    • pp.131-138
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    • 2008
  • This paper describes the implementations of the first application service based on embedded Linux; Mobile Teller which uses WiBro network for data communications and CDMA network for voice communications. Currently, with the appearance of WiBro service, dual-mode terminals which support two heterogeneous networks are available. But, the development of applications which effectively use these networks for providing better service to user is rarely prepared. At Mobile Teller, when a sender on a dual-mode terminal types texts, the texts are transmitted to a TTS server located in the Internet through WiBro network. Subsequently, the TTS server converts the texts into voices and transmits the voice data to the dual-mode terminal. At last the dual-mode terminal sends the voice to the receiver through the CDMA network. In case of noisy environment or when a user has difficulty in speaking, Mobile Teller makes voice communication possible

Tangible Interaction : Application for A New Interface Method for Mobile Device -Focused on development of virtual keyboard using camera input - (체감형 인터랙션 : 모바일 기기의 새로운 인터페이스 방법으로서의 활용 -카메라 인식에 의한 가상 키보드입력 방식의 개발을 중심으로 -)

  • 변재형;김명석
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.441-448
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    • 2004
  • Mobile devices such as mobile phones or PDAs are considered as main interlace tools in ubiquitous computing environment. For searching information in mobile device, it should be possible for user to input some text as well as to control cursor for navigation. So, we should find efficient interlace method for text input in limited dimension of mobile devices. This study intends to suggest a new approach to mobile interaction using camera based virtual keyboard for text input in mobile devices. We developed a camera based virtual keyboard prototype using a PC camera and a small size LCD display. User can move the prototype in the air to control the cursor over keyboard layout in screen and input text by pressing a button. The new interaction method in this study is evaluated as competitive compared to mobile phone keypad in left input efficiency. And the new method can be operated by one hand and make it possible to design smaller device by eliminating keyboard part. The new interaction method can be applied to text input method for mobile devices requiring especially small dimension. And this method can be modified to selection and navigation method for wireless internet contents on small screen devices.

  • PDF

Design of a real-time counseling assistance system using bio-signal sensors (생체 신호 센서를 적용한 실시간 상담 보조 시스템 설계)

  • Jae-Min Hwang;Bong-Hyun Kim
    • Journal of Internet of Things and Convergence
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.113-118
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    • 2024
  • Counseling is not merely a conversation it is a critical meeting aimed at solving problems. For counseling to be effective, the client must be truthful and candid. However, it is not uncommon for clients to provide false answers or remain silent during counseling sessions. Such passive behavior can diminish the quality of counseling. Therefore, this paper presents the design of a counseling support system that utilizes multimodal biometric signal measurement and analysis. The proposed system analyzes the client's EEG, GSR, and breathing patterns during counseling sessions, enabling counselors to accurately assess the emotional and physical state of the client and devise appropriate counseling strategies. This system enhances the efficiency of counseling, allows for rapid response to psychological changes, and incorporates technologies to enable personalized counseling and maximize the effectiveness of sessions. Future research will focus on expanding the system's application range and improving the user interface to develop a more effective and user-friendly tool.

Development of Haplotype Reconstruction System Using Public Resources (공개용 리소스를 활용한 Haplotype 재조합 시스템 개발)

  • Kim, Ki-Bong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.720-726
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    • 2010
  • Haplotype-based research has become increasingly important in the field of personalized medicine since the haplotype reflects a set of SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms) that are genetically associated and inherited together. Currently, the most widely used application softwares available for haplotype reconstruction, based on in silico method, include PL-EM, Haplotyper, PHASE and HAP. PL-EM, Haplotyper and PHASE are command-line application running on LINUX or Unix system and HAP is a web-based client-server application. This paper deals with an integrated haplotype reconstruction system that have been developed with PL-EM and Haplotyper selected from the accuracy test with experimentally verified data on public application softwares. This integrated system is a kind of client-sever one with user friendly web interface and can provide end-users with a high quality of haplotype analysis. SNPs genotype data with a length of 5 derived from 5 people and SNPs genotype data with a length of 13 derived from 15 people were used to test the analysis results of Haplotyper and PL-EM respectively. As a result, this system has been confirmed to provide the systematic and easy-to-understand analysis results that consist of two main parts, i.e. individual haplotype information and haplotype pool information. In this respect, the integration system will be utilized as a useful tool for the discovery of disease related genes and the development of personalized drugs through facilitating the reconstruction of haplotype maps.

Design and Implementation of Mobile Application for Field-specific Early Warning of Agrometeorological Hazards (농장별 기상위험 조기경보를 위한 모바일 어플리케이션 설계 및 구현)

  • Shin, Y.S.;Park, J.H.;Kim, S.K.;Kang, W.S.;Han, Y.K.;Kim, D.J.;Kim, S.O.;Kim, J.H.;Shim, K.M.
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.180-194
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    • 2017
  • Agricultural hazards management technology, which would allow individual farms to respond preemptively, has been developed. A preliminary system developed in the previous study provides precise weather forecasts by farms, notification of weather hazards by crops and delivery of response guidelines (http://www.agmet.kr). Although the GIS map-based alarm system has been implemented for a number of farmers and their farms, its user interface was not designed for individual users who seek information at their farms. In this study, we have developed a mobile application to provide early warnings of weather hazards up to 10 days in advance. A set of information including field-specific weather, crop growth stages and weather hazard alerts can be delivered to individual farmers through their mobile phone. This would guide users to access the map-based system using their smartphone to obtain field-specific weather information by the growth stage of cultivated crops. This would help the farmers make the better use of the existing weather-hazard GIS map-based alarm system.

