• Title/Summary/Keyword: Total survey

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Determinants Affecting Organizational Open Source Software Switch and the Moderating Effects of Managers' Willingness to Secure SW Competitiveness (조직의 오픈소스 소프트웨어 전환에 영향을 미치는 요인과 관리자의 SW 경쟁력 확보의지의 조절효과)

  • Sanghyun Kim;Hyunsun Park
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.99-123
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    • 2019
  • The software industry is a high value-added industry in the knowledge information age, and its importance is growing as it not only plays a key role in knowledge creation and utilization, but also secures global competitiveness. Among various SW available in today's business environment, Open Source Software(OSS) is rapidly expanding its activity area by not only leading software development, but also integrating with new information technology. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to empirically examine and analyze the effect of factors on the switching behavior to OSS. To accomplish the study's purpose, we suggest the research model based on "Push-Pull-Mooring" framework. This study empirically examines the two categories of antecedents for switching behavior toward OSS. The survey was conducted to employees at various firms that already switched OSS. A total of 268 responses were collected and analyzed by using the structural equational modeling. The results of this study are as follows; first, continuous maintenance cost, vender dependency, functional indifference, and SW resource inefficiency are significantly related to switch to OSS. Second, network-oriented support, testability and strategic flexibility are significantly related to switch to OSS. Finally, the results show that willingness to secures SW competitiveness has a moderating effect on the relationships between push factors and pull factor with exception of improved knowledge, and switch to OSS. The results of this study will contribute to fields related to OSS both theoretically and practically.

Study on the Effect of Self-Disclosure Factor on Exposure Behavior of Social Network Service (자기노출 요인이 소셜 네트워크 서비스의 노출행동에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Do Soon Kwon;Seong Jun Kim;Jung Eun Kim;Hye In Jeong;Ki Seok Lee
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.209-233
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    • 2016
  • Internet companies that utilize social network have increased in number. The introduction of diverse social media services facilitated innovative changes in e-business. Social network service (SNS), which is a domain of social media, is a web-based service designed to strengthen human relations in the Internet and build new social relations. The remarkable growth of social network services and the profit generation and perception of this service are the new growth engines of this digital age. Given this development, many global IT companies views SNS as the most powerful form of social media. Thus, they invest efforts to develop business models using SNS.2) This study verifies the impact of privacy exposure in SNS as a result of privacy invasion. This study examines the purpose of using the SNS and user's awareness of the significance of personal information, which are key factors that affect self-disclosure of personal information. This study utilizes theory of reasoned action (TRA) to provide a theoretical platform that describes the specific behavior and emotional response of individuals. This study presents a research model that considers negative attitude (negatude). In this model, self-disclosure in SNS is considered a TRA. TRA is a subjective norm, a behavioral intention, and a key variable of exposure behavior. A survey was conducted on college students at Y university in Seoul to empirically verify the research model. The students have experiences in using SNS. A total of 198 samples were collected. Path analysis was applied to analyze the relations of factors. The results of path analysis show the statistically insignificant impact of privacy invasion on negatude, subjective norm, behavioral intention, and exposure behavior. The impact of unrecognized privacy invasion was also considered insignificant. The impacts of intention to use SNS on negatude, subjective norm, behavioral intention, and exposure behavior was significant. A significant impact was also found for the significance of personal information on subjective norm, behavioral intention, and exposure behavior, whereas the impact on negatude was insignificant. The impact of subjective norm on behavioral intention was significant. Lastly, the impact of behavioral intention on exposure behavior was insignificant. These findings are significant because the study examined the process of self-disclosure by integrating psychological and social factors based on theoretical discussion.

A Study on the Continuous Usage Intention Factors of O2O Service (O2O 서비스의 지속사용의도에 미치는 영향요인 연구)

  • Sung Yong Jung;Jin Soo Kim
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.1-23
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    • 2018
  • A smart phone has been widely spread around world and makes people enjoy online shopping in any time and any place. Recently it also changes the distribution environment. O2O (Online-to-Offline) service becomes new normal due to its convenience of ease shopping of product and services. O2O service market shows steady and steep growth, It is reported that, however, 80% of the businesses has been discontinued within the first year because of unstable business models, customer dissatisfaction and distrust of service. Therefore, it is very important research issue to find out influential factors promoting continuous usage intention of O2O service. Previous study shows that it only considers online characteristics and lack of analysis about offline characteristics and social impact factors. The purpose of this paper is to find out continuous usage intention factors of O2O services by literature review, case analysis, and empirical test. A comprehensive research model and related hypothesis are developed and tested by using a structural equation, Survey was carried out among users who have used O2O service including payment service for at least once. Finally 611 samples are selected out of total 813 surveys. The result shows that the model is theoretically proved and 12 out of 17 hypotheses are accepted. The contribution of this paper is that it provides a new theoretical research model about continuous usage intention factors as well as practical guidelines about promoting continuous usage and growth strategies of O2O service.

