• Title/Summary/Keyword: Urban identity

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초고층 랜드마크의 공간적 거리 및 인지강도와의 상관성 분석 - 서울시 30층 이상 고층건물을 대상으로 - (A Study on the Correlation between Spatial Distance and Cognitive Intensity of High-rise Buildings - Focusing on High-rise Buildings of More than 30 Stories in Seoul -)

  • 변재상;임승빈;주신하
    • 한국조경학회지
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    • 제35권4호
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    • pp.90-104
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    • 2007
  • Landmarks like high-rise building are one of the important elements for the enhancement of city identity and provides the hierarchy of city streets, playing a central and symbolic role in cities. Research on physical attribute of landmarks, such as height, distance, location and shape, which are suitable for a city scale, can help a city create a distinct image and maintain comprehensible structure. To achieve this purpose, it is necessary to understand the spatial and cognitive characteristics of a landmark for the establishment and management of it. The results of this study can be summarized as follows: 1. The level of representativeness of a landmark increases in proportion to the degree of cognitive intensity on it. The relation between representativeness and cognitive intensity can be explained as the log-function as follows: Log(the number of people who respond "It has representativeness")=$-1.2579+1.5908{\times}$(cognitive intensity); 2. There are a few differences based on the attributes of respondents: while gender has no distinct influence, residential period and age show statistically meaningful influence on cognitive intensity of a vertical landmark Cognitive intensity of an individual landmarks especially, differs according to the class of main users. Because of frequent changes in occupation or employment, respondents consider the distance from a residential area more important than the distance from a working area in evaluating cognitive intensity of landmarks; 3. landmark can be classified into two kinds: a district landmark and an urban landmark A district landmark is closely connected with physical attributes of the landmark itself, such as distance, size and height. An urban landmark is mainly related to cognitive attributes such as the image and identity of a city as a whole. As a result, the landmark analysis data in this research provides spatial order and identity in a city. It is difficult to establish and reinforce the image of a city as a single element ike a landmark. However, withy steady follow-up research, this study could be seen as a systematic and logical model to improve urban landscape and image.

경상북도 지방자치단체의 도시 브랜드 슬로건 분석 (Analysis of Urban Brand Slogans of Gyeongsangbuk-do's Local Authorities)

  • 배진희;권기창
    • 한국콘텐츠학회논문지
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    • 제20권12호
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    • pp.206-220
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    • 2020
  • 글로컬 시대 지방자치단체의 경쟁력은 국가경쟁력으로 이어진다. 이에 따라 지방자치단체들은 주민 결속과 도시 이미지 구축을 통한 경쟁력 확보를 위해 도시 브랜드 슬로건을 활용하고 있다. 본 연구는 경상북도 24개 지방자치단체에서 2020년 4월 현재 사용 중인 48건의 슬로건을 브랜드 슬로건 24건과 서브 슬로건 24건으로 구분하여 슬로건 언어 표기, 의미전달, 소재유형 측면에서 분석하였다. 그 결과 브랜드 슬로건은 여러 가지 언어가 혼용되었고 자연·생태, 역사·문화 등을 소재로 한 의미전달은 정보제공형이 많았다. 서브 슬로건은 대부분 한글을 사용하였고 행복, 공동체 등의 추상적 가치를 소재로 한 의미전달은 이미지 제고 형이 많았다. 도시 브랜드 강화를 위한 슬로건 표현에서 정체성과 일관성의 맥락이 요구되었다. 본 연구 결과 도시 브랜드 슬로건의 효과적인 개발과 활용에 도움이 될 수 있기를 기대한다.

지역활성화를 위한 농촌마을간 네트워크방안 연구 -일본 아산라이브뮤지엄을 대상으로- (A Study on the Rural Neighboring Network for Regional Activation -Focused on Asan Live Museum in Japan-)

  • 이민경;방한영;최효승
    • 한국농촌건축학회논문집
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    • 제6권1호
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    • pp.32-41
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    • 2004
  • Many administrative policies for regional activation have progressed the expansion and improvement of convenience institutions. Most appraisals about rural community influenced by urban life convenience are affirmative, but chasing urban life convenience is a cause of breaking out regional identity. Recently, new rising methods of theme and characteristic to imply regional identity, are ways of regional activation through neighboring network around satellite of rural community. In this study, I research and suggest applicable possible proposal of rural communities in Korea. by survey of neighboring network methods of Asan Live Museum in Japan applied ecomuseum concept for regional activation.

