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Analysis on the Relation between the Morphological Physical and Chemical Properties of Forest Soils and the Growth of the Pinus koraiensis Sieb. et Zucc. and Larix leptolepis Gord by Quantification (수량화(數量化)에 의(依)한 우리나라 삼림토양(森林土壤)의 형태학적(形態学的) 및 이화학적(理化学的) 성질(性質)과 잣나무 및 낙엽송(落葉松)의 생장(生長) 상관분석(相關分析))

  • Chung, In Koo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.53 no.1
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    • pp.1-26
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    • 1981
  • 1. Aiming at supply of basic informations on tree species siting and forest fertilization by understanding of soil properties that are demanded by each tree species through studies of forest soil's morphological, physical and chemical properties in relation to tree growth in our country, the necessary data have been collected in the last 10 years, are quantified according to quantification theory and are analyzed in sccordance with multi-variate analysis. 2. Test species, japanese larch (Larix leptolepis Gord) and the Korean white pine, (pinus koraiensis S et Z.) are plantable in extensive areas from mid to north in the temperate forest zone and are the two most recommended reforestation tree species in Korea. However, their respective site demands are little known and they have been in confusion or considered demanding the same site during reforestation. When the Korean white pine is planted in larch sites, it has shown relatively good growth, but, when Japanese larch is planted in Korean white pine site it can be hardly said that the Japanese Larch growth is good. To understand on such a difference soil factors have been studied so as to see how th soil's morphological, physical and chemical factors affect tree growth helped with the electronic computer. 3. All the stands examined are man-made mature forests. From 294 Japanese larch plots and 259 Korean white pine plots dominant trees are cut as samples and through stem analysis site index is determined. For each site index soil profiles are made in the related forest-land for analysis. Soil samples are taken from each profile horizon and forest-land productivity classification tables are worked out through physical and chemical analyses of the soil samples for each tree species for the study of relationships between physical, chemical and the combined physical/properties of soil and tree growth. 4. In the study of relationships between physical properties of soil and tree growth it is found out that Japanese larch growth is influenced by the following factors in the decreasing order of weight deposit form, soil depth, soil moisture, altitude, relief, soil type, depth a A-horizon, soil consistency, content of organic matter, soil texture, bed rock, gravel content, aspect and slope. For the Korean white pine the influencing factors' order is soil type, soil consistency, bed rock, aspect, depth of A-horizon, soil moisture, altitude, relief, deposit form, soil depth, soil texture, gravel content and slope. 5. In the study of relationships between chemical properties of soil and tree growth it is found out that Japanese larch growth is influenced by the following factors in the order of base saturation, organic matter, CaO, C/N ratio, effective P2O5, PH, exchangeable, K2O, T-N, MgO, CEC, Total Base and Na. For the Korean white pine the influencing factors' order is effective P2O5, Total Base, T-N, Na, C/N ratio, PH, CaO, base saturation, organic matter, exchangeable K2O, CEC and MgO. 6. In the study of relationships between the combined physical and chemical properties of soil and tree growth it is found out that Japanese larch growth is influenced by the following factors in the order of soil depth, deposit form, soil moisture, PH, relief, soil type altitude, T-N, soil consistency, effective P2O5, soil texture, depth of A-horizon, Total Base, exchangeable K2O and base saturation. For the Korean white pine the influencing factors' order is soil type, soil consistency, aspect, effective P2O5, depth of A-horizon, exchangeable K2O, soil moisture, Total Base, altitude, soil depth, base saturation, relief, T-N, C/N ratio and deposit form. 7. In the multiple correlation of forest soil's physical properties larch's correlation coefficient for Japanese Larch is 0.9272 and for Korean white pine, 0.8996. With chemical properties larch has 0.7474 and Korean white pine has 0.7365. So, the soil's physical properties are found out more closely related with tree growth than chemical properties. However, this seems due to inadequate expression of soil's chemical factors and it is proved that the chemical properities are not less important than the physical properties. In the multiple correlation of the combined physical and chemical properties consisting of important morphological and physical factors as well as chemical factors of forest soils larch's multiple correlation coefficient is found out to be 0.9434 and for Korean white pine it is 0.9103 leading to the highest correlation. 8. As shown in the partial correlation coefficients Japanese larch needs deeper soil depth than Korean white pine and in the deposit form of colluvial and creeping soils are demanded by the larch. Moderately moist to not moist should be soil moisture and PH should be from 5.5 to 6.1 for the larch. Demands of T-N, soil texture and soil nutrients are higher for the larch than the Korean white pine. Thus, soil depth, deposit form, relief, soil moisture, PH, N, altitude and soil texture are good indicators for species sitings with larch and the Korean white pine while soil type and soil consistency are indicative only limitedly of species sitings due to their wide variations as plantation environments. For the larch siting soil depth, deposit form, relief, soil moisture, pH, soil type, N and soil texture are indicators of good growth and for the Korean white pine they are soil type, soil consistency, effective P2O5 and exchangeable K2O. In soil nutrients larch has been found out demanding more than the Korean white pine except K2O, which is demanded more by the Korean white pine than Japanese larch generally. 9. Physical properties of soil has been known as affecting tree growth to the greatest extent so far. However, as a result of this study it is proved through computer analysis that chemical properties of soil are not less important factors for tree growth than chemical properties and site demands for the Japanese larch and the Korean white pine that have been uncertain so far could be clarified.

