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Development of Prediction Equation of Diffusing Capacity of Lung for Koreans

  • Hwang, Yong Il;Park, Yong Bum;Yoon, Hyoung Kyu;Lim, Seong Yong;Kim, Tae-Hyung;Park, Joo Hun;Lee, Won-Yeon;Park, Seong Ju;Lee, Sei Won;Kim, Woo Jin;Kim, Ki Uk;Shin, Kyeong Cheol;Kim, Do Jin;Kim, Hui Jung;Kim, Tae-Eun;Yoo, Kwang Ha;Shim, Jae Jeong
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.81 no.1
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    • pp.42-48
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    • 2018
  • Background: The diffusing capacity of the lung is influenced by multiple factors such as age, sex, height, weight, ethnicity and smoking status. Although a prediction equation for the diffusing capacity of Korea was proposed in the mid-1980s, this equation is not used currently. The aim of this study was to develop a new prediction equation for the diffusing capacity for Koreans. Methods: Using the data of the Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, a total of 140 nonsmokers with normal chest X-rays were enrolled in this study. Results: Using linear regression analysis, a new predicting equation for diffusing capacity was developed. For men, the following new equations were developed: carbon monoxide diffusing capacity (DLco)=-10.4433-0.1434×age (year)+0.2482×heights (cm); DLco/alveolar volume (VA)=6.01507-0.02374×age (year)-0.00233×heights (cm). For women the prediction equations were described as followed: DLco=-12.8895-0.0532×age (year)+0.2145×heights (cm) and DLco/VA=7.69516-0.02219×age (year)-0.01377×heights (cm). All equations were internally validated by k-fold cross validation method. Conclusion: In this study, we developed new prediction equations for the diffusing capacity of the lungs of Koreans. A further study is needed to validate the new predicting equation for diffusing capacity.

An Empirical Study on the Effect of CRM System on the Performance of Pharmaceutical Companies (고객관계관리 시스템의 수준이 BSC 관점에서의 기업성과에 미치는 영향 : 제약회사를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Hyun-Jung;Park, Jong-Woo
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.43-65
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    • 2010
  • Facing a complex environment driven by a decade, many companies are adopting new strategic frameworks such as Customer Relationship Management system to achieve sustainable profitability as well as overcome serious competition for survival. In many business areas, CRM system advanced a great deal in a matter of continuous compensating the defect and overall integration. However, pharmaceutical companies in Korea were slow to accept them for usesince they still have a tendency of holding fast to traditional way of sales and marketing based on individual networks of sales representatives. In the circumstance, this article tried to empirically address current status of CRM system as well as the effects of the system on the performance of pharmaceutical companies by applying BSC method's four perspectives, from financial, customer, learning and growth and internal process. Survey by e-mail and post to employers and employees who were working in pharma firms were undergone for the purpose. Total 113 cases among collected 140 ones were used for the statistical analysis by SPSS ver. 15 package. Reliability, Factor analysis, regression were done. This study revealed that CRM system had a significant effect on improving financial and non-financial performance of pharmaceutical companies as expected. Proposed regression model fits well and among them, CRM marketing information system shed the light on substantial impact on companies' outcome given profitability, growth and investment. Useful analytical information by CRM marketing information system appears to enable pharmaceutical firms to set up effective marketing and sales strategies, these result in favorable financial performance by enhancing values for stakeholderseventually, not to mention short-term profit and/or mid-term potential to growth. CRM system depicted its influence on not only financial performance, but also non-financial fruit of pharmaceutical companies. Further analysis for each component showed that CRM marketing information system were able to demonstrate statistically significant effect on the performance like the result of financial outcome. CRM system is believed to provide the companies with efficient way of customers managing by valuable standardized business process prompt coping with specific customers' needs. It consequently induces customer satisfaction and retentionto improve performance for long period. That is, there is a virtuous circle for creating value as the cornerstone for sustainable growth. However, the research failed to put forward to evidence to support hypothesis regarding favorable influence of CRM sales representative's records assessment system and CRM customer analysis system on the management performance. The analysis is regarded to reflect the lack of understanding of sales people and respondents between actual work duties and far-sighted goal in strategic analysis framework. Ordinary salesmen seem to dedicate short-term goal for the purpose of meeting sales target, receiving incentive bonus in a manner-of-fact style, as such, they tend to avail themselves of personal network and sales and promotional expense rather than CRM system. The study finding proposed a link between CRM information system and performance. It empirically indicated that pharmaceutical companies had been implementing CRM system as an effective strategic business framework in order for more balanced achievements based on the grounded understanding of both CRM system and integrated performance. It suggests a positive impact of supportive CRM system on firm performance, especially for pharmaceutical industry through the initial empirical evidence. Also, it brings out unmet needs for more practical system design, improvement of employees' awareness, increase of system utilization in the field. On the basis of the insight from this exploratory study, confirmatory research by more appropriate measurement tool and increased sample size should be further examined.