Effect of K University Dental Hygiene Department students' participation in overseas clinical practice on satisfaction with practice, major, and intention to work abroad (K 대학교 치위생학과 학생의 해외임상실습참여가 임상실습만족도, 전공만족도 및 해외취업의사에 미치는 영향)

  • Min-Sun Lee;Ma I Choi
    • Journal of Korean Dental Hygiene Science
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.151-160
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    • 2023
  • Background: This study analyzed the differences in practice satisfaction, major, and willingness to work abroad among dental hygiene department students at K University in Gangwon-do based on their participation in international practicums. Methods: A survey was conducted on a total of 215 students through convenience sampling of dental hygiene students, and the final 214 responses were analyzed. General characteristics were examined. Major satisfaction and grades were measured on a 5-point Likert scale. And satisfaction with practice, intention to participate in international practicums, and employment were investigated by papers. Descriptive statistical analysis was performed on general characteristics using SPSS software (version 26.0). Due to the convenience sample, nonparametric analysis was used to determine satisfaction with practice and major according to general characteristics using the Mann-whitney U and Kruskal-wallis test. An independent samples t-test was conducted to determine the difference between practice satisfaction and major satisfaction depending on participation in international practicums, and Fisher's exact test was conducted to determine practice satisfaction, willingness to participate in overseas internships, and employment. Results: Concerning future participation in international clinical practicums, 66.7% of students who had previously participated in overseas training expressed willingness to engage again. 40.9% of those who had not participated showed no intention of participating, and there was a significant difference (p<0.05). Additionally, 76.2% of the participants expressed interest in overseas employment, with this difference also being statistically significant (p<0.05). Conclusion: It was confirmed that students' satisfaction with practice and major increased through participation in international practicums, and that they had a positive intention to work abroad and participate in overseas internship programs in the future.

A Study on Perceived Government Support and Small and Medium-sized Ventures Performance: The Mediating Role of Entrepreneurial Persistence (중소벤처기업 정책지원의 인식이 성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구: 기업가 끈기의 매개효과를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Young Jin;Yang, Dong Woo
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.105-116
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    • 2023
  • While there have been studies on the impact of government financial support on the performance of these enterprises, there is limited research on how entrepreneurs' perceptions of such policies affect business performance. Additionally, there is scarce domestic research on the role of entrepreneurial persistence in achieving and sustaining entrepreneurial goals and its impact on business performance. Therefore, the aim of this study is to analyze how entrepreneurs' perceptions of government policy support affect business performance and to explore the mediating effect of entrepreneurial persistence, shedding light on the significance of perceptions and deepening the understanding of entrepreneurial persistence. This study utilizes entrepreneurs' perceptions of government support for South Korean small and venture enterprises, and entrepreneurship as independent variables, with entrepreneurial persistence as a mediating variable and non-financial performance of businesses as the dependent variable. Data was collected through surveys targeting founders, CEOs, and executives of small and venture enterprises. After excluding incomplete responses, a total of 205 survey responses were used for hypothesis testing. The results of this study are as follows. First, it was verified that the perception of SME policy support and entrepreneurship have a significant positive impact on business performance. Second, it was verified that entrepreneurial persistence partially mediates the relationship between the perception of SME policy support and entrepreneurship and business performance. The theoretical implications of this study are twofold. First, it highlights the significant positive impact of entrepreneurs' perceptions of policy support on the non-financial performance of small and venture enterprises. This contributes to the theoretical understanding by demonstrating that entrepreneurs' perceptions play a role in affecting business performance, in contrast to previous research that focused on the impact of policy financial support on business performance. Second, this study extends the theoretical understanding of entrepreneurial persistence, a relatively understudied concept in domestic research, by demonstrating its mediating role in the relationship between entrepreneurs' perceptions of government support and, entrepreneurship, and business performance. Practically, the study suggests that to enhance the performance of small and venture enterprises, the government should not only expand policy support but also seek ways to increase entrepreneurs' perceptions of such support.

