• 제목/요약/키워드: Transport Management

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A Study on the Actual Condition and Reduction Plan of Traffic Accidents for the Elderly (노인교통사고 실태 및 감소방안에 관한 연구)

  • Sung, Su-Young;Kim, Sang-Woon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.437-447
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    • 2020
  • Following the extension of human life expectancy, the number of elderly traffic accidents that have been increasing at a rapid pace since 2018 has also emerged as a social problem. The traffic accident rate among those aged 65 and older is increasing, but traffic safety policies are insufficient. Based on the analysis of traffic accident status for senior citizens and traffic accident for the past five years from 2014, the reduction plan is to be presented in three main aspects. First, the system needs systematic management by strengthening the system of senior citizens' transport policy departments and driver's license for senior citizens in government agencies, such as the United States, Britain and Japan, from an institutional perspective, so that the walking time and crosswalk traffic environment for the vulnerable should be improved from an environmental perspective. In addition, in human terms, the ability to cope with real-time changes in traffic conditions should be enhanced by training transportation safety experts to secure the effectiveness of education for elderly drivers and by strengthening safety education for those with driver's license and expanding experienced traffic safety facilities to enhance the ability of senior citizens to cope with the changing traffic conditions in real time.

The Method to Converge of Public Transportation Information in Domestic and Foreign (국내외 대중교통정보 융합·연계방안)

  • Sohn, Woo-Yong;An, Tae-Ki;Lee, Won-Goo
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.41-48
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    • 2017
  • The TAGO and TOPIS systems have limitations in providing not only information collection problems but also customized information that meets the requirements of users in providing information. In addition, there is a lack of integrated link information for various means. In addition, there is a limitation in using public transportation because all the users can not conveniently use public transportation because of lack of user - customized information and traffic - related information. In this paper, in this paper, we analyze the current status of domestic and international public transport information systems and services, Through this, we expect to be able to provide customized information tailored to the requirements of users by providing integrated linking information for various means.

Study on Fatality Risk of Older Driver and Traffic Accident Cost (고령운전자 연령구간별 사망사고 발생위험도와 사고비용 분석 연구)

  • Choi, Jaesung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.111-118
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    • 2018
  • Korea is facing a surge in the aging population, showing that population aged 65 and above will be accounted for 42.5% of the total population in 2065 with the emphasis on the over-80 population consisting of 19.2%. In response to this abrupt change in population structure, the number of traffic fatality accident referring to older driver as aged 65+ years had been increasing from 605 fatalities in 2011 to 815 fatalities in 2015 resulting in increases in 34.7% in oppose to happening to decreases in 17.2% about non-older driver. With Logit analysis based on Newton-Raphson algorithm utilizing older driver's traffic fatality data for the 2011-2015 years, it was found that the likelihood of an accident resulting in a fatality for super older driver aged 80 years and above considerably increased compared to other older driver with aging classification: 2.24 times for violation of traffic lane, 2.04 times for violation of U-turn, 1.48 times for violation of safety distance, 1.35 times for violation of obstacle of passing; also average annual increase of traffic accident cost related to super older driver was fairly increased rather than other older driver groups. Hence, this study proposes that improving and amending transport safety system and Road Traffic Act for super older driver needs to be urgently in action about license management, safe driving education, etc. when considering the increase of over-80 population in the near future. Also, implementing a social agreement with all ages and social groups to apply with advanced driver assistance system for older driver groups will be able to become a critical factor to enhance safe driving over the face of the country.

Realization of Unified Protocol of Multi-functional Controller for Transfer of Vehicle Information on the Roads (차량 검지정보 전송을 위한 다기능 제어기 통합 프로토콜 구현)

  • Ahn, Seung-Yong;Lim, Sung-Kyu;Lee, Seung-Yo
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.61 no.12
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    • pp.1857-1863
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    • 2012
  • The VDS(Vehicle Detection System) collects and transfers information about traffic situations in real time, therefore it makes the traffic management effective. Recently, the VDSs have provided good stability and accuracy in regard to system reliability and functions but they also have showed problems such as raising costs and consuming times when a new system is installed and/or the environmental requirements for the system are set up. The reason of the problems is that up to now the collection of the data and information about the traffic situations has been achieved by the 1:1 information exchange between the traffic control surveillance center and the each traffic field, between equipments and centers, and among data processing equipments and also centers. The communication systems used in the VDS are generally composed of 1 : 1 connection of the lines because the communication protocols are different in the most of the cases mentioned above. Consequently, this makes the number of communication lines become larger and causes the cost for the whole traffic information systems to increase. In this paper, a development of a controller to unify the communication protocols for the VDS is peformed to solve the problems which were mentioned above. Specially, the controller developed in this paper was applied to a radar vehicle detector and tested to show its usefulness. In addition to that, the developed controller was also designed to include functions to transfer the information about weather conditions on the roads.

Evaluation Model for the Stability of the Diagnostic Information System Incorporating the Quantitative Evaluation (정량적 평가를 도입한 정보시스템 안정성 진단 평가 모델)

  • Im, Hyeong-Do;Park, Dea-woo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2016.05a
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    • pp.313-316
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    • 2016
  • Highly probable cause of the current turmoil critical national infrastructure and private enterprise information systems failures or national event of an accident, it is inevitable huge hit in corporate business as well as a significant impact on the national benefit. This is a trend subject to the stability of the national management information system has a significant impact on people and society, such as banking, telecommunications, transport and energy, which can be extended into a private institution. However, public and private ICT business through the development of Information system Audit or CMMI(Capability Maturity Model Integration) certification check the quality of the target system, but quality check on the reliability of the information system operations after construction is either not promoting met for some safety test results a situation that does not enabled by insufficient. By preventing the disorder or an accident of this study, the diagnostic reliability information systems through inspection and evaluation system development of information systems being established, and to minimize service confusion and study ways to ensure customer - oriented service.

