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Microbiological, physicochemical, and organoleptic evaluation of fresh-cut vegetables irradiated using X-rays (엑스선 조사처리된 신선편의 채소류의 미생물학적, 이화학적, 관능적 품질 평가)

  • Moon, Byeong-Geum;Song, Beom-Seok;Park, Jong-Heum;Kim, Jae-Kyung;Park, Ha-Young;Kim, Dong-Ho;Son, Eun-Joo;Im, Don-Sun;Eun, Jong-Bang
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.27-35
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    • 2017
  • Microbiological, physicochemical, and organoleptic properties of fresh-cut vegetables (FVs), carrots, green peppers, cherry tomatoes, and paprika after X-ray irradiation were evaluated to verify food quality suitable for the immune-depressed patients. Total concentrations of aerobic bacteria in non-irradiated samples, except for cherry tomatoes, were 1.63-3.34 log CFU/g. Irradiation dose exceed 0.4 kGy was used for carrots and green peppers whereas the sterilization dose of 0.2 kGy was used for both cherry tomatoes and paprika. A dose of 0.4 kGy was tentatively determined as the minimum allowable dose for sterilization of the FVs, based on D10-values of X-ray irradiation (0.11-0.32 kGy) for Escherichia coli, Listeria monocytogenes, and Salmonella Typhimurium inoculated on the samples. With respect to the physiological properties, only hardness was significantly decreased as the absorbed dose increased; however, there were no significant differences in hardness of the sterilized samples using X-rays at 0.4 kGy compared with those of non-irradiated samples (p<0.05). Moreover, overall acceptance scores of the sterilized FVs were higher than 5.0 points on a 7-point scale, indicating a good organoleptic quality. In a survey on preference of hospitalized patients with cancer (n=50), the average scores for the sterilized FVs, except for carrots, were higher than 4.0 points. In conclusion, it is considered that the FVs, except for carrots, sterilized using X-rays at 0.4 kGy could be served to immune-depressed patients as hygienically safe foods with acceptable organoleptic properties.

Food Group Assignment of Korean Soup & Stew for Desirable Target Pattern Draft - Representative Nutritional Value Calculation Based on Intake and Preference of Adolescent - (바람직한 식사패턴 작성을 위한 국과 찌개 음식군의 연구 - 청소년의 섭취량과 기호도 자료 활용한 대표영양가 산출 -)

  • Oh, Hae Ran;Kim, Youngnam
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.137-147
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    • 2015
  • The target pattern is introduced for practicing a balanced dietary menu planning, but Korean soup and stew, cooked with several kinds of materials, have a problem with food group assignment in the target pattern. This study thus set out to calculate the representative nutritional values of Korean soup and stew based on intake(by 2010 Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, age group of 13~19) and preference(by select the 3 kinds of favorite soup and stew each). Total of 235 middle school students were participated by way of questionnaire, and data were analyzed. Representative energy value of vegetable soup and stew by intake were 65kca and 116kca, respectively, which were very much different with the vegetable group representative energy value of 14kca in target pattern. Representative energy value of meat fish egg legume soup and stew by intake were 149kca and 211kca, respectively, which were very much different with the representative meat fish egg legume energy value of 94kca in target pattern. As result, it is not proper to assign vegetable soup stew to vegetable food group and meat fish egg legume soup stew to meat fish egg legume food group. Representative energy values of soup and stew by preference were not much different except meat fish egg legume soup(149kca by intake, 218kca by preference). As conclusions, it maybe desirable to categorize soup and stew as independent food group. For more accurate energy adjustment in menu planning, devide soup and stew, and further divide to vegetable and meat fish egg legume groups may necessary.

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The moderating effects of ego-resilience on the effects of parents' child-rearing attitude perceived by adolescents and school life adaptation on problem behavior (청소년이 지각한 부모의 양육태도와 학교생활적응이 문제행동에 미치는 영향에서 자아탄력성의 조절효과)

