• Title/Summary/Keyword: Unani system of Medicine

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Cuttlefish bone/ sepia officinalis (kafe dariya): recovery of long forgotten Unani drug

  • Ansari, Shabnam
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.7.1-7.4
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    • 2019
  • A cuttlefish bone is not a bone, but the internal shell of the Cuttlefish/ sepia officinalis, a small, squid-like cephalopod of phylum molusca, an animals of the order Sepiida. Cuttlefish bone comprises up to 90 percent of its content of calcium carbonate with the abundance of different bioinorganic elements such as magnesium, strontium, iron, even trace amounts of copper, zinc, aragonite and ${\beta}$-chitin which makes it extremely valuable and worthwhile to be used for biomedical research. Unani system of medicine has been using cuttlefish bone under the name of 'kafe dariya' for the treatment various disorders and ailments since centuries. Unani scholars were well aware of the valuable medical and cosmetologically aspect of cuttlefish bone. However, the drug has been forgotten for its beneficial effect and went deep away from the scientific researches. The purpose of the present review is to highlight and revive the data on cuttlefish and cuttlefish bone for its morphology, composition, types, pharmacological actions, temperament, therapeutic dosage, contraindications, correctives, alternatives and therapeutic uses with special reference of Unani medicine to attain its the beneficial features in biomedical sciences.

Melissa parviflora Benth. A Review on its Ethnobotany, Phytochemistry and Pharmacological profile

  • Khan, Afshan;Siddiqui, Aisha;Jamal, Anwar
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.3.1-3.6
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    • 2019
  • Melissa parviflora Benth. is an aromatic perennial herb of Lamiaceae family. It is one of the most influencial plant and used from centuries in Unani system of medicine for the treatment of various malady such as Epilepsy (mirgi), hemiplegia (falij), migraine (shaqeeqa), insomnia (sehar), indigestion (sue hazm) and palpitation (khafqaan) etc. The Persian physician Avicenna endorsed it for heart problems. It has antitubercular, antipyretic, analgesic and stomachic properties, also used to remove bad breath from mouth, strengthen the gums but its main action is as a tranquillizer and nervine relaxant, it is greatly esteemed for its calming properties. Preliminary performed phytochemical analysis revealed that tannin, flavonoid and saponins are the major components of the plant extract. The plants containing saponins or flavonoids exhibit anticonvulsant activity whereas the flavonoids show various biological activities including antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and cytotoxic-antitumor etc. Keeping in view the tremendous medicinal importance of the plant Badranjboya in Unani Medicine, this review provides updated information on its phytochemistry, therapeutic uses and pharmacological properties.

Photostability evaluation of Jawarishe Jalinoos

  • Shahnawaz, Shahnawaz;Rahman, Khaleequr;Sultana, Arshiya;Sultana, Shabiya
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.18.1-18.8
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    • 2021
  • Jawarishe Jalinoos (JJ) is an orally used formulation available in semisolid dosage form, prepared with powdered plant materials mixed in honey or sugar syrup. It has many admirable pharmacological effects and used in Unani medicine to treat various acute and chronic disorders since ancient times. The ICH Harmonised Tripartite Guideline stated that photostability testing should be an essential part of stability testing to confirm that light exposure does not result in an unacceptable change in drugs substance and finished products. To date, the effect of light on JJ is not studied, in this study photostability evaluation of JJ was carried out. The test sample was manufactured with genuine ingredients in the in-door pharmacy of the National Institute of Unani Medicine. JJ was packed in two transparent polyethylene terephthalate airtight containers. The first sample was analysed at zero-day and the second sample was placed in a stability chamber subjected to light challenge with an overall illumination of 1.2 million lux hours combined with near ultraviolet energy of 200-watt hours per square meter by using option 2, along with 30±2℃ temperature and relative humidity 70±5%. Analysis of both finished products showed no considerable changes in organoleptic characters. Less than 5% variation was observed in physicochemical parameters. HPTLC fingerprinting showed justifiable variation. Microbial load and specific counts were within the limit prescribed by WHO. As no unacceptable changes were noted in JJ subjecting to light challenge, it is concluded that JJ is a photostable Unani compound formulation.

Prevalence of ischemic heart disease with respect to lifestyle changes in diagnostic patients of CAD

  • Shaik, Mohammad akram;Ahmad, Mohd hameed;Parray, Shabir ahmad;Zohaib, Sharique
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.19.1-19.5
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    • 2018
  • A majority of the peoples in Indian cities depend on high fat diet, smoking, ghutka chewing and improper sleep, these all are lifestyle changes, can cause ischemic heart disease. Globally, ischemic heart disease (IHD) is the leading killer. Unani System of medicine not only provides well-based medical cures for diseases, but its holistic approaches as it possess unique principles of diet, lifestyle and particularly therapeutics, to balance and enrich all aspects of physiology and psyche. All diseases are the result of poor management of the six governing (or essential) factors, beyond the ability of physics or Tabiat to maintain and restore homeostasis. In this context, lifestyle diseases can be prevented by conscious changes to the person's diet, behavior and environment. The holistic approach of Unani medicine is well placed to cover the two main pillars of lifestyle diseases, namely, prevention and treatment. In this paper, we report on the prevalence of CAD in patients with known diagnosis of CAD and try to find out its relationship with different lifestyle changes.


