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Stomach Contents of the Manchurian Trout (Brachymystax lenok tsinlingensis) and River Salmon (Oncorhynchus masou masou) in the Odae Mountain (오대산 일대에 서식하는 열목어와 산천어의 식성)

  • Yoon, Hee-Nam;Kim, Ki-Dong;Jeon, Yong-Lak;Lee, Jung-Hyo;Park, Young-Jun
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.90-105
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    • 2013
  • This study was performed to find out stomach contents of cold water fish such as Manchurian trout (Brachymystax lenok tsinlingensis) and River salmon (Oncorhynchus masou masou) in the Odae mountain area. Field survey was carried out 3 times by each season from May to October 2012 along the Gyebang stream and the Yangyang-Namdae stream at north-west mountain slope and north-east mountain slope of the Odae mountain area respectively. The result of digestive track analysis showed that food species of Manchurian trout were total individuals of 645 including 5 orders, 23 families, 39 species of benthic macroinvertebrates and 11 taxa of terrestial insects. And each IRI (Index of Relative Importance, %) value of food species by Manchurian trout was terrestial insects 37.0%, Trichoptera 36.4%, Ephemeroptera 20.0%, Diptera 3.9%, Plecoptera 2.7%, and Gordea <0.1%. While the River salmon fed on 1,186 individuals covering 4 orders, 20 families, 33 species of benthic macroinvertebrates and 6 taxa of terrestial insects including arachnid. Also IRI values by River salmon were terrestial insects including arachnid 2.7%, Ephemeroptera 52.9%, Trichoptera 27.9%, Diptera 9.4%, and Plecoptera 7.0% respectively. With these results, we might say that both Manchurian trout and River salmon is carnivorous fish which display the feeding preference to terrestial insects and benthic macroinvertebrates. As a results we could find out that the two kinds of cold water fish preferred similar habitat types and liked same order of food species in same season, however the compositions of food species for Manchurian trout and River salmon were considerably different.

Influencing Factors on Suicide Ideation among High School Students (고등학생들의 자살생각에 영향을 미치는 관련요인)

  • Song, Sung-Ho;Kang, Chang-Yeol;Lee, Tae-Yong;Kwon, In-Sun
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2011
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to find out the suicide ideation of high school students in urban and rural areas, and especially to research the relationship between suicide ideation, and general characteristics, characteristics of school life, and empirical characteristics of suicide. Methods: This research targeted four urban and four rural high schools in two cities. The study subjects were 1,114 students in urban area and 968 students in rural area, total 2,082 students. The survey was conducted from July 1, 2009 to July 31, 2009. For statistical analysis, chi-square test, t-test and ANOVA were used for investigating related factors with suicide ideation in urban and rural areas, respectively, with multiple logistic regression for multivariate analysis. Results: The results showed that 38.8% of respondents had suicide ideation within 1 year. The percentage of female students (44.8%) was significantly higher than that of male students (33.4%). However, there was no significant difference between urban (38.0%) and rural area (39.9%). The significant influencing factors on suicide ideation in multiple logistic regression were gender [female student OR(odds ratio)=1.80 (95% CI 1.31-2.47) compared with male student] and grade [second year OR=1.40 (95% CI 0.98-2.00), third year OR=2.15 (95% CI 1.49-3.12) compared with first year] in urban area. Those in rural area were gender [female student OR(odds ratio)=2.71 (95% CI 1.23-2.38) compared with male student], economic deterioration [yes OR=1.81 (95% CI 1.24-2.64) compared with no], and grade [second year OR=2.80 (95% CI 1.82-4.32), third year OR=3.84 (95% CI 2.52-5.87) compared with first year]. Conclusions: This study showed about 40% of high school students had suicide ideation within 1 year. A suicide prevention program may be implemented considering factors related with suicide ideation identified in this study.

The Level of Diabetes Management of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishery Workers (농림어업인의 당뇨병 관리 수준)