  • Kim, Ji Hye;Yu, Nan Sook
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.1-19
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    • 2019
  • The purposes of this study were to concretely reveal the effect of the parents' child-rearing attitude perceived by adolescents and the school life adaptation on the problem behavior, and to verify the moderating effect of the ego-resilience on the relationship between the parents' child-rearing attitude and the school life adaptation and the adolescent problem behavior. This study analyzed a total of 2,107 students in the first year of high school, which was the 4th year data(2013) of Korea Children Youth Panel Survey(KCYPS) 2010. The reliability, descriptive statistics, t-test, and hierarchical regression analysis were conducted using SPSS WIN 22.0. The results were as follows. First, the effect of the parents' child-rearing attitude(supervision, affection, reasonable explanation, excessive interference, excessive expectation, and inconsistency), school life adaptation(relationship with teacher, relationship with friend, school regulation, and learning activity), and ego-resilience on the adolescent problem behavior was analyzed. As a result, the relationship with friend(-) had the highest influence on the adolescent problem behavior, followed by learning activity(-), inconsistency(+), ego-resilience(-), excessive interference(+), and supervision(-). However, the remaining sub-variables did not have any significant influence on the adolescent problem behavior. Second, the moderating effect of the ego-resilience on the relationship among the parents' child-rearing attitude, adaptation to school life, and adolescent problem behavior. The ego-resilience was found to moderate the effects of parents' positive child-rearing attitude, interpersonal relationships, and school adaptation on the adolescent problem behavior. However, the moderating effect was not significant for the effect of negative child-rearing attitude on the adolescent problem behavior. Therefore, various ego-resilience enhancement programs need to be developed and researched as a part of the safety education through the home economics class.

Evaluation of Effectiveness of Vegetable-related Nutrition Education for Elementary School Students (초등학생 대상 채소 관련 영양교육의 효과 평가)

  • Lee, Sun-Ok;Kim, Hyun-Ah
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.42 no.5
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    • pp.713-720
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of vegetable-related nutrition education for fourth grade elementary school students in Gyeongnam province. A comparative analysis of nutritional knowledge on vegetables, vegetable preferences, and vegetable intake in school foodservices were assessed between a control group and an experimental group. The control and experimental group contained 62 and 67 students, respectively, and the experimental group received nutritional education in four sessions (40 minutes each session) per week. A self-administered survey was conducted before and after this education, and 122 questionnaires (for 61 members of the experimental group and 61 members of control group) were analyzed. In the experimental group, there was a significant (p<0.001) increase in vegetable-related nutrition knowledge (form 5.02 to 6.10 out of a total score of 9), while there were no significant differences in the control group. Vegetable preference scores also significantly (p<0.001) increased (from 3.44 to 3.85 on the 5-point Likert scale) in experimental group, while there were no significant difference in control group. We also observed a significant (p<0.001) increase in vegetable intake from school foodservices (89.34% to 95.49%) in the experimental group, but there were no significant differences in the control group. In conclusion, a vegetable-related nutrition education for fourth grade elementary school students was effective at improving the nutritional knowledge of vegetables, vegetable preferences, and vegetable intake from school foodservices. Therefore, to encourage the vegetable-related right dietary habits, sustainable, and systematic nutrition education programs should be implemented for elementary students.

An Analysis of Validity and Satisfaction for Objectives of Small and Medium Business(SMB) Administration Subsidy the Human Resource Development Program(HRDP) and the Customized Employment Program(CEP) in Specialized High Schools (중소기업 특성화고 인력양성사업과 취업맞춤반의 성과 목표에 대한 타당도 및 만족도 분석 연구)

  • Lee, Byung Wook;Ahn, Jae Yeong;Kang, Chol Min
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.68-87
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    • 2016
  • This research conducted a survey for total 166 teachers of schools so as to analyze validity and satisfaction for performance objectives of SMB administration subsidy the HRDP and the CEP in Specialized High School. The results of research are as follows. First, teachers recognize that purpose of HRDP is to expand employment of specialized high school and provide human resource of SMB. And, they recognize that HRDP is important to improve school outcomes and makes a positive effect on the improvement of school outcomes. Second, teachers recognize that objectives of HRDP are improvement of student's understanding for SMB, improvement of teacher's understanding for SMB, improvement of SMB's understanding of school, cultivation of student's occupational view, systematization of career guiding program based on employment process, strengthening of industry-academia cooperation education, improvement of the level of student's skill, fulfillment of workplace experience and practice focusing workplace learning, training of customized human resource for SMB, improvement of student's adaptation to the workplace, improvement of employment rate for SMB, expansion of job opportunities for students with SMB, preparation of the base of connection between school and SMB, publicity of school, expansion of opportunities to cooperate between SMB and school, establishment of cooperative system among industrial association and school, introduction and operation of the employment connective model for joint education and employment, strengthening of field professionalism of teachers. However, satisfaction for the achievement of objectives of HRDP except for strengthening of industry-academia cooperation education and improvement of employment rate for SMB is relatively lower than the validity. Third, teachers in charge of human resource training business of middle and small sized company's specialized high school recognize that objectives of CEP are expansion of job opportunities for students with SMB, excavation of good-quality SMB, expansion of opportunities to cooperate between SMB and school, fulfillment of workplace learning, improvement of student's major foundation and in-depth skill, improvement of literacy, math, teamwork and communication abilities for students' job performance, improvement of student's working attitude and student's proper career exploration decision. However, satisfaction for achievement of objectives of CEP is relatively lower than the validity.