Participation Level in Online Knowledge Sharing: Behavioral Approach on Wikipedia (온라인 지식공유의 참여정도: 위키피디아에 대한 행태적 접근)

  • Park, Hyun Jung;Lee, Hong Joo;Kim, Jong Woo
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.97-121
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    • 2013
  • With the growing importance of knowledge for sustainable competitive advantages and innovation in a volatile environment, many researches on knowledge sharing have been conducted. However, previous researches have mostly relied on the questionnaire survey which has inherent perceptive errors of respondents. The current research has drawn the relationship among primary participant behaviors towards the participation level in knowledge sharing, basically from online user behaviors on Wikipedia, a representative community for online knowledge collaboration. Without users' participation in knowledge sharing, knowledge collaboration for creating knowledge cannot be successful. By the way, the editing patterns of Wikipedia users are diverse, resulting in different revisiting periods for the same number of edits, and thus varying results of shared knowledge. Therefore, we illuminated the participation level of knowledge sharing from two different angles of number of edits and revisiting period. The behavioral dimensions affecting the level of participation in knowledge sharing includes the article talk for public discussion and user talk for private messaging, and community registration, which are observable on Wiki platform. Public discussion is being progressed on article talk pages arranged for exchanging ideas about each article topic. An article talk page is often divided into several sections which mainly address specific type of issues raised during the article development procedure. From the diverse opinions about the relatively trivial things such as what text, link, or images should be added or removed and how they should be restructured to the profound professional insights are shared, negotiated, and improved over the course of discussion. Wikipedia also provides personal user talk pages as a private messaging tool. On these pages, diverse personal messages such as casual greetings, stories about activities on Wikipedia, and ordinary affairs of life are exchanged. If anyone wants to communicate with another person, he or she visits the person's user talk page and leaves a message. Wikipedia articles are assessed according to seven quality grades, of which the featured article level is the highest. The dataset includes participants' behavioral data related with 2,978 articles, which have reached the featured article level, with editing histories of articles, their article talk histories, and user talk histories extracted from user talk pages for each article. The time period for analysis is from the initiation of articles until their promotion to the featured article level. The number of edits represents the total number of participation in the editing of an article, and the revisiting period is the time difference between the first and last edits. At first, the participation levels of each user category classified according to behavioral dimensions have been analyzed and compared. And then, robust regressions have been conducted on the relationships among independent variables reflecting the degree of behavioral characteristics and the dependent variable representing the participation level. Especially, through adopting a motivational theory adequate for online environment in setting up research hypotheses, this work suggests a theoretical framework for the participation level of online knowledge sharing. Consequently, this work reached the following practical behavioral results besides some theoretical implications. First, both public discussion and private messaging positively affect the participation level in knowledge sharing. Second, public discussion exerts greater influence than private messaging on the participation level. Third, a synergy effect of public discussion and private messaging on the number of edits was found, whereas a pretty weak negative interaction effect of them on the revisiting period was observed. Fourth, community registration has a significant impact on the revisiting period, whereas being insignificant on the number of edits. Fifth, when it comes to the relation generated from private messaging, the frequency or depth of relation is shown to be more critical than the scope of relation for the participation level.