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Preliminary Report of the 19981999 Patterns of Care Study of Radiation Therapy for Esophageal Cancer in Korea (식도암 방사선 치료에 대한 Patterns of Care Study (19981999)의 예비적 결과 분석)

  • Hur, Won-Joo;Choi, Young-Min;Lee, Hyung-Sik;Kim, Jeung-Kee;Kim, Il-Han;Lee, Ho-Jun;Lee, Kyu-Chan;Kim, Jung-Soo;Chun, Mi-Son;Kim, Jin-Hee;Ahn, Yong-Chan;Kim, Sang-Gi;Kim, Bo-Kyung
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.79-92
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    • 2007
  • [ Purpose_ ]: For the first time, a nationwide survey in the Republic of Korea was conducted to determine the basic parameters for the treatment of esophageal cancer and to offer a solid cooperative system for the Korean Pattern of Care Study database. MaterialsandMethods_: During 19981999, biopsy-confirmed 246 esophageal cancer patients that received radiotherapy were enrolled from 23 different institutions in South Korea. Random sampling was based on power allocation method. Patient parameters and specific information regarding tumor characteristics and treatment methods were collected and registered through the web based PCS system. The data was analyzed by the use of the Chi-squared test. Results_: The median age of the collected patients was 62 years. The male to female ratio was about 91 to 9 with an absolute male predominance. The performance status ranged from ECOG 0 to 1 in 82.5% of the patients. Diagnostic procedures included an esophagogram (228 patients, 92.7%), endoscopy (226 patients, 91.9%), and a chest CT scan (238 patients, 96.7%). Squamous cell carcinoma was diagnosed in 96.3% of the patients; mid-thoracic esophageal cancer was most prevalent (110 patients, 44.7%) and 135 patients presented with clinical stage III disease. Fifty seven patients received radiotherapy alone and 37 patients received surgery with adjuvant postoperative radiotherapy. Half of the patients (123 patients) received chemotherapy together with RT and 70 patients (56.9%) received it as concurrent chemoradiotherapy. The most frequently used chemotherapeutic agent was a combination of cisplatin and 5-FU. Most patients received radiotherapy either with 6 MV (116 patients, 47.2%) or with 10 MV photons (87 patients, 35.4%). Radiotherapy was delivered through a conventional AP-PA field for 206 patients (83.7%) without using a CT plan and the median delivered dose was 3,600 cGy. The median total dose of postoperative radiotherapy was 5,040 cGy while for the non-operative patients the median total dose was 5,970 cGy. Thirty-four patients received intraluminal brachytherapy with high dose rate Iridium-192. Brachytherapy was delivered with a median dose of 300 cGy in each fraction and was typically delivered 34times. The most frequently encountered complication during the radiotherapy treatment was esophagitis in 155 patients (63.0%). Conclusion_: For the evaluation and treatment of esophageal cancer patients at radiation facilities in Korea, this study will provide guidelines and benchmark data for the solid cooperative systems of the Korean PCS. Although some differences were noted between institutions, there was no major difference in the treatment modalities and RT techniques.