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Risk Education and Educational Needs Related to Science and Technology: A Study on Science Teachers' Perceptions (중등 과학교사들이 생각하는 과학기술 관련 위험교육 실태와 교육 요구)

  • Jinhee Kim;Jiyeon Na;Yong Wook Cheong
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.57-75
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    • 2024
  • This study aimed to investigate the current state and educational needs of risk education related to science and technology as perceived by secondary science teachers. A survey was conducted with a total of 366 secondary science teachers. The results are as follows. First, There were more teachers who had not provided education on risks arising from science and technology in terms of risk perception, risk assessment, and risk management than those who had not. Global warming was the most common risk taught by teachers, followed by earthquakes, artificial intelligence, and traffic accidents. Second, teachers recognized that they lacked understanding that the achievement standards of the 2022 revised science curriculum include risks that may occur due to science and technology, but they thought they were prepared to teach. Third, teachers recognized that their understanding of risk perception was higher than that of risk management and risk assessment. Fourth, the experience of teachers in training on risk was very limited, with fewer having training in risk assessment and risk management compared to risk perception. The most common training experienced was in laboratory safety. Fifth, teachers recognized that their capabilities for the 10 goals of risk education were not high. Middle school teachers or teachers majoring in integrated science education evaluated their capabilities relatively highly. Sixth, many teachers thought it was important to address risks in school science education. They prioritized 'information use', 'decision-making skills', and 'influence of mass media', in that order, for importance and called for urgent education in 'action skills', 'information use', and 'influence of risk perception'. Seventh, as a result of deriving the priorities of education needs for each of the 10 goals of risk education, 'action skills', 'influence of risk perception', and 'evaluate risk assessment' were ranked 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, respectively.

A Study of the Influencing Factors for Decision Making on Construction Contract Types : Focused on DoD Construction Acquisitions with Firm Fixed Price and Cost Reimbursable in FAR (건설공사 대가지급방식의 의사결정 영향요인에 관한 연구 - 미국 연방조달규정에 따른 미국 국방성의 정액계약과 실비정산계약을 중심으로 -)

  • Son, Young-Hoon;Kim, Kyung-Rai
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.23-35
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    • 2024
  • This study analyzed the correlation between each of the 12 influencing factors in FAR 16.04 and the decision-making process for construction contract types, using data from a total of 2,406 DoD Construction Acquisitions spanning from 2008 to 2022. The study considered 12 independent variables, grouped into 4 Characteristics with 3 factors each. Meanwhile, all other contract types were categorized into two types: Firm-Fixed-Price (FFP) and Cost-Reimbursement Contract (CRC), which served as the dependent variables. The findings revealed that FFP contracts significantly dominated in terms of acquisition volume. In line with prevailing beliefs, logistic data analysis and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) analysis of Relative Weights from Experts' Survey demonstrated that independent variables like Uncertainty of the Scope of Work and Complexity found out to be increasing the likelihood of selecting CRC. The number of contractors in the market does indeed influence the possibilities of contract decision-making between CRC and FFP. Meanwhile, the p-values of the top 3 influencing factors on CRC from the AHP analysis-namely, Appropriateness of CAS, Project Urgency, and Cost Analysis-exceeded 0.05 in the binominal regression results, rendering it inconclusive whether they significantly influenced the construction contract type decision, particularly with respect to payment methods. This outcome partly results from the fact that a majority of respondents possessed specific experiences related to the USFK relocation project. Furthermore, influencing factors in construction projects behave differently than common beliefs suggest. As a result, it is imperative to consider the 12 influencing factors categorized into 4 Characteristics areas before establishing acquisition strategies for targeted construction projects.

A Survey on Pesticide Residues and Risk Assessment for Agricultural Products Marketed in the Northern Area of Seoul from 2022 to 2023 (서울 북부지역 유통 농산물의 잔류농약 실태 및 위해성 평가 (2022-2023))

  • Boram Kwak;Sung ae Jo;Kyeong Ah Lee;Sijung Kim;Yunhee Kim;HyeJin Yi;Seoyoung Kim;Ae Kyung Kim;Eun Sun Yun
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.239-249
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    • 2024
  • In this study, we investigated the concentrations of pesticide residues in agricultural products marketed in northern Seoul and assessed their potential health risks. A total of 1,737 samples were collected using the QuEChERS method, followed by LC-MS/MS and GC-MS/MS. Pesticide residues below the MRLs were detected in 560 samples of 72 items (32.2%), but 38 samples of 22 items had pesticide residues above the MRLs. Residual pesticides were detected in 53.8% of fruits, 33.0% of vegetables, 28.6% of herbs, 15.4% of beans, and 10.5% of rice samples. Most of the samples that exceeded the MRLs were vegetables, especially leafy, stalk, stem, and root vegetables; herbs and mushrooms also exceeded the permitted MRLs. Of the 105 pesticides investigated, dinotefuran, fluxametamide, chlorfenapyr, azoxystrobin, and carbendazim were the most frequently detected, whereas 23 pesticide residues, including terbufos, carbendazim, and fluxametamide, were detected above the MRL values. The hazard indices were calculated as 0.00003-1.31406%, which suggests that the investigated pesticide residues in the samples were within safe levels, but continuous monitoring of pesticides in agricultural products is needed to ensure the safety of consumers.

