• Title/Summary/Keyword: Urban Sensing

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Positioning by using Speed and GeoMagnetic Sensor Data base on Vehicle Network (차량 네트워크 기반 속도 및 지자기센서 데이터를 이용한 측위 시스템)

  • Moon, Hye-Young;Kim, Jin-Deog;Yu, Yun-Sik
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.14 no.12
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    • pp.2730-2736
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    • 2010
  • Recently, various networks have been introduced in the car of the internal and external sides. These have been integrated by one HMI(Human Machine Interface) to control devices of each network and provide information service. The existing vehicle navigation system, providing GPS based vehicle positioning service, has been included to these integrated networks as a default option. The GPS has been used to the most universal device to provide position information by using satellites' signal. But It is impossible to provide the position information when the GPS can't receive the satellites' signal in the area of tunnel, urban canyon, or forest canopy. Thus, this paper propose and implement the method of measuring vehicle position by using the sensing data of internal CAN network and external Wi-Fi network of the integrated car navigation circumstances when the GPS doesn't work normally. The results obtained by implementation shows the proposed method works well by map matching.

An analysis of year-to-year change of degraded forest land in Mongolia nature reserve Mt. Bogdkhan in Ulaanbaatar (몽골 울란바토르 복드한산 자연보호지역의 산림훼손지 경년변화 분석)

  • Ganzorig, Myagmar;Lee, Joon-Woo;Kweon, Hyeong-Keun;Choi, Sung-Min;Lee, Myeong-Kyo
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.205-211
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    • 2014
  • Focused on Mt. Bogdkhan nature reserve in Mongolia, this study was conducted as a fundamental research to discover a tendency and characteristics of forest damage and to draw up measures for proper plans of forest restoration through an analysis of year-to year change using satellite images. In specific, land cover mapping was conducted by using Landsat images from 1994 to 2011, and then year-to year change was analyzed to investigate the features of forest damage in Mt. Bogdkhan. The results showed that the whole area of a reservation in Mongolia in 2011 was about $416.89km^2$; among them, forest area was $167,87km^2$, accounting for about 40.3%, followed by bare patch and grassland area (58.6%) and urban dry area (1.1%). In particular, compared in 1994, the area of forest in 2011 has increased by $6.12km^2$; while bare patch and grassland area has decreased by $10.81km^2$. Primary causes of forest degradation occurred in Mt. Bogdkhan nature reserve included illegal logging for fuel, forest and grassland degradation caused by domestic animals grazing, man-made forest fire, and disaster caused by insect pest.

Energy and Air Quality Benefits of DCV with Wireless Sensor Network in Underground Parking Lots

  • Cho, Hong-Jae;Jeong, Jae-Weon
    • International Journal of High-Rise Buildings
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.155-165
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    • 2014
  • This study measured and compared the variation of ventilation rate and fan energy consumption according to various control strategies after installing wireless sensor-based pilot ventilation system in order to verify the applicability of demand-controlled ventilation (DCV) strategy that was efficient ventilation control strategy for underground parking lot. The underground parking lot pilot ventilation system controlled the ventilation rate by directly or indirectly tracking the traffic load in real-time after sensing data, using vehicle detection sensors and carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide ($CO_2$) sensor. The ventilation system has operated for 9 hours per a day. It responded real-time data every 10 minutes, providing ventilation rate in conformance with the input traffic load or contaminant level at that time. A ventilation rate of pilot ventilation system can be controlled at 8 levels. The reason is that a ventilation unit consists of 8 high-speed nozzle jet fans. This study proposed vehicle detection sensor based demand-controlled ventilation (VDS-DCV) strategy that would accurately trace direct traffic load and CO sensor based demand-controlled ventilation (CO-DCV) strategy that would indirectly estimate traffic load through the concentration of contaminants. In order to apply DCV strategy based on real-time traffic load, the minimum required ventilation rate per a single vehicle was applied. It was derived through the design ventilation rate and total parking capacity in the underground parking lot. This is because current ventilation standard established per unit floor area or unit volume of the space made it difficult to apply DCV strategy according to the real-time variation of traffic load. According to the results in this study, two DCV strategies in the underground parking lot are considered to be a good alternative approach that satisfies both energy saving and healthy indoor environment in comparison with the conventional control strategies.