A Study on Serum Lipid Levels in Elderly People in Wando Area - Based on Age, BMI, WHR - (완도지역 성인 및 노인의 혈청지질 수준에 관한 연구(I) - 연령, 신체 계측치를 중심으로 -)

  • Cha, Bok-Kyeong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.68-77
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    • 2006
  • This study was peformed to document the association between nutrient intakes, body mass index (BMI), waist/hip ratio (WHR), and a major risk factor for chronic diseases. A three-day dietary intake survey, using a 24 hour recall method, was obtained from 187 subjects aged 46 to 84 (mean age 65.3) living in Wando island area. The average daily mean energy intakes were 1869.0 kcal for male and 1943.9 kcal for female, respectively. Daily intakes of protein for male and female were 28.0 and 30.4 g, and those of fat were 31.5 and 28.51 g, respectively Carbohydrate dependency was decreased with age. Protein dependency was increased with age. The mean intakes of energy, protein, Vit. A, Vit. D, Vit. E, Ca, Zn did not meet Korean RDA for elderly. The level of serum triglyceride was higher in males than in females and showed the tendency to increase with age in both sexes, whereas HDL-cholesterol tended to decrease with age in both sexes. The levels of serum total-cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol were significantly higher in males than in females, particularly in the age of 46\~59 (p<0.05). The level of atherogenic index (AI) was significantly higher in females than in males, particularly in the age of 80 and over (p<0.05) Based on these results, it is evident that people in island area did not consume enough nutrient. Specially, dietary intake of protein was not adequate. This study implies that triglyceride, total-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, AI were increased with increasing age, BMI and WHR.

Contribution of Emotional Labor to Burnout and Work Engagement of School Foodservice Employees in Daegu and Gyeongbuk Province (대구·경북 일부지역 학교급식 조리종사자의 감정노동이 직무 소진 및 직무 열의에 미치는 영향)

  • Heo, Chang-Goo;Lee, Kyung-A
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.44 no.4
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    • pp.610-618
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze differences in emotional labor strategies, burnout, and work engagement according to general characteristics of school foodservice employees as well as verify differential effects of two emotional labor strategies on burnout and work engagement. Our survey was administered to 400 school foodservice employees in Gyeongbuk from March 3 to April 25, 2014. A total of 358 completed questionnaires were returned, and 350 questionnaires were used for final analysis. For verification of mean differences, the mean scores for surface acting, deep acting, burnout, and work engagement were shown to be 2.38/5.00, 3.46, 2.67, and 3.41, respectively. The mean surface acting was significantly different according to cooking certification (P<0.001), turnover number (P<0.001), salary (P<0.001), and school level (P<0.01). The mean deep acting was significantly different according to educational background (P<0.001), cooking certification (P<0.001), employment status (P<0.001), salary (P<0.001), school level (P<0.01), and meal service time (P<0.05). The mean burnout was significantly different according to educational background (P<0.01), cooking certification (P<0.05), employment status (P<0.001), school level (P<0.001), and meal service time (P<0.001). The mean work engagement was significantly different according to cooking certification (P<0.001), employment satus (P<0.001), salary (P<0.001), school level (P<0.01), and meal service time (P<0.05). Verification of causal models found that surface acting and deep acting increased burnout and deep acting, respectively (research model). Additionally, surface acting did not influence work engagement, and deep acting did not influence burnout (alternative models). In other words, we identified that emotional labor strategies have differential influences on burnout and work engagement. Finally, implications and limitations of this study are discussed.

