• Title/Summary/Keyword: Urban simulation

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Enhanced ACGAN based on Progressive Step Training and Weight Transfer

  • Jinmo Byeon;Inshil Doh;Dana Yang
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.11-20
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    • 2024
  • Among the generative models in Artificial Intelligence (AI), especially Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) has been successful in various applications such as image processing, density estimation, and style transfer. While the GAN models including Conditional GAN (CGAN), CycleGAN, BigGAN, have been extended and improved, researchers face challenges in real-world applications in specific domains such as disaster simulation, healthcare, and urban planning due to data scarcity and unstable learning causing Image distortion. This paper proposes a new progressive learning methodology called Progressive Step Training (PST) based on the Auxiliary Classifier GAN (ACGAN) that discriminates class labels, leveraging the progressive learning approach of the Progressive Growing of GAN (PGGAN). The PST model achieves 70.82% faster stabilization, 51.3% lower standard deviation, stable convergence of loss values in the later high resolution stages, and a 94.6% faster loss reduction compared to conventional methods.

Pipeline deformation caused by double curved shield tunnel in soil-rock composite stratum

  • Ning Jiao;Xing Wan;Jianwen Ding;Sai Zhang;Jinyu Liu
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.131-143
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    • 2024
  • Shield tunneling construction commonly crosses underground pipelines in urban areas, resulting in soil loss and followed deformation of grounds and pipelines nearby, which may threaten the safe operation of shield tunneling. This paper investigated the pipeline deformation caused by double curved shield tunnels in soil-rock composite stratum in Nanjing, China. The stratum settlement equation was modified to consider the double shield tunneling. Moreover, a three dimensional finite element model was established to explore the effects of hard-layer ratio, tunnel curvature radius, pipeline buried depth and other influencing factors. The results indicate the subsequent shield tunnel would cause secondary disturbance to the soil around the preceding tunnel, resulting in increased pipeline and ground surface settlement above the preceding tunnel. The settlement and stress of the pipeline increased gradually as buried depth of the pipeline increased or the hard-layer ratio (the ratio of hard-rock layer thickness to shield tunnel diameter within the range of the tunnel face) decreased. The modified settlement calculation equation was consistent with the measured data, which can be applied to the settlement calculation of ground surface and pipeline settlement. The modified coefficients a and b ranged from 0.45 to 0.95 and 0.90 to 1.25, respectively. Moreover, the hard-layer ratio had the most significant influence on the pipeline settlement, but the tunnel curvature radius and the included angle between pipeline and tunnel axis played a dominant role in the scope of the pipeline settlement deformation.

Optimization of construction support scheme for foundation pits at zero distance to both sides of existing stations based on the pit corner effect

  • Tonghua Ling;Xing Wu;Fu Huang;Jian Xiao;Yiwei Sun;Wei Feng
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.381-395
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    • 2024
  • With the wide application of urban subway tunnels, the foundation pits of new stations and existing subway tunnels are becoming increasingly close, and even zero-distance close-fitting construction has taken place. To optimize the construction support scheme, the existing tunnel's vertical displacement is theoretically analyzed using the two-stage analysis method to understand the action mechanism of the construction of zero-distance deep large foundation pits on both sides of the existing stations; a three-dimensional numerical calculation is also performed for further analysis. First, the additional stress field on the existing tunnel caused by the unloading of zero-distance foundation pits on both sides of the tunnel is derived based on the Mindlin stress solution of a semi-infinite elastic body under internal load. Then, considering the existing subway tunnel's joints, shear stiffness, and shear soil deformation effect, the tunnel is regarded as a Timoshenko beam placed on the Kerr foundation; a sixth-order differential control equation of the tunnel under the action of additional stress is subsequently established for solving the vertical displacement of the tunnel. These theoretical calculation results are then compared with the numerical simulation results and monitoring data. Finally, an optimized foundation pit support scheme is obtained considering the pit corner effect and external corner failure mode. The research shows a high consistency between the monitoring data,analytical and numerical solution, and the closer the tunnel is to the foundation pit, the more uplift deformation will occur. The internal corner of the foundation pit can restrain the deformation of the tunnel and the retaining structure, while the external corner can cause local stress concentration on the diaphragm wall. The proposed optimization scheme can effectively reduce construction costs while meeting the safety requirements of foundation pit support structures.