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경기도 지자체 도시 아이덴티티의 형태론적 상징유형분석 연구 - 경기도 31개 지자체 심볼마크를 중심으로 - (A Study on the Morphological Analysis of Identity in the Local Government of Gyeonggi Province - A Study of 31 Local Governments in Gyeonggi Province -)

  • 강도은;김면
    • 커뮤니케이션디자인학연구
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    • 제65권
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    • pp.170-181
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    • 2018
  • 현재는 도시 아이덴티티(City Identity)가 과거의 기업경영 전략으로서 디자인 통합계획(Visual Identity)이 아닌 지역 고유의 역사와 문화적 유산을 포함하고 경쟁력 강화와 지역성을 부각시켜 잠재되어 있던 지역의 이미지를 새롭게 구현 및 활성화에 그 목적을 두고 있다. 이에 경기도 31개 지자체의 도시 아이덴티티 디자인은 과거에서 벗어나 미래지향적이고 간결하면서도 모던한 이미지를 구축하고 기하학적인 인공모티브를 이용한 차별화된 아이덴티티를 구축해 나가고 있다. 하지만 일부 지자체에서는 과거의 도시 아이덴티티가 존재하였음에도 불구하고, 리뉴얼의 개념이 아닌 새로운 BI를 개발하여 CI를 대체하거나 CI와 BI역할을 대행하고 있어 심볼마크의 경계선과 기준점이 점점 모호 해지고 있다. 뿐만 아니라 비전이 담긴 슬로건을 BI로 사용하고 있는 사례가 존재하고 있어 경기도 지자체 현황분석과 방향성을 제시하여 전문적인 CIP관리가 요구된다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 경기도 31개 지자체의 이론적 배경분석과 학술연구를 통해 심볼마크의 현황분석을 실시하였고 심볼마크의 본질적 의미가 형태론적으로 어떻게 표현되고 해석되는지를 도식화하여 I.R.I 이미지 공간을 최종 분석하였다.

Guidelines for Tall Buildings Development

  • Al-Kodmany, Kheir
    • 국제초고층학회논문집
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    • 제1권4호
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    • pp.255-269
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    • 2012
  • Tall buildings' implementation has often lacked urban design and architectural guidance. There are many examples of tall buildings that have been inappropriately located, designed, and built, and consequently dissatisfaction with high-rise development is wide-spread. This paper attempts to provide extensive urban and architectural guidelines in order to manage cityscape and to ensure safe and healthy living. Through recommendations on design and layout of tall buildings and open spaces the guidelines seek enhancing the visual experience, improving the microclimate conditions, and fostering active social life. These guidelines help in providing enjoyable urban experiences through the examination of spatial relationships, human scale, genius loci, perceptual characteristics, local identity, built heritage, economic activities, and social life.

간호대학 학생들의 자아존중감 및 진로정체감에 관한 연구 (Self Esteem and Career Identity of Nursing Students)

  • 조희;이규영
    • 한국보건간호학회지
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    • 제20권2호
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    • pp.163-173
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    • 2006
  • Purpose: This is a descriptive study to identify the self esteem and career identity of nursing students. Method: The sample consisted of 416 junior nursing students of diploma programs in the cities of Seoul and Kyung-gi area, and Kyungbook province. Data were analyzed by the program of SPSS WIN 11.5. Results: Self esteem was significantly higher in the students attending rural school than in those attending urban school (F=3.46, p<.03), in those between the age of 24-25 years than in the rest (F=2,17, p<.05), and in those satisfied on admission to nursing school than in those less satisfied (F=3.12 p<.04). Career identity was significantly higher in the students between the age of 24-25 years than in the rest (F=6.10, p<.000), and in those satisfied on admission to nursing school than in those less satisfied (F=49.64, p<.000). The results of correlational analysis between self esteem and career identity revealed that career identity increased with increasing self esteem(r=.316 p<.001). Conclusion: Based on the above findings, programs are needed for the improvement of self esteem and career identity, and further research is suggested on the development of such programs.