A Study On the Geographic Locations of Dongcheons(洞天) in Gyeongsang-Do (경상도지역 동천(洞天)의 위치 조사 연구)

  • Kang, Kee-Rae;Lee, Hae-Ju;Bae, Jun-Gyu;Kim, Hee-Chae;Kim, Chang-Jun;Lee, Hyun-Chae;Kim, Dong-Phil;Kim, Cha-Kwon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.16-25
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    • 2018
  • Initially from the Taoist scriptures, 'Dongcheon' is a term that can be regarded as a symbolic place in the real world for the enlightened ones who received relief and peace by restoring the human nature taught in the Confucian school. The long for an ideal world apart from the reality embodied as the labeling some places 'Dongcheon,' and the term was used to refer to a scenery where the ideal fairyland is reproduced. Besides, 'Dongcheon' was a term often used by Confucian scholars for various purposes including the attachment to the nearby landscapes, expressing homogeneity and superiority through placeness and the beautification of settlement spaces. This paper is the result of a field study on 'Dongcheon' in the Gyeongsang-Do. The research was conducted from March to August 2018, and we carried out firsthand location surveys on Dongcheons, of which some were lost, others were fairly preserved, and still others could not be located as only their existences were passed down orally. According to the field survey, there were total 111 inscriptions or engravings on the plates in Gyeongsang-Do that include the term 'Dongcheon.' There were 79 'Dongcheon' inscriptions confirmed in the Gyeongsangbuk-Do region: twenty in Yeongju-City, sixteen in Bonghwa-Gun, eleven in Andong-City and seven in Yeongyang-Gun and Ulgin-Gun. Among them, two were in the form of a wooden sign, and six were erected as rock signposts. Fourteen stops reported in the literature were lost or unidentified. Also, among the sixteen signs in Bonghwa-Gun, nine were cursive engravings. Meanwhile, there were 26 Dongcheon inscriptions in the Gyeongsangnam-Do region. Hamyang-Gun and Sancheong-Gun anf Hadong-Gun each housed three inscriptions, and seven places were in the form of rock signposts. 'Hwagaedongcheon' and 'Geumsandongcheon' could not be identified in inscriptions although they appear in Jibong Yuseol and Taengniji with stories of Choi Chiwon. The significance of this study is as a reference for future researches in traditional scenery, epigraphs, or as primary data that helps cultural exploration in the region.

Relationships between job stress and caffeine intake in industrial workers (산업체 근로자의 직무스트레스와 카페인 섭취의 상관성)

  • Yim, Ji-Suk;Lee, Jae-Joon
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.49 no.5
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    • pp.367-377
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: This study analyzed the degree of job stress and caffeine intake in workers in industrial positions in order to determine the relationships between job stress and caffeine intake. Methods: For this purpose, this study conducted a survey targeting 361 blue collar workers working for K manufacturing company, Gwangju. Results: The total score for job stress in subjects was 72.7±6.8points/100points. According to job stress, subjects were categorized as follows: Q1 for the group who had the least stress; Q2 for the group who had little stress; Q3 for the group who had a lot of stress, and Q4 for the group who had the most stress. As for the effects of caffeine on health, 57.1% thought that caffeine is helpful and not harmful if taken properly while 17.3% responded that less caffeine consumption is better. Daily intake of caffeine according to stress was presented as: 172.0±85.3mg in Q1, 179.0±83.7mg in Q2, 187.9±81.4mg in Q3, and 214.2±147.3mg in Q4 (p < 0.05). The percentages of caffeine consumption compared to the daily safe limit in subjects were: 43.0±21.3, 44.8±20.9, 47.1±20.4, and 53.6±36.8 in Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4, respectively (p < 0.05). Adverse effects such as nausea or vomiting from caffeine were most common in Q4 (p < 0.05). Conclusion: As a result, higher stress in blue collar workers working for K manufacturing company was associated with more caffeine consumption. Groups with a lot of stress (Q4) consumed approximately 50% of daily safe limit of caffeine. Considering the results above, this study suggests that further research on more precise caffeine intake and its effects is needed.

