• Title/Summary/Keyword: Total survey

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A Study on User Behavior and Satisfaction with Neighborhood Parks within Walking Distance with Consideration for Interior and Exterior Environments - Focusing on the Case Study Hwarang and Gwanum Park, Daegu - (도보권 근린공원의 내·외부 환경을 고려한 이용행태 및 만족도에 관한 연구 - 대구광역시 화랑공원과 관음공원을 대상으로 -)

  • Jung, Sung-Gwan;Lee, Seul-Gi;Kang, Dong-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.42 no.5
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    • pp.110-123
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    • 2014
  • Recently, having neighborhood parks within walking distance has grown in importance. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of user satisfaction with neighborhood parks within walking distance considering interior and exterior environments. To do so, a field survey and GIS were conducted to construct data which were then compared with result of the analysed environment. Finally, amultiple regression analysis was conducted to confirm impact on user satisfaction of environment. By summarizing the study results, it was found that users of Hwarang Park exhibited a high level of satisfaction with 'park facilities' and 'safety of park use'. In the case of Gwanum Park, users exhibited a high level of satisfaction with 'green space' and 'amount of shade'. On the contrary, two park users exhibited low levels of satisfaction with 'facilities for children' and 'various attractions' within the parks. The pedestrian environment of Hwarang Park was rated higher than Gwanum Park within the park service area. User satisfaction was also rated higher than for Gwanum Park. However, two park users exhibited low levels of satisfaction with 'various attractions' within the pedestrian environment. From the result regression analysis of the total satisfaction factors, 'environment of access route', 'park facilities' and 'space for walking' positively influenced park use satisfaction. It was found that improvement of the pedestrian environment would be more effective than the improvement of the internal environment on Hwarang Park. This study investigated correlation with the access road environment as well as the interior environment of the parks. The results of this research will be used to improve accessibility and availability for neighborhood parks within walking distance.

A Study on Wetland Visitors' Awareness of Ecology and Their Needs (습지 방문객의 생태의식과 이용욕구 연구)

  • Jeong, Jae-Man;Oh, Jeong-Hak;Kim, Jin-Seon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.41 no.6
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    • pp.147-157
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to determine the correlation between wetland visitors' consciousness of ecology and their needs and thereby, provide for some effective measures to manage them. For this purpose, 3 study points were set up: "wetland visitors' consciousness of ecology and their needs", "differences of such consciousness depending on their demographic variables" and the "relationship between such consciousness and their needs". To this end, Upo Wetland visitors were surveyed for an empirical analysis. The visitors' awareness about ecology was measured with Dunlap's 15-item NEP Inventory, while their needs were analyzed in reference to Maslow's 7-Step Human Desire Ladder. The survey was conducted at Upo Wetland for 3 days, and as a result, a total of 228 questionnaires were returned. The results of this study can be summarized as follows; First, the visitors' consciousness of ecology and their needs were higher than the normal level. In terms of their consciousness of ecology, their awareness of the ecological crisis potential and anti-humanism was highest. In terms of their needs, the aesthetic need was highest, followed by the cognitive one. On the other hand, the needs for self-achievement and self-esteem were lowest; except them, the higher the needs were positioned at Maslow's ladder of desire, and subjects were more responsive to them. As a result of analyzing the correlation between the subjects' consciousness of ecology and their needs, it was found that the correlation was negative in some sub-areas, while being positive in other sub-areas. After all, the ratio of the sub-areas having a positive correlation was as 3 times high as that of the sub-areas having a negative correlation. Even as for the correlation coefficient values, they were higher in the positive sub-areas, which suggests that the correlation between wetland visitors' consciousness of ecology and their needs were positive, although at a lower level, in overall terms. As a result of comparatively analyzing visitors' needs by dividing them into 3 sub-groups depending on the levels of their consciousness of ecology, it was found that the higher their consciousness of ecology was, their needs were higher. Overall, wetland visitors' awareness of ecology was higher than the normal level, and it was estimated that such awareness would continue to increase. Hence, it could be inferred that their needs, particularly, their aesthetic and cognitive ones would continue to increase, too. Accordingly, it is deemed important to manage the wetland landscape making use of its visual resources, while continuing to provide the visitors with the contents fulfilling their need for knowledge.