An Evaluation on Visitor Satisfaction in Waterfront Park (수변공원의 이용 만족도 평가)

  • Chang, Min-Sook;Chang, Byung-MKoon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.41-52
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this paper is to evaluate visitor satisfaction(VS) in waterfront parks in terms of resources, facilities, embodiment of theme(ET), site composition(SC), relaxation activity space(RAS), and dynamic activity space(DAS), which are supply-side components in the planning process of waterfront parks, in order to answer the research question; 'How is visitor satisfaction of waterfront parks determined?' After reviewing the literature on parks and the building process of waterfront parks in Korea, we constructed a conceptual framework and have ascertained a research hypothesis. We had obtained data through a questionnaire survey from 327 visitors at waterfront parks, based on the quota sampling method. We have analyzed the data using the path analysis method. We found that: 1) The direct effects of resources and facilities on VS turned out to be 0.273 and 0.306, respectively while the indirect effects are 0.114, 0.170, respectively. 2) The direct effects of SC, as a component of the planning process on VS, turned out to be 0.243 while that of ET had no affect on VS. The indirect effect of ET and SC on VS turned out to be 0.059 and 0.018, respectively. 3) The direct effects of RAS on VS turned out to be 0.129 while the indirect effects of RAS and DAS on VS turned out to be 0.002 and 0.017, respectively. 4) The size of causal effect, in order, were facilities, resources, SC, RAS, ET, and DAS. 5) Resources and facilities, as a park foundation, compose 64.84 percent of total causal effect while ET and SC have 24.04 percent and RAS and DAS have 11.12 percent, respectively. These research results imply that: 1) Existing waterfront parks should be regenerated with the embodiment of water related theme and with improved facilities for RAS and visitor programs and/or facilities for DAS. 2) The relationship among ET, SC, RAS and DAS should be increased for a significant improvement of VS, and 3) A process-oriented approach turned out to be highly useful for the development of substantive theory and methodology. It is recommended that a structural equation model on waterfront parks be developed using more empirical data and this approach be widely applied for testing its validity.

Vegetation Structure of Abies holophylla Forest near Woljeong Temple in Odaesan National Park (오대산국립공원 월정사 전나무숲 식생구조 분석)

  • Lee, Kyong-Jae;Kim, Ji-Seok;Choi, Jin-Woo;Han, Bong-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.173-183
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    • 2008
  • This research was aimed at looking into the vegetation structure of Abies holophylla forest distributed between Iljumun of Woljeong Temple and Keumgang bridge in Odaesan National Park. It was found that existed a total of 977 tree of Abies holophylla which are more than 20cm in DBH within the target site, and in 2006 when the survey was made, the number of fallen trees and poor growth trees was about 96, accounting for 9.8% of all. The age of Abies holophylla ranged from 41 years to 135 years(1182cm in DBH). The number of Abies holophylla over 100cm in DBH was 8 and the largest Abies holophylla was 175cm in DBH and 31m in height. Its density was 5.9 individuals per 400m2. As a result of the analysis of the plant community structure using the TWINSP AN classification, Abies holophylla was divided into four community types. Firstly, Pinus densiflora-Abies holophylla community was predicted to vary into Abies holophylla community. In case of other three other communities, Abies holophylla communities were predicted to compete with deciduous broadleaf trees, such as Tilia amurensis and Acer pictum subsp. mono. Abies holophylla forest adjacent to Woljeong Temple of Odaesan National Park has a high value as sustainable resources for culture, landscape and tourism. Thus, it is necessary to clarify the reason for the incidence of poor growth trees and fallen trees among all trees of Abies holophylla and take counter-measures against it for the preservation and management of Abies holophylla forest. In addition, a more aggressive managrment like getting rid of the deciduous broadleaf trees, such as Tilia amurensis and Acer pictum subsp. mono, which appear mostly on understory layer or shrub layer within Abies holophylla, and continuous management is also needed for the young trees of Abies holophylla which are feared to be pressurized outside from their neighboring trees because their initial growth after germination is very slow.