Anthropometric Measurements and Biochemical Nutritional Status of the Older Residents (50 years and over) in Andong Area (2) (안동주변 농촌지역 50세 이상 주민의 신체계측치 및 생화학적 영양상태에 관한 연구 (2))

  • Lee, Hye-Sang;Kwun, In-Sook;Kwon, Chong-Suk
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.37 no.12
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    • pp.1599-1608
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    • 2008
  • This study aimed to assess the health status based on the anthropometric and biochemical measurements of middle-aged and elderly people living in Andong area. The subjects were 1,384 people (532 males, 852 females) aged 50 years and over (average 62.7 years). The mean anthropometric values for males and females were heights of 163.7 and 151.5 cm; weights 63.6 and 57.3 kg; body mass index (BMI) 23.6 and 24.9kg/m2; body fat 21.8 and 31.8%, respectively. Height and weight were lower, however, waist circumference (in female) and BMI were higher than those of the 2001 National Health and Nutrition Survey (NHNS). Obesity incidences of male and female subjects were 28.7% and 47.3% by BMI; 25.8% and 50.8% by % body fat; and 15.6% and 80.9% by waist circumference, respectively. Also, abdominal adiposity was very severe in female subjects of 50s. The mean biochemical measurements of male and female were as follows: systolic and diastolic blood pressure 136.9, 83.8 mmHg and 133.6, 82.5 mmHg; hemoglobin (Hb) 14.3 and 13.0 g/dL; hematocrit (Ht) 44.7 and 39.8%; blood albumin 4.15 and 4.04 g/dL; total-cholesterol 170.0 and 183.1 mg/dL; HDL-cholesterol 43.6 and 42.7 mg/dL; fasting blood glucose 96.7 and 93.0 mg/dL, respectively. Also, the prevalence of biochemically abnormal subjects according to each cut-off point of biochemical measurements were analyzed. The results for male and female were; hypertension 58.0% and 47.2%; iron deficient anemia 19.3% and 20.6% by Hb, 7.2% and 11.9% by Ht; hypoalbuminemia 9.8% and 11.7%; diabetes 12.0% and 10.2%; hypercholesterolemia 19.5% and 30.5%, respectively. From those results we found that hypoalbuminemia, hypertension and hypercholesterolemia were prevalent, and obesity in females of 50s, iron-deficient anemia and diabetes in males of 70 years and over were significant health problems in this area. Therefore, it seems to be necessary to examine their health status periodically and provide the appropriate health and nutrition education program, which includes low sodium intake, balanced diet, exercise and weight control, to prevent the occurrence of chronic diseases.

The Plan of Dose Reduction by Measuring and Evaluating Occupationally Exposed Dose in vivo Tests of Nuclear Medicine (핵의학 체내검사 업무 단계 별 피폭선량 측정 및 분석을 통한 피폭선량 감소 방안)

  • Kil, Sang-Hyeong;Lim, Yeong-Hyeon;Park, Kwang-Youl;Jo, Kyung-Nam;Kim, Jung-Hun;Oh, Ji-Eun;Lee, Sang-Hyup;Lee, Su-Jung;Jun, Ji-Tak;Jung, Eui-Ho
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.26-32
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: It is to find the way to minimize occupationally exposed dose for workers in vivo tests in each working stage within the range of the working environment which does not ruin the examination and the performance efficiency. Materials and Methods: The process of the nuclear tests in vivo using a radioactive isotope consists of radioisotope distribution, a radioisotope injection (99mTc, 18F-FDG), and scanning and guiding patients. Using a measuring instrument of RadEye-G10 gamma survey meter (Thermo SCIENTIFIC), the exposure doses in each working stage are measured and evaluated. Before the radioisotope injection the patients are explained about the examination and educated about matters that require attention. It is to reduce the meeting time with the patients. In addition, workers are also educated about the outside exposure and have to put on the protected devices. When the radioisotope is injected to the patients the exposure doses are measured due to whether they are in the protected devices or not. It is also measured due to whether there are the explanation about the examination and the education about matters that require attention or not. The total exposure dose is visualized into the graph in using Microsoft office excel 2007. The difference of this doses are analyzed by wilcoxon signed ranks test in using SPSS (statistical package for the social science) program 12.0. In this case of p<0.01, this study is reliable in the statistics. Results: It was reliable in the statistics that the exposure dose of injecting 99mTc-DPD 20 mCi in wearing the protected devices showed 88% smaller than the dose of injecting it without the protected devices. However, it was not reliable in the statistics that the exposure dose of injecting 18F-FDG 10 mCi with wearing protected devices had 26% decrease than without them. Training before injecting 99mTc-DPD 20 mCi to patient made the exposure dose drop to 63% comparing with training after the injection. The dose of training before injecting 18F-FDG 10 mCi had 52% less then the training after the injection. Both of them were reliable in the statistics. Conclusion: In the examination of using the radioisotope 99mTc, wearing the protected devices are more effective to reduce the exposure dose than without wearing them. In the case of using 18F-FDG, reducing meeting time with patients is more effective to drop the exposure dose. Therefore if we try to protect workers from radioactivity according to each radioisotope characteristic it could be more effective and active radiation shield from radioactivity.