A Study on Influence of Location Factors of Food Service Business Start-up Real Estate Store on Business Performance: Mediated Effect of Start-up Business Satisfaction (외식창업부동산점포의 입지요인이 경영성과에 미치는 영향: 창업만족도의 매개효과)

  • Lee, Mu-Seon
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.77-86
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    • 2017
  • Selection of location in food service start-up business is sure to be a shortcut to achievement of business performance, and in this context, it's no exaggeration to say that food service industry is an real estate industry. This study looked into what influence of the location factor in food service start-up business had on sales performance, and intended to verify whether the location factors ultimately influenced business performance consequent on the influence of location factors on start-up business satisfaction. To this end, this study set food service owner-operators as its research subject, and conducted a survey of the operators (of restaurants) located in Anyang-si from December 1, 2016 until January 30, 2017. This study distributed a total of 300 copies of questionnaires, and collected 245 copes, among which this study used 198 copies for empirical study excluding the copies whose reply was unfaithful. This study did empirical analysis of 198 copies using SPSS 22.0 Statistical Package Program, together with the application of frequency analysis, factor analysis and regression analysis. The major results of this study are as follows: First, this study divided the location factors in food service start-up business stores into the four, i.e. accessibility, clustering property, placeness and visibility, etc. Second, the study results showed that accessibility, clustering property, placeness and visibility had significant influence as one in the influence of locational factors on sales performance. Third, this study could understand that start-up business satisfaction had a partial mediated effect in the influence of location factors on sales performance. Resultantly, this study confirmed food service start-up business's own selection of location, and wished to find major factors and a differentiated point in time of selection of location of stores in other fields. Such a result gives an implication that it's necessary to concentrate all efforts to increase sales performance of food service start-up business from the location selection phase, and to make efforts to increase start-up business satisfaction.

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An Analysis on Use Patterns of Oriental Medicine of Pond Wetland Plants for the Ecological Experience in Rural Tourism Village (농촌관광마을 생태체험을 위한 연못형습지 식물의 한방 이용형태 분석)

  • Son, Jinkwan;Kong, Minjae;Kang, Banghun;Kim, Miheui;Kang, Donghyeon;Lee, Siyoung;Han, Songhee
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.230-239
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    • 2017
  • These days, the demand of farm tours is on the rise in Korea. However, most of them are related to farming experience. To overcome the situation, ecological experience is introduced. In this sense, it is necessary to obtain the contents and educational materials of ponds, the space of farming and ecological experience. Therefore, this study analyzed the use patterns of oriental medicine of pond wetland plants. Oriental medicine is used for old and traditional knowledge, and is still applied to various fields, such as medical science, pharmacy, and science. The analyzed result of this study will be helpful for the educational materials of ecological experience. This study surveyed plants of 40 pond wetlands in rural areas, and looked into the use patterns of traditional medicine by using the contents of Korea Traditional Knowledge Portal being operated by Korean Intellectual Property Office. According to the vegetation survey of the 40 pond wetlands, there were a total of 457 taxa in 108 families, 309 genera, 392 species, 59 varieties, 5 forma, and 1 subspecies. Among them, 314 taxa in 53 families, 136 genera, 265 species, 45 varieties, 3 forma, and 1 subspecies had the information on the use patterns of traditional medicine. It means that 68.8% of the plants around pond wetlands contain traditional medicine. Given other application patterns, such as food, handcraft and traditional farming, more than 70~80% are expected to include traditional knowledge. 314 taxa used for traditional medicine had 570 kinds of efficacy and 325 kinds of disease treatment. It means that one taxon has 4.0 (0~20) kinds of efficacy on average and 6.6(0~20) kinds of disease treatment. It is expected that this study result will be applied to various fields, including experience, education, and medical science. And it is considered that valuable pond wetlands are worthwhile to be conserved constantly.

Features and Component Analysis of the GeumguJagi(金釦瓷器) Excavated from Seongneung(石陵) (석릉(碩陵) 출토 금구자기(金釦瓷器)의 특징과 성분 분석)

  • Sung, Kiyeol
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.53 no.1
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    • pp.150-167
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this paper is to share the status and introduce a scientific analysis of the GeumguJagi (gilt-silver overlay porcelain, 金釦瓷器) excavated from Seongneung (石陵). This analysis aimed to highlight the GeumguJagi excavated from the Royal Tombs of Goryeo with a clear lower year (1237) and to aid research into the GeumguJagi. In 2001, the National Institute of Cultural Heritage excavated and investigated Seongneung in Heejong (熙宗). Various artifacts such as celadon, gold, bronze, and iron products were collected from the chambers inside of the tomb. There were a total of 160 celadon items including bowls, dishes, glasses, and saucers. Of those, there were 58 celadon items (including fragments) with metal frames on the openings. These consisted of bowls, plates, lids, and saucers. Until recently, in various exhibitions and papers, only one GeumguJagi was known to have been excavated from Seongneung, which was a . However, the survey identified a number of further GeumguJagis. It had been understood from inherited and excavated products that the materials used for ornaments were restricted to high-quality celadon. However, this study confirmed that the excavation of Seongneung demonstrated the use of various other materials for different models and qualities of GeumguJagis. It can be said that it is characteristic that various models and quality are confirmed together through the excavation of Seongneung. A scientific analysis was carried out that selected 12 of 58 products excavated from Seongneung. Results showed that the main component used for Geumgu ornaments was tin (Sn), and trace amounts of copper (Cu) and lead (Pb) were also commonly identified. When analyzing the material used to affix the metal fittings, this was found to be glue (膠) made from animal skins, muscle, and bones. This pattern matches that of the GeumguJagi excavated from Paju Hyeeumwonji, and the reason for this could be assumed on the basis of the contents of the 『Cheongonggaemul (天工開物)』 written by Song Ongsung (宋應星) during the Ming Dynasty. At that time, metals such as tin and copper would have been difficult to obtain. 『Xuānhwafengshi Gaolitujing (宣和奉使高麗圖經)』 shows that the use of metal was limited to certain classes; thus, the use of the GeumguJagi seems to have been centered around the royal family.