A Study on the Population Fluctuation of Wintering Waterbirds on Wonju-Stream by the Temperature (원주천 월동 수조류의 기온에 따른 군집 변동에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Yung-Wook;Lee, Hwang-Goo;Choi, Jun-Kil
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.135-151
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    • 2017
  • Waterbirds were surveyed once a week from Oct. 2015 to Apr. 2016 to study the conditions of temperature of staying waterbirds on Wonju-Stream. The population staying on Wonju-Stream was in inverse proportion to the temperature change; birds increased as the temperature went down, and showed the highest peak counts on the 16th(27-Jan) survey, which was the lowest in temperature. decreasing as the temperature rose. The total population of Wonju River water birds increased with increasing freezing rate in proportion to the freezing rate of nearby reservoirs and tributaries. To clarify the relation of the numbers of the birds to temperature fluctuation, the correlation of the first period of wintering (1st~16th) and that of the later period(17th~27th) as well as the whole period was surveyed, based on the 16th which was the lowest in temperature. While most wintering waterbirds showed a negative correlation to the temperature, Egretta garzetta, Phalacrocorax carbo, and Ardea cinerea were positive in temperature relativity. Anas poecilorhyncha was in the highest relation to temperature fluctuation showing (7D/H3A(r=-0.960, P<0.000000001)) at 1-16 correlation(Cor.), with the whole wintering waterbird species showing the maximum correlation at 4D/LA in the every correlation(1~27Cor.(r=-0.942, P<0.01), 1~16Cor.(r=-0.947, P<0.01), 16~27Cor.(r=-0.958, P<0.01)). Each waterbird showed the correlation to the temperature variation(AT, HT, LT) and th duration(1D~7D) depending on the species differently. Most species demonstrated a bigger correlation to the lowest temperature rather than to the highest temperature. During the first half period of the wintering with the temperature falling it showed a high correlation to the temperature at the duration of 4D~7D, While it was for D1~D3 during the next half period.

Resources Use Characteristics of Higher Fungi in Byeonsanbando National Park (변산반도 국립공원 고등균류의 자원이용적 특성)

  • Jang, Seog-Ki
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.230-251
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    • 2017
  • According to the survey on higher fungi from 2009 to 2011 and also in 2015 in Byeonsanbando National Park, a total of 2 division, 6 class, 18 orders, 61 families, 157 genera and 323 species were observed. In case of Agaricales, there were 23 families, 67 genera and 153 species; Boletales, there were 6 families, 27 genera and 45 species; Russulales, there were 3 family, 4 genera and 40 species; Polyporales, there were 6 family, 21 genera, 28 species. Thus, most of them belonged to the following 4 orders: Agaricales, Russulales, Boletales and Polyporales. Dominant species belonged to Boletaceae (37 species), Russulaceae (36 species), Agaricaceae (28 species) and Amamtaceae (25 species). For the habitat environment, the ectomycorrhizal mushrooms were 40.2% (poisonous mushrooms, 46 species; edible & medicinal mushrooms, 51 species; unknown edible & poisonous mushrooms, 26 species), litter decomposing and wood rotting fungi 35.3%(poisonous mushrooms, 10 species; edible & medicinal mushrooms, 52 species; unknown edible & poisonous mushrooms, 46species), grounding Fungi 22.3%(poisonous mushrooms, 8 species; edible & medicinal mushrooms, 31 species; unknown edible & poisonous mushrooms, 29 species). Monthly, most of poisonous mushrooms, edible & medicinal mushrooms and unknown edible & poisonous mushrooms were found in July and August. In terms of altitude, the most species were observed at 1~99m and the populations dropped by a significant level at an altitude of 200m or higher. It seemed that the most diversified poisonous mushrooms, edible & medicinal mushrooms and unknown edible & poisonous mushrooms occurred at climate conditions with a mean air temperature at 24.025.9C, the highest air temperature at 28.029.9C, the lowest air temperature at 20.021.9C, a relative humidity at 77.0~79.9% and a rainfall of 300.0~499.9mm.