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  • Kim, Hun-Soo;Shin, Hwa-Sik
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.56-64
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    • 1995
  • Family is a primary unit of the major socialization processing for children. Parents among the family members are one of the most important figures from whom the child and adolescent acquire a wide variety of behavior patterns, attitudes, values and norms. An organization of family members product family structural functioning. Abnormal family structure is one of the most important reference models in the learning of antisocial patterns of behavior. Therefore incest and child sexual abuse including spouse abuse, elderly abuse, and neglect occurs in the abnormal family structural setting. In particular, incest, a specific form of sexual abuse, was once thought to be a phenomenon of great rarity, but our clinical experiences, especially over the past decade, have made us aware that incest and child sexual abuse is not rare case and on the increasing trend. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the family problem and dynamics of incest family, and character pattern of post-incest adolescent victim in Korea. A total of 1,838 adolescents from middle and high school(1,237) and juvenile correctional institute(601) were studied, sampled from Korean student population and adolescent delinquent population confined in juvenile correctional institutes, using proportional stratified random sampling method. The subjects' ages ranged from 12 to 21 years. Data were collected through questionnaire survey. Data analysis was done by IBM PC of Behavior Science Center at the Korea university, using SAS program. Statistical methods employed were Chi-square, principal component analysis and t-test etc. The results of this study were as follows ; 1) Of 1,071 subjects, 40(3.7%) reported incest experiences(sibling incest : 1.6% ; another type of incest : 2.1%) in their family setting. 2) The character pattern of post-incest adolescent victim was more socially maladjusted, immature, impulsive, rigid, anxious and dependent than non-incest adolescent. Also they showed some problem in academic performance and their assertiveness. 3) The other family members of incest family revealed more psychological and behavioral problem such as depression, alcoholism, psychotic disorder and criminal act than the non-incest family, even though there is no evidence of the context between them. 4) The family dynamics of incest family tended to be dysfunctional trend, as compared with non-incest family. It showed that the psychological instability of family member, parental rejection toward their children, coldness and indifference among family member and marital discordance between the parents had significant correlation with incest.

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A Study on Market Expansion Strategy via Two-Stage Customer Pre-segmentation Based on Customer Innovativeness and Value Orientation (고객혁신성과 가치지향성 기반의 2단계 사전 고객세분화를 통한 시장 확산 전략)