  • Oh, Gyung-Jae;Lee, Young-Hoon
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.119-131
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    • 2017
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to compare the diabetic management indicators between agriculture, forestry, and fishery workers (AFF) and other occupational adults (non-AFF) in community-dwelling diabetes. Methods: The study population consisted of 22,127 diabetic population 19years who participated in the 2015 Community Health Survey. Chi-square test and logistic regression analysis was used to compare the diabetic management indicators between AFF and non-AFF. Socioeconomic characteristics such as age, gender, education level, monthly household income, National Basic Livelihood Security status, and marital status was sequentially adjusted. Results: Among total diabetic population, 3,712 people (16.8%) was AFF and 18,415 people (83.2%) was non-AFF. The fully-adjusted odds ratio [OR] (95% confidence interval [CI]) of current non-medical treatment (0.72, 0.66-0.79), measurement of hemoglobin A1c (0.61, 0.55-0.67), screening for diabetic retinopathy (0.76, 0.70-0.83), screening for diabetic nephropathy (0.75, 0.70-0.81), non-alcoholic or moderate drinking (0.70, 0.64-0.78), nutrition label reading (0.83, 0.71-0.98), low salt preference (0.85, 0.78-0.93), dental examination (0.60, 0.54-0.66), scaling experience (0.84, 0.77-0.93), regular toothbrushing (0.66, 0.58-0.76), and diabetes management education (0.84, 0.77-0.92) was significantly lower in AFF compared to non-AFF. In contrast, the fully-adjusted OR (95% CI) of AFF's low stress level (1.39, 1.26-1.52) and adequate sleep duration (1.22, 1.13-1.32) was significantly higher than non-AFF, which are better indicators of diabetic management in AFF. Conclusions: Overall, the level of diabetes management of AFF was not as good as that of non-AFF. In order to improve the level of diabetes management of AFF, a delicate diabetes intervention strategy considering the occupational characteristics of AFF will be needed.

Assessment of Foodservice and Cooking Program for Children Attending Community Child Centers in Korea (지역아동센터를 이용하는 아동을 위한 급식 및 요리활동 프로그램의 적용효과 평가)

  • Kwon, Sooyoun;Yeoh, Yoonjae
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.223-229
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    • 2016
  • This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of a foodservice and cooking program for children attending community child centers in Korea. The foodservice and cooking program included a reference menu, nutrition and hygiene class for foodservice managers, as well as cooking classes for children during the winter or summer vacation in 2015. In order to evaluate the program, a survey was conducted before and after the program. A total of 1,120 children who participated in the program completed questionnaires regarding eating behaviors, food intake, and their opinions and levels of satisfaction with the program. The scores of children's eating behaviors increased significantly from 59.71 to 63.62 out of 85 points (p<0.001). A significant increase was detected in children's food intake. Vegetable intake, which received the lowest scores, increased significantly from 3.63 to 3.81 out of 5 points (p<0.001). The score for opinions and satisfaction concerning the program was 28.34 out of 35 points. These results suggest that the foodservice and cooking program could be helpful in promoting healthy food habits in children attending community child centers.

The Effect of Water Conveyance of Boryeong Dam on Structural Changes of Benthic Macroinvertebrates Community (보령댐 도수가 저서성 대형무척추동물 군집구조 변화에 미치는 영향)

  • An, Chae-Hui;Han, Jung-Soo;Choi, Jun-Kil;Lee, Hwang-Goo
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.381-391
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of artificial disturbances occurring during water conveyance frequency on benthic macro-invertebrate by comparing and analyzing data before and after the construction of Boryeong dam in Boryeong-si, Chungcheongnam-do. We conducted the survey eight times in four points from April 2016 to September 2017. A total of 13,447 individuals from 125 species, 70 families, 19 orders, 7 classes, and 4 phyla were collected. The result of the community analysis showed that the dominant index was 0.55 (±0.07) to 0.47 (±0.08), diversity index was 2.06 (±0.26) to 2.23 (±0.28), evenness index was 0.69 (±0.05) to 0.70 (±0.04), and richness index was 3.43 (±0.72) to 4.03 (±0.91). After conveyance, the dominance decreased while the diversity, evenness, and richness increased. The result of the functional group analysis showed the portion of scrapers, filtering-collectors increased while that of shredders, gathering-collectors decreased in the functional feeding group and that the proportion of climbers and clingers increased while that of burrowers and sprawlers decreased in the habitat orientation group. The result of analysis of community stability showed that St. 1 and St. 2 decreased resistance and resilience after conveyance and new species appeared in the III characteristics group while St. 3 and St. 4 did not show much difference. The result of multidimensional scaling analysis showed that the variation of similarity was the highest at St. 1 after conveyance, and the variation of similarity at St. 4 was the lowest.

Perception and Practices Regarding Food Allergy of Elementary and Middle School Nutritionists in the Jeonnam Area (전남지역 초등학교와 중학교 영양(교)사의 식품알레르기 관련 업무에 관한 인식 및 수행도)

