• Title/Summary/Keyword: Urban modeling

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Modeling Demand for Rural Settlement of Urban Residents (도시민의 농촌이주 수요모형 분석: 정착자금 지원효과를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Hee-Chan
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.97-110
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    • 2009
  • The objective of this research was to develop a rural settlement demand model to analyze the determinants of settlement demand of urban residents. The point aimed at from model development was deriving stated preference of potential consumers towards rural settlement through setting a hypothetical market, and using settlement subsidy as a surrogate variable for price in the demand model. The adequate demand model deducted from hypothetical market data was derived from the basis of Hanemann's utility difference theory. In the rural settlement demand model, willingness to accept was expressed by a function of settlement subsidy. Data utilized in the analysis was collected from surveys of households nationwide. According to inferred results of the demand model, settlement subsidy had a significant influence on increasing demand for rural settlement. A significant common element was found among variables affecting demand increase through demand curve shift. The majority group of those with high rural settlement demand sought agricultural activity as their main motive, due to harsh urban environments aggravated by unstable job market conditions. Subsequently, restriction of income opportunities in rural areas does not produce an entrance barrier for potential rural settlers. Moreover, this argument could be supported by the common trend of those with high rural settlement demand generally tending to have low incomes. Due to such characteristics of concerned groups of rural settlement demand, they tended to react susceptibly to the subsidy provided by the government and local autonomous entities.


  • Heo, Joon;Troyer, Michael;Lee, Jung-Bin;Kim, Woo-Sun
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • v.2
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    • pp.647-650
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    • 2006
  • Compact Airborne Spectrographic Imager (CASI) hyperspectral imagery was acquired over the Little Miami River Watershed (1756 square miles) in Ohio, U.S.A., which is one of the largest hyperspectral image acquisition. For the development of a 4m-resolution land cover dataset, a hierarchical approach was employed using two different classification algorithms: 'Image Object Segmentation' for level-1 and 'Spectral Angle Mapper' for level-2. This classification scheme was developed to overcome the spectral inseparability of urban and rural features and to deal with radiometric distortions due to cross-track illumination. The land cover class members were lentic, lotic, forest, corn, soybean, wheat, dry herbaceous, grass, urban barren, rural barren, urban/built, and unclassified. The final phase of processing was completed after an extensive Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA/QC) phase. With respect to the eleven land cover class members, the overall accuracy with a total of 902 reference points was 83.9% at 4m resolution. The dataset is available for public research, and applications of this product will represent an improvement over more commonly utilized data of coarser spatial resolution such as National Land Cover Data (NLCD).

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  • Kim, Hak-Hoon;Kim, Seung-Yub;Lee, Ki-Won
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • v.1
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    • pp.98-101
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    • 2006
  • In general, stereo images are widely used to remote sensing or photogrametric applications for the purpose of image understanding and feature extraction or cognition. However, the most cases of these stereo-based application deal with 2-D satellite images or the airborne photos so that its main targets are generation of small-scaled or large-scaled DEM(Digital Elevation Model) or DSM(Digital Surface Model), in the 2.5-D. Contrast to these previous approaches, the scope of this study is to investigate 3-D stereo processing and visualization of true geo-referenced 3-D features based on anaglyph technique, and the aim is at the prototype development for stereo visualization system of complex typed 3-D GIS features. As for complex typed 3-D features, the various kinds of urban landscape components are taken into account with their geometric characteristics and attributes. The main functions in this prototype are composed of 3-D feature authoring and modeling along with database schema, stereo matching, and volumetric visualization. Using these functions, several technical aspects for migration into actual 3-D GIS application are provided with experiment results. It is concluded that this result will contribute to more specialized and realistic applications by linking 3-D graphics with geo-spatial information.

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The Treatment of the Free-surface Boundary Conditions by Finite-Difference Midpoint-Averaging Scheme for Elastic Wave Equation Modeling (탄성파 파동 방정식 모델링에서 중간점 차분 기법을 이용한 지표 경계 조건의 처리)

  • Park, Kwon-Gyu;Suh, Jung-Hee;Shin, Chang-Soo
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.61-69
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    • 2000
  • The free-surface boundary conditions are persistent problem in elastic wave equation modeling by finite-difference method, which can be summarized with the degradation of the accuracy of the solution and limited stability range in Poisson's ratio. In this paper, we propose the mid-point averaging scheme as an alternative way of implementing the free-surface boundary conditions, and present the solution to Lamb's problem to verify our approach.

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Analysis of the Characteristics of Thermal Environment Change Due to Urban Stream Restoration (도심 하천 복원에 따른 주변지역 열환경 변화 특성 분석)

  • Do, Woo-Gon;Jung, Woo-Sik
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.235-248
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to quantitatively analyze the effects of a restoration project on the decrease in the temperature in the surrounding areas. The thermal environment characteristics of the investigation area were analyzed using the meteorological data from the Busanjin Automatic Weather System which is closest to the target area. The terrain data of the modeling domain was constructed using a digital map and the urban spatial information data, and the numerical simulation of the meteorological changes before and after the restoration of the stream was performed using the Envi-met model. The average temperature of the target area in 2016 was $15.2^{\circ}C$ and was higher than that of the suburbs. The monthly mean temperature difference was the highest at $1.1^{\circ}C$ in November and the lowest in June, indicating that the temperatures in the urban areas were high in spring and winter. From the Envi-met modeling results, reductions in temperature due to stream restoration were up to $1.7^{\circ}C$ in winter, and decreased to $3.5^{\circ}C$ in summer. The effect of temperature reduction was seen in the entire region where streams are being restored.