Evaluation of Characteristics of Particle Composition and Pollution of Heavy Metals for Bottom Sediments in Cheonsu Bay, Korea -Comparison of the Sediments Environment of Farming Area and Non-farming Area (천수만 해저 퇴적물의 입도특성 및 중금속 오염도 평가 -어장해역과 비어장해역의 퇴적환경 비교-)

  • Kim, Jong-Gu;Jang, Hyo-Sang
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.358-371
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    • 2014
  • For the systematic scientific management in Cheonsu Bay of Korea, this study was conducedt to survey the particle composition, organic matter(I.L.) and heavy metals in farming and non-farming areas. The sediment of study area showed feature mixed property by sand, silt and clay. The farming area showed superior by fine-grained sediment, non-farming area showed superior by coarse-grained sediment. The organic pollution of farming area were appeared to be heavily polluted more than non-farming area. The concentration of total nitorgen in sediment was higher farming area than non-farming area. Also, in the case of heavy metals pollution in sediments, farming area was higher than non-farming area. The correlation analysis among to heavy metals, organic matter and particle size was found to have a good interrelationship. For evaluation of heavy metals pollution of sediments, three criteria are applied, Enrichment Factor(EF), Geoaccumulation index(Igeo) and NOAA criteria for sediment. In the case of EF, Heavy metals pollution was appeared to artificial effect all heavy metals if except Cu. In the case of Geoaccumulation index, Cu, Al, Pb was shown zero grade, that is non polluted group, and Cd, Hg, Cr was shown to 0~1 grade, that is mid polluted group, As was shown to 2 grade, that is moderately polluted group. In the case of NOAA, pollution levels of heavy metals except Cd belonged to a group of ERL(Effect range low)~ERM(Effect range median).

Drugs Most Frequently Used in OPD of Yeungnam University Hospital: March to August, 1985 (영남대학교 의과대학 부속병원 외래환자에 대한 약물처방 동향의 분석)