Comparing State Representation Techniques for Reinforcement Learning in Autonomous Driving (자율주행 차량 시뮬레이션에서의 강화학습을 위한 상태표현 성능 비교)

  • Jihwan Ahn;Taesoo Kwon
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Graphics Society
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.109-123
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    • 2024
  • Research into vision-based end-to-end autonomous driving systems utilizing deep learning and reinforcement learning has been steadily increasing. These systems typically encode continuous and high-dimensional vehicle states, such as location, velocity, orientation, and sensor data, into latent features, which are then decoded into a vehicular control policy. The complexity of urban driving environments necessitates the use of state representation learning through networks like Variational Autoencoders (VAEs) or Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). This paper analyzes the impact of different image state encoding methods on reinforcement learning performance in autonomous driving. Experiments were conducted in the CARLA simulator using RGB images and semantically segmented images captured by the vehicle's front camera. These images were encoded using VAE and Vision Transformer (ViT) networks. The study examines how these networks influence the agents' learning outcomes and experimentally demonstrates the role of each state representation technique in enhancing the learning efficiency and decision- making capabilities of autonomous driving systems.

Chemical Disaster of Methyl Isocyanate Leakage (화학물질 누출에 의한 대량재해 - Methyl Isocyanate 누출을 중심으로 -)

  • Yang, Hyuk-Jun;Choi, Jung-Myung;Yoo, Dong-Jun
    • The Korean Journal of Emergency Medical Services
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.7-19
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    • 1999
  • Background : We are in the edge of some human made disasters such as hazardous materials and air pollution, for example, the world news reported that the city of Bhopal, India had serious victims related with a leaking out of the chemical materials, Methyl Isocyanate and many people in India were killed by. These situations many people who live in this world are world are worrying about are not others, but just ours and people consider about that kind of the disasters are the possible situation to happen to all the people. Therefore, we performed this basic study to recognize the risk of Methyl Isocyanate leak accident and to prepare local disaster plan with EMS system. Method : Trace 8.0, a simulation software made by the U.S. company Safer System was used as a tool to estimate the diffusion distance, area and its victims at the concentrations of 0.02ppm, 0.2ppm 5ppm respectively for an assumed B-city of 2 hundred thousands population count in which was presumed 500kg Methyl Isocyanate gas to leak out. Results : 1. During 1 hour, maximum diffusion distances of 0.02ppm 0.2ppm and 5ppm were 5.41km, 1.61km and 0.29km respectively on the plume impact. 2. Maximum population counts influenced by Methyl Isocyanate gas at the concentrations of 0.02ppm 0.2ppm and 5ppm were 40838, 4346 and 222 on the plume impact, while those were 138238, 17261 and 1588 on the vulnerability impact, respectively. 3. Therefore, 17261 persons must put on respiratory device and 138283 persons must be evacuated to safety place within 1 hour. Conclusions : Only small amount leak of Methyl Isocyanate may cause tremendous chemical disaster in urban area, so its disaster plan must be prepared with an accident simulation program and Material Safety Data Sheets(MSDS). Especially, nearby emergency center of an industrial complex must have a strong position about preparation of chemical disaster plan and perform a disaster dill of hazardous material accident annually.

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Development of Residential Complex as a Base for Regional Revitalization in the Mature Level of City Development (성숙기 도시에서 지역활성화 거점으로서 복합주거단지 개발에 대한 고찰)

  • Park, Joon-Young;Lee, Young-Hwan;Kwon, Hyuk-Sam;Seok, Hye-June;Oh, Soo-Ho;Hong, Sung-Dok
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.25-34
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    • 2014
  • This study starts from the fact that we need residential complex for the purpose of public interests, rather than for profits, and find a new perspective on the concept of public-oriented residential complex in the cities that had slow growth. In this study, we 1) propose a new concept of the residential complex that can vitalize regional communities and maintain the interest of the public : 'functional-mix', 'social-mix', 'spatial-mix', 2) produce a model simulation based on the development principles including development direction, types of development, and design guidelines, ; six development principles(goal, concept, development type, spatial structure, space element, spatial hierarchy), diversity of housing types, facilities that can vitalize and contribute the regional communities 3) propose practical methods that can realize and promote the proposed concept and model simulation. ; need to amend the housing construction Law.

The Performance Analysis of Equalizer for Next Generation W-LAN with OFDM System (OFDM 방식의 차세대 무선 LAN 환경에서 등화기의 성능 분석)

  • Han, Kyung-Su;Youn, Hee-Sang
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.44-51
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    • 2002
  • This paper describes the performance evaluation and analysis of an Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing (OFDM) system having the least Inter Symbol Interference (ISI) in a multi-path fading channel environment. Wireless Local Area Network (W-LAN) in accordance with IEEE 802.11a and IEEE 802.11b provides high-speed transmission to universities, businesses and other various places. In addition, service providers can offer a public W-LAN service on restricted areas such as a subway. The proliferation of W-LAN has led to greater W-LAN service demands, but problems are also on the rise in offering a good W-LAN service. In particular, urban areas with high radio wave interference and many buildings are vulnerable to deteriorated QoS including disconnected data and errors. For example, when high-speed data is transmitted in such areas, the relatively high frequency generates ISI between Access Points (AP) and Mobile Terminals (such as a notebook computer), leading to a frequency selective fading channel environment. Consequently, it is difficult to expect a goodW-LAN service. The simulation proves that the OFDM system enables W-LAN to implement QoS in high-speed data transmission in a multi-path fading channel environment. The enhanced OFDM performance with 52 sub-carriers is verified via data modulation methods such as BPSK, QPSK and 16QAM based on IEEE 802.11a and punched convolutional codes with code rate of 1/2 and 3/4 and constraint length of 7. Especially, the simulation finds that the OFDM system has better performance and there is no data disconnection even in a mobile environment by applying a single tap equalizer and a decision feedback equalizer to a mobile channel environment with heavy fading influence. Given the above result, the OFDM system is an ideal solution to guarantee QoS of the W-LAN service in a high-speed mobile environment.