An Economic Valuation of Forest Ecosystem Services: A Choice Modeling Application to the Mekong Delta Project in Vietnam

  • KHAI, Huynh Viet;VAN, Nguyen Phi;DANH, Vo Thanh
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.8 no.8
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    • pp.465-473
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    • 2021
  • This study is the application of a choice experiment to assess Mekong Delta urban households' preferences and motivations for ecosystem conservation in the U Minh forest. The study applied a choice modeling approach to estimate the economic values of the proposed ecosystem conservation program in the U Minh forest by accessing urban consumer preferences and their willingness to pay for the project. Discrete choice experimental data was collected from 450 residents in the cities of the Vietnamese Mekong Delta. The multinomial logit model was employed to identify consumer's stated preferences for the environmental and sustainability attributes of the conservation project. The results showed that Mekong Delta urban residents paid much attention to the proposed project to protect and develop the U Minh forest. In addition, the results showed that higher education, income, and knowledge of the U Minh forest revealed a higher likelihood of selecting the project, while the older residents would select the status quo more than the younger ones. The study also proved that the effect of participation had a strong impact on the willingness to pay for the project. The findings could be useful for policymakers to take action to raise resident's awareness and willingness to pay for the U Minh forest project.

A Study on Optimized Placement of Green-Gray Infrastructure for Effective Flood Mitigation (효과적인 도시 홍수 저감을 위한 그린-그레이 인프라 위치 설정에 관한 연구)

  • Bae, Chae-Young;Lee, Dong-Kun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.65-75
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    • 2022
  • Urban flood management(UFM) strategy ought to consider the connections and interactions between existing and new infrastructures to manage stormwater and improve the capacity to treat water. It is also important to demonstrate strategies that can be implemented to reduce the flow at flooding sources and minimize flood risk at critical locations. Although the general theory of spatial impact is popular, modeling guidelines that can provide information for implementation in real-world plans are still lacking. Under such background, this study conducted a modeling research based on an actual target site to confirm the hypothesis that it is appropriate to install green infrastructure(GI) in the source area and to take structural protection measures in the impact area, as summarized in previous studies. The results of the study proved the hypothesis, but the results were different from the hypothesis depending on which hydrological performance indicators were targeted. This study will contribute to demonstrating the effectiveness of strategies that can be implemented to reduce the flow at flooding sources and minimize the risk of flooding in critical locations in terms of spatial planning and regeneration.

Digital Twin based Household Water Consumption Forecasting using Agent Based Modeling

  • Sultan Alamri;Muhammad Saad Qaisar Alvi;Imran Usman;Adnan Idris
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.147-154
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    • 2024
  • The continuous increase in urban population due to migration of mases from rural areas to big cities has set urban water supply under serious stress. Urban water resources face scarcity of available water quantity, which ultimately effects the water supply. It is high time to address this challenging problem by taking appropriate measures for the improvement of water utility services linked with better understanding of demand side management (DSM), which leads to an effective state of water supply governance. We propose a dynamic framework for preventive DSM that results in optimization of water resource management. This paper uses Agent Based Modeling (ABM) with Digital Twin (DT) to model water consumption behavior of a population and consequently forecast water demand. DT creates a digital clone of the system using physical model, sensors, and data analytics to integrate multi-physical quantities. By doing so, the proposed model replicates the physical settings to perform the remote monitoring and controlling jobs on the digital format, whilst offering support in decision making to the relevant authorities.

Suggestion of a Decision Support System for Implementing the Water Quality Trading Policy to Developing Urban Areas (개발예정 도시의 수질교환법 적용을 위한 정책결정 시스템 제시)

  • Shin, Yee-sook
    • Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.54-61
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    • 2016
  • There are many pilot programs and projects to implement the water quality trading (WQT) policy. But actual trading is relatively rare. The main reason of the scarce applications of WQT policy is the difficulty in determining the equalities between the trading sites. The uncertainty of the impacts of the nonpoint sources pollutant discharges between up and downstream urban development areas also makes the implementation of the policy harder. The simulated results from the watershed modeling program will be used to calculate the point and nonpoint sources pollutants of the future urban development scenarios. The amount of suspended sediments resulting from the urban developments and rainfall intensities will be used to indicate the environmental impacts of the water body between upstream and downstream. The water quality impacts after development scenarios to the outlet of the watershed were transferred to the trading units between two sites. The recommended trading units can be used as a decision support system for policy makers and stakeholders to carry out better WQT practices.

Tracer Experiment for the Investigation of Urban Scale Dispersion of Air Pollutants - Simulation by CALPUFF Dispersion Model and Diffusion Feature of Tracer Gases (추적자 확산 실험에 의한 서울 도심 확산 현상 연구 - 추적기체의 확산특징과 CALPUFF 모델에 의한 모사)

  • Lee, Chong-Bum;Kim, Jea-Chul;Lee, Gang-Woong;Ro, Chul-Un;Kim, Hye-Kyeong
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.405-419
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    • 2007
  • A series of tracer experiments for the evaluation of atmospheric dispersion was performed over the urban area of Seoul using two inert, non-deposition perfluorocarbon (PMCH and m-PDCH) gases during three years campaign on 2002, 2003 and 2005. 30 sampling sites for collecting these tracers were located along two arcs of 2.5 and 5 kilometers downwind from the release point. About ten measurements which each lasted for 2 hours or 4 hours were made over the two consecutive days during each campaign. CALPUFF and MM5 meteorological model were applied to evaluate the urban dispersion in detail. Size of Modeling domain was $27\;km{\times}23\;km$ and the fine nest in the modeling domain had a grid size of 0.5 km. The results showed that CALPUFF dispersion model had a tendency to estimate tracer concentrations about $2{\sim}5$ times less than those of ambient samples under many conditions. These consistent inaccuracy in urban dispersion was attributed to inherent inaccuracy and lack of details in terrain data at urban area.