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지역정체성을 기반으로 한 공공환경 디자인의 방향 연구 (A Study on the Direction of the Public Environment Design based on the Regions' Sense of Identity)

  • 송영민
    • 한국실내디자인학회논문집
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    • 제21권5호
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    • pp.98-105
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study is to present the direction for effective public environment design by becoming aware of the social, cultural and historical values that are inherent to the specific regions once again. Concept of regions' sense of identity, regions' resources and regionality were identified as a means based on the basic cityscape plan and guideline for public design. Sample city was analyzed by extracting the regionality elements, and the results are as follows. First, appropriateness of the direction for the public environment design based on the regional identity was confirmed. The need to establish regional identity in the cityscape plan is specified when it comes to the basic goal, strategy and direction. Second, public environment design should be planned within the context of the cityscape. It is necessary to improve with integrated plan by setting up the consistent goal, direction and detailed guideline based on the basic concept of cityscape plan. Third, 'design city' requires the development of the unique design and planned techniques based on the harmony with the existing resources. It is necessary to uncover the powerful design elements that are exclusive to specific regions, and to search for differentiation and visualization to form consensus. Public environment based on regional identity will improve if the above mentioned research results are used as the basic data when it comes to the implementation of public environment design.

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공공공간의 컨텍스트 표현 특성 연구 - 청계천 거리, 광화문 광장 사례를 중심으로 - (A Study of the Expressional Characteristics of the Context of Public Space - Focused on the Case of the CheongGye-Cheon and the Gwanghwamun Square -)

  • 용은영;이찬
    • 한국실내디자인학회논문집
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    • 제20권6호
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    • pp.88-96
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    • 2011
  • In contemporary urban space, the identify is absent because of the object-oriented plans that ignore the context of urban space, and the ignorance of the regional characteristics and the historicity of places. Due to this reason, urban space lost its unique characteristics and becomes a mismatch with its surroundings. To solve these problems, the ideological trend of post-modernism emerged and new spatial paradigm rose based on the contextual concept to go with this trend. This contextual concept should be considered more importantly in the public space with discontinuous many and unspecified behavioral patterns. The components of space do not exist independently with individual identity. They should be considered based on a holistic view formed by the relations among elements and the establishment of those relations, and through this, correct identity can be established. Thus, this paper aims to analyze the context of spatial components through new contextual views on public spaces and study the expressional characteristics unveiled between these relations.

한국 도시경관의 새로운 계획 파라다임 -미학적 사고의 가능성 모색 (Exploring a New Planning Paradigm for Urban Landscape in Korea : An Aesthetic Approach)

  • 조정송;황기원;박재길
    • 한국조경학회지
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    • 제25권4호
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    • pp.61-81
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    • 1998
  • This paper is to explore a new planning paradigm for urban landscape-not a new paradigm for urban landscape planning- in the light of environmental aesthetics. This is an endeavor to construct an alternative to the philosophical absence in the landscape profession. The landscape has been conceived of visual -oriented urban scene, and this notion is one of consequences of subject-object dualism in Western modernity project. In contrast with this convention, the authors consider urban landscape as the aesthetic field in which an experience of urban landscape actually works in human ordinary life and experience. To acquire an aestetic experience in this aesthetic field, we need to replace the doctrine of disinterestedness with engagement and contemplation with participation. This concept of participatory engagement with landscape can be translated in specific and concrete ways into urban landscape planning, replacing the traditional panoramic landscape with engaged landscape. The authors approach the urban landscape from the vantage point of an aesthetics of engagement by developing the four environmental situations : the sailing ship, the circus, the cathedral, and the sunset. They may serve as useful guides in cultivating and beautiful urban landscape to replace the forces of vulgarity and monotony that depress the modern city. What is beautiful urban landscape\ulcorner What makes the urban landscape beautiful\ulcorner Finally, the authors suggest identity and amenity as practical concepts of urban landscape planning for an aesthetic experience.

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