Image Map Generation using the Airship Photogrammetric System (비행선촬영시스템을 이용한 영상지도 제작)

  • 유환희;제정형;김성삼
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.59-67
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    • 2002
  • Recently, much demand of vector data have increased rapidly such as a digital map instead of traditional a paper map and the raster data such as a high-resolution orthoimage have been used for many GIS application with the advent of industrial high-resolution satellites and development of aerial optical sensor technologies. Aerial photogrammetric technologies using an airship can offer cost-effective and high-resolution color images as well as real time images, different from conventional remote sensing measurements. Also, it can acquire images easily and its processing procedure is short and simple relatively. On the other hand, it has often been used for the production of a small-scale land use map not required high accuracy, monitoring of linear infrastructure features through mosaicking strip images and construction of GIS data. Through this study, the developed aerial photogrammetric system using the airship expects to be applied to not only producing of scale 1:5, 000 digital map but also verifying, editing, and updating the digital map which was need to be reproduced. Further more, providing the various type of video-images, it expects to use many other GIS applications such as facilities management, scenery management and construction of GIS data for Urban area.

Digital Conversion of Analogue Cadastral Maps of Kathmandu Metropolitan City

  • Baral, Toya Nath;Acharya, Babu Ram;Subedi, Nab Raj
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.973-977
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    • 2003
  • Land is the only immovable property that can be used, as a means for agricultural production as well as a means for mortgage for financing industrial or commercial enterprises. Spatial technologies play a key role in managing our land, water and natural resources. Cadastral data is a major component for the development of Land Information System. Therefore, systematic land registration system based on accurate and scientific cadastral map are found inevitable for poverty alleviation, good governance and women empowerment through security of their rights on property, as well as the planning and development of a sustainable environmental protection within Metropolitan city. Digital cadastral parcel is the fundamental spatial unit on which database is designed, created, maintained and operated. Availability of accurate and updated cadastral maps is a primary requisite for successful planning, policy formulating and maintenance of city utility services, which need cadastral and utility information together. Flawed cadastral maps can put land, revenue and taxation system at stake. Kathmandu the capital city of Nepal still is lacking utility maps combining cadastral information with the utility. There is an urgent need to have an effective, accurate and easy to access land revenue and utility services system within the urban areas which could be achieved after the production of reliable base maps and land registration system to guarantee land allocation and property rights which can well be achieved by digital conversion and correction of base cadastral maps. This paper highlights the drawbacks of the conventional cadastral maps and the possible advantages of digital cadastral maps over these. Also the problems, issues and implications during digital conversion and creating database of the same will be discussed.

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Prepare a plan to utilize data collected through field demonstration of multi-sensing devices to improve urban flood monitoring (도심지 홍수 모니터링 향상을 위한 멀티센싱 기기의 현장실증을 통해 수집된 데이터의 활용방안 마련)

  • Seung Kwon Jung;Soung Jong Yoo;Su Won Lee
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2023.05a
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    • pp.19-19
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    • 2023
  • 최근 기후변화에 의해 단기간에 많은 양의 집중호우가 발생하여 도시지역의 침수 피해가 증가하고 있다. 이에 도시지역의 홍수 피해 해결을 위해 도심지 홍수 발생 시 홍수정도 및 상황을 파악할 수 있는 장비가 개발되었으나, 실용화 단계까지는 진행이 미흡한 상황이다. 또한 기존 도시지역 홍수 현상 및 원인을 분석하기 위해 수치모형을 활용하고 있으나, 우수관망의 노후화 및 초기 강우패턴 적용에 대한 정확한 해석결과의 어려워 활용성이 낮다. 또한 홍수정도와 발생상황 인지를 위한 계측 장비의 개발 연구는 지속적으로 진행되고 있으나, 계측 장비의 높은 가격으로 전국적으로 설치 할 수 없는 상황으로 이를 대응하기 위한 별도의 방안 마련이 필요한 실정이다. 이를 위해 본 과제에서는 고성능·저비용 계측센서를 개발하여 실용화 가능성을 높이고, 전국에 산재되어있는 CCTV(교통상황, 방법용 등)의 영상을 활용한 침수상황 인지 기술 개발, 계측 데이터와 모니터링 데이터의 활용을 위한 빅데이터 개방 플랫폼을 구축하여, 상습 침수지역에 대해 실시간 감시가 가능한 계측 시스템의 정형 데이터와 CCTV 및 영상 등 모니터링 장비의 비정형 데이터의 분석 기술을 결합한 새로운 도심지 홍수 감시 기술의 개발을 목표로 한다. 이를 위해 본 연구 1차년도에 지표면 침수심 계측센서와 우수관망 월류심 계측센서를 개발하였으며, 2차년도에는개발된 계측센서의 현장실증을 통해 데이터를 수집한다. 수집된 계측센서 데이터와 비정형(CCTV 영상) 데이터의 AI학습을 통해 분석된 침수심, 침수범위, 침수면적 데이터는 도심지 홍수 정보 프로그램을 통해 표출되며, 최종적으로는 현장 상황을 쉽게 파악 가능한 3D 레이어의 형식으로 표출하고자 한다. 추후 도심지 홍수 정보 프로그램을 통해 표출되는 3D 레이어는 환경부가 추진하는 DT(Digital Twin) 연계 인공지능(AI) 홍수예보 사업과의 연계 시 도심지 홍수 지도 구축을 위한 자료로 활용될 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.