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A Study on Optimal Horizontal Alignment Design for PRT Vehicle (PRT 주행선로 최적평면선형 설계에 관한 연구)

  • Um, Ju-Hwan;Kim, Baek-Hyun;Jeong, Rag-Gyo;Kang, Seok-Won;Byun, Yeun-Sub
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.12 no.10
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    • pp.283-289
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    • 2014
  • Personal rapid transit(PRT) systems have been highlighted in future transportation developments as a result of their potential as sustainable and eco-friendly transport solutions that provide demand-responsive mobility services. One of the most important characteristics of the personal rapid transit system(PRT) is that it can be constructed and operated at a low cost. A fundamental study on the alignment of the PRT guideway considering running stability was conducted in the present study. In addition, a parameter analysis of the major alignment design variables such as curve radius, transition curve length and cant was performed by vehicle dynamic analysis and optimum guideway alignments were proposed. The analysis results suggested that the theoretical values were satisfied and also confirmed the possibility of reducing the standard.

Standardization Plans for Consolidated Implementation of ITS Technology (ITS 기술의 통합적 구축을 위한 표준화 방안 연구)

  • Park, Yong-Seo;Lee, Jae-Kyoung;Lee, Jin-Ho;Kang, Byeong-Gwon
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.11 no.7
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    • pp.149-155
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    • 2013
  • Recently, automobile traffic systems are evolving toward Intelligent Traffic Systems(ITS) with smart sensor technology and collaboration between traffic systems and external ones. On the contrary, Korean ITS services have little improvement comparing with other communication services. The main causes of this phenomenon are due to already allocation of ITS recommended frequency band to broadcasting services, and also dedication of DSRC frequency band over ISM band resulting in interferences. This paper provides the analysis of current Korean ITS technology status, and two suggestions to activate the ITS industry. First, need to fix the ITS standard combining WAVE and DSRC specifications soon. Second, ITS frequency allocation to complete its standard implementation in near time frame.

Suggestion of Model Change Work Improvement by REBA and Therblig

  • Lee, Sung-Koon;Park, Peom
    • Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.757-764
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    • 2011
  • Objective: The aim of this study was to provide a method to improve the compliance and reduce the time by reducing the workload during the model change work. Background: The enterprises are constructing the small quantity batch production system by increasing the number of model change and reducing model-changing. However, the compliance is low because the work is strenuous and high skills are needed, so the system management is facing with many difficulties. Method: After classifying the model change work according to the purposes(preparation, change and adjustment) with the target of mascara filling machine, element tasks time were measured and the motion analysis(therblig symbol) and REBA analysis were performed. The study incorporated 3 independent variables as the number of motion, REBA score and the element time. The dependent variable is the type of element work as preparation, change and adjustment. The statistical test was performed by one-way ANOVA(${\alpha}$ < 0.05). Results: For the preparation, the number of motions appeared in the order of Use(U), Transport Loaded(TL), and Position(P). The order appeared in change is Use(U), Release Load(RL), and Grasp (G). The adjustment appeared in the order of Position(P) and Use(U). The results of average motion time as the element work times divided by the number of motion appeared in the order of adjustment(1.85sec/motion), preparation(1.11sec/motion), and change(0.62sec/motion). The results of REBA showed that the average risk level of change and adjustment were medium, but 53.1% of change and 42.9% of adjustment were evaluated as high. Conclusion: Reducing the avoidance and improving the compliance of work could be expected if the job autonomy were improved by improving the working postures with high risk level. Application: It is expected to solve the problem of reducing the time of model change work in the small quantity batch production system. The future work is to carry out the improvement directions found in the results and compare the results after improvement.

The Impact of Airline's Retention Equity on Customer Positive·Behavior Intention (항공사 유지자산이 고객의 긍정적·배타적 행동의도에 미치는 영향)

  • In, Ok Nam;Kim, Seung Lee;Do, Sung
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.18 no.10
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    • pp.225-234
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to evaluate the impact of airline's retention equity on customer positive exclusive behavior intention and to minimize customer churn based maintenance is aimed to derive key variables in air transport market. A survey was conducted Incheon and Gimpo airport to use in the national carrier of domestic air travelers. A total of 480 respondents completed a survey. The result reveal that loyalty program, preferential treatment & acknowledgement program, and community program have significantly effect on positive behavior intention. However, preferential treatment & acknowledgement program, and community program have significantly effect on exclusive behavior intention. It showed that they are more influence than loyalty program as a switching barrier of airlines. The academic and practical implication of this study has been identified in the competitive market to maximize customer retention factors of maintaining retention equity to derive empirical strategic priorities.

Structure Analysis of Optical Internet Network and Optical Transmission Experiments Using UNI Signaling Protocol (광인터넷망 구조 분석과 UNI 시그널링 프로토콜을 이용한 광전송 실험)

  • Lee, Sang-Wha
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.18 no.10
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    • pp.47-54
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    • 2013
  • In this paper, the structural design of optical Internet is analyzed and by using UNI (User Network Interface) signaling protocol an optical transmission experiment was performed. The hierarchical structure of the basic optical Internet consists of the backbone network, the service network and the access network. The necessary functions for each layer were described as follows: Control structure of the optical transport layer, network operation and management structure, internetworking technology of sub networks, routing and signaling technology. By using UNI signaling protocol from OIF (Optical Internetworking Forum), the optical transmission in the proposed structure of the optical Internet network was experimented. By the traffic generation of LSP (Label Switched Path) data packets along the route-configuration was delivered to UNI. Finally, by showing the value of TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) packets the optical transmission was completely and successfully demonstrated.