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Study of the Tidal Currents in Sea Areas around Gyeong-In Waterway (경인아라뱃길 주변해역의 해수유동에 관한 연구)

  • Baek, Seung Hwa;Shin, Bum-Shick
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.9
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    • pp.5826-5834
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    • 2014
  • This paper examined the changes in flow patterns due to a blockage of tidal currents in the sea areas between Incheon North Port and Yeomha Channel when it would be influenced by the construction of the Incheon North Port Yeongjongdo dredged soil dumping ground and Incheon Bay tidal power plant. The numerical simulation was performed for three cases: before and after constructing the Incheon North Port Yeongjongdo dredged soil dumping ground and after the construction of the sea-dyke on the east side of the Incheon Bay tidal power plant. The simulation results showed that the tidal directions and currents velocity were similar before and after the construction of the Yeongjongdo dredged soil dumping ground. After the construction of the East Sea-dyke of Incheon tide power plant, however, the tidal currents patterns changed significantly due to flow blockage toward Gyeonggi Bay. The main flow was formed in the north-south direction, and the tidal currents velocity increased slightly on the downstream areas (A,B,C) of Hodo, which is the entrance of the Ara Waterway. The tidal currents at the mouth(D) of Yeomha Channel decreased significantly. The tidal currents of the west side of Se-eodo and the east side of the sea-dyke were rotary currents. The results of this study will provide basic data for the environmental impact assessment and the operation of the Gyeongin Ara Waterway.

Financial Feasibility Analysis for the Development of Urban Telecommunication Facility Purpose Site (도심 통신기반시설용지의 개발을 위한 재무타당성 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Kyungyong;Jeong, Moonoh;Lee, Sangyoub
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.31-41
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    • 2015
  • The telecommunication industry has been considered as a national fundamental infrastructure. However, due to the rapid evolution of technology and the change of industry market conditions, the telecommunication infrastructure needs no more huge space for facility and it leads its use to the mixed-use development based on private investment. This study intends to examine the financial feasibility of the development project for the optimal alternative use of telecommunication facility purpose site as a case study based on two types: contributed acceptance and multi-level designation. The NPA and IRR has been analyzed by the simulation of stochastic variables including rent price and its variation rate, vacancy rate, construction cost, capitalization rate and discount rate. The research finding indicates that the two types of development are satisfied with the financial feasibility and it is noteworthy that the rent price turns out to be the most critical factor for the project. Accordingly, it is expected that these research finding can be applied for providing the solid cases of financial feasibility analysis for the development project in limited use of telecommunication facility purpose site.

A Study on Analysis of Landslide Disaster Area using Cellular Automata: An Application to Umyeonsan, Seocho-Gu, Seoul, Korea (셀룰러 오토마타를 이용한 산사태 재난지역 분석에 관한 연구 - 서울특별시 서초구 우면산을 대상으로-)

  • Yoon, Dong-Hyeon;Koh, Jun-Hwan
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.9-18
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    • 2012
  • South Korea has many landslides caused by heavy rains during summer time recently and the landslides continue to cause damages in many places. These landslides occur repeatedly each year, and the frequency of landslides is expected to increase in the coming future due to dramatic global climate change. In Korea, 81.5% of the population is living in urban areas and about 1,055 million people are living in Seoul. In 2011, the landslide that occurred in Seocho-dong killed 18 people and about 9% of Seoul's area is under the same land conditions as Seocho-dong. Even the size of landslide occurred in a city is small, but it is more likely to cause a big disaster because of a greater population density in the city. So far, the effort has been made to identify landslide vulnerability and causes, but now, the new dem and arises for the prediction study about the areal extent of disaster area in case of landslides. In this study, the diffusion model of the landslide disaster area was established based on Cellular Automata(CA) to analyze the physical diffusion forms of landslide. This study compared the accuracy with the Seocho-dong landslide case, which occurred in July 2011, applying the SCIDDICA model and the CAESAR model. The SCIDDICA model involves the following variables, such as the movement rules and the topographical obstacles, and the CAESAR model is also applied to this process to simulate the changes of deposition and erosion.