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  • Chang-Yeon Cho;Soon-Wook Kwon;Tae-Hong Shin;Sang-Yoon Chin;Yea-Sang Kim;Joo-Hyung Lee
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2009.05a
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    • pp.242-249
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    • 2009
  • High-rise construction sites, especially those situated in spatially constrained urban areas, have difficulties in timely delivery of materials. Modern techniques such as Just-in-time delivery, and use of information technology such as Project Management Information System (PMIS), are targeted to improve the efficiency of the logistics. Such IT-driven management techniques can be further benefited from state-of-the-art devices such as Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags and Ubiquitous Sensor Networks (USN), which has resulted in notable achievements in automated logistics management at the construction sites. Based on those achievements, this research develops USN hardware toolkits for construction lifts, which aims to be automated the vertical material delivery by sensing the material information and routing it automatically to the right place. The gathered information from the sensors can also be used for monitoring the overall status. The developed system will be tested in the actual high-rise construction sites to assess the system's feasibility. The proposed system is being implemented using Zigbee communication modules and RFID sensor networks which will communicate with the intelligent palette system (previously developed by the authors). To support the system, a lift-mountable intelligent toolkit is under development. Its feasibility test will be conducted by applying the implemented system to a test bed and then analyzing efficiency of the system and the toolkit. The collected test data will be provided as a basis of autonomous vertical transport equipment development. From this research, efficient management of the material lift is expected with increased accuracy, as well as better management of overall construction schedule benefited from the system. Further research will be expected to develop a smart construction lift, which will eliminate the need for human supervision, thus enabling a real 'autonomous' operation of the system.

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Urban Gutter Reservoir Operating System Model Using Sensors (센서를 활용한 도심지 측구 저류조 운영 시스템 모델)

  • Lee, Woon Sung;Yuk, Youn Soo
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2022.05a
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    • pp.399-399
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    • 2022
  • 최근 국지성 호우 등 홍수방어 시설의 설계빈도를 초과하는 강우 발생으로 홍수피해가 증가하고 있다. 그 중 도시지역의 내수침수 피해는 전체 피해액의 50%를 넘는다. 그러나 우수관거의 노후화 및 통수능 부족으로 우수의 즉각적인 배출이 이루어지지 않아 침수피해가 증가하고 있다. 침수피해의 주요 원인 중 저지대 지역 및 우수관거의 통수능력 부족이 침수피해의 가장 큰 원인을 차지한다. 따라서 도심지의 경우 내수침수로 인한 피해가 증가하고 있는 점을 감안하면 배수관거와 연계한 저류시스템 구축으로 침수 빈발 지역의 치수 능력 향상을 통하여 경제적 피해를 저감시킬 수 있다. 저류시스템은 현장 노면수 저류를 위한 측구 저류조와 저류조 운영 시스템을 의미하며, 저류조 운영 시스템 모델에 대한 연구를 수행하였다. 측구 저류조 운영 시스템 구축을 위해서 현장 센싱(Sensing)데이터와 연계할 수 있는 정보체계 및 운영 시스템 모델이 필요하다. 이에 센서를 활용한 도심지 측구 저류조 운영 시스템 모델을 제시한다. 먼저 센서의 구성은 측구 저류조 내의 협소한 공간과 전원공급, 방진·방수 문제를 해결할 수 있도록 구성되어야 하며, 무전원 근거리 이동통신기술(RFID)을 적용하여 측구 저류조 운영 시스템 수집서버와 통신하여 센싱 데이터를 저장한다. 데이터는 근거리 RFID 리더기가 측구 저류조로부터 센싱 정보를 수신하여 통신모듈에 수신한 저류조 개폐도어 열림과 닫힘 시그널(signal), RFID의 고유 ID 등을 전달 받아 운영 시스템 내의 RFID 이력 DB(Database)에 기록한다. 기록된 정보는 각각 RFID 일련번호, 기록 시간, 동적센서 시그널 값 등이 저장되어 각각의 측구 저류조의 상태를 확인할 수 있어야 한다. 저류량 산정을 위해서 GIS기반의 하수도 시설물 속성 데이터를 포함하는 운영 시스템을 구성해야 한다. 운영 시스템은 수집된 센서정보를 시계열 단위로 분석하고 위치정보 기준으로 측구 저류조 내의 총 저류량 산출에 필요한 기초정보를 제공하며 결과를 표출한다. 따라서 하수도 시설물의 속성정보를 포함하여 측구 저류조 및 센서의 속성정보 정의가 필요하며, 공간정보 파일(Shape File)을 적용하여 GIS 운영 시스템을 구축하여야 한다. 운영 시스템은 저류조 만관상태와 총 저류량을 산출하여 침수위험 알림을 제공할 수 있으며, 예상 강우에 따른 도심지 피해를 역으로 예측하여 강우사상 빈도에 따른 측구 저류조 체적을 결정할 수 있다.