  • Heo, Tae-Young;Yoo, Young-Sang;Kim, Young-Myoung
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.73-97
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    • 2007
  • R&D into future technologies should be conducted in conjunction with technological innovation strategies that are linked to corporate survival within a framework of information and knowledge-based competitiveness. As such, future technology strategies should be ensured through open R&D organizations. The development of future technologies should not be conducted simply on the basis of future forecasts, but should take into account customer needs in advance and reflect them in the development of the future technologies or services. This research aims to select as segmentation variables the customers' attitude towards accepting future telecommunication technologies and their value orientation in their everyday life, as these factors wilt have the greatest effect on the demand for future telecommunication services and thus segment the future telecom service market. Likewise, such research seeks to segment the market from the stage of technology R&D activities and employ the results to formulate technology development strategies. Based on the customer attitude towards accepting new technologies, two groups were induced, and a hierarchical customer segmentation model was provided to conduct secondary segmentation of the two groups on the basis of their respective customer value orientation. A survey was conducted in June 2006 on 800 consumers aged 15 to 69, residing in Seoul and five other major South Korean cities, through one-on-one interviews. The samples were divided into two sub-groups according to their level of acceptance of new technology; a sub-group demonstrating a high level of technology acceptance (39.4%) and another sub-group with a comparatively lower level of technology acceptance (60.6%). These two sub-groups were further divided each into 5 smaller sub-groups (10 total smaller sub-groups) through two rounds of segmentation. The ten sub-groups were then analyzed in their detailed characteristics, including general demographic characteristics, usage patterns in existing telecom services such as mobile service, broadband internet and wireless internet and the status of ownership of a computing or information device and the desire or intention to purchase one. Through these steps, we were able to statistically prove that each of these 10 sub-groups responded to telecom services as independent markets. We found that each segmented group responds as an independent individual market. Through correspondence analysis, the target segmentation groups were positioned in such a way as to facilitate the entry of future telecommunication services into the market, as well as their diffusion and transferability.

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Development and application of prediction model of hyperlipidemia using SVM and meta-learning algorithm (SVM과 meta-learning algorithm을 이용한 고지혈증 유병 예측모형 개발과 활용)

  • Lee, Seulki;Shin, Taeksoo
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.111-124
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    • 2018
  • This study aims to develop a classification model for predicting the occurrence of hyperlipidemia, one of the chronic diseases. Prior studies applying data mining techniques for predicting disease can be classified into a model design study for predicting cardiovascular disease and a study comparing disease prediction research results. In the case of foreign literatures, studies predicting cardiovascular disease were predominant in predicting disease using data mining techniques. Although domestic studies were not much different from those of foreign countries, studies focusing on hypertension and diabetes were mainly conducted. Since hypertension and diabetes as well as chronic diseases, hyperlipidemia, are also of high importance, this study selected hyperlipidemia as the disease to be analyzed. We also developed a model for predicting hyperlipidemia using SVM and meta learning algorithms, which are already known to have excellent predictive power. In order to achieve the purpose of this study, we used data set from Korea Health Panel 2012. The Korean Health Panel produces basic data on the level of health expenditure, health level and health behavior, and has conducted an annual survey since 2008. In this study, 1,088 patients with hyperlipidemia were randomly selected from the hospitalized, outpatient, emergency, and chronic disease data of the Korean Health Panel in 2012, and 1,088 nonpatients were also randomly extracted. A total of 2,176 people were selected for the study. Three methods were used to select input variables for predicting hyperlipidemia. First, stepwise method was performed using logistic regression. Among the 17 variables, the categorical variables(except for length of smoking) are expressed as dummy variables, which are assumed to be separate variables on the basis of the reference group, and these variables were analyzed. Six variables (age, BMI, education level, marital status, smoking status, gender) excluding income level and smoking period were selected based on significance level 0.1. Second, C4.5 as a decision tree algorithm is used. The significant input variables were age, smoking status, and education level. Finally, C4.5 as a decision tree algorithm is used. In SVM, the input variables selected by genetic algorithms consisted of 6 variables such as age, marital status, education level, economic activity, smoking period, and physical activity status, and the input variables selected by genetic algorithms in artificial neural network consist of 3 variables such as age, marital status, and education level. Based on the selected parameters, we compared SVM, meta learning algorithm and other prediction models for hyperlipidemia patients, and compared the classification performances using TP rate and precision. The main results of the analysis are as follows. First, the accuracy of the SVM was 88.4% and the accuracy of the artificial neural network was 86.7%. Second, the accuracy of classification models using the selected input variables through stepwise method was slightly higher than that of classification models using the whole variables. Third, the precision of artificial neural network was higher than that of SVM when only three variables as input variables were selected by decision trees. As a result of classification models based on the input variables selected through the genetic algorithm, classification accuracy of SVM was 88.5% and that of artificial neural network was 87.9%. Finally, this study indicated that stacking as the meta learning algorithm proposed in this study, has the best performance when it uses the predicted outputs of SVM and MLP as input variables of SVM, which is a meta classifier. The purpose of this study was to predict hyperlipidemia, one of the representative chronic diseases. To do this, we used SVM and meta-learning algorithms, which is known to have high accuracy. As a result, the accuracy of classification of hyperlipidemia in the stacking as a meta learner was higher than other meta-learning algorithms. However, the predictive performance of the meta-learning algorithm proposed in this study is the same as that of SVM with the best performance (88.6%) among the single models. The limitations of this study are as follows. First, various variable selection methods were tried, but most variables used in the study were categorical dummy variables. In the case with a large number of categorical variables, the results may be different if continuous variables are used because the model can be better suited to categorical variables such as decision trees than general models such as neural networks. Despite these limitations, this study has significance in predicting hyperlipidemia with hybrid models such as met learning algorithms which have not been studied previously. It can be said that the result of improving the model accuracy by applying various variable selection techniques is meaningful. In addition, it is expected that our proposed model will be effective for the prevention and management of hyperlipidemia.