  • Ara, Shabnam Anjum;Viquar, Uzma;Zakir, Mohammed;Husain, Gulam Mohammed;Naikodi, Mohammed Abdul Rasheed;Urooj, Mohd;Kazmi, Munawwar Husain
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.13.1-13.9
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    • 2021
  • Background and Objective: Nux-vomica based traditional Unani formulation, Habb-e-Azaraqi (HAZ) is an important drug used by Unani physicians since several decades. It possesses Muqawwi-i-A'sab (nervine tonic), Muharrik-i-A'sab (nervine stimulant) properties and is an effective treatment option for diseases like Laqwa (facial palsy), Falij (paralysis), Niqris (gout) and Waja'al-Mafasil (arthritis) etc. The aim of the study is to access and provide information of HAZ for its TLC, HPTLC Fingerprinting defining its clear qualitative perspective and acute oral toxicity evaluation for its safety assessment which was not done earlier, thus contributing in the field of research. Materials and Methods: The chief ingredient, nux-vomica was detoxified as per method mentioned in Unani Pharmacopeia before its use in formulation. TLC and HPTLC was developed under four detection system i.e., UV 366nm, UV 254nm, exposure to iodine vapours and after derivatization with anisaldehyde sulphuric acid. Acute toxicity studies were performed as per OECD Guidelines 425 at a limit dose of 2000 mg/kg. Observations were done for signs of toxicity, body weight, and feed consumption at regular intervals followed by haematological and biochemistry evaluation. Results: The generated data proved the authenticity and established the TLC and HPTLC profile of the formulation. Acute toxicity revealed no significant differences in HAZ-treated animals with respect to body weight gain, feed consumption, haematology, clinical biochemistry evaluation. No significant gross pathological observation was noticed in necropsy. Conclusion: Data of the present study is substantial and scientific proof of HAZ in terms of standardization and toxicity study that can be utilize in future research activities.


  • Qaiyyum, Ifra Abdul;Nergis, Afiya
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.7.1-7.8
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    • 2022
  • The Unani System of Medicine (USM) is one of the traditional systems of medicine that deals with plants. Plants are large source of medicine. JIRJEER (Eruca sativa) is one of the plant origin drugs, has been used for various therapeutic purposes in USM. It contains Erucic acid (major contain), oleic acid, linoleic acid, saturated Fatty acids, Flavonoids, Phenolics, Glucosinolate, Vitamin C and Carotenoids. These active constituents are responsible for their actions described in Unani classical literature such as Muqqawwi-e-bah (Aphrodisiac), Muwallid-e-mani (Spermatomatogenic), Daf-e-sumoom (Antidote), Kasir-e-riyah (Carminative), Jaali (Cleanser/Detergent), Mudirr-e-bawl (Diuretic) wo Mudirr-e-hayd (Emmenogoggue), Muhammir (Rubefacient), Hazim (Digestive), Mulaiyan (Laxative), Muzliq-e-mani (Lubricant), Muddir-e-shir (Galactopoietic), Mufattih-e-Sudad (Deobstruent), Musakhin (Analgesic), Mulattif (Demulcent), Mufattit-i-hasah (Lithotriptic) and whole plant is considered as aphrodisiac. This is a review paper which discusses morphology, pharmacological action, ethno-medicinal and therapeutic uses of this medicinal plant in perspective of Unani medicine. This review has been done through online searches of databases such as PubMed, Google Scholar, Embase, science direct and hand search for classical textbook available in different libraries. It concluded that JIRJEER (Eruca sativa) is one of the best herbal medicines in treatment of Antiulcer, Antibacterial, Fertility, Hepato-protective, Hyperlipidemic, Antioxidant, Antihypertensive, Anti-inflammatory and Anti-edema, Nephro-protective, Antidiabetic, Antifungal and Anticancer properties.

Management of Greying of Hairs (Sheeb) and Use of Hair Dyes (Khizaab) in Unani Medicine

  • Rani, Seema
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.7.1-7.12
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    • 2018
  • Greying of hairs or Canities (Sheeb) is a hair disorder characterized by premature graying of scalp hair, beard, moustache etc. In Unani system of medicine (USM), the causes of premature greying of hairs, concept behind graying of hairs, principles of treatment, preparations that prevent premature greying of hairs, regimen, systemic and local treatment to stimulate pigmentation and the most interesting point is the use of different type of hair dyes (khizabat) is all illustrated. Classical texts described black, red, blond and white hair dye preparations with formulae and method of use. Initially for the hair graying management, utilizing simple and complex substances from plants, minerals, metals and mixture of these was the main method, which satisfied the desire to change the colour of the hair. With the advancement in chemical science, dyes formulaes, method of formation and application are changed. But due to the awareness about demerits of chemical dyes, people are looking back towards the natural ways to combat hair greying and herbal hair dye is an alternative. This paper is an overview of Unani drugs of local and internal use for hair greying with special attention towards herbal dyes. Most commonly used herbs in khizaab with their actions and constituents has been summarized. This is an effort to globalize the benefits of Unani herbs in hair greying problem. In short, International demand for hair dyes has been steadily growing and there is a wide scope for exploring different aspects of hair greying treatment and dyes in USM.