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Integration of top-down and bottom-up approaches for a complementary high spatial resolution satellite rainfall product in South Korea

  • Nguyen, Hoang Hai;Han, Byungjoo;Oh, Yeontaek;Jung, Woosung;Shin, Daeyun
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2022.05a
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    • pp.153-153
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    • 2022
  • Large-scale and accurate observations at fine spatial resolution through a means of remote sensing offer an effective tool for capturing rainfall variability over the traditional rain gauges and weather radars. Although satellite rainfall products (SRPs) derived using two major estimation approaches were evaluated worldwide, their practical applications suffered from limitations. In particular, the traditional top-down SRPs (e.g., IMERG), which are based on direct estimation of rain rate from microwave satellite observations, are mainly restricted with their coarse spatial resolution, while applications of the bottom-up approach, which allows backward estimation of rainfall from soil moisture signals, to novel high spatial resolution soil moisture satellite sensors over South Korea are not introduced. Thus, this study aims to evaluate the performances of a state-of-the-art bottom-up SRP (the self-calibrated SM2RAIN model) applied to the C-band SAR Sentinel-1, a statistically downscaled version of the conventional top-down IMERG SRP, and their integration for a targeted high spatial resolution of 0.01° (~ 1-km) over central South Korea, where the differences in climate zones (coastal region vs. mainland region) and vegetation covers (croplands vs. mixed forests) are highlighted. The results indicated that each single SRP can provide plus points in distinct climatic and vegetated conditions, while their drawbacks have existed. Superior performance was obtained by merging these individual SRPs, providing preliminary results on a complementary high spatial resolution SRP over central South Korea. This study results shed light on the further development of integration framework and a complementary high spatial resolution rainfall product from multi-satellite sensors as well as multi-observing systems (integrated gauge-radar-satellite) extending for entire South Korea, toward the demands for urban hydrology and microscale agriculture.

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A Study on Classification of Halophytes-based Blue Carbon Cover and Estimation of Carbon Respiration Using Satellite Imagery - Targeting the Gwangseok-gil Area in Muan-gun, Jeollanam-do - (위성영상을 이용한 연안지역 염생식물 중심 블루카본 피복 분류 및 탄소호흡량 산정 연구 - 전남 무안군 광석길 일대를 대상으로 -)

  • Park, Jae-Chan;Nam, Jinvo;Kim, Jae-Uk
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2024
  • This study aims to estimate the cover classification and carbon respiration of halophytes based on the issues of utilising blue carbon in recent context of climate change. To address the aims, the study classified halophytes(Triglochin maritimum L and Phragmites australis), Intertidal(non-vegetated tidal flats) and Supratidal(sandy tidal flats) to measure carbon respiration and classify cover. The results are revealed that first, the carbon respiration in vegetated areas was less than that in non-vegetated areas. Second, the cover classification could be divided into halophyte communities(Triglochin maritimum L, Phragmites australis), Intertidal and Supratidal by NDWI(Moisture Index, Normalized Difference Water Index) Third, the total carbon respiration of blue carbon was calculated to be -0.0121 Ton km2 hr-1 with halophyte communities at -0.0011 Ton km2 hr-1, Intertidal respiration at -0.0113 Ton km2 hr-1 and Supratidal respiration at 0.0003 Ton km2 hr-1. As this challenge is a fundamental study that calculates the quantitative net carbon storage based on the blue carbon-based marine ecosystem, contributing to firstly, measuring the carbon respiration of cordgrass communities, reed communities, and non-vegetated tidal flats, which are potential blue carbon candidates in the study area, to establish representative values for carbon respiration, secondly, verifying the reliability of cover classification of native halophytes extracted through image classification technology, and thirdly, challenging to create a thematic map of carbon respiration, calculating the area and carbon respiration for each classification category.