Objectives: The purpose of this study was to compare the diabetic management indicators between agriculture, forestry, and fishery workers (AFF) and other occupational adults (non-AFF) in community-dwelling diabetes. Methods: The study population consisted of 22,127 diabetic population ≥19years who participated in the 2015 Community Health Survey. Chi-square test and logistic regression analysis was used to compare the diabetic management indicators between AFF and non-AFF. Socioeconomic characteristics such as age, gender, education level, monthly household income, National Basic Livelihood Security status, and marital status was sequentially adjusted. Results: Among total diabetic population, 3,712 people (16.8%) was AFF and 18,415 people (83.2%) was non-AFF. The fully-adjusted odds ratio [OR] (95% confidence interval [CI]) of current non-medical treatment (0.72, 0.66-0.79), measurement of hemoglobin A1c (0.61, 0.55-0.67), screening for diabetic retinopathy (0.76, 0.70-0.83), screening for diabetic nephropathy (0.75, 0.70-0.81), non-alcoholic or moderate drinking (0.70, 0.64-0.78), nutrition label reading (0.83, 0.71-0.98), low salt preference (0.85, 0.78-0.93), dental examination (0.60, 0.54-0.66), scaling experience (0.84, 0.77-0.93), regular toothbrushing (0.66, 0.58-0.76), and diabetes management education (0.84, 0.77-0.92) was significantly lower in AFF compared to non-AFF. In contrast, the fully-adjusted OR (95% CI) of AFF's low stress level (1.39, 1.26-1.52) and adequate sleep duration (1.22, 1.13-1.32) was significantly higher than non-AFF, which are better indicators of diabetic management in AFF. Conclusions: Overall, the level of diabetes management of AFF was not as good as that of non-AFF. In order to improve the level of diabetes management of AFF, a delicate diabetes intervention strategy considering the occupational characteristics of AFF will be needed.