A Study On Irrigation Water Price Structure and Prescription (농업용수의 가격구조에 관한 연구)

  • 심기영
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.3170-3180
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    • 1973
  • This study of the subject will review past and present irrigation development in Korea. Particular attention will be given to water pricing structure and a case study on the purpose of rational operation and management of irrigation water and organizations, and the optimum irrigation water and organizations, and the optimum irrigation water fee inorder to reduce farmers burden and to rationalize the farmland associations management so as to achieve development of the rural environment. In 1971, the reservoir of the Farmland Improvement A sociation (FIA) produced only 775 millison m3 of irrigation water or 77% of planned capacity of 1,015 million m3. It was caused by inefficient maintenance of irrigation facilities; for instance, about 21% of reservoirs, pumping stations and weirs in Korea have been silted by soil erosion which hinder to water production according to an ADC survey. The first Irritation Association was established in 1906, whcih was renamed the Farmland Assoeiation by the Rural Development Enouragement Law in 1970. By the end of 1971, 411,000 ha of rice paddies were under the control of 267 associations nationwide. The average water price assessed by Associations nationwide rose from 790 won per 0.1 ha. in 1966 to 1,886 won in 1971. The annual growth rate was 20%. The highest water price in 1971 was 4,773 won her 0.1 ha. and the lowest was 437 won. This range was caused by differences in debt burden, geographic conditions and management efficiency among the Associations. In 1971, the number of Associations which exceeded the average water price of 1,886 won per 0.1 ha. was 144, or 55.1% of all Association. In determination of water price, there are two principles; one is determined by production cost such as installation cost of irrigation facilities, maintenance cost, management cost and depreciation ect. For instance, the Yong San River Development project was required 33.7 billion won for total construction and maintenance cost is 3.1 billion won for repayment, maintenance and management cost per year. The project produces 590 million m3 of irrigation water annually. Accordingly, the water price per m3 is 5.25 won. The other principle is determined by water value in the crop products and in compared with production of irrigated paddy and non-irrigated paddy. By using this method, water value in compared with paddy rice vs. upland rice(Average of 1967-1971) was 14.15 won per m3 and irrigated paddy vs. non-irrigated paddy was 2.98 won per m3. In contrast the irrigation fee in average association of 1967-1971 was 1.54 won per m3. Accordingly, the current national average irrigation fee(water price) is resonable compared with its water value. In this study, it is found that the ceiling of water price in terms of water value is 2.98 won per m3 or 2,530 won per 0.1 ha. However, in 1971 55% of the associations were above the average of nationwide irrigation fees. which shows the need for rationalization of the Association's management. In connection with rationalization of the Association's management, this study recommends the following matters. (1) Irrigation fee must be assessed according to the amount of water consumption taking intoaccount the farmer's ability. (2) Irrigation fee should be graded according to behefits and crop patterns. (3) Training personnel in the operation and procedures of water management to save O&M costs. (4) Insolvent farmland association should be integrated into larger, sound associations in the same GUN in order to reduce farmers' water cost. (5) The maintenance and repair of existing irrigation facilities is as important as expansion of facilities. (6) Establishment of a new Union of Farmland Association is required to promoted proper maintenance and to protect the huge investment in irrigation facilities by means of technical supervision and guidance.

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A Study on the Performance Evaluation of G2B Procurement Process Innovation by Using MAS: Korea G2B KONEPS Case (멀티에이전트시스템(MAS)을 이용한 G2B 조달 프로세스 혁신의 효과평가에 관한 연구 : 나라장터 G2B사례)