  • Lee, Kwang-Youn;Kim, Won-Joon;Kim, Sung-Hoon
    • Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.95-102
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    • 1985
  • This report offers descriptive data about the drugs utilized in out patient department (OPD) of Yeungnam University Hospital (YUH) in the period of march to august in 1985. The data in this report were produced by the computerized totalization of the number of mentions of individual drugs included in the prescriptions. The 100 drug entries that were most frequently recorded are listed in rank order. The listing is arbiturarily restricted to the drugs that were prescribed as single preparations, the drugs of basis of compound preparations and the drugs of adjuvent or corrective of compound preparations that have significant therapeutic effects either by generic names. And in addition, the listing also involves the compound preparations used in relatively large frequency, and the individual components of which have the unique pharmacological actions each other by proprietary names. And all routes of administrations were allowed. The 10 drugs most frequently named are diazepam, aluminum compounds, acetaminophen, isoniazid, metoclopramide, polaramine(R), carboxymethylcystem, ephedrine, codeine and caroverine in order. The 521,855 drug mentions listed as above are described by the chief therapeutic usage that each is intended to apply generally. The drugs which account the largest proportion of total mentions were those acting on the central nervous system (20.57%), including tranquilhzers and sedative hypnotics (11.71%), analgesic antipyretics (5.55%), antidepressants (2.15%) etc. Gastrointestinal drugs and smooth muscle preparations (18.64%) included antacids and anti-ulcer drugs (9.24%), antiemetics (3.57%), spasmolytics (3.14%) and others. Respiratory drugs (16.11%) included expectorants and cough preparations (10.99%) and bronchodilators (5.12%). Chemotherapeutic agents (15.12%) included the antiTbc drugs (7.09%) most frequently, and the penicillins (3.33%) accounted the largest proportion among the antibiotics. Cardiovascular drugs (5.64%) included cardiac drugs and coronary vasodilator (4.12%) and antihypertensives and vasodilators (1.06%). And anti-inflammatory drugs (4.33%), vitamins of single preparations (3.76%), hormones and their antagonists (3.29%), common cold preparations (3.12%), diuretics (2.81%), drugs supporting liver function (2.02%), drugs affecting autonomic nervous system(1.89%) including anti-glaucomas, atropine and cerebral vasodilators, antihistamine drugs (1.02%) and disinfectants (0.74%) were following in order. The data in this report were compared to those reported by H. Koch, et al. in United States (US), 1981 as "Drugs Most Frequently Used in Office Practice:National Ambulatory Medical Case Survey, 1981." Cardiovascular drugs prescribed in YUH were much less in proportion than in US (10.56%), but gastrointestinal drugs accounted the larger proportion than in US (3.72%). Expectorants and cough preparations in YUH also accounted the larger proportion than in US (2.74%). In conclusion, in the period of march to august, 1985, OPD of YUH prescribed the CNS drugs including diazepam most frequently, and gastrointestinal, repiratory and chemotherapeutic drugs in next orders. It is supposed that the eating habits of Koreans and a unique atmospheric condition in Taegu as a basin were some important factors that affected the proportions of drugs acting on gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts.

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Efficacy and Safety of Red Ginseng on Women's Health Related Quality of Life and Sexual Function (여성의 건강관련 삶의 질과 성기능에 대한 홍삼의 효과 및 안전성 연구)

  • Kim, Dong-II;Choi, Min-Sun;Alm, Hong-Yeop
    • Journal of Ginseng Research
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.115-126
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    • 2009
  • To evaluate the efficacy and safety of red ginseng on women's health-related quality of life (QOL) and sexual function. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover clinical study was performed. The main efficacy was measured using the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFl) and the 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36). Twenty-four healthy, married women aged 30-45 years with FSFl scores below 25 were randomly divided into two groups: the red-ginseng group (N=12) and the placebo group (N=12). During the first six-week period (Study 1), each group was given red ginseng or placebo twice a day. Before the start of the second six-week period (Study 2), a crossover design was chosen with a two-week break (washout period). Interchanging the two groups after the washout period, red ginseng and placebo were given to each group. The outcomes were measured before and after each six-week period. Overall, 23 participants completed the study. In Study 1, the changes relative to the baseline in the FSFl total score were 22.50% and 22.99% for red ginseng and placebo, respectively. In Study 2, the relative changes were 8.14% for red ginseng and 6.29% for placebo. The results showed a greater improving trend in Study 1 with respect to all of the participants' sexual functions, but no significant difference was found between the groups (P=0.9567). After taking red ginseng, all the participants exhibited an improving trend in the desire domain of FSFl, but no significant difference was shown. In the measurement of SF-36, no significant difference was likewise shown. After taking red ginseng, though, all the participants exhibited an improving trend in the physical functioning (PF) domain of SF-36, with no significant difference. Moreover, there was no significant adverse event related to red ginseng. The QOL and sexual function of the study participants in the red-ginseng group were mostly improved, but no statistically significant effect of red ginseng was shown. It is supposed that this result was partly due to the affirmative impression of red ginseng in Korea. Thus, it is anticipated that a long-term clinical trial will show a significant effect of red ginseng on the QOL and sexual function.