Ethno-pharmacology of Sahdevi (Vernonia cinerea Less.) - An important but lesser known drug of Unani System of Medicine

  • Zakir, Mohammad;Khanam, Safiya;Kazmi, Munawwar Husain
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.26.1-26.7
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    • 2020
  • Sahdevi is an Indian herb commonly found in all part of the country in rainy season. It is adopted by Arabs due to its easy availability and various important pharmacological actions and uses. It is known by different vernaculars in different parts of the country such as Mahabala in Marathi, Sadodi in Gujrati, Kukseem in Bengali and in English it is called ash-colour fleabane or purple fleabane. The herb contains β-amyrin, lupeol, β-sitosterol, stigmasterol, α-spinasterol, phenolic resin and potassium chloride etc. It contains Dafi'-i Hummiyat (antipyretic) Muqawwi-i Badan (general tonic) and Musaffī-i-Dam (blood purifier) actions and used for management of many disease conditions. It has been used for the management of chronic fevers like fever associated with tuberculosis. It is a priceless herb with important pharmacological action and can be used effectively in place of costly drugs.

Santalum album Linn wood and its oil: An aromatic Unani traditional medicine with versatile pharmacological activities

  • Sultana, Arshiya;Rahman, Khaleequr
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.14.1-14.6
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    • 2018
  • Santalum album Linn. [Family: Santalaceae] is commonly known as white sandalwood, sandal safaid and safed chandan. It is one of the most valuable trees and second costliest wood in the world. Sandalwood and its oil is extensively used in the Unani and other traditional systems of medicine as it has blood purifier, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, exhilarant, cardiotonic, antiseptic, nervine tonic and expectorant properties. It is used in skin, cardiac, liver, gastrointestinal, respiratory, integument and urogenital disorders. These uses are supported and proven by many in vitro or in vivo studies. The proven pharmacological activities of S. album are antimicrobial, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimutagenic and anti-fatigue. The research has proven that sandal oil or its constituents have anti-microbial activity. Sandalwood oil showed skin cancer preventive effect in mice and its constituent alpha santalol showed the anticancer property. The methanolic extract of wood was confirmed for antioxidant, free radical scavenging, analgesic and anti-inflammatory activities. ${\alpha}$ and ${\beta}$ santalols present in sandal oil showed sedative effects. Sandalwood tea had a significant effect on heart muscles of frog and showed increased myocardial contractility. Its oil showed significant changes in hepatic xenobiotic metabolizing enzymes. Sandalwood oil and its major constituents showed less acute oral and dermal toxicity in laboratory animals. Hence, the aforementioned studies justify the uses of sandalwood and its oil mentioned in the classical Unani literature. However, further clinical trials are suggested to confirm its efficacy and safety in humans.


  • Khan, Khalid Ali;Khan, Rashid Ali;Zakir, Mohammad
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.19.1-19.6
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    • 2020
  • The kidneys are exposed to toxicants and waste product and can be affected easily by these toxicants and by products of the metabolism. The consumption of adequate water is necessary to remove waste and to keep kidney healthy. Deficiency of liquid in the blood leads to various adverse effects on the kidney. The most common adverse deficiency of liquid in blood is deposition of solid matter in the kidney and subsequently formation of kidney stone. Nephrolithiasis (kidney stone) can be treated by drugs if it is small in size but if it blocks the route due to its big size then surgery is the only way to remove it. The recurrence rate of the problem is very high and it may reappear within 10 years. In Unani literature Hasāh wa Raml al-Kulya (nephrolithiasis) is described in detail. As per Unani literature stagnation of Ghalīz mādda (filthy and viscous matter) in the kidney is the main cause of the formation of kidney stone. Various single and compound formulations drugs are described for the management of kidney stone which are very effective as well as safe. Management is divided into two parts i.e. symptomatic treatment to relieve pain and to methods adopted to remove stone from the kidney. Musakkin-i-Waja'(analgesic) drugs are used for pain while Mufattit-i-Hasāh (lithotriptic) and Mudirr-i-Bawl (Diuretic) drugs are used to remove stone. Majoon Aqrab, Qurs Kaknaj and Dawa-e-Gurda etc. are compound drugs mentioned in literature for removal of kidney stone. Single drugs like Alu Balu, Tukhm Khayar, and Kharkhask etc. are also used for same purpose.