The Effect of an Educational Program Based on the 5E Circular Learning Model for Changing Chemistry Teachers' Metamodeling Recognition (화학교사들의 메타모델링 인식 변화를 위한 5E 순환학습 모형 기반 교육프로그램의 효과)

  • Miyeon Seo;Juhye Park;Kihyang Kim;Seoung-Hey Paik
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.68 no.5
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    • pp.259-273
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    • 2024
  • This study aimed to investigate changes in metamodeling recognition among chemistry teachers through a teacher educational program related to redox models and water electrolysis experiments. To this end, a science model education program was developed for 9 chemistry teachers and conducted over 10 lessons for a total of 40 hours. In addition, a pre- and post-survey was administered to determine teachers' metamodeling recognition in non-contextual and contextual situations. As a result of the study, through the science model education program, teachers showed educational effects in both non-contextual and contextual situations. In the case of non-contextual situations, the stages of scientific metamodeling knowledge development of chemistry teachers came out differently depending on the type of question. For example, the nature or purpose of the model, the modeling process, or the evaluation and improvement of the model improved from low to high, but there was no significant change because the perception of model change and diversity was already high in advance. In the case of contextual situations, the stage of scientific metamodeling knowledge development improved from objectivity to subjectivity in both the redox model theory class and the water electrolysis model experiment class. Therefore, through the 5E circular learning model-based education program, chemistry teachers' perception of metamodeling was clearly improved. However, the modeling activities of teachers in the water electrolysis model experiment class were different from the change in metamodeling perception. The types that teachers selected as additional experiments for modeling were analyzed in two ways. The first type is when they are interested in finding an ideal condition in which the ratio of hydrogen and oxygen gas is close to 2:1 through additional experiments. The second type is when additional experiments are designed with interest in why the experimental results are coming out like that. It was analyzed that the second type was the experiment necessary for modeling. In addition, modeling activities were analyzed into two types. The first was a type in which water molecules were directly decomposed in two electrodes to generate hydrogen and oxygen gas. This type was the case of regression to the textbook model regardless of the experimental results, and 6 chemistry teachers out of 8 were analyzed as this type. The second type was the type in which water reacted at the (+) electrode to generate other substances, and hydrogen ions reacted at the (-) electrode to generate hydrogen gas. Teachers who performed these modeling activities corresponded to the second type in additional experiments, and 2 chemistry teachers out of 8 corresponded to this. Therefore, it is necessary to provide an experience of activities corresponding to the second type of experiment and modeling through an educational program that provides an experience of directly modeling through experiments in order to develop modeling capabilities, unlike the development of metamodeling knowledge.

First Morphological Description of Thryssa kammalensis (Engraulidae, Clupeiformes) Larvae and Juveniles Collected from the Southwestern Coasts of Korea (한국 서해 남부연안에서 채집된 청멸, Thryssa kammalensis (멸치과, 청어목) 자치어의 첫 형태 기재)

  • Hyeon-Jun Ryu;Se-Hun Myoung;Ho-Sun Sohn;Jin-Koo Kim
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.273-281
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    • 2024
  • In June and July 2023, a total of 101 Thryssa kammalensis larvae and juveniles were collected during an ichthyoplankton survey using RN80 in the waters around the southwest coasts of Korea. When pre-flexion larval stage (3.77~10.20 mm NL, n=22), some individuals have pterygiophores of dorsal and anal fins, but no apparent fin rays were formed. Line-shaped melanophores were distributed in a row from below the opercle to the anal fin base. When flexion larval stage (12.13~16.69 mm SL, n=14), the number of dorsal and anal fin rays were 13~15 and 18~23. Dot and line-shaped melanophores were distributed in a row in the ventral portion of the abdominal cavity, and melanophores appeared on the caudal fin. When post-flexion larval stage (17.23~21.73 mm SL, n=20), all fin rays appeared, and the number of pectoral, pelvic, anal and dorsal fin rays were 7~9, 4~5, 29~31 and 14~15, respectively. Dot and line-shaped melanophores were distributed in a row from the posterior of the preopercle to the ventral portion of the abdominal cavity, oval-shaped melanophores were distributed along the anal fin base, and melanophores concentrated lower lobe of the caudal fin. When juvenile stage (18.43~25.98 mm SL, n=45), the number of pectoral, pelvic, anal and dorsal fin rays were completed as 12~15, 7~8, 30~33 and 14~15, respectively. Point-shaped melanophores of the ventral position of the abdominal cavity disappeared, it continued in a row along the anal fin base to the lower caudal peduncle. Our results suggest that Thryssa kammalensis may use the sea around Chilsan-do Island as spawning and/or nursery ground between June and July.