A Study on the Food Intake Frequency, Dietary Habits and Nutrition Knowledge of Middle School Students Who Like Sweets in Busan (부산지역 당류편식 중학생의 식습관, 식품섭취실태 및 영양지식에 관한 연구)

  • Yu, Na-Hee;Kim, Mi-Jeong;Han, Ji-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.36 no.6
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    • pp.735-744
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the sweets preference, food frequency, dietary habits, and nutrition knowledge of middle school students who like sweets. A survey instrument consisted of a self-administered questionnaire, a food frequency questionnaire, and anthropometric measurements. Three hundreds thirty five students aged 13 to 15 years old were divided into two groups, Sweets Liking Group (SLG) and a control group based on the subjects' scores for dietary habits, sweets preference, and food frequency. For dietary habits, the score for meal regularity was significantly lower in the SLG group compared to the control (p<0.001). In addition, the SLG group was more likely to skip breakfast (p<0.001), eat inadequate amount of meals (p<0.001), and consume yellow-green vegetables less frequently (p<0.001) than the control. The subjects' nutrition knowledge was assessed using 20 questions representing five categories, including functions of nutrients, nutrition and health, food pyramid and food groups, healthful snacking and the right dietary attitude. The total scores for nutrition knowledge indicated that the SLG had a poorer nutrition knowledge for all five categories than the control (boys p<0.05, girls p<0.01). For food frequency, the SLG consumed more sweets but less grains, cereals, fishes, beans, vegetables, and milk and milk products than the control (p<0.001). Strong positive correlations appeared between sweets preference, sweets frequency, and sweets-related dietary habits; and all were negatively correlated to nutrition knowledge. Sweets frequency was negatively related to meal regularity, breakfast consumption, meal adequacy, and balanced meals. The findings suggest that nutrition education is necessary to improve the dietary pattern, especially sweets consumption, of Korean young adolescents.

A Survey on the Preferences and Recognition of Multigrain Rice by Adding Grains and Legumes (곡류와 두류를 혼합한 잡곡밥의 기호도 및 인식 조사)

  • Jang, Hye-Lim;Im, Hee-Jin;Lee, Yu-Jin;Kim, Kun-Woo;Yoon, Kyung-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.41 no.6
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    • pp.853-860
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    • 2012
  • This study investigated the preference and recognition of cooked rice mixed with multigrains. The data for the analysis was collected from 464 people who were residing in Seoul, Gyeongsang and Jeolla area, and analyzed by the SPSS 18.0 program. The result showed that 77.8% of the respondents liked cooked rice mixed with multigrain, showing significant difference by age (p<0.001) and occupation (p<0.01). Of the respondents, 33.8% consumed cooked rice mixed with multigrains at least once a day, showing significant difference by gender (p<0.01), age (p<0.001) and occupation (p<0.001). The most popular type of grains to mix with rice were, in order, black rice (3.8)> brown rice (3.7)> barley (3.7)> proso millet (3.4)> foxtail millet (3.4)> SoRiTae (3.3)> sorghum (3.2)> adlay (3.2)> mung bean (3.1)> buckwheat (3.0)> BacTae (2.8). A total of 32.5% of the respondents answered that 21~30% was proper mixing ratio of multigrains-added cooked rice, showing age (p<0.001), occupation (p<0.001) and resident area (p<0.05). Three or four kinds of grains were preferred to mix cooked rice, showing significant difference by age and occupation (p<0.001). Of the respondents, 43.1% chose price reduction as the most desired improvement of multigrains in the market. Most of the subjects had affirmative view intake of cooked rice mixed with multigrains, but recognized that multigrains were expensive. From these results, this study will provide basic information for the increased availability of multigrains and optimization of the multigrain ratio mix.