  • Kim, Young-Mi;Heo, Young-Ran;Ro, Hee-Kyong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.151-161
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    • 2014
  • As concerns have been raised about the increasing number of children with food allergies, the management of food allergies through the consideration of school meals is an emerging issue. This study investigated the perception and practices regarding food allergy of elementary and middle school nutrition teachers in the Jeonnam area. A total of 236 nutritionists/nutrition teachers participated in the survey and completed questionnaires. The foods most reported to cause allergic reactions were peach, eggs, peanuts, shrimps, mackerel, and milk. Participants reported that the major tasks to be completed for management of food allergies: the estimated number of students with food allergies, the offering of allergy-free or alternative foods and informing families of foods that may cause an allergic reaction. A majority of the participants (94%) recognized that the nutrition teacher has the primary role in managing students with food allergies in school. To manage these students, nutrition teachers mostly reported informing of allergic foods/ingredients in the school menu and the estimation of students with food allergy. The percentage of participants who experienced education programs on food allergies was 16.9%, whereas 97% of participants answered that a good professional education regarding allergies for nutrition teachers is required. The knowledge level evaluated with objective questions was significantly higher than the self-estimated knowledge level. In conclusion, nutrition teachers understood the tasks regarding food allergy thoroughly and that, the tasks are relatively under-practiced. To improve the management of food allergies in school meals, professional education programs regarding food allergies should be provided for nutrition teachers.

A Study on the Effect of Quality of Medicinal Food on Perceived Values, Repurchase Intention and Recommendation Intention (약선 요리 품질이 지각된 가치와 재구매 의도 및 추천의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Sung-Woong;Ahn, Hyung-Ki;Cho, Sung-Ho
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2012
  • This study analyzed the influence of the quality of medicinal food on perceived values, repurchase intention and recommendation intention. The objective of this study is to suggest the efficient operating direction for specialized medicinal food restaurants to grow as an axis of the food service industry by showing the future direction of medicinal food and establishing marketing strategies to maintain/secure customers. From June 15th to July 2nd, 2009, the survey was conducted for the customers of medicinal food restaurants, located in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do. After distributing 250 copies of questionnaire, 195 of them were collected and total 192 were used for the analysis after excluding three copies due to lack of showing sincerity. The analysis results of this study can be summarized as follows. First, the quality of medicinal food was found to have a significant influence on 'functional value(t=5.519)' while having no influence on 'social value.' Second, the 'nutritional quality' of medicinal food was analyzed as having a significant influence on 'social value(t=10.954)' and 'functional value'(t=8.237).' Third, the 'medicinal quality' of medicinal food was analyzed as having no significant influence on 'social value(t=1.191)' and 'functional value(t=0.022).' Fourth, it was found that 'social value' had a significant influence on repurchase intention(t=9.743) and recommendation intention(t=9.154). Fifth, the functional value was analyzed as having a significant influence on repurchase intention(t=7.895) and recommendation intention(t=8.143). The results of the empirical analysis shown in this study properly support the theoretical standard system to achieve successful performance and useful information necessary for systematic operation of specialized medicinal food restaurants.

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Evaluation of Food and Nutrient Intake of Preschool Children in Day -Care Centers (보육시설 유아들의 식품 및 영양소 섭취상태 평가)

  • Sin, Eun-Kyung;Lee, Yeon-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.34 no.7
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    • pp.1008-1017
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate the Quantity and Quality of food and nutrient intake of preschool children. The subjects were 57 children aged 3 to 6 years in Gumi day-care centers. Total daily dietary intakes were calculated by weighing food consumed at the day-care centers taken together with dietary records by children's mothers for intakes at home. This survey was conducted during 3 days including week and weekend days. Diet Quality was assessed by NAR (Nutrient Adequacy Ratio), MAR (Mean Adequacy Ratio), food group pattern and DDS (Dietary Diversity Score). The daily food intake was 992.7g, the plant food intake (68%) was higher than animal food intake (32%). The daily energy intake was 1249.2 kcal (85%RDA) and protein 43.8g (153.6%RDA). Percentage of calcium, iron, and niacin consumed below 75% of RDAs were 29.8%,35.1%and28.1%, respectively. Proportions of energy from carbohydrate, protein and fat were 61.0%,14.1%and25.5%, respectively. Calorie intake proportion of breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack were 15%,20%,19%and46%, respectively. The NAR of Ca and Fe and MAR were 0.84, 0.85 and 0.92, respectively. Thirty-one point six percent of children consumed 5 food groups (GMFVDS=110111) per day. Persons who had higher DDSs correlated positively with NAR and MAR. As a result, dietary intake of preschool children partially showed a problem of over and under nutrition in Quantity or Quality. We hope that the result of this study could be helpful for developing the nutrition education program for the health and nutrition of preschool children.