Training, Working State and Ways of Improving Work of Sex Education Counselors in Health Centers (대구·경북지역 보건소 성교육 담당자의 훈련 및 업무현황과 개선방안)

  • Yeom, Seok-Hun;Kim, Chang-Yoon;Lee, Kyeong-Soo
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.159-175
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    • 2002
  • This present study was conducted to reduce problems by analyzing training and work of sex education counselors and to come up with ways of improving sex education counseling. A survey was performed in 57 subjects at health centers who finished training on sex education counseling in Taegu Metropolitan City and cities, kuns, and gus of Kyongsangbuk Province from December, 1999 to February, 2000 on general characteristics, items relating to the work of sex education, and ways of improving work. The results are as follows. Out of the sex education counselors, there were 55 females, taking 99% out of the total counselors, and the average age of these counselors was 42 years. There were 26 nurses, and their government grade was level 7 in 36 and level 6 in 14. The members who had finished sex education counseling at each public health center was 2.1 counselors at an average. Among those had finished sex education training, 30 was not in sex counseling. When analyzed the answers given by 27 sex counselors who were counseling at the time and the results are as follows. As for the amount of work, 15 answered to have too much work and 1 little; as for having pride on being a sex education counselor, 18 answered to felt pride and 7 so-so; as for materials for sex education and counseling, 25 answered to use videos, 23 books, 10 pictures, 8 beam projectors, and 7 slides. All of the subjects answered to have other responsibilities besides sex education and counseling, and the satisfaction felt on having other responsibilities was 6 satisfied, 12 average, and 2 dissatisfied. The proportion of work load in sex education counselors was other work besides sex education 76.2%, sex education at schools 7.6%. collecting sex education materials 5.7%, counseling of adolescents 4.9%. development of sex education materials 3.5%, and administrative work related to sex education 3.1%. The biggest problem of their work was over-load in 9 respondents, lack of sex education materials in 8, lack of training in 6, and shortage of professionals in 2. As for the answer on the ways of improving matters related to work of sex education counselors, the most frequent answer was that the organizations responsible for sex education needs to be more professional and systematic, followed by dividing the work load so that they could concentrate on developing education materials and sex education and counseling. Thus, the results of the present study indicated that in order to utilize human resources efficiently, the speciality of counselors needs to be considered when making personnel transfers among health centers, and continued activity as a sex education counselor needs to promoted by reducing other overloading tasks. And systematic re-training of the counselors needs to be done, and education manuals that are diverse and realistic to applicable to the children, who are to be the subjects of sex education, need to be developed and distributed.

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