  • Seo, Won-Jun;Lee, Dae-Cheor;Lim, Gyoo-Gun
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.157-175
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    • 2012
  • It is difficult to evaluate the performance of process innovation of e-procurement which has large scale and complex processes. The existing evaluation methods for measuring the effects of process innovation have been mainly done with statistically quantitative methods by analyzing operational data or with qualitative methods by conducting surveys and interviews. However, these methods have some limitations to evaluate the effects because the performance evaluation of e-procurement process innovation should consider the interactions among participants who are active either directly or indirectly through the processes. This study considers the e-procurement process as a complex system and develops a simulation model based on MAS(Multi-Agent System) to evaluate the effects of e-procurement process innovation. Multi-agent based simulation allows observing interaction patterns of objects in virtual world through relationship among objects and their behavioral mechanism. Agent-based simulation is suitable especially for complex business problems. In this study, we used Netlogo Version 4.1.3 as a MAS simulation tool which was developed in Northwestern University. To do this, we developed a interaction model of agents in MAS environment. We defined process agents and task agents, and assigned their behavioral characteristics. The developed simulation model was applied to G2B system (KONEPS: Korea ON-line E-Procurement System) of Public Procurement Service (PPS) in Korea and used to evaluate the innovation effects of the G2B system. KONEPS is a successfully established e-procurement system started in the year 2002. KONEPS is a representative e-Procurement system which integrates characteristics of e-commerce into government for business procurement activities. KONEPS deserves the international recognition considering the annual transaction volume of 56 billion dollars, daily exchanges of electronic documents, users consisted of 121,000 suppliers and 37,000 public organizations, and the 4.5 billion dollars of cost saving. For the simulation, we analyzed the e-procurement of process of KONEPS into eight sub processes such as 'process 1: search products and acquisition of proposal', 'process 2 : review the methods of contracts and item features', 'process 3 : a notice of bid', 'process 4 : registration and confirmation of qualification', 'process 5 : bidding', 'process 6 : a screening test', 'process 7 : contracts', and 'process 8 : invoice and payment'. For the parameter settings of the agents behavior, we collected some data from the transactional database of PPS and some information by conducting a survey. The used data for the simulation are 'participants (government organizations, local government organizations and public institutions)', 'the number of bidding per year', 'the number of total contracts', 'the number of shopping mall transactions', 'the rate of contracts between bidding and shopping mall', 'the successful bidding ratio', and the estimated time for each process. The comparison was done for the difference of time consumption between 'before the innovation (As-was)' and 'after the innovation (As-is).' The results showed that there were productivity improvements in every eight sub processes. The decrease ratio of 'average number of task processing' was 92.7% and the decrease ratio of 'average time of task processing' was 95.4% in entire processes when we use G2B system comparing to the conventional method. Also, this study found that the process innovation effect will be enhanced if the task process related to the 'contract' can be improved. This study shows the usability and possibility of using MAS in process innovation evaluation and its modeling.

A Study on Inventory and Grade Evaluation of the Visual Landscape Resource in Mt. Chiak National Park (치악산국립공원의 시각적 경관자원 인벤토리 구축 및 등급평가에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Sook-Hyang
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.44 no.4
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    • pp.57-65
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    • 2016
  • This study was conducted a visual landscape resources inventory and grade assessment on natural resources and cultural resources of Chiaksan National Park. Landscapes of National Parks are categorized into four types: seascape, mountain landscape, village landscape, and temple historical landscape. Landscape lists were constructed for each district for a total of 120 lists through field research on 7 trails. The landscape list per trail has Guryong~Birobong(31%), Seungnam~Namdaebong(22%), Geumdae~Namdaebong(16%), Bugok~Hanenggu(165), Hwanggol~Ipseoksa(6%), Hyangrobong~Nandaebong(5%) and Godeunjae~Wontonggol(4%). Landscape Assessment items were divided into five characteristics of view, unique, use, history culture, natural reflected by item. Items were divided into three grades of landscape by 4, 3, 2, 1 for each item of the assessment criteria and Delphi survey. Mountain landscapes were assessed in I grade of 72 sites, II grade of 26 sites, III grade of 7 sites. Temple Historical landscapes were assessed in I grade of 4 sites, II grade of 7 sites, III grade of 4 sites. The study results can be used as a basis for mountain parks management. It is necessary to focus on managing the landscape of I grade site. The higher ratings of the Mountain landscapes are related to the view and natural score. Also, the grading of Temple Historical landscapes is related to the history cultural, natural and use score. In addition, the mountain landscape were identified as being included outside landscape resources, the place of landscape resources with outside ratings were higher and the view was related. Landscape management is needed for the conservation of Mountain landscape and Temple Historical landscape type rating as excellent areas on the basis of the results of the inventory and assessment. For future improvement the Guryong-Birobong trail is judged as a harmonious representative landscape of the Mountain and Temple Historical landscape and will require conservation as a focus management area. In the case of Mountain landscape improvements, maintenance such as pruning trees, wood observatory and interpretation sign for a landscape with minimal inhibitory landscaping is needed. When installing artificial facilities in the Temple Historical landscapes, the use of materials harmonizing with the surroundings landscape must be considered as well as the standards of facilities limitation.