A Study on Patterns of Sap Water Users of Acer mono (고로쇠나무 수액(樹液) 이용객(利用客)의 음용형태(飮用形態)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • An, Jong Man;Kim, Jun Sun;Kang, Hag Mo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.87 no.4
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    • pp.510-518
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    • 1998
  • This study was carried out to investigate the drinking patterns of sap water of Acer mono by on-the-spot visitors. The survey was done from late-February to mid-March in the 3 major sap water tapping regions, such as Piagol of Mt. Chiri in Kurey, Okryong of Mt. Baekun in Kwangyang, and Mt. Chokey in Sunchon, Chonnam. A total of 300 visitors over 20 years old, 100 visitors in each region, were interviewed personally to make up questionnaires, irrespective of sex. The purpose of drinking, the frequency of visit, the modes of traffic, the length of stay, drinking amount per person, one's opinions after drinking, drinking plans and patterns, and intention of drinking processed sap were investigated and examined. Wide range of age groups from twenties to sixties drank sap water. Visitors drank sap water in order to keep health, to promote mutual friendship, and so on. 44% of sap drinkers visited for the first time, and 71% visited by private automobiles holding the first place. 59.7% of visitors spent only a day, but 40.3% passed one or two nights to drink sap water. For drinking amount of sap water, 36 a was consumed by 31.3% of visitors, under 3 or 912 by 22.7% 69 by 12.7% and so forth. 74% of visitors felt sap water sweet and favorable, but were doubtful about the efficacy of sap water. 79.0% of visitors had a plan to drink sap water again next year, 40% of whom preferred a day's visit to overnight staying (29%) or 3 days' staying (6%). 45% answered to plan to drink sap water with having meals, and 43% with having meals and passing a night. More than half (54.3%) of the visitors were inclined not to drink processed sap water for the reasons of unreliable quality, unwillingness for process, change in quality, etc.

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Psychological Make-up of Korean Green Consumerism: A Path Model Analysis (한국록색소비심리구성(韩国绿色消费心理构成):일개로경분석모형(一个路径分析模型))

  • Kim, Joo-Ho;Kim, Yeon-Shin
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.249-261
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    • 2010
  • As consumers' concern for the environment has continued to increase, many firms have actively engaged in environmental marketing to achieve their objectives. However, consumers' high concerns about the environment are not always reflected in their purchasing behavior. This indicates the need for an in-depth understanding of the development of green consumption within the individual's belief system. In consideration of psychological approaches, a large body of research has examined the factors underlying ecologically conscious "green" consumer behavior and the interrelationships of these factors. However, most previous studies have concentrated on Western countries. Using a sample of Korean consumers, this study attempts to understand the basis of Korean green consumerism and find universal values that are cross-culturally important in guiding consumers' environmental attitudes and behaviors. To this end, this study relates Schwartz's 10 universal values (Schwartz 1992) to environmental behaviors in a hierarchical model of value-attitude-behavior. With reference to the value-attitude-behavior framework, the conceptual model developed for the study explains what motivations can be manifested in Korean consumers' environmental attitudes, and subsequently how the attitudes affect their green choices. Using the pattern of relationships among values that can be related to environmentalism, the first hypothesis holds that there would be particular relationships between motivational value types and environmental attitudes. Hypothesis 2 assumes that environmental attitudes predict environmental behaviors. On the basis of the claim that favorable attitudes toward the environment may be expressed in many different behaviors, the assumption is that consumers' favorable attitudes toward the environment would be linked to a variety of environmental behaviors because people with high environmental attitudes can be more interested in and knowledgeable about environmental actions. Consistent with H2, H3 hypothesizes that there would be a positive relationship between different types of environmental behavior. A total of 564 university students participated in the study. The sample included 308 men, 254 women, and two participants who did not indicate their gender. The average age of the participants was 22.5 years, with a range of 19 to 39. Regarding majors, special efforts were made to draw the participants from different departments of the university. Data were collected by a survey administered via self-completion questionnaires., which assessed the participants' value priorities, environmental attitudes, and behaviors. Path analysis conducted to test the proposed model found the overall fit to be χ2=72.01 (p=0.00), GFI=0.983, CFI=0.982, NFI=0.970, RMR=0.070, and REMSEA=0.050. Thus, most of the fit measures indicated a good fit of the model with the data, and a hierarchical relationship from values to environmental attitudes to environmental non-purchasing behavior to environmental purchasing behavior was confirmed. An assessment of all the predicted paths by path coefficients led to several major hypothesized effects being confirmed. Out of the ten value types, universalism and power were significantly but conversely related to environmental attitudes. In line with the other studies, these findings confirm that environmental attitudes are an important factor in leading to a variety of green behaviors. Finally, significant relationships were found between environmental purchasing and non-purchasing behaviors. The path analysis supported the idea that universalism values provide a motivation for Korean consumers' greenness and indirectly promote environmental acts through favorable attitudes toward the environment. Participants with high environmental attitudes were found to actively engage in diverse forms of green consumer behavior. This research provides an opportunity to examine cross-cultural differences with respect to values leading to environmentalism, and, further, to verify previous findings. The study also examined the attitude-behavior relationship with respect to three distinct types of environmental behaviors. The different strengths of paths between green attitudes and behaviors suggest that researchers should consider the specificity of behavior explained as an effort to improve the low attitude-behavior correlation. Finally, the findings here illustrate that with increased environmental concerns among people, they come to include more such behaviors in their green portfolios.