A Study on Delay Causes and Tasks of Korean Performing Arts' Overseas Expansion (공연예술의 해외시장진출 지체요인 및 향후과제)

  • Kim, Sun-Young;Kwon, Byung-Woong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.8
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    • pp.215-225
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    • 2016
  • This study seeks to find an alternative to the requirement for proving the competitiveness of Korean performing arts before entering into the overseas market by deriving the factors causing entry into the market to be delayed based on an analysis of the current status. Between 2007 to 2014, the overseas revenues from Korean performing arts increased by 16.4% compared to the total amount of financial support, as the number of free performances given overseas and the average guaranteed number of performances overseas are both at a standstill. Also, the size of the audience increased by a mere 3.3 times, which is an even lower growth rate than that for the number of performances, 3.8 times, during the same period. Furthermore, the audience size per unit is suffering from long-term stagnation. The main causes are as follows: 1) applying one-dimensional methods to performing arts exchanges and expanding the overseas market, 2) the existing confused concepts between profit and non-profit contents, 3) the weaknesses of the market expansion strategy, because of programming practices focusing on providers, such as presenters and producers, rather than consumers. As a result, the necessary basic research, including consumer surveys, has not been done yet. In order to understand the implications of this analysis and solve the problem of the delayed overseas expansion of Korean performing arts, the Korean wave industry was examined as a representative example. Consumer surveys for the performing arts, possibly benchmarked to the "Korean Wave Consumer Survey Index (KWCSI)", are expected to be done in the near future. In addition, through the development of a specific consumer index of the performing arts, customized marketing strategies by continent and country need to be established. This empirical study of the overseas expansion of performing arts can be utilized as a bridge between the academic and real worlds. This work may also enable a variety of strategies to be established for the overseas expansion of the performing arts.

Follow-Up Method in Patients with Kawasaki Disease who had No Coronary Artery Abnormalities in the Convalescent Period (회복기 심초음파 검사상 관상동맥 내경 크기가 정상 범위인 가와사끼병 환자에서 추적관찰 방법에 대한 고찰)

  • Joo, Hee Jung;Song, Min Seob;Kim, Chul Ho
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.48 no.2
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    • pp.165-173
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    • 2005
  • Purpose : We performed the study to evaluate the value of the follow-up echocardiogram performed 6 months to 1 year after the onset of Kawasaki disease(KD), as recommended by American Heart Association(AHA) guidelines, when echocardiograms in the convalescent period were normal. Methods : Patients were selected from 147 cases diagnosed with KD at Pusan Paik hospital from January 2000 to October 2003. A total of 45 KD patients belonged to AHA risk level I and II were performed follow-up echocardiography. The patient's medical records and echocardiogram were reviewed. Additionally, we sought the opinion of pediatric cardiologists on the subject by means of a multiple-choice survey. Results : 37 children were belonged to AHA risk level I and the remaining 8 patients were belonged to risk level II. Of these 45 children, none were noted to have abnormalities on later follow-up echocardiogram. In the results of questionnaire, 37 percent of the participants advocate no follow-up after convalescent period for risk level I, and 33.3 percent favor periodic follow-up with echocardiography for risk level II up to one year. But there were no consensus about the diagnostic criteria of coronary abnormalities and how to follow-up these patients. Conclusion : All children with KD should have an echocardiogram at present and a follow-up study 6 to 8 weeks after the onset of fever. However, additional echocardiographies are not justified if the 6- to 8-week follow-up echocardiogram is normal. We would recommend that the more reasonable diagnostic criteria for coronary abnormalities and the Korean guidelines for long-term cardiovascular management and follow-up of KD need to be established.

Seasonal Food Intake Status of the Long-lived Elderly People in Kyungpook Sung-Ju (경북 성주지역 장수노인의 계절별 식품섭취 상태)

  • 백지원;구보경;김규종;이성국;이혜성;이연경
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.691-700
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study was to estimate food intakes of the long-lived elderly and to obtain the data for establishing dietary guidelines that may be recommended for the general population for the sake of longvity. The subjects of the study were 224 elderly people of age over 85 years living in Kyungpook Sung-Ju area who have no problem in daily living. The food consumption survey was carried out seasonally by the repeated 24-hr recall method for one year. The subject group for this study was composed of 58 males and 166 females, the average age being 87 years old. Food intakes of the winter were more than any other seasons. The mean daily total food intake per capita was 594.4g, 513.5 g (86.4%) from plant foods and 79.3 g(13.3%) from animal foods. The sequence of high intakes of food groups were cereals, vegetables, fruits, fishes, legumes and meats. Boiled white rice, beef soup, soybean paste soup, soybean paste stew, broiled yellow croaker, kimchi, ra myon and broiled noodles were consumed most frequently. In conclusion, the subjects consumed much more plants foods than animal foods and consumed more natural and seasonal foods than processed foods and also showed food habits of eating small meals. Dietary habits of eating small meals containing abundant amount of fresh plant foods might partially contribute to the longevity of the subjects.

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