Design of Integrated Management System for Electronic Library Based on SaaS and Web Standard

  • Lee, Jong-Hoon;Min, Byung-Won;Oh, Yong-Sun
    • International Journal of Contents
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.41-51
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    • 2015
  • Management systems for electronic library have been developed on the basis of Client/Server or ASP framework in domestic market for a long time. Therefore, both service provider and user suffer from their high cost and effort in management, maintenance, and repairing of software as well as hardware. Recently in addition, mobile devices like smartphone and tablet PC are frequently used as terminal devices to access computers through the Internet or other networks, sophisticatedly customized or personalized interface for n-screen service became more important issue these days. In this paper, we propose a new scheme of integrated management system for electronic library based on SaaS and Web Standard. We design and implement the proposed scheme applying Electronic Cabinet Guidelines for Web Standard and Universal Code System. Hosted application management style and software on demand style service models based on SaaS are basically applied to develop the management system. Moreover, a newly improved concept of duplication check algorithm in a hierarchical evaluation process is presented and a personalized interface based on web standard is applied to implement the system. Algorithms of duplication check for journal, volume/number, and paper are hierarchically presented with their logic flows. Total framework of our development obeys the standard feature of Electronic Cabinet Guidelines offered by Korea government so that we can accomplish standard of application software, quality improvement of total software, and reusability extension. Scope of our development includes core services of library automation system such as acquisition, list-up, loan-and-return, and their related services. We focus on interoperation compatibility between elementary sub-systems throughout complex network and structural features. Reanalyzing and standardizing each part of the system under the concept on the cloud of service, we construct an integrated development environment for generating, test, operation, and maintenance. Finally, performance analyses are performed about resource usability of server, memory amount used, and response time of server etc. As a result of measurements fulfilled over 5 times at different test points and using different data, the average response time is about 62.9 seconds for 100 clients, which takes about 0.629 seconds per client on the average. We can expect this result makes it possible to operate the system in real-time level proof. Resource usability and memory occupation are also good and moderate comparing to the conventional systems. As total verification tests, we present a simple proof to obey Electronic Cabinet Guidelines and a record of TTA authentication test for topics about SaaS maturity, performance, and application program features.

Design and Implementation of location identification system in hospital using RFID and SIP (RFID와 SIP를 활용한 병원에서 개체의 위치확인시스템 설계 및 구현)

  • Park, Yong-Min;Kim, Kyoung-Mok;Park, Seung-Kyun;Oh, Young-Hwan
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea TC
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2008
  • Today, Korean medical community faces rapid changes in medical environment due to opening of medical market, more emphasis on making profit and introduction of private medical insurance. Therefore, it is apparent that around, major university hospitals, efforts are being made to adapt to such changes by establishing mid to long range strategic plans. We want to keep pace with changing times and diverse demand of patients by introducing state of the art system, utilizing Ubiquitous technologies for improvements. In doing so, we want to distinguish our hospital services from others. However, Hospital Information System that integrates ubiquitous technologies are introduced in limited basis due to problems like standardization and limits on medical use etc. Particularly, problems like absence of tag design suitable for medical environment, compatibility and extension issue with RFID system need to be addressed on application of RFID technologies. In order to solve such problems, this paper implemented RFID tag system, RFID-SIP UA program, location tracking program. This paper provides a comprehensive basic review of RFID and SIP model suggests the evolution direction of further advanced RFID application service. The design of RFID-SIP application offers advance RFID system with drawback and reduction search time of medical object. so there is a improvement of hospital information system in ubiquitous environment.

A Study Funology for Reformatting to App Book: Focused on 'Moo, Baa, La La La!' of App Book (앱북(App Book)으로의 매체 전환을 위한 퍼놀로지(Funology)에 관한 연구: '무, 바, 라라라!(Moo, Baa, La La La!)' 앱북(App Book)을 중심으로)

  • Kwon, Jieun;Kim, Boyoung
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.30
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    • pp.221-243
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    • 2013
  • Recently, traditional books based on printing on the paper have expanded to e-book media in smart device because of developing digital technology. Especially, app book applied application makes users' experience increase and provides immersion to them, because it allows them basically delivering information, educational effect and fun elements with multimedia technology. There are various experimental trials to make enhance effect of reformatting for application media. The purpose of this study is to analyze reformatting effect for app book with funology which is convergence of digital technology and a fun. Then this article would provide design guide and be applied to new application contents. For this research, the first of all, we would discuss concept and elements of funology by publication including thesis, articles, and books. Secondly, this article will be focused on 'Moo, Baa, La La La!' which is reformatting application for iPad to analyze type of funology. Thirdly, we would make sure that app book makes users get emotional effect comparing original book by FGI(Focus Group Interview). In conclusion, sensitive funology used the sound allows user emotional effect and they prefer to intuitive and immediate motion and response of interactive funology. In other way, funology of fun in itself which is strong concept in original book diminishes in app book. Then users concentrate interactive factors like game structure. This results make that app books could be created by strength of original contents and advantage of funology. Therefore this makes us expect the possibility of reformatting effect with funology and we need to discuss the points of issue that there are considerations